root / pykota / branches / 1.26_fixes / pykota

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Rev Chgset Date Author Log Message
(edit) @3522 [3522] 14 years jerome Backport of the fix to #52.
(edit) @3520 [3520] 14 years jerome Backport of the missing fucking dot !!!
(edit) @3518 [3518] 14 years jerome Backported some code from latest development tree to fix #59.
(edit) @3511 [3511] 15 years jerome Backported the code that fixed #48.
(edit) @3507 [3507] 15 years jerome Backported the code that fixed #47.
(edit) @3500 [3500] 15 years jerome Backported from @3498, fixes #43.
(edit) @3444 [3444] 16 years jerome Doesn't break when there's an error retrieving the login name (when …
(edit) @3395 [3395] 16 years jerome Works around some buggy printers. Fixes #19.
(edit) @3393 [3393] 16 years jerome Backported a fix for a minor PostgreSQL/MySQL incompatibility.
(edit) @3392 [3392] 16 years jerome Works around chardet being unable to detect user charset in some cases.
(copy) @3391 [3391] 16 years jerome Well, I should have done this before…
copied from pykota/tags/1.26/pykota:
(copy) @3239 [3239] 17 years jerome Tag for v1.26.
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