Changeset 3094 for pykota/trunk

11/30/06 23:26:47 (18 years ago)

Documented the start= and end= filters for the data dumper.

46 modified


  • pykota/trunk/bin/dumpykota

    r3093 r3094  
    9898         end            Job's date of printing 
     100  Dates formatting with 'start' and 'end' filter keys : 
     102    YYYY : year boundaries 
     103    YYYYMM : month boundaries 
     104    YYYYMMDD : day boundaries 
     105    YYYYMMDDhh : hour boundaries 
     106    YYYYMMDDhhmm : minute boundaries 
     107    YYYYMMDDhhmmss : second boundaries 
     108    yesterday[+-NbDays] : yesterday more or less N days (e.g. : yesterday-15) 
     109    today[+-NbDays] : today more or less N days (e.g. : today-15) 
     110    tomorrow[+-NbDays] : tomorrow more or less N days (e.g. : tomorrow-15) 
     111    now[+-NbDays] : now more or less N days (e.g. now-15) 
     113  'now' and 'today' are not exactly the same since today represents the first 
     114  or last second of the day depending on if it's used in a start= or end= 
     115  date expression. The utility to be able to specify dates in the future is 
     116  a question which remains to be answered :-) 
    100118  Contrary to other PyKota management tools, wildcard characters are not  
    101119  expanded, so you can't use them. 
  • pykota/trunk/man/de/dumpykota.1

    r3065 r3094  
    22.TH DUMPYKOTA "1" "novembre 2006" "C@LL - Conseil Internet & Logiciels Libres" "User Commands" 
    33.SH NOM 
    4 dumpykota \- page de manuel de dumpykota 1.25alpha16_unofficial 
     4dumpykota \- page de manuel de dumpykota 1.25alpha18_unofficial 
    6 dumpykota v1.25alpha16_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
     6dumpykota v1.25alpha18_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
    88Dumps PyKota database's content. 
    8686Client's hostname 
     89Job's Id 
    8992Job's billing code 
    9598Job's date of printing 
     100Dates formatting with 'start' and 'end' filter keys : 
     102YYYY : year boundaries 
     103YYYYMM : month boundaries 
     104YYYYMMDD : day boundaries 
     105YYYYMMDDhh : hour boundaries 
     106YYYYMMDDhhmm : minute boundaries 
     107YYYYMMDDhhmmss : second boundaries 
     108yesterday[+\-NbDays] : yesterday more or less N days (e.g. : yesterday\-15) 
     109today[+\-NbDays] : today more or less N days (e.g. : today\-15) 
     110tomorrow[+\-NbDays] : tomorrow more or less N days (e.g. : tomorrow\-15) 
     111now[+\-NbDays] : now more or less N days (e.g. now\-15) 
     113\&'now' and 'today' are not exactly the same since today represents the first 
     114or last second of the day depending on if it's used in a start= or end= 
     115date expression. The utility to be able to specify dates in the future is 
     116a question which remains to be answered :\-) 
    97118Contrary to other PyKota management tools, wildcard characters are not 
  • pykota/trunk/man/de/pkinvoice.1

    r3069 r3094  
    22.TH PKINVOICE "1" "novembre 2006" "C@LL - Conseil Internet & Logiciels Libres" "User Commands" 
    33.SH NOM 
    4 pkinvoice \- page de manuel de pkinvoice 1.25alpha16_unofficial 
     4pkinvoice \- page de manuel de pkinvoice 1.25alpha18_unofficial 
    6 pkinvoice v1.25alpha16_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
     6pkinvoice v1.25alpha18_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
    88An invoice generator for PyKota. 
    1010command line usage : 
    12 pkinvoice [options] user1 user2 ... userN 
     12pkinvoice [options] [filterexpr] 
    1414options : 
    4949exposed. The default is 0.0, meaning no VAT 
    5050information will be included. 
     52Use the filter expressions to extract only parts of the 
     53datas. Allowed filters are of the form : 
     57Allowed keys for now are : 
    52 \fB\-s\fR | \fB\-\-start\fR date 
    53 Sets the starting date for the print jobs invoiced. 
     60User's name 
    55 \fB\-e\fR | \fB\-\-end\fR date 
    56 Sets the ending date for the print jobs invoiced. 
     63Printer's name 
     66Client's hostname 
     69Job's Id 
     72Job's billing code 
     75Job's date of printing 
     78Job's date of printing 
    58 user1 through userN can use wildcards if needed. If no user argument is 
    59 used, a wildcard of '*' is assumed, meaning include all users. 
    60 .IP 
    61 Dates formatting with \fB\-\-start\fR and \fB\-\-end\fR : 
     80Dates formatting with 'start' and 'end' filter keys : 
    6382YYYY : year boundaries 
    7695date expression. The utility to be able to specify dates in the future is 
    7796a question which remains to be answered :\-) 
     98Contrary to other PyKota management tools, wildcard characters are not 
     99expanded, so you can't use them. 
    79101examples : 
    81 \f(CW$ pkinvoice --unit EURO --output invoices.pdf --start=now-30\fR 
     103\f(CW$ pkinvoice --unit EURO --output /tmp/invoices.pdf start=now-30\fR 
    83105Will generate a PDF document containing invoices for all users 
  • pykota/trunk/man/de/pkrefund.1

    r3069 r3094  
    22.TH PKREFUND "1" "novembre 2006" "C@LL - Conseil Internet & Logiciels Libres" "User Commands" 
    33.SH NOM 
    4 pkrefund \- page de manuel de pkrefund 1.25alpha16_unofficial 
     4pkrefund \- page de manuel de pkrefund 1.25alpha18_unofficial 
    6 pkrefund v1.25alpha16_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
     6pkrefund v1.25alpha18_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
    88Refunds jobs. 
    2525\fB\-r\fR | \fB\-\-reason\fR txt 
    2626Sets textual information to explain the refunding. 
     28\fB\-l\fR | \fB\-\-logo\fR img 
     29Use the image as the receipt's logo. The logo will 
     30be drawn at the center top of the page. The default 
     31logo is /usr/share/pykota/logos/pykota.jpeg 
     33\fB\-p\fR | \fB\-\-pagesize\fR sz 
     34Sets sz as the page size. Most well known 
     35page sizes are recognized, like 'A4' or 'Letter' 
     36to name a few. The default size is A4. 
     38\fB\-n\fR | \fB\-\-number\fR N 
     39Sets the number of the first receipt. This number 
     40will automatically be incremented for each receipt. 
     42\fB\-o\fR | \fB\-\-output\fR f.pdf 
     43Defines the name of the PDF file which will contain 
     44the receipts. If not set, then no PDF file will 
     45be created. If set to '\-', then \fB\-\-force\fR is assumed, 
     46and the PDF document is sent to standard output. 
     48\fB\-u\fR | \fB\-\-unit\fR u 
     49Defines the name of the unit to use on the receipts. 
     50The default unit is 'Credits', optionally translated 
     51to your native language if it is supported by PyKota. 
    2853Use the filter expressions to extract only parts of the 
    77102Examples : 
    79 \f(CW$ pkrefund jobid=503\fR 
     104\f(CW$ pkrefund --output /tmp/receipts.pdf jobid=503\fR 
    81106This will refund all jobs which Id is 503. BEWARE : installing CUPS 
    82 afresh will reset the first job id at 1. So you probably want to use 
    83 a more precise filter as explained below 
     107afresh will reset the first job id at 1, so you probably want to use 
     108a more precise filter as explained below. A confirmation will 
     109be asked for each job to refund, and a PDF file named /tmp/receipts.pdf 
     110will be created which will contain printable receipts. 
    85112\f(CW$ pkrefund --reason "Hardware problem" jobid=503 start=today-7\fR 
  • pykota/trunk/man/dumpykota.1

    r3065 r3094  
    22.TH DUMPYKOTA "1" "November 2006" "C@LL - Conseil Internet & Logiciels Libres" "User Commands" 
    33.SH NAME 
    4 dumpykota \- manual page for dumpykota 1.25alpha16_unofficial 
     4dumpykota \- manual page for dumpykota 1.25alpha18_unofficial 
    6 dumpykota v1.25alpha16_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
     6dumpykota v1.25alpha18_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
    88Dumps PyKota database's content. 
    8686Client's hostname 
     89Job's Id 
    8992Job's billing code 
    9598Job's date of printing 
     100Dates formatting with 'start' and 'end' filter keys : 
     102YYYY : year boundaries 
     103YYYYMM : month boundaries 
     104YYYYMMDD : day boundaries 
     105YYYYMMDDhh : hour boundaries 
     106YYYYMMDDhhmm : minute boundaries 
     107YYYYMMDDhhmmss : second boundaries 
     108yesterday[+\-NbDays] : yesterday more or less N days (e.g. : yesterday\-15) 
     109today[+\-NbDays] : today more or less N days (e.g. : today\-15) 
     110tomorrow[+\-NbDays] : tomorrow more or less N days (e.g. : tomorrow\-15) 
     111now[+\-NbDays] : now more or less N days (e.g. now\-15) 
     113\&'now' and 'today' are not exactly the same since today represents the first 
     114or last second of the day depending on if it's used in a start= or end= 
     115date expression. The utility to be able to specify dates in the future is 
     116a question which remains to be answered :\-) 
    97118Contrary to other PyKota management tools, wildcard characters are not 
  • pykota/trunk/man/el_GR/dumpykota.1

    r3065 r3094  
    22.TH DUMPYKOTA "1" "novembre 2006" "C@LL - Conseil Internet & Logiciels Libres" "User Commands" 
    33.SH NOM 
    4 dumpykota \- page de manuel de dumpykota 1.25alpha16_unofficial 
     4dumpykota \- page de manuel de dumpykota 1.25alpha18_unofficial 
    6 dumpykota v1.25alpha16_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
     6dumpykota v1.25alpha18_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
    88Dumps PyKota database's content. 
    8686Client's hostname 
     89Job's Id 
    8992Job's billing code 
    9598Job's date of printing 
     100Dates formatting with 'start' and 'end' filter keys : 
     102YYYY : year boundaries 
     103YYYYMM : month boundaries 
     104YYYYMMDD : day boundaries 
     105YYYYMMDDhh : hour boundaries 
     106YYYYMMDDhhmm : minute boundaries 
     107YYYYMMDDhhmmss : second boundaries 
     108yesterday[+\-NbDays] : yesterday more or less N days (e.g. : yesterday\-15) 
     109today[+\-NbDays] : today more or less N days (e.g. : today\-15) 
     110tomorrow[+\-NbDays] : tomorrow more or less N days (e.g. : tomorrow\-15) 
     111now[+\-NbDays] : now more or less N days (e.g. now\-15) 
     113\&'now' and 'today' are not exactly the same since today represents the first 
     114or last second of the day depending on if it's used in a start= or end= 
     115date expression. The utility to be able to specify dates in the future is 
     116a question which remains to be answered :\-) 
    97118Contrary to other PyKota management tools, wildcard characters are not 
  • pykota/trunk/man/el_GR/pkinvoice.1

    r3069 r3094  
    22.TH PKINVOICE "1" "novembre 2006" "C@LL - Conseil Internet & Logiciels Libres" "User Commands" 
    33.SH NOM 
    4 pkinvoice \- page de manuel de pkinvoice 1.25alpha16_unofficial 
     4pkinvoice \- page de manuel de pkinvoice 1.25alpha18_unofficial 
    6 pkinvoice v1.25alpha16_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
     6pkinvoice v1.25alpha18_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
    88An invoice generator for PyKota. 
    1010command line usage : 
    12 pkinvoice [options] user1 user2 ... userN 
     12pkinvoice [options] [filterexpr] 
    1414options : 
    4949exposed. The default is 0.0, meaning no VAT 
    5050information will be included. 
     52Use the filter expressions to extract only parts of the 
     53datas. Allowed filters are of the form : 
     57Allowed keys for now are : 
    52 \fB\-s\fR | \fB\-\-start\fR date 
    53 Sets the starting date for the print jobs invoiced. 
     60User's name 
    55 \fB\-e\fR | \fB\-\-end\fR date 
    56 Sets the ending date for the print jobs invoiced. 
     63Printer's name 
     66Client's hostname 
     69Job's Id 
     72Job's billing code 
     75Job's date of printing 
     78Job's date of printing 
    58 user1 through userN can use wildcards if needed. If no user argument is 
    59 used, a wildcard of '*' is assumed, meaning include all users. 
    60 .IP 
    61 Dates formatting with \fB\-\-start\fR and \fB\-\-end\fR : 
     80Dates formatting with 'start' and 'end' filter keys : 
    6382YYYY : year boundaries 
    7695date expression. The utility to be able to specify dates in the future is 
    7796a question which remains to be answered :\-) 
     98Contrary to other PyKota management tools, wildcard characters are not 
     99expanded, so you can't use them. 
    79101examples : 
    81 \f(CW$ pkinvoice --unit EURO --output invoices.pdf --start=now-30\fR 
     103\f(CW$ pkinvoice --unit EURO --output /tmp/invoices.pdf start=now-30\fR 
    83105Will generate a PDF document containing invoices for all users 
  • pykota/trunk/man/el_GR/pkrefund.1

    r3069 r3094  
    22.TH PKREFUND "1" "novembre 2006" "C@LL - Conseil Internet & Logiciels Libres" "User Commands" 
    33.SH NOM 
    4 pkrefund \- page de manuel de pkrefund 1.25alpha16_unofficial 
     4pkrefund \- page de manuel de pkrefund 1.25alpha18_unofficial 
    6 pkrefund v1.25alpha16_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
     6pkrefund v1.25alpha18_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
    88Refunds jobs. 
    2525\fB\-r\fR | \fB\-\-reason\fR txt 
    2626Sets textual information to explain the refunding. 
     28\fB\-l\fR | \fB\-\-logo\fR img 
     29Use the image as the receipt's logo. The logo will 
     30be drawn at the center top of the page. The default 
     31logo is /usr/share/pykota/logos/pykota.jpeg 
     33\fB\-p\fR | \fB\-\-pagesize\fR sz 
     34Sets sz as the page size. Most well known 
     35page sizes are recognized, like 'A4' or 'Letter' 
     36to name a few. The default size is A4. 
     38\fB\-n\fR | \fB\-\-number\fR N 
     39Sets the number of the first receipt. This number 
     40will automatically be incremented for each receipt. 
     42\fB\-o\fR | \fB\-\-output\fR f.pdf 
     43Defines the name of the PDF file which will contain 
     44the receipts. If not set, then no PDF file will 
     45be created. If set to '\-', then \fB\-\-force\fR is assumed, 
     46and the PDF document is sent to standard output. 
     48\fB\-u\fR | \fB\-\-unit\fR u 
     49Defines the name of the unit to use on the receipts. 
     50The default unit is 'Credits', optionally translated 
     51to your native language if it is supported by PyKota. 
    2853Use the filter expressions to extract only parts of the 
    77102Examples : 
    79 \f(CW$ pkrefund jobid=503\fR 
     104\f(CW$ pkrefund --output /tmp/receipts.pdf jobid=503\fR 
    81106This will refund all jobs which Id is 503. BEWARE : installing CUPS 
    82 afresh will reset the first job id at 1. So you probably want to use 
    83 a more precise filter as explained below 
     107afresh will reset the first job id at 1, so you probably want to use 
     108a more precise filter as explained below. A confirmation will 
     109be asked for each job to refund, and a PDF file named /tmp/receipts.pdf 
     110will be created which will contain printable receipts. 
    85112\f(CW$ pkrefund --reason "Hardware problem" jobid=503 start=today-7\fR 
  • pykota/trunk/man/es/dumpykota.1

    r3065 r3094  
    22.TH DUMPYKOTA "1" "novembre 2006" "C@LL - Conseil Internet & Logiciels Libres" "User Commands" 
    33.SH NOM 
    4 dumpykota \- page de manuel de dumpykota 1.25alpha16_unofficial 
     4dumpykota \- page de manuel de dumpykota 1.25alpha18_unofficial 
    6 dumpykota v1.25alpha16_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
     6dumpykota v1.25alpha18_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
    88Dumps PyKota database's content. 
    8686Client's hostname 
     89Job's Id 
    8992Job's billing code 
    9598Job's date of printing 
     100Dates formatting with 'start' and 'end' filter keys : 
     102YYYY : year boundaries 
     103YYYYMM : month boundaries 
     104YYYYMMDD : day boundaries 
     105YYYYMMDDhh : hour boundaries 
     106YYYYMMDDhhmm : minute boundaries 
     107YYYYMMDDhhmmss : second boundaries 
     108yesterday[+\-NbDays] : yesterday more or less N days (e.g. : yesterday\-15) 
     109today[+\-NbDays] : today more or less N days (e.g. : today\-15) 
     110tomorrow[+\-NbDays] : tomorrow more or less N days (e.g. : tomorrow\-15) 
     111now[+\-NbDays] : now more or less N days (e.g. now\-15) 
     113\&'now' and 'today' are not exactly the same since today represents the first 
     114or last second of the day depending on if it's used in a start= or end= 
     115date expression. The utility to be able to specify dates in the future is 
     116a question which remains to be answered :\-) 
    97118Contrary to other PyKota management tools, wildcard characters are not 
  • pykota/trunk/man/es/pkinvoice.1

    r3069 r3094  
    22.TH PKINVOICE "1" "novembre 2006" "C@LL - Conseil Internet & Logiciels Libres" "User Commands" 
    33.SH NOM 
    4 pkinvoice \- page de manuel de pkinvoice 1.25alpha16_unofficial 
     4pkinvoice \- page de manuel de pkinvoice 1.25alpha18_unofficial 
    6 pkinvoice v1.25alpha16_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
     6pkinvoice v1.25alpha18_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
    88An invoice generator for PyKota. 
    1010command line usage : 
    12 pkinvoice [options] user1 user2 ... userN 
     12pkinvoice [options] [filterexpr] 
    1414options : 
    4949exposed. The default is 0.0, meaning no VAT 
    5050information will be included. 
     52Use the filter expressions to extract only parts of the 
     53datas. Allowed filters are of the form : 
     57Allowed keys for now are : 
    52 \fB\-s\fR | \fB\-\-start\fR date 
    53 Sets the starting date for the print jobs invoiced. 
     60User's name 
    55 \fB\-e\fR | \fB\-\-end\fR date 
    56 Sets the ending date for the print jobs invoiced. 
     63Printer's name 
     66Client's hostname 
     69Job's Id 
     72Job's billing code 
     75Job's date of printing 
     78Job's date of printing 
    58 user1 through userN can use wildcards if needed. If no user argument is 
    59 used, a wildcard of '*' is assumed, meaning include all users. 
    60 .IP 
    61 Dates formatting with \fB\-\-start\fR and \fB\-\-end\fR : 
     80Dates formatting with 'start' and 'end' filter keys : 
    6382YYYY : year boundaries 
    7695date expression. The utility to be able to specify dates in the future is 
    7796a question which remains to be answered :\-) 
     98Contrary to other PyKota management tools, wildcard characters are not 
     99expanded, so you can't use them. 
    79101examples : 
    81 \f(CW$ pkinvoice --unit EURO --output invoices.pdf --start=now-30\fR 
     103\f(CW$ pkinvoice --unit EURO --output /tmp/invoices.pdf start=now-30\fR 
    83105Will generate a PDF document containing invoices for all users 
  • pykota/trunk/man/es/pkrefund.1

    r3069 r3094  
    22.TH PKREFUND "1" "novembre 2006" "C@LL - Conseil Internet & Logiciels Libres" "User Commands" 
    33.SH NOM 
    4 pkrefund \- page de manuel de pkrefund 1.25alpha16_unofficial 
     4pkrefund \- page de manuel de pkrefund 1.25alpha18_unofficial 
    6 pkrefund v1.25alpha16_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
     6pkrefund v1.25alpha18_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
    88Refunds jobs. 
    2525\fB\-r\fR | \fB\-\-reason\fR txt 
    2626Sets textual information to explain the refunding. 
     28\fB\-l\fR | \fB\-\-logo\fR img 
     29Use the image as the receipt's logo. The logo will 
     30be drawn at the center top of the page. The default 
     31logo is /usr/share/pykota/logos/pykota.jpeg 
     33\fB\-p\fR | \fB\-\-pagesize\fR sz 
     34Sets sz as the page size. Most well known 
     35page sizes are recognized, like 'A4' or 'Letter' 
     36to name a few. The default size is A4. 
     38\fB\-n\fR | \fB\-\-number\fR N 
     39Sets the number of the first receipt. This number 
     40will automatically be incremented for each receipt. 
     42\fB\-o\fR | \fB\-\-output\fR f.pdf 
     43Defines the name of the PDF file which will contain 
     44the receipts. If not set, then no PDF file will 
     45be created. If set to '\-', then \fB\-\-force\fR is assumed, 
     46and the PDF document is sent to standard output. 
     48\fB\-u\fR | \fB\-\-unit\fR u 
     49Defines the name of the unit to use on the receipts. 
     50The default unit is 'Credits', optionally translated 
     51to your native language if it is supported by PyKota. 
    2853Use the filter expressions to extract only parts of the 
    77102Examples : 
    79 \f(CW$ pkrefund jobid=503\fR 
     104\f(CW$ pkrefund --output /tmp/receipts.pdf jobid=503\fR 
    81106This will refund all jobs which Id is 503. BEWARE : installing CUPS 
    82 afresh will reset the first job id at 1. So you probably want to use 
    83 a more precise filter as explained below 
     107afresh will reset the first job id at 1, so you probably want to use 
     108a more precise filter as explained below. A confirmation will 
     109be asked for each job to refund, and a PDF file named /tmp/receipts.pdf 
     110will be created which will contain printable receipts. 
    85112\f(CW$ pkrefund --reason "Hardware problem" jobid=503 start=today-7\fR 
  • pykota/trunk/man/fr/dumpykota.1

    r3065 r3094  
    22.TH DUMPYKOTA "1" "novembre 2006" "C@LL - Conseil Internet & Logiciels Libres" "User Commands" 
    33.SH NOM 
    4 dumpykota \- page de manuel de dumpykota 1.25alpha16_unofficial 
     4dumpykota \- page de manuel de dumpykota 1.25alpha18_unofficial 
    6 dumpykota v1.25alpha16_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
     6dumpykota v1.25alpha18_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
    88Exporte le contenu de la base de donn� de PyKota. 
    9595Nom d'h�de la machine cliente 
     98Id du travail d'impression 
    98101Code de facturation du travail d'impression 
    104107Date du travail d'impression 
     109Formatage des dates avec les cl�'start' et 'end' : 
     111AAAA : limites d'ann�AAAAMM : limites de mois 
     112AAAAMMJJ : limites de jour 
     113AAAAMMJJhh : limites d'heures 
     114AAAAMMJJhhmm : limites de minutes 
     115AAAAMMJJhhmmss : limites de secondes 
     116yesterday[+\-NbJours] : hier plus ou moins N jours (ex : yesterday\-15) 
     117today[+\-NbJours] : aujoud'hui plus ou moins N jours (ex : today\-15) 
     118tomorrow[+\-NbJours] : demain plus ou moins N jours (ex : tomorrow\-15) 
     119now[+\-NbJours] : maintenant plus ou moins N jours (ex : now\-15) 
     121\&'now' et 'today' ne sont pas exactement identiques car today repr�nte 
     122la premi� ou la derni� seconde du jour selon qu'il soit utilis�vec 
     123une expression de type start= ou end=. 
     124L'utilit�e pouvoir sp�fier une date dans le future est une question 
     125qui reste ouverte :\-) 
    106127Contrairement aux autres outils d'administration de PyKota, les caract�s 
  • pykota/trunk/man/fr/pkinvoice.1

    r3065 r3094  
    22.TH PKINVOICE "1" "novembre 2006" "C@LL - Conseil Internet & Logiciels Libres" "User Commands" 
    33.SH NOM 
    4 pkinvoice \- page de manuel de pkinvoice 1.25alpha16_unofficial 
     4pkinvoice \- page de manuel de pkinvoice 1.25alpha18_unofficial 
    6 pkinvoice v1.25alpha16_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
     6pkinvoice v1.25alpha18_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
    8 Un g�rateur de factures pour PyKota. 
     8An invoice generator for PyKota. 
    10 ligne de commande : 
     10command line usage : 
    12 pkinvoice [options] utilisateur1 utilisateur2 ... utilisateurN 
     12pkinvoice [options] [filterexpr] 
    1414options : 
    1616\fB\-v\fR | \fB\-\-version\fR 
    17 Affiche la version de pkinvoice et quitte. 
     17Prints pkinvoice's version number then exits. 
    1919\fB\-h\fR | \fB\-\-help\fR 
    20 Affiche ce message et quitte. 
     20Prints this message then exits. 
    2222\fB\-l\fR | \fB\-\-logo\fR img 
    23 Utilise cette image comme logo sur la facture. Le logo 
    24 sera dessin�u centre et en haut de la page. Le logo 
    25 par d�ut est /usr/share/pykota/logos/pykota.jpeg 
     23Use the image as the invoice's logo. The logo will 
     24be drawn at the center top of the page. The default 
     25logo is /usr/share/pykota/logos/pykota.jpeg 
    2727\fB\-p\fR | \fB\-\-pagesize\fR sz 
    28 Positionne la taille de page �z. La plupart des 
    29 tailles standard sont reconnues, comme 'A4' ou 'Letter' 
    30 par exemple. La taille par d�ut est A4. 
     28Sets sz as the page size. Most well known 
     29page sizes are recognized, like 'A4' or 'Letter' 
     30to name a few. The default size is A4. 
    3232\fB\-n\fR | \fB\-\-number\fR N 
    33 Indique le num� de la premi� facture. Ce num� 
    34 sera automatiquement incr�nt� chaque facture. 
     33Sets the number of the first invoice. This number 
     34will automatically be incremented for each invoice. 
    3636\fB\-o\fR | \fB\-\-output\fR f.pdf 
    37 D�nit le nom du fichier PDF qui contiendra les 
    38 factures. S'il n'est pas pr�s�u positionn� '\-' 
    39 alors le document sera envoy�ur la sortie standard. 
     37Defines the name of the invoice file which will 
     38be generated as a PDF document. If not set or 
     39set to '\-', the PDF document is sent to standard 
    4142\fB\-u\fR | \fB\-\-unit\fR u 
    42 D�nit le nom de l'unit� utiliser sur la facture. 
    43 Le nom par d�ut est 'Credits', ou sa traduction 
    44 �ntuelle dans votre langage pr�r�i PyKota 
    45 le supporte. 
     43Defines the name of the unit to use on the invoice. 
     44The default unit is 'Credits', optionally translated 
     45to your native language if it is supported by PyKota. 
    4747\fB\-V\fR | \fB\-\-vat\fR p 
    48 Indique le taux de TVA applicable qui sera indiqu�La valeur par d�ut est 0.0, qui fait qu'aucune 
    49 information sur la TVA ne sera indiqu� 
     48Sets the percent value of the applicable VAT to be 
     49exposed. The default is 0.0, meaning no VAT 
     50information will be included. 
     52Use the filter expressions to extract only parts of the 
     53datas. Allowed filters are of the form : 
     57Allowed keys for now are : 
    51 \fB\-s\fR | \fB\-\-start\fR date 
    52 Indique la date de d�t des travaux d'impression 
    53 qui seront factur� 
     60User's name 
    55 \fB\-e\fR | \fB\-\-end\fR date 
    56 Indique la date de fin des travaux d'impression 
    57 qui seront factur� 
     63Printer's name 
     66Client's hostname 
     69Job's Id 
     72Job's billing code 
     75Job's date of printing 
     78Job's date of printing 
    59 utilisateur1 jusqu'�tilisateurN peuvent contenir des caract�s jokers 
    60 au besoin. Si aucun nom d'utilisateur n'est indiqu�c'est comme si un 
    61 joker '*' �it pr�s�ce qui veut dire inclure tous les utilisateurs. 
     80Dates formatting with 'start' and 'end' filter keys : 
    63 Formatage des dates avec \fB\-\-start\fR et \fB\-\-end\fR : 
     82YYYY : year boundaries 
     83YYYYMM : month boundaries 
     84YYYYMMDD : day boundaries 
     85YYYYMMDDhh : hour boundaries 
     86YYYYMMDDhhmm : minute boundaries 
     87YYYYMMDDhhmmss : second boundaries 
     88yesterday[+\-NbDays] : yesterday more or less N days (e.g. : yesterday\-15) 
     89today[+\-NbDays] : today more or less N days (e.g. : today\-15) 
     90tomorrow[+\-NbDays] : tomorrow more or less N days (e.g. : tomorrow\-15) 
     91now[+\-NbDays] : now more or less N days (e.g. now\-15) 
    65 AAAA : limites d'ann�AAAAMM : limites de mois 
    66 AAAAMMJJ : limites de jour 
    67 AAAAMMJJhh : limites d'heures 
    68 AAAAMMJJhhmm : limites de minutes 
    69 AAAAMMJJhhmmss : limites de secondes 
    70 yesterday[+\-NbJours] : hier plus ou moins N jours (ex : yesterday\-15) 
    71 today[+\-NbJours] : aujoud'hui plus ou moins N jours (ex : today\-15) 
    72 tomorrow[+\-NbJours] : demain plus ou moins N jours (ex : tomorrow\-15) 
    73 now[+\-NbJours] : maintenant plus ou moins N jours (ex : now\-15) 
     93\&'now' and 'today' are not exactly the same since today represents the first 
     94or last second of the day depending on if it's used in a start= or end= 
     95date expression. The utility to be able to specify dates in the future is 
     96a question which remains to be answered :\-) 
    75 \&'now' et 'today' ne sont pas exactement identiques car today repr�nte 
    76 la premi� ou la derni� seconde du jour selon qu'il soit utilis�vec 
    77 une expression de type start= ou end=. 
    78 L'utilit�e pouvoir sp�fier une date dans le future est une question 
    79 qui reste ouverte :\-) 
     98Contrary to other PyKota management tools, wildcard characters are not 
     99expanded, so you can't use them. 
    81 exemples : 
     101examples : 
    83 \f(CW$ pkinvoice --unit EURO --output factures.pdf --start=now-30\fR 
     103\f(CW$ pkinvoice --unit EURO --output /tmp/invoices.pdf start=now-30\fR 
    85 G�rera un document PDF contenant les factures de tous les utilisateurs 
    86 qui ont d�ns�es cr�ts durant le mois �ul�Les factures seront en 
    87 EURO. Aucune information de TVA ne sera incluse. 
     105Will generate a PDF document containing invoices for all users 
     106who have spent some credits last month. Invoices will be done in 
     107EURO.  No VAT information will be included. 
    89109This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify 
  • pykota/trunk/man/fr/pkrefund.1

    r3069 r3094  
    22.TH PKREFUND "1" "novembre 2006" "C@LL - Conseil Internet & Logiciels Libres" "User Commands" 
    33.SH NOM 
    4 pkrefund \- page de manuel de pkrefund 1.25alpha16_unofficial 
     4pkrefund \- page de manuel de pkrefund 1.25alpha18_unofficial 
    6 pkrefund v1.25alpha16_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
     6pkrefund v1.25alpha18_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
    88Refunds jobs. 
    2525\fB\-r\fR | \fB\-\-reason\fR txt 
    2626Sets textual information to explain the refunding. 
     28\fB\-l\fR | \fB\-\-logo\fR img 
     29Use the image as the receipt's logo. The logo will 
     30be drawn at the center top of the page. The default 
     31logo is /usr/share/pykota/logos/pykota.jpeg 
     33\fB\-p\fR | \fB\-\-pagesize\fR sz 
     34Sets sz as the page size. Most well known 
     35page sizes are recognized, like 'A4' or 'Letter' 
     36to name a few. The default size is A4. 
     38\fB\-n\fR | \fB\-\-number\fR N 
     39Sets the number of the first receipt. This number 
     40will automatically be incremented for each receipt. 
     42\fB\-o\fR | \fB\-\-output\fR f.pdf 
     43Defines the name of the PDF file which will contain 
     44the receipts. If not set, then no PDF file will 
     45be created. If set to '\-', then \fB\-\-force\fR is assumed, 
     46and the PDF document is sent to standard output. 
     48\fB\-u\fR | \fB\-\-unit\fR u 
     49Defines the name of the unit to use on the receipts. 
     50The default unit is 'Credits', optionally translated 
     51to your native language if it is supported by PyKota. 
    2853Use the filter expressions to extract only parts of the 
    77102Examples : 
    79 \f(CW$ pkrefund jobid=503\fR 
     104\f(CW$ pkrefund --output /tmp/receipts.pdf jobid=503\fR 
    81106This will refund all jobs which Id is 503. BEWARE : installing CUPS 
    82 afresh will reset the first job id at 1. So you probably want to use 
    83 a more precise filter as explained below 
     107afresh will reset the first job id at 1, so you probably want to use 
     108a more precise filter as explained below. A confirmation will 
     109be asked for each job to refund, and a PDF file named /tmp/receipts.pdf 
     110will be created which will contain printable receipts. 
    85112\f(CW$ pkrefund --reason "Hardware problem" jobid=503 start=today-7\fR 
  • pykota/trunk/man/it/dumpykota.1

    r3065 r3094  
    22.TH DUMPYKOTA "1" "novembre 2006" "C@LL - Conseil Internet & Logiciels Libres" "User Commands" 
    33.SH NOM 
    4 dumpykota \- page de manuel de dumpykota 1.25alpha16_unofficial 
     4dumpykota \- page de manuel de dumpykota 1.25alpha18_unofficial 
    6 dumpykota v1.25alpha16_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
     6dumpykota v1.25alpha18_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
    88Dumps PyKota database's content. 
    8686Client's hostname 
     89Job's Id 
    8992Job's billing code 
    9598Job's date of printing 
     100Dates formatting with 'start' and 'end' filter keys : 
     102YYYY : year boundaries 
     103YYYYMM : month boundaries 
     104YYYYMMDD : day boundaries 
     105YYYYMMDDhh : hour boundaries 
     106YYYYMMDDhhmm : minute boundaries 
     107YYYYMMDDhhmmss : second boundaries 
     108yesterday[+\-NbDays] : yesterday more or less N days (e.g. : yesterday\-15) 
     109today[+\-NbDays] : today more or less N days (e.g. : today\-15) 
     110tomorrow[+\-NbDays] : tomorrow more or less N days (e.g. : tomorrow\-15) 
     111now[+\-NbDays] : now more or less N days (e.g. now\-15) 
     113\&'now' and 'today' are not exactly the same since today represents the first 
     114or last second of the day depending on if it's used in a start= or end= 
     115date expression. The utility to be able to specify dates in the future is 
     116a question which remains to be answered :\-) 
    97118Contrary to other PyKota management tools, wildcard characters are not 
  • pykota/trunk/man/it/pkinvoice.1

    r3069 r3094  
    22.TH PKINVOICE "1" "novembre 2006" "C@LL - Conseil Internet & Logiciels Libres" "User Commands" 
    33.SH NOM 
    4 pkinvoice \- page de manuel de pkinvoice 1.25alpha16_unofficial 
     4pkinvoice \- page de manuel de pkinvoice 1.25alpha18_unofficial 
    6 pkinvoice v1.25alpha16_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
     6pkinvoice v1.25alpha18_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
    88An invoice generator for PyKota. 
    1010command line usage : 
    12 pkinvoice [options] user1 user2 ... userN 
     12pkinvoice [options] [filterexpr] 
    1414options : 
    4949exposed. The default is 0.0, meaning no VAT 
    5050information will be included. 
     52Use the filter expressions to extract only parts of the 
     53datas. Allowed filters are of the form : 
     57Allowed keys for now are : 
    52 \fB\-s\fR | \fB\-\-start\fR date 
    53 Sets the starting date for the print jobs invoiced. 
     60User's name 
    55 \fB\-e\fR | \fB\-\-end\fR date 
    56 Sets the ending date for the print jobs invoiced. 
     63Printer's name 
     66Client's hostname 
     69Job's Id 
     72Job's billing code 
     75Job's date of printing 
     78Job's date of printing 
    58 user1 through userN can use wildcards if needed. If no user argument is 
    59 used, a wildcard of '*' is assumed, meaning include all users. 
    60 .IP 
    61 Dates formatting with \fB\-\-start\fR and \fB\-\-end\fR : 
     80Dates formatting with 'start' and 'end' filter keys : 
    6382YYYY : year boundaries 
    7695date expression. The utility to be able to specify dates in the future is 
    7796a question which remains to be answered :\-) 
     98Contrary to other PyKota management tools, wildcard characters are not 
     99expanded, so you can't use them. 
    79101examples : 
    81 \f(CW$ pkinvoice --unit EURO --output invoices.pdf --start=now-30\fR 
     103\f(CW$ pkinvoice --unit EURO --output /tmp/invoices.pdf start=now-30\fR 
    83105Will generate a PDF document containing invoices for all users 
  • pykota/trunk/man/it/pkrefund.1

    r3069 r3094  
    22.TH PKREFUND "1" "novembre 2006" "C@LL - Conseil Internet & Logiciels Libres" "User Commands" 
    33.SH NOM 
    4 pkrefund \- page de manuel de pkrefund 1.25alpha16_unofficial 
     4pkrefund \- page de manuel de pkrefund 1.25alpha18_unofficial 
    6 pkrefund v1.25alpha16_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
     6pkrefund v1.25alpha18_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
    88Refunds jobs. 
    2525\fB\-r\fR | \fB\-\-reason\fR txt 
    2626Sets textual information to explain the refunding. 
     28\fB\-l\fR | \fB\-\-logo\fR img 
     29Use the image as the receipt's logo. The logo will 
     30be drawn at the center top of the page. The default 
     31logo is /usr/share/pykota/logos/pykota.jpeg 
     33\fB\-p\fR | \fB\-\-pagesize\fR sz 
     34Sets sz as the page size. Most well known 
     35page sizes are recognized, like 'A4' or 'Letter' 
     36to name a few. The default size is A4. 
     38\fB\-n\fR | \fB\-\-number\fR N 
     39Sets the number of the first receipt. This number 
     40will automatically be incremented for each receipt. 
     42\fB\-o\fR | \fB\-\-output\fR f.pdf 
     43Defines the name of the PDF file which will contain 
     44the receipts. If not set, then no PDF file will 
     45be created. If set to '\-', then \fB\-\-force\fR is assumed, 
     46and the PDF document is sent to standard output. 
     48\fB\-u\fR | \fB\-\-unit\fR u 
     49Defines the name of the unit to use on the receipts. 
     50The default unit is 'Credits', optionally translated 
     51to your native language if it is supported by PyKota. 
    2853Use the filter expressions to extract only parts of the 
    77102Examples : 
    79 \f(CW$ pkrefund jobid=503\fR 
     104\f(CW$ pkrefund --output /tmp/receipts.pdf jobid=503\fR 
    81106This will refund all jobs which Id is 503. BEWARE : installing CUPS 
    82 afresh will reset the first job id at 1. So you probably want to use 
    83 a more precise filter as explained below 
     107afresh will reset the first job id at 1, so you probably want to use 
     108a more precise filter as explained below. A confirmation will 
     109be asked for each job to refund, and a PDF file named /tmp/receipts.pdf 
     110will be created which will contain printable receipts. 
    85112\f(CW$ pkrefund --reason "Hardware problem" jobid=503 start=today-7\fR 
  • pykota/trunk/man/nb_NO/dumpykota.1

    r3065 r3094  
    22.TH DUMPYKOTA "1" "novembre 2006" "C@LL - Conseil Internet & Logiciels Libres" "User Commands" 
    33.SH NOM 
    4 dumpykota \- page de manuel de dumpykota 1.25alpha16_unofficial 
     4dumpykota \- page de manuel de dumpykota 1.25alpha18_unofficial 
    6 dumpykota v1.25alpha16_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
     6dumpykota v1.25alpha18_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
    88Dumps PyKota database's content. 
    8686Client's hostname 
     89Job's Id 
    8992Job's billing code 
    9598Job's date of printing 
     100Dates formatting with 'start' and 'end' filter keys : 
     102YYYY : year boundaries 
     103YYYYMM : month boundaries 
     104YYYYMMDD : day boundaries 
     105YYYYMMDDhh : hour boundaries 
     106YYYYMMDDhhmm : minute boundaries 
     107YYYYMMDDhhmmss : second boundaries 
     108yesterday[+\-NbDays] : yesterday more or less N days (e.g. : yesterday\-15) 
     109today[+\-NbDays] : today more or less N days (e.g. : today\-15) 
     110tomorrow[+\-NbDays] : tomorrow more or less N days (e.g. : tomorrow\-15) 
     111now[+\-NbDays] : now more or less N days (e.g. now\-15) 
     113\&'now' and 'today' are not exactly the same since today represents the first 
     114or last second of the day depending on if it's used in a start= or end= 
     115date expression. The utility to be able to specify dates in the future is 
     116a question which remains to be answered :\-) 
    97118Contrary to other PyKota management tools, wildcard characters are not 
  • pykota/trunk/man/nb_NO/pkinvoice.1

    r3069 r3094  
    22.TH PKINVOICE "1" "novembre 2006" "C@LL - Conseil Internet & Logiciels Libres" "User Commands" 
    33.SH NOM 
    4 pkinvoice \- page de manuel de pkinvoice 1.25alpha16_unofficial 
     4pkinvoice \- page de manuel de pkinvoice 1.25alpha18_unofficial 
    6 pkinvoice v1.25alpha16_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
     6pkinvoice v1.25alpha18_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
    88An invoice generator for PyKota. 
    1010command line usage : 
    12 pkinvoice [options] user1 user2 ... userN 
     12pkinvoice [options] [filterexpr] 
    1414options : 
    4949exposed. The default is 0.0, meaning no VAT 
    5050information will be included. 
     52Use the filter expressions to extract only parts of the 
     53datas. Allowed filters are of the form : 
     57Allowed keys for now are : 
    52 \fB\-s\fR | \fB\-\-start\fR date 
    53 Sets the starting date for the print jobs invoiced. 
     60User's name 
    55 \fB\-e\fR | \fB\-\-end\fR date 
    56 Sets the ending date for the print jobs invoiced. 
     63Printer's name 
     66Client's hostname 
     69Job's Id 
     72Job's billing code 
     75Job's date of printing 
     78Job's date of printing 
    58 user1 through userN can use wildcards if needed. If no user argument is 
    59 used, a wildcard of '*' is assumed, meaning include all users. 
    60 .IP 
    61 Dates formatting with \fB\-\-start\fR and \fB\-\-end\fR : 
     80Dates formatting with 'start' and 'end' filter keys : 
    6382YYYY : year boundaries 
    7695date expression. The utility to be able to specify dates in the future is 
    7796a question which remains to be answered :\-) 
     98Contrary to other PyKota management tools, wildcard characters are not 
     99expanded, so you can't use them. 
    79101examples : 
    81 \f(CW$ pkinvoice --unit EURO --output invoices.pdf --start=now-30\fR 
     103\f(CW$ pkinvoice --unit EURO --output /tmp/invoices.pdf start=now-30\fR 
    83105Will generate a PDF document containing invoices for all users 
  • pykota/trunk/man/nb_NO/pkrefund.1

    r3069 r3094  
    22.TH PKREFUND "1" "novembre 2006" "C@LL - Conseil Internet & Logiciels Libres" "User Commands" 
    33.SH NOM 
    4 pkrefund \- page de manuel de pkrefund 1.25alpha16_unofficial 
     4pkrefund \- page de manuel de pkrefund 1.25alpha18_unofficial 
    6 pkrefund v1.25alpha16_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
     6pkrefund v1.25alpha18_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
    88Refunds jobs. 
    2525\fB\-r\fR | \fB\-\-reason\fR txt 
    2626Sets textual information to explain the refunding. 
     28\fB\-l\fR | \fB\-\-logo\fR img 
     29Use the image as the receipt's logo. The logo will 
     30be drawn at the center top of the page. The default 
     31logo is /usr/share/pykota/logos/pykota.jpeg 
     33\fB\-p\fR | \fB\-\-pagesize\fR sz 
     34Sets sz as the page size. Most well known 
     35page sizes are recognized, like 'A4' or 'Letter' 
     36to name a few. The default size is A4. 
     38\fB\-n\fR | \fB\-\-number\fR N 
     39Sets the number of the first receipt. This number 
     40will automatically be incremented for each receipt. 
     42\fB\-o\fR | \fB\-\-output\fR f.pdf 
     43Defines the name of the PDF file which will contain 
     44the receipts. If not set, then no PDF file will 
     45be created. If set to '\-', then \fB\-\-force\fR is assumed, 
     46and the PDF document is sent to standard output. 
     48\fB\-u\fR | \fB\-\-unit\fR u 
     49Defines the name of the unit to use on the receipts. 
     50The default unit is 'Credits', optionally translated 
     51to your native language if it is supported by PyKota. 
    2853Use the filter expressions to extract only parts of the 
    77102Examples : 
    79 \f(CW$ pkrefund jobid=503\fR 
     104\f(CW$ pkrefund --output /tmp/receipts.pdf jobid=503\fR 
    81106This will refund all jobs which Id is 503. BEWARE : installing CUPS 
    82 afresh will reset the first job id at 1. So you probably want to use 
    83 a more precise filter as explained below 
     107afresh will reset the first job id at 1, so you probably want to use 
     108a more precise filter as explained below. A confirmation will 
     109be asked for each job to refund, and a PDF file named /tmp/receipts.pdf 
     110will be created which will contain printable receipts. 
    85112\f(CW$ pkrefund --reason "Hardware problem" jobid=503 start=today-7\fR 
  • pykota/trunk/man/pkinvoice.1

    r3069 r3094  
    22.TH PKINVOICE "1" "November 2006" "C@LL - Conseil Internet & Logiciels Libres" "User Commands" 
    33.SH NAME 
    4 pkinvoice \- manual page for pkinvoice 1.25alpha16_unofficial 
     4pkinvoice \- manual page for pkinvoice 1.25alpha18_unofficial 
    6 pkinvoice v1.25alpha16_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
     6pkinvoice v1.25alpha18_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
    88An invoice generator for PyKota. 
    1010command line usage : 
    12 pkinvoice [options] user1 user2 ... userN 
     12pkinvoice [options] [filterexpr] 
    1414options : 
    4949exposed. The default is 0.0, meaning no VAT 
    5050information will be included. 
     52Use the filter expressions to extract only parts of the 
     53datas. Allowed filters are of the form : 
     57Allowed keys for now are : 
    52 \fB\-s\fR | \fB\-\-start\fR date 
    53 Sets the starting date for the print jobs invoiced. 
     60User's name 
    55 \fB\-e\fR | \fB\-\-end\fR date 
    56 Sets the ending date for the print jobs invoiced. 
     63Printer's name 
     66Client's hostname 
     69Job's Id 
     72Job's billing code 
     75Job's date of printing 
     78Job's date of printing 
    58 user1 through userN can use wildcards if needed. If no user argument is 
    59 used, a wildcard of '*' is assumed, meaning include all users. 
    60 .IP 
    61 Dates formatting with \fB\-\-start\fR and \fB\-\-end\fR : 
     80Dates formatting with 'start' and 'end' filter keys : 
    6382YYYY : year boundaries 
    7695date expression. The utility to be able to specify dates in the future is 
    7796a question which remains to be answered :\-) 
     98Contrary to other PyKota management tools, wildcard characters are not 
     99expanded, so you can't use them. 
    79101examples : 
    81 \f(CW$ pkinvoice --unit EURO --output invoices.pdf --start=now-30\fR 
     103\f(CW$ pkinvoice --unit EURO --output /tmp/invoices.pdf start=now-30\fR 
    83105Will generate a PDF document containing invoices for all users 
  • pykota/trunk/man/pkrefund.1

    r3069 r3094  
    22.TH PKREFUND "1" "November 2006" "C@LL - Conseil Internet & Logiciels Libres" "User Commands" 
    33.SH NAME 
    4 pkrefund \- manual page for pkrefund 1.25alpha16_unofficial 
     4pkrefund \- manual page for pkrefund 1.25alpha18_unofficial 
    6 pkrefund v1.25alpha16_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
     6pkrefund v1.25alpha18_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
    88Refunds jobs. 
    2525\fB\-r\fR | \fB\-\-reason\fR txt 
    2626Sets textual information to explain the refunding. 
     28\fB\-l\fR | \fB\-\-logo\fR img 
     29Use the image as the receipt's logo. The logo will 
     30be drawn at the center top of the page. The default 
     31logo is /usr/share/pykota/logos/pykota.jpeg 
     33\fB\-p\fR | \fB\-\-pagesize\fR sz 
     34Sets sz as the page size. Most well known 
     35page sizes are recognized, like 'A4' or 'Letter' 
     36to name a few. The default size is A4. 
     38\fB\-n\fR | \fB\-\-number\fR N 
     39Sets the number of the first receipt. This number 
     40will automatically be incremented for each receipt. 
     42\fB\-o\fR | \fB\-\-output\fR f.pdf 
     43Defines the name of the PDF file which will contain 
     44the receipts. If not set, then no PDF file will 
     45be created. If set to '\-', then \fB\-\-force\fR is assumed, 
     46and the PDF document is sent to standard output. 
     48\fB\-u\fR | \fB\-\-unit\fR u 
     49Defines the name of the unit to use on the receipts. 
     50The default unit is 'Credits', optionally translated 
     51to your native language if it is supported by PyKota. 
    2853Use the filter expressions to extract only parts of the 
    77102Examples : 
    79 \f(CW$ pkrefund jobid=503\fR 
     104\f(CW$ pkrefund --output /tmp/receipts.pdf jobid=503\fR 
    81106This will refund all jobs which Id is 503. BEWARE : installing CUPS 
    82 afresh will reset the first job id at 1. So you probably want to use 
    83 a more precise filter as explained below 
     107afresh will reset the first job id at 1, so you probably want to use 
     108a more precise filter as explained below. A confirmation will 
     109be asked for each job to refund, and a PDF file named /tmp/receipts.pdf 
     110will be created which will contain printable receipts. 
    85112\f(CW$ pkrefund --reason "Hardware problem" jobid=503 start=today-7\fR 
  • pykota/trunk/man/pl/dumpykota.1

    r3065 r3094  
    22.TH DUMPYKOTA "1" "novembre 2006" "C@LL - Conseil Internet & Logiciels Libres" "User Commands" 
    33.SH NOM 
    4 dumpykota \- page de manuel de dumpykota 1.25alpha16_unofficial 
     4dumpykota \- page de manuel de dumpykota 1.25alpha18_unofficial 
    6 dumpykota v1.25alpha16_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
     6dumpykota v1.25alpha18_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
    88Dumps PyKota database's content. 
    8686Client's hostname 
     89Job's Id 
    8992Job's billing code 
    9598Job's date of printing 
     100Dates formatting with 'start' and 'end' filter keys : 
     102YYYY : year boundaries 
     103YYYYMM : month boundaries 
     104YYYYMMDD : day boundaries 
     105YYYYMMDDhh : hour boundaries 
     106YYYYMMDDhhmm : minute boundaries 
     107YYYYMMDDhhmmss : second boundaries 
     108yesterday[+\-NbDays] : yesterday more or less N days (e.g. : yesterday\-15) 
     109today[+\-NbDays] : today more or less N days (e.g. : today\-15) 
     110tomorrow[+\-NbDays] : tomorrow more or less N days (e.g. : tomorrow\-15) 
     111now[+\-NbDays] : now more or less N days (e.g. now\-15) 
     113\&'now' and 'today' are not exactly the same since today represents the first 
     114or last second of the day depending on if it's used in a start= or end= 
     115date expression. The utility to be able to specify dates in the future is 
     116a question which remains to be answered :\-) 
    97118Contrary to other PyKota management tools, wildcard characters are not 
  • pykota/trunk/man/pl/pkinvoice.1

    r3069 r3094  
    22.TH PKINVOICE "1" "novembre 2006" "C@LL - Conseil Internet & Logiciels Libres" "User Commands" 
    33.SH NOM 
    4 pkinvoice \- page de manuel de pkinvoice 1.25alpha16_unofficial 
     4pkinvoice \- page de manuel de pkinvoice 1.25alpha18_unofficial 
    6 pkinvoice v1.25alpha16_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
     6pkinvoice v1.25alpha18_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
    88An invoice generator for PyKota. 
    1010command line usage : 
    12 pkinvoice [options] user1 user2 ... userN 
     12pkinvoice [options] [filterexpr] 
    1414options : 
    4949exposed. The default is 0.0, meaning no VAT 
    5050information will be included. 
     52Use the filter expressions to extract only parts of the 
     53datas. Allowed filters are of the form : 
     57Allowed keys for now are : 
    52 \fB\-s\fR | \fB\-\-start\fR date 
    53 Sets the starting date for the print jobs invoiced. 
     60User's name 
    55 \fB\-e\fR | \fB\-\-end\fR date 
    56 Sets the ending date for the print jobs invoiced. 
     63Printer's name 
     66Client's hostname 
     69Job's Id 
     72Job's billing code 
     75Job's date of printing 
     78Job's date of printing 
    58 user1 through userN can use wildcards if needed. If no user argument is 
    59 used, a wildcard of '*' is assumed, meaning include all users. 
    60 .IP 
    61 Dates formatting with \fB\-\-start\fR and \fB\-\-end\fR : 
     80Dates formatting with 'start' and 'end' filter keys : 
    6382YYYY : year boundaries 
    7695date expression. The utility to be able to specify dates in the future is 
    7796a question which remains to be answered :\-) 
     98Contrary to other PyKota management tools, wildcard characters are not 
     99expanded, so you can't use them. 
    79101examples : 
    81 \f(CW$ pkinvoice --unit EURO --output invoices.pdf --start=now-30\fR 
     103\f(CW$ pkinvoice --unit EURO --output /tmp/invoices.pdf start=now-30\fR 
    83105Will generate a PDF document containing invoices for all users 
  • pykota/trunk/man/pl/pkrefund.1

    r3069 r3094  
    22.TH PKREFUND "1" "novembre 2006" "C@LL - Conseil Internet & Logiciels Libres" "User Commands" 
    33.SH NOM 
    4 pkrefund \- page de manuel de pkrefund 1.25alpha16_unofficial 
     4pkrefund \- page de manuel de pkrefund 1.25alpha18_unofficial 
    6 pkrefund v1.25alpha16_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
     6pkrefund v1.25alpha18_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
    88Refunds jobs. 
    2525\fB\-r\fR | \fB\-\-reason\fR txt 
    2626Sets textual information to explain the refunding. 
     28\fB\-l\fR | \fB\-\-logo\fR img 
     29Use the image as the receipt's logo. The logo will 
     30be drawn at the center top of the page. The default 
     31logo is /usr/share/pykota/logos/pykota.jpeg 
     33\fB\-p\fR | \fB\-\-pagesize\fR sz 
     34Sets sz as the page size. Most well known 
     35page sizes are recognized, like 'A4' or 'Letter' 
     36to name a few. The default size is A4. 
     38\fB\-n\fR | \fB\-\-number\fR N 
     39Sets the number of the first receipt. This number 
     40will automatically be incremented for each receipt. 
     42\fB\-o\fR | \fB\-\-output\fR f.pdf 
     43Defines the name of the PDF file which will contain 
     44the receipts. If not set, then no PDF file will 
     45be created. If set to '\-', then \fB\-\-force\fR is assumed, 
     46and the PDF document is sent to standard output. 
     48\fB\-u\fR | \fB\-\-unit\fR u 
     49Defines the name of the unit to use on the receipts. 
     50The default unit is 'Credits', optionally translated 
     51to your native language if it is supported by PyKota. 
    2853Use the filter expressions to extract only parts of the 
    77102Examples : 
    79 \f(CW$ pkrefund jobid=503\fR 
     104\f(CW$ pkrefund --output /tmp/receipts.pdf jobid=503\fR 
    81106This will refund all jobs which Id is 503. BEWARE : installing CUPS 
    82 afresh will reset the first job id at 1. So you probably want to use 
    83 a more precise filter as explained below 
     107afresh will reset the first job id at 1, so you probably want to use 
     108a more precise filter as explained below. A confirmation will 
     109be asked for each job to refund, and a PDF file named /tmp/receipts.pdf 
     110will be created which will contain printable receipts. 
    85112\f(CW$ pkrefund --reason "Hardware problem" jobid=503 start=today-7\fR 
  • pykota/trunk/man/pt_BR/dumpykota.1

    r3065 r3094  
    22.TH DUMPYKOTA "1" "novembre 2006" "C@LL - Conseil Internet & Logiciels Libres" "User Commands" 
    33.SH NOM 
    4 dumpykota \- page de manuel de dumpykota 1.25alpha16_unofficial 
     4dumpykota \- page de manuel de dumpykota 1.25alpha18_unofficial 
    6 dumpykota v1.25alpha16_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
     6dumpykota v1.25alpha18_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
    88Dumps PyKota database's content. 
    8686Client's hostname 
     89Job's Id 
    8992Job's billing code 
    9598Job's date of printing 
     100Dates formatting with 'start' and 'end' filter keys : 
     102YYYY : year boundaries 
     103YYYYMM : month boundaries 
     104YYYYMMDD : day boundaries 
     105YYYYMMDDhh : hour boundaries 
     106YYYYMMDDhhmm : minute boundaries 
     107YYYYMMDDhhmmss : second boundaries 
     108yesterday[+\-NbDays] : yesterday more or less N days (e.g. : yesterday\-15) 
     109today[+\-NbDays] : today more or less N days (e.g. : today\-15) 
     110tomorrow[+\-NbDays] : tomorrow more or less N days (e.g. : tomorrow\-15) 
     111now[+\-NbDays] : now more or less N days (e.g. now\-15) 
     113\&'now' and 'today' are not exactly the same since today represents the first 
     114or last second of the day depending on if it's used in a start= or end= 
     115date expression. The utility to be able to specify dates in the future is 
     116a question which remains to be answered :\-) 
    97118Contrary to other PyKota management tools, wildcard characters are not 
  • pykota/trunk/man/pt_BR/pkinvoice.1

    r3069 r3094  
    22.TH PKINVOICE "1" "novembre 2006" "C@LL - Conseil Internet & Logiciels Libres" "User Commands" 
    33.SH NOM 
    4 pkinvoice \- page de manuel de pkinvoice 1.25alpha16_unofficial 
     4pkinvoice \- page de manuel de pkinvoice 1.25alpha18_unofficial 
    6 pkinvoice v1.25alpha16_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
     6pkinvoice v1.25alpha18_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
    88An invoice generator for PyKota. 
    1010command line usage : 
    12 pkinvoice [options] user1 user2 ... userN 
     12pkinvoice [options] [filterexpr] 
    1414options : 
    4949exposed. The default is 0.0, meaning no VAT 
    5050information will be included. 
     52Use the filter expressions to extract only parts of the 
     53datas. Allowed filters are of the form : 
     57Allowed keys for now are : 
    52 \fB\-s\fR | \fB\-\-start\fR date 
    53 Sets the starting date for the print jobs invoiced. 
     60User's name 
    55 \fB\-e\fR | \fB\-\-end\fR date 
    56 Sets the ending date for the print jobs invoiced. 
     63Printer's name 
     66Client's hostname 
     69Job's Id 
     72Job's billing code 
     75Job's date of printing 
     78Job's date of printing 
    58 user1 through userN can use wildcards if needed. If no user argument is 
    59 used, a wildcard of '*' is assumed, meaning include all users. 
    60 .IP 
    61 Dates formatting with \fB\-\-start\fR and \fB\-\-end\fR : 
     80Dates formatting with 'start' and 'end' filter keys : 
    6382YYYY : year boundaries 
    7695date expression. The utility to be able to specify dates in the future is 
    7796a question which remains to be answered :\-) 
     98Contrary to other PyKota management tools, wildcard characters are not 
     99expanded, so you can't use them. 
    79101examples : 
    81 \f(CW$ pkinvoice --unit EURO --output invoices.pdf --start=now-30\fR 
     103\f(CW$ pkinvoice --unit EURO --output /tmp/invoices.pdf start=now-30\fR 
    83105Will generate a PDF document containing invoices for all users 
  • pykota/trunk/man/pt_BR/pkrefund.1

    r3069 r3094  
    22.TH PKREFUND "1" "novembre 2006" "C@LL - Conseil Internet & Logiciels Libres" "User Commands" 
    33.SH NOM 
    4 pkrefund \- page de manuel de pkrefund 1.25alpha16_unofficial 
     4pkrefund \- page de manuel de pkrefund 1.25alpha18_unofficial 
    6 pkrefund v1.25alpha16_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
     6pkrefund v1.25alpha18_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
    88Refunds jobs. 
    2525\fB\-r\fR | \fB\-\-reason\fR txt 
    2626Sets textual information to explain the refunding. 
     28\fB\-l\fR | \fB\-\-logo\fR img 
     29Use the image as the receipt's logo. The logo will 
     30be drawn at the center top of the page. The default 
     31logo is /usr/share/pykota/logos/pykota.jpeg 
     33\fB\-p\fR | \fB\-\-pagesize\fR sz 
     34Sets sz as the page size. Most well known 
     35page sizes are recognized, like 'A4' or 'Letter' 
     36to name a few. The default size is A4. 
     38\fB\-n\fR | \fB\-\-number\fR N 
     39Sets the number of the first receipt. This number 
     40will automatically be incremented for each receipt. 
     42\fB\-o\fR | \fB\-\-output\fR f.pdf 
     43Defines the name of the PDF file which will contain 
     44the receipts. If not set, then no PDF file will 
     45be created. If set to '\-', then \fB\-\-force\fR is assumed, 
     46and the PDF document is sent to standard output. 
     48\fB\-u\fR | \fB\-\-unit\fR u 
     49Defines the name of the unit to use on the receipts. 
     50The default unit is 'Credits', optionally translated 
     51to your native language if it is supported by PyKota. 
    2853Use the filter expressions to extract only parts of the 
    77102Examples : 
    79 \f(CW$ pkrefund jobid=503\fR 
     104\f(CW$ pkrefund --output /tmp/receipts.pdf jobid=503\fR 
    81106This will refund all jobs which Id is 503. BEWARE : installing CUPS 
    82 afresh will reset the first job id at 1. So you probably want to use 
    83 a more precise filter as explained below 
     107afresh will reset the first job id at 1, so you probably want to use 
     108a more precise filter as explained below. A confirmation will 
     109be asked for each job to refund, and a PDF file named /tmp/receipts.pdf 
     110will be created which will contain printable receipts. 
    85112\f(CW$ pkrefund --reason "Hardware problem" jobid=503 start=today-7\fR 
  • pykota/trunk/man/pt/dumpykota.1

    r3065 r3094  
    22.TH DUMPYKOTA "1" "novembre 2006" "C@LL - Conseil Internet & Logiciels Libres" "User Commands" 
    33.SH NOM 
    4 dumpykota \- page de manuel de dumpykota 1.25alpha16_unofficial 
     4dumpykota \- page de manuel de dumpykota 1.25alpha18_unofficial 
    6 dumpykota v1.25alpha16_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
     6dumpykota v1.25alpha18_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
    88Dumps PyKota database's content. 
    8686Client's hostname 
     89Job's Id 
    8992Job's billing code 
    9598Job's date of printing 
     100Dates formatting with 'start' and 'end' filter keys : 
     102YYYY : year boundaries 
     103YYYYMM : month boundaries 
     104YYYYMMDD : day boundaries 
     105YYYYMMDDhh : hour boundaries 
     106YYYYMMDDhhmm : minute boundaries 
     107YYYYMMDDhhmmss : second boundaries 
     108yesterday[+\-NbDays] : yesterday more or less N days (e.g. : yesterday\-15) 
     109today[+\-NbDays] : today more or less N days (e.g. : today\-15) 
     110tomorrow[+\-NbDays] : tomorrow more or less N days (e.g. : tomorrow\-15) 
     111now[+\-NbDays] : now more or less N days (e.g. now\-15) 
     113\&'now' and 'today' are not exactly the same since today represents the first 
     114or last second of the day depending on if it's used in a start= or end= 
     115date expression. The utility to be able to specify dates in the future is 
     116a question which remains to be answered :\-) 
    97118Contrary to other PyKota management tools, wildcard characters are not 
  • pykota/trunk/man/pt/pkinvoice.1

    r3069 r3094  
    22.TH PKINVOICE "1" "novembre 2006" "C@LL - Conseil Internet & Logiciels Libres" "User Commands" 
    33.SH NOM 
    4 pkinvoice \- page de manuel de pkinvoice 1.25alpha16_unofficial 
     4pkinvoice \- page de manuel de pkinvoice 1.25alpha18_unofficial 
    6 pkinvoice v1.25alpha16_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
     6pkinvoice v1.25alpha18_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
    88An invoice generator for PyKota. 
    1010command line usage : 
    12 pkinvoice [options] user1 user2 ... userN 
     12pkinvoice [options] [filterexpr] 
    1414options : 
    4949exposed. The default is 0.0, meaning no VAT 
    5050information will be included. 
     52Use the filter expressions to extract only parts of the 
     53datas. Allowed filters are of the form : 
     57Allowed keys for now are : 
    52 \fB\-s\fR | \fB\-\-start\fR date 
    53 Sets the starting date for the print jobs invoiced. 
     60User's name 
    55 \fB\-e\fR | \fB\-\-end\fR date 
    56 Sets the ending date for the print jobs invoiced. 
     63Printer's name 
     66Client's hostname 
     69Job's Id 
     72Job's billing code 
     75Job's date of printing 
     78Job's date of printing 
    58 user1 through userN can use wildcards if needed. If no user argument is 
    59 used, a wildcard of '*' is assumed, meaning include all users. 
    60 .IP 
    61 Dates formatting with \fB\-\-start\fR and \fB\-\-end\fR : 
     80Dates formatting with 'start' and 'end' filter keys : 
    6382YYYY : year boundaries 
    7695date expression. The utility to be able to specify dates in the future is 
    7796a question which remains to be answered :\-) 
     98Contrary to other PyKota management tools, wildcard characters are not 
     99expanded, so you can't use them. 
    79101examples : 
    81 \f(CW$ pkinvoice --unit EURO --output invoices.pdf --start=now-30\fR 
     103\f(CW$ pkinvoice --unit EURO --output /tmp/invoices.pdf start=now-30\fR 
    83105Will generate a PDF document containing invoices for all users 
  • pykota/trunk/man/pt/pkrefund.1

    r3069 r3094  
    22.TH PKREFUND "1" "novembre 2006" "C@LL - Conseil Internet & Logiciels Libres" "User Commands" 
    33.SH NOM 
    4 pkrefund \- page de manuel de pkrefund 1.25alpha16_unofficial 
     4pkrefund \- page de manuel de pkrefund 1.25alpha18_unofficial 
    6 pkrefund v1.25alpha16_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
     6pkrefund v1.25alpha18_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
    88Refunds jobs. 
    2525\fB\-r\fR | \fB\-\-reason\fR txt 
    2626Sets textual information to explain the refunding. 
     28\fB\-l\fR | \fB\-\-logo\fR img 
     29Use the image as the receipt's logo. The logo will 
     30be drawn at the center top of the page. The default 
     31logo is /usr/share/pykota/logos/pykota.jpeg 
     33\fB\-p\fR | \fB\-\-pagesize\fR sz 
     34Sets sz as the page size. Most well known 
     35page sizes are recognized, like 'A4' or 'Letter' 
     36to name a few. The default size is A4. 
     38\fB\-n\fR | \fB\-\-number\fR N 
     39Sets the number of the first receipt. This number 
     40will automatically be incremented for each receipt. 
     42\fB\-o\fR | \fB\-\-output\fR f.pdf 
     43Defines the name of the PDF file which will contain 
     44the receipts. If not set, then no PDF file will 
     45be created. If set to '\-', then \fB\-\-force\fR is assumed, 
     46and the PDF document is sent to standard output. 
     48\fB\-u\fR | \fB\-\-unit\fR u 
     49Defines the name of the unit to use on the receipts. 
     50The default unit is 'Credits', optionally translated 
     51to your native language if it is supported by PyKota. 
    2853Use the filter expressions to extract only parts of the 
    77102Examples : 
    79 \f(CW$ pkrefund jobid=503\fR 
     104\f(CW$ pkrefund --output /tmp/receipts.pdf jobid=503\fR 
    81106This will refund all jobs which Id is 503. BEWARE : installing CUPS 
    82 afresh will reset the first job id at 1. So you probably want to use 
    83 a more precise filter as explained below 
     107afresh will reset the first job id at 1, so you probably want to use 
     108a more precise filter as explained below. A confirmation will 
     109be asked for each job to refund, and a PDF file named /tmp/receipts.pdf 
     110will be created which will contain printable receipts. 
    85112\f(CW$ pkrefund --reason "Hardware problem" jobid=503 start=today-7\fR 
  • pykota/trunk/man/sv_SE/dumpykota.1

    r3065 r3094  
    22.TH DUMPYKOTA "1" "novembre 2006" "C@LL - Conseil Internet & Logiciels Libres" "User Commands" 
    33.SH NOM 
    4 dumpykota \- page de manuel de dumpykota 1.25alpha16_unofficial 
     4dumpykota \- page de manuel de dumpykota 1.25alpha18_unofficial 
    6 dumpykota v1.25alpha16_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
     6dumpykota v1.25alpha18_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
    88Dumps PyKota database's content. 
    8686Client's hostname 
     89Job's Id 
    8992Job's billing code 
    9598Job's date of printing 
     100Dates formatting with 'start' and 'end' filter keys : 
     102YYYY : year boundaries 
     103YYYYMM : month boundaries 
     104YYYYMMDD : day boundaries 
     105YYYYMMDDhh : hour boundaries 
     106YYYYMMDDhhmm : minute boundaries 
     107YYYYMMDDhhmmss : second boundaries 
     108yesterday[+\-NbDays] : yesterday more or less N days (e.g. : yesterday\-15) 
     109today[+\-NbDays] : today more or less N days (e.g. : today\-15) 
     110tomorrow[+\-NbDays] : tomorrow more or less N days (e.g. : tomorrow\-15) 
     111now[+\-NbDays] : now more or less N days (e.g. now\-15) 
     113\&'now' and 'today' are not exactly the same since today represents the first 
     114or last second of the day depending on if it's used in a start= or end= 
     115date expression. The utility to be able to specify dates in the future is 
     116a question which remains to be answered :\-) 
    97118Contrary to other PyKota management tools, wildcard characters are not 
  • pykota/trunk/man/sv_SE/pkinvoice.1

    r3069 r3094  
    22.TH PKINVOICE "1" "novembre 2006" "C@LL - Conseil Internet & Logiciels Libres" "User Commands" 
    33.SH NOM 
    4 pkinvoice \- page de manuel de pkinvoice 1.25alpha16_unofficial 
     4pkinvoice \- page de manuel de pkinvoice 1.25alpha18_unofficial 
    6 pkinvoice v1.25alpha16_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
     6pkinvoice v1.25alpha18_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
    88An invoice generator for PyKota. 
    1010command line usage : 
    12 pkinvoice [options] user1 user2 ... userN 
     12pkinvoice [options] [filterexpr] 
    1414options : 
    4949exposed. The default is 0.0, meaning no VAT 
    5050information will be included. 
     52Use the filter expressions to extract only parts of the 
     53datas. Allowed filters are of the form : 
     57Allowed keys for now are : 
    52 \fB\-s\fR | \fB\-\-start\fR date 
    53 Sets the starting date for the print jobs invoiced. 
     60User's name 
    55 \fB\-e\fR | \fB\-\-end\fR date 
    56 Sets the ending date for the print jobs invoiced. 
     63Printer's name 
     66Client's hostname 
     69Job's Id 
     72Job's billing code 
     75Job's date of printing 
     78Job's date of printing 
    58 user1 through userN can use wildcards if needed. If no user argument is 
    59 used, a wildcard of '*' is assumed, meaning include all users. 
    60 .IP 
    61 Dates formatting with \fB\-\-start\fR and \fB\-\-end\fR : 
     80Dates formatting with 'start' and 'end' filter keys : 
    6382YYYY : year boundaries 
    7695date expression. The utility to be able to specify dates in the future is 
    7796a question which remains to be answered :\-) 
     98Contrary to other PyKota management tools, wildcard characters are not 
     99expanded, so you can't use them. 
    79101examples : 
    81 \f(CW$ pkinvoice --unit EURO --output invoices.pdf --start=now-30\fR 
     103\f(CW$ pkinvoice --unit EURO --output /tmp/invoices.pdf start=now-30\fR 
    83105Will generate a PDF document containing invoices for all users 
  • pykota/trunk/man/sv_SE/pkrefund.1

    r3069 r3094  
    22.TH PKREFUND "1" "novembre 2006" "C@LL - Conseil Internet & Logiciels Libres" "User Commands" 
    33.SH NOM 
    4 pkrefund \- page de manuel de pkrefund 1.25alpha16_unofficial 
     4pkrefund \- page de manuel de pkrefund 1.25alpha18_unofficial 
    6 pkrefund v1.25alpha16_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
     6pkrefund v1.25alpha18_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
    88Refunds jobs. 
    2525\fB\-r\fR | \fB\-\-reason\fR txt 
    2626Sets textual information to explain the refunding. 
     28\fB\-l\fR | \fB\-\-logo\fR img 
     29Use the image as the receipt's logo. The logo will 
     30be drawn at the center top of the page. The default 
     31logo is /usr/share/pykota/logos/pykota.jpeg 
     33\fB\-p\fR | \fB\-\-pagesize\fR sz 
     34Sets sz as the page size. Most well known 
     35page sizes are recognized, like 'A4' or 'Letter' 
     36to name a few. The default size is A4. 
     38\fB\-n\fR | \fB\-\-number\fR N 
     39Sets the number of the first receipt. This number 
     40will automatically be incremented for each receipt. 
     42\fB\-o\fR | \fB\-\-output\fR f.pdf 
     43Defines the name of the PDF file which will contain 
     44the receipts. If not set, then no PDF file will 
     45be created. If set to '\-', then \fB\-\-force\fR is assumed, 
     46and the PDF document is sent to standard output. 
     48\fB\-u\fR | \fB\-\-unit\fR u 
     49Defines the name of the unit to use on the receipts. 
     50The default unit is 'Credits', optionally translated 
     51to your native language if it is supported by PyKota. 
    2853Use the filter expressions to extract only parts of the 
    77102Examples : 
    79 \f(CW$ pkrefund jobid=503\fR 
     104\f(CW$ pkrefund --output /tmp/receipts.pdf jobid=503\fR 
    81106This will refund all jobs which Id is 503. BEWARE : installing CUPS 
    82 afresh will reset the first job id at 1. So you probably want to use 
    83 a more precise filter as explained below 
     107afresh will reset the first job id at 1, so you probably want to use 
     108a more precise filter as explained below. A confirmation will 
     109be asked for each job to refund, and a PDF file named /tmp/receipts.pdf 
     110will be created which will contain printable receipts. 
    85112\f(CW$ pkrefund --reason "Hardware problem" jobid=503 start=today-7\fR 
  • pykota/trunk/man/th/dumpykota.1

    r3065 r3094  
    22.TH DUMPYKOTA "1" "novembre 2006" "C@LL - Conseil Internet & Logiciels Libres" "User Commands" 
    33.SH NOM 
    4 dumpykota \- page de manuel de dumpykota 1.25alpha16_unofficial 
     4dumpykota \- page de manuel de dumpykota 1.25alpha18_unofficial 
    6 dumpykota v1.25alpha16_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
     6dumpykota v1.25alpha18_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
    88Dumps PyKota database's content. 
    8686Client's hostname 
     89Job's Id 
    8992Job's billing code 
    9598Job's date of printing 
     100Dates formatting with 'start' and 'end' filter keys : 
     102YYYY : year boundaries 
     103YYYYMM : month boundaries 
     104YYYYMMDD : day boundaries 
     105YYYYMMDDhh : hour boundaries 
     106YYYYMMDDhhmm : minute boundaries 
     107YYYYMMDDhhmmss : second boundaries 
     108yesterday[+\-NbDays] : yesterday more or less N days (e.g. : yesterday\-15) 
     109today[+\-NbDays] : today more or less N days (e.g. : today\-15) 
     110tomorrow[+\-NbDays] : tomorrow more or less N days (e.g. : tomorrow\-15) 
     111now[+\-NbDays] : now more or less N days (e.g. now\-15) 
     113\&'now' and 'today' are not exactly the same since today represents the first 
     114or last second of the day depending on if it's used in a start= or end= 
     115date expression. The utility to be able to specify dates in the future is 
     116a question which remains to be answered :\-) 
    97118Contrary to other PyKota management tools, wildcard characters are not 
  • pykota/trunk/man/th/pkinvoice.1

    r3069 r3094  
    22.TH PKINVOICE "1" "novembre 2006" "C@LL - Conseil Internet & Logiciels Libres" "User Commands" 
    33.SH NOM 
    4 pkinvoice \- page de manuel de pkinvoice 1.25alpha16_unofficial 
     4pkinvoice \- page de manuel de pkinvoice 1.25alpha18_unofficial 
    6 pkinvoice v1.25alpha16_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
     6pkinvoice v1.25alpha18_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
    88An invoice generator for PyKota. 
    1010command line usage : 
    12 pkinvoice [options] user1 user2 ... userN 
     12pkinvoice [options] [filterexpr] 
    1414options : 
    4949exposed. The default is 0.0, meaning no VAT 
    5050information will be included. 
     52Use the filter expressions to extract only parts of the 
     53datas. Allowed filters are of the form : 
     57Allowed keys for now are : 
    52 \fB\-s\fR | \fB\-\-start\fR date 
    53 Sets the starting date for the print jobs invoiced. 
     60User's name 
    55 \fB\-e\fR | \fB\-\-end\fR date 
    56 Sets the ending date for the print jobs invoiced. 
     63Printer's name 
     66Client's hostname 
     69Job's Id 
     72Job's billing code 
     75Job's date of printing 
     78Job's date of printing 
    58 user1 through userN can use wildcards if needed. If no user argument is 
    59 used, a wildcard of '*' is assumed, meaning include all users. 
    60 .IP 
    61 Dates formatting with \fB\-\-start\fR and \fB\-\-end\fR : 
     80Dates formatting with 'start' and 'end' filter keys : 
    6382YYYY : year boundaries 
    7695date expression. The utility to be able to specify dates in the future is 
    7796a question which remains to be answered :\-) 
     98Contrary to other PyKota management tools, wildcard characters are not 
     99expanded, so you can't use them. 
    79101examples : 
    81 \f(CW$ pkinvoice --unit EURO --output invoices.pdf --start=now-30\fR 
     103\f(CW$ pkinvoice --unit EURO --output /tmp/invoices.pdf start=now-30\fR 
    83105Will generate a PDF document containing invoices for all users 
  • pykota/trunk/man/th/pkrefund.1

    r3069 r3094  
    22.TH PKREFUND "1" "novembre 2006" "C@LL - Conseil Internet & Logiciels Libres" "User Commands" 
    33.SH NOM 
    4 pkrefund \- page de manuel de pkrefund 1.25alpha16_unofficial 
     4pkrefund \- page de manuel de pkrefund 1.25alpha18_unofficial 
    6 pkrefund v1.25alpha16_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
     6pkrefund v1.25alpha18_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
    88Refunds jobs. 
    2525\fB\-r\fR | \fB\-\-reason\fR txt 
    2626Sets textual information to explain the refunding. 
     28\fB\-l\fR | \fB\-\-logo\fR img 
     29Use the image as the receipt's logo. The logo will 
     30be drawn at the center top of the page. The default 
     31logo is /usr/share/pykota/logos/pykota.jpeg 
     33\fB\-p\fR | \fB\-\-pagesize\fR sz 
     34Sets sz as the page size. Most well known 
     35page sizes are recognized, like 'A4' or 'Letter' 
     36to name a few. The default size is A4. 
     38\fB\-n\fR | \fB\-\-number\fR N 
     39Sets the number of the first receipt. This number 
     40will automatically be incremented for each receipt. 
     42\fB\-o\fR | \fB\-\-output\fR f.pdf 
     43Defines the name of the PDF file which will contain 
     44the receipts. If not set, then no PDF file will 
     45be created. If set to '\-', then \fB\-\-force\fR is assumed, 
     46and the PDF document is sent to standard output. 
     48\fB\-u\fR | \fB\-\-unit\fR u 
     49Defines the name of the unit to use on the receipts. 
     50The default unit is 'Credits', optionally translated 
     51to your native language if it is supported by PyKota. 
    2853Use the filter expressions to extract only parts of the 
    77102Examples : 
    79 \f(CW$ pkrefund jobid=503\fR 
     104\f(CW$ pkrefund --output /tmp/receipts.pdf jobid=503\fR 
    81106This will refund all jobs which Id is 503. BEWARE : installing CUPS 
    82 afresh will reset the first job id at 1. So you probably want to use 
    83 a more precise filter as explained below 
     107afresh will reset the first job id at 1, so you probably want to use 
     108a more precise filter as explained below. A confirmation will 
     109be asked for each job to refund, and a PDF file named /tmp/receipts.pdf 
     110will be created which will contain printable receipts. 
    85112\f(CW$ pkrefund --reason "Hardware problem" jobid=503 start=today-7\fR 
  • pykota/trunk/man/tr/dumpykota.1

    r3065 r3094  
    22.TH DUMPYKOTA "1" "novembre 2006" "C@LL - Conseil Internet & Logiciels Libres" "User Commands" 
    33.SH NOM 
    4 dumpykota \- page de manuel de dumpykota 1.25alpha16_unofficial 
     4dumpykota \- page de manuel de dumpykota 1.25alpha18_unofficial 
    6 dumpykota v1.25alpha16_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
     6dumpykota v1.25alpha18_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
    88Dumps PyKota database's content. 
    8686Client's hostname 
     89Job's Id 
    8992Job's billing code 
    9598Job's date of printing 
     100Dates formatting with 'start' and 'end' filter keys : 
     102YYYY : year boundaries 
     103YYYYMM : month boundaries 
     104YYYYMMDD : day boundaries 
     105YYYYMMDDhh : hour boundaries 
     106YYYYMMDDhhmm : minute boundaries 
     107YYYYMMDDhhmmss : second boundaries 
     108yesterday[+\-NbDays] : yesterday more or less N days (e.g. : yesterday\-15) 
     109today[+\-NbDays] : today more or less N days (e.g. : today\-15) 
     110tomorrow[+\-NbDays] : tomorrow more or less N days (e.g. : tomorrow\-15) 
     111now[+\-NbDays] : now more or less N days (e.g. now\-15) 
     113\&'now' and 'today' are not exactly the same since today represents the first 
     114or last second of the day depending on if it's used in a start= or end= 
     115date expression. The utility to be able to specify dates in the future is 
     116a question which remains to be answered :\-) 
    97118Contrary to other PyKota management tools, wildcard characters are not 
  • pykota/trunk/man/tr/pkinvoice.1

    r3069 r3094  
    22.TH PKINVOICE "1" "novembre 2006" "C@LL - Conseil Internet & Logiciels Libres" "User Commands" 
    33.SH NOM 
    4 pkinvoice \- page de manuel de pkinvoice 1.25alpha16_unofficial 
     4pkinvoice \- page de manuel de pkinvoice 1.25alpha18_unofficial 
    6 pkinvoice v1.25alpha16_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
     6pkinvoice v1.25alpha18_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
    88An invoice generator for PyKota. 
    1010command line usage : 
    12 pkinvoice [options] user1 user2 ... userN 
     12pkinvoice [options] [filterexpr] 
    1414options : 
    4949exposed. The default is 0.0, meaning no VAT 
    5050information will be included. 
     52Use the filter expressions to extract only parts of the 
     53datas. Allowed filters are of the form : 
     57Allowed keys for now are : 
    52 \fB\-s\fR | \fB\-\-start\fR date 
    53 Sets the starting date for the print jobs invoiced. 
     60User's name 
    55 \fB\-e\fR | \fB\-\-end\fR date 
    56 Sets the ending date for the print jobs invoiced. 
     63Printer's name 
     66Client's hostname 
     69Job's Id 
     72Job's billing code 
     75Job's date of printing 
     78Job's date of printing 
    58 user1 through userN can use wildcards if needed. If no user argument is 
    59 used, a wildcard of '*' is assumed, meaning include all users. 
    60 .IP 
    61 Dates formatting with \fB\-\-start\fR and \fB\-\-end\fR : 
     80Dates formatting with 'start' and 'end' filter keys : 
    6382YYYY : year boundaries 
    7695date expression. The utility to be able to specify dates in the future is 
    7796a question which remains to be answered :\-) 
     98Contrary to other PyKota management tools, wildcard characters are not 
     99expanded, so you can't use them. 
    79101examples : 
    81 \f(CW$ pkinvoice --unit EURO --output invoices.pdf --start=now-30\fR 
     103\f(CW$ pkinvoice --unit EURO --output /tmp/invoices.pdf start=now-30\fR 
    83105Will generate a PDF document containing invoices for all users 
  • pykota/trunk/man/tr/pkrefund.1

    r3069 r3094  
    22.TH PKREFUND "1" "novembre 2006" "C@LL - Conseil Internet & Logiciels Libres" "User Commands" 
    33.SH NOM 
    4 pkrefund \- page de manuel de pkrefund 1.25alpha16_unofficial 
     4pkrefund \- page de manuel de pkrefund 1.25alpha18_unofficial 
    6 pkrefund v1.25alpha16_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
     6pkrefund v1.25alpha18_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
    88Refunds jobs. 
    2525\fB\-r\fR | \fB\-\-reason\fR txt 
    2626Sets textual information to explain the refunding. 
     28\fB\-l\fR | \fB\-\-logo\fR img 
     29Use the image as the receipt's logo. The logo will 
     30be drawn at the center top of the page. The default 
     31logo is /usr/share/pykota/logos/pykota.jpeg 
     33\fB\-p\fR | \fB\-\-pagesize\fR sz 
     34Sets sz as the page size. Most well known 
     35page sizes are recognized, like 'A4' or 'Letter' 
     36to name a few. The default size is A4. 
     38\fB\-n\fR | \fB\-\-number\fR N 
     39Sets the number of the first receipt. This number 
     40will automatically be incremented for each receipt. 
     42\fB\-o\fR | \fB\-\-output\fR f.pdf 
     43Defines the name of the PDF file which will contain 
     44the receipts. If not set, then no PDF file will 
     45be created. If set to '\-', then \fB\-\-force\fR is assumed, 
     46and the PDF document is sent to standard output. 
     48\fB\-u\fR | \fB\-\-unit\fR u 
     49Defines the name of the unit to use on the receipts. 
     50The default unit is 'Credits', optionally translated 
     51to your native language if it is supported by PyKota. 
    2853Use the filter expressions to extract only parts of the 
    77102Examples : 
    79 \f(CW$ pkrefund jobid=503\fR 
     104\f(CW$ pkrefund --output /tmp/receipts.pdf jobid=503\fR 
    81106This will refund all jobs which Id is 503. BEWARE : installing CUPS 
    82 afresh will reset the first job id at 1. So you probably want to use 
    83 a more precise filter as explained below 
     107afresh will reset the first job id at 1, so you probably want to use 
     108a more precise filter as explained below. A confirmation will 
     109be asked for each job to refund, and a PDF file named /tmp/receipts.pdf 
     110will be created which will contain printable receipts. 
    85112\f(CW$ pkrefund --reason "Hardware problem" jobid=503 start=today-7\fR 
  • pykota/trunk/man/zh_TW/dumpykota.1

    r3065 r3094  
    22.TH DUMPYKOTA "1" "novembre 2006" "C@LL - Conseil Internet & Logiciels Libres" "User Commands" 
    33.SH NOM 
    4 dumpykota \- page de manuel de dumpykota 1.25alpha16_unofficial 
     4dumpykota \- page de manuel de dumpykota 1.25alpha18_unofficial 
    6 dumpykota v1.25alpha16_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
     6dumpykota v1.25alpha18_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
    88Dumps PyKota database's content. 
    8686Client's hostname 
     89Job's Id 
    8992Job's billing code 
    9598Job's date of printing 
     100Dates formatting with 'start' and 'end' filter keys : 
     102YYYY : year boundaries 
     103YYYYMM : month boundaries 
     104YYYYMMDD : day boundaries 
     105YYYYMMDDhh : hour boundaries 
     106YYYYMMDDhhmm : minute boundaries 
     107YYYYMMDDhhmmss : second boundaries 
     108yesterday[+\-NbDays] : yesterday more or less N days (e.g. : yesterday\-15) 
     109today[+\-NbDays] : today more or less N days (e.g. : today\-15) 
     110tomorrow[+\-NbDays] : tomorrow more or less N days (e.g. : tomorrow\-15) 
     111now[+\-NbDays] : now more or less N days (e.g. now\-15) 
     113\&'now' and 'today' are not exactly the same since today represents the first 
     114or last second of the day depending on if it's used in a start= or end= 
     115date expression. The utility to be able to specify dates in the future is 
     116a question which remains to be answered :\-) 
    97118Contrary to other PyKota management tools, wildcard characters are not 
  • pykota/trunk/man/zh_TW/pkinvoice.1

    r3069 r3094  
    22.TH PKINVOICE "1" "novembre 2006" "C@LL - Conseil Internet & Logiciels Libres" "User Commands" 
    33.SH NOM 
    4 pkinvoice \- page de manuel de pkinvoice 1.25alpha16_unofficial 
     4pkinvoice \- page de manuel de pkinvoice 1.25alpha18_unofficial 
    6 pkinvoice v1.25alpha16_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
     6pkinvoice v1.25alpha18_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
    88An invoice generator for PyKota. 
    1010command line usage : 
    12 pkinvoice [options] user1 user2 ... userN 
     12pkinvoice [options] [filterexpr] 
    1414options : 
    4949exposed. The default is 0.0, meaning no VAT 
    5050information will be included. 
     52Use the filter expressions to extract only parts of the 
     53datas. Allowed filters are of the form : 
     57Allowed keys for now are : 
    52 \fB\-s\fR | \fB\-\-start\fR date 
    53 Sets the starting date for the print jobs invoiced. 
     60User's name 
    55 \fB\-e\fR | \fB\-\-end\fR date 
    56 Sets the ending date for the print jobs invoiced. 
     63Printer's name 
     66Client's hostname 
     69Job's Id 
     72Job's billing code 
     75Job's date of printing 
     78Job's date of printing 
    58 user1 through userN can use wildcards if needed. If no user argument is 
    59 used, a wildcard of '*' is assumed, meaning include all users. 
    60 .IP 
    61 Dates formatting with \fB\-\-start\fR and \fB\-\-end\fR : 
     80Dates formatting with 'start' and 'end' filter keys : 
    6382YYYY : year boundaries 
    7695date expression. The utility to be able to specify dates in the future is 
    7796a question which remains to be answered :\-) 
     98Contrary to other PyKota management tools, wildcard characters are not 
     99expanded, so you can't use them. 
    79101examples : 
    81 \f(CW$ pkinvoice --unit EURO --output invoices.pdf --start=now-30\fR 
     103\f(CW$ pkinvoice --unit EURO --output /tmp/invoices.pdf start=now-30\fR 
    83105Will generate a PDF document containing invoices for all users 
  • pykota/trunk/man/zh_TW/pkrefund.1

    r3069 r3094  
    22.TH PKREFUND "1" "novembre 2006" "C@LL - Conseil Internet & Logiciels Libres" "User Commands" 
    33.SH NOM 
    4 pkrefund \- page de manuel de pkrefund 1.25alpha16_unofficial 
     4pkrefund \- page de manuel de pkrefund 1.25alpha18_unofficial 
    6 pkrefund v1.25alpha16_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
     6pkrefund v1.25alpha18_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet \- 
    88Refunds jobs. 
    2525\fB\-r\fR | \fB\-\-reason\fR txt 
    2626Sets textual information to explain the refunding. 
     28\fB\-l\fR | \fB\-\-logo\fR img 
     29Use the image as the receipt's logo. The logo will 
     30be drawn at the center top of the page. The default 
     31logo is /usr/share/pykota/logos/pykota.jpeg 
     33\fB\-p\fR | \fB\-\-pagesize\fR sz 
     34Sets sz as the page size. Most well known 
     35page sizes are recognized, like 'A4' or 'Letter' 
     36to name a few. The default size is A4. 
     38\fB\-n\fR | \fB\-\-number\fR N 
     39Sets the number of the first receipt. This number 
     40will automatically be incremented for each receipt. 
     42\fB\-o\fR | \fB\-\-output\fR f.pdf 
     43Defines the name of the PDF file which will contain 
     44the receipts. If not set, then no PDF file will 
     45be created. If set to '\-', then \fB\-\-force\fR is assumed, 
     46and the PDF document is sent to standard output. 
     48\fB\-u\fR | \fB\-\-unit\fR u 
     49Defines the name of the unit to use on the receipts. 
     50The default unit is 'Credits', optionally translated 
     51to your native language if it is supported by PyKota. 
    2853Use the filter expressions to extract only parts of the 
    77102Examples : 
    79 \f(CW$ pkrefund jobid=503\fR 
     104\f(CW$ pkrefund --output /tmp/receipts.pdf jobid=503\fR 
    81106This will refund all jobs which Id is 503. BEWARE : installing CUPS 
    82 afresh will reset the first job id at 1. So you probably want to use 
    83 a more precise filter as explained below 
     107afresh will reset the first job id at 1, so you probably want to use 
     108a more precise filter as explained below. A confirmation will 
     109be asked for each job to refund, and a PDF file named /tmp/receipts.pdf 
     110will be created which will contain printable receipts. 
    85112\f(CW$ pkrefund --reason "Hardware problem" jobid=503 start=today-7\fR 
  • pykota/trunk/po/fr/pykota.po

    r3092 r3094  
    24912491"         end            Job's date of printing\n" 
    24922492"         \n" 
     2493"  Dates formatting with 'start' and 'end' filter keys :\n" 
     2494"  \n" 
     2495"    YYYY : year boundaries\n" 
     2496"    YYYYMM : month boundaries\n" 
     2497"    YYYYMMDD : day boundaries\n" 
     2498"    YYYYMMDDhh : hour boundaries\n" 
     2499"    YYYYMMDDhhmm : minute boundaries\n" 
     2500"    YYYYMMDDhhmmss : second boundaries\n" 
     2501"    yesterday[+-NbDays] : yesterday more or less N days (e.g. : yesterday-" 
     2503"    today[+-NbDays] : today more or less N days (e.g. : today-15)\n" 
     2504"    tomorrow[+-NbDays] : tomorrow more or less N days (e.g. : tomorrow-15)\n" 
     2505"    now[+-NbDays] : now more or less N days (e.g. now-15)\n" 
     2507"  'now' and 'today' are not exactly the same since today represents the " 
     2509"  or last second of the day depending on if it's used in a start= or end=\n" 
     2510"  date expression. The utility to be able to specify dates in the future is\n" 
     2511"  a question which remains to be answered :-)\n" 
     2512"  \n" 
    24932513"  Contrary to other PyKota management tools, wildcard characters are not \n" 
    24942514"  expanded, so you can't use them.\n" 
    25952615"         end            Date du travail d'impression\n" 
    25962616"         \n" 
     2617"  Formatage des dates avec les cl�'start' et 'end' :\n" 
     2618"  \n" 
     2619"    AAAA : limites d'ann�n" 
     2620"    AAAAMM : limites de mois\n" 
     2621"    AAAAMMJJ : limites de jour\n" 
     2622"    AAAAMMJJhh : limites d'heures\n" 
     2623"    AAAAMMJJhhmm : limites de minutes\n" 
     2624"    AAAAMMJJhhmmss : limites de secondes\n" 
     2625"    yesterday[+-NbJours] : hier plus ou moins N jours (ex : yesterday-15)\n" 
     2626"    today[+-NbJours] : aujoud'hui plus ou moins N jours (ex : today-15)\n" 
     2627"    tomorrow[+-NbJours] : demain plus ou moins N jours (ex : tomorrow-15)\n" 
     2628"    now[+-NbJours] : maintenant plus ou moins N jours (ex : now-15)\n" 
     2630"  'now' et 'today' ne sont pas exactement identiques car today repr�nte\n" 
     2631"  la premi� ou la derni� seconde du jour selon qu'il soit utilis�vec\n" 
     2632"  une expression de type start= ou end=.\n" 
     2633"  L'utilit�e pouvoir sp�fier une date dans le future est une question\n" 
     2634"  qui reste ouverte :-)\n" 
    25972636"  Contrairement aux autres outils d'administration de PyKota, les " 
  • pykota/trunk/po/pykota.pot

    r3092 r3094  
    15621562"         end            Job's date of printing\n" 
    15631563"         \n" 
     1564"  Dates formatting with 'start' and 'end' filter keys :\n" 
     1565"  \n" 
     1566"    YYYY : year boundaries\n" 
     1567"    YYYYMM : month boundaries\n" 
     1568"    YYYYMMDD : day boundaries\n" 
     1569"    YYYYMMDDhh : hour boundaries\n" 
     1570"    YYYYMMDDhhmm : minute boundaries\n" 
     1571"    YYYYMMDDhhmmss : second boundaries\n" 
     1572"    yesterday[+-NbDays] : yesterday more or less N days (e.g. : yesterday-15)\n" 
     1573"    today[+-NbDays] : today more or less N days (e.g. : today-15)\n" 
     1574"    tomorrow[+-NbDays] : tomorrow more or less N days (e.g. : tomorrow-15)\n" 
     1575"    now[+-NbDays] : now more or less N days (e.g. now-15)\n" 
     1577"  'now' and 'today' are not exactly the same since today represents the first\n" 
     1578"  or last second of the day depending on if it's used in a start= or end=\n" 
     1579"  date expression. The utility to be able to specify dates in the future is\n" 
     1580"  a question which remains to be answered :-)\n" 
     1581"  \n" 
    15641582"  Contrary to other PyKota management tools, wildcard characters are not \n" 
    15651583"  expanded, so you can't use them.\n"