Changeset 2824 for pykota/trunk/man

03/30/06 21:58:19 (18 years ago)

Fixed pknotify's documentation again. I think I'm tired...

14 modified


  • pykota/trunk/man/de/pknotify.1

    r2823 r2824  
    6565\fB\-t\fR | \fB\-\-timeout\fR T 
    6666Tells pknotify to ignore the end user's answer if 
    67 it comes pas T seconds after the dialog box being 
     67it comes past T seconds after the dialog box being 
    6868opened. The default value is 0 seconds, which 
    6969tells pknotify to wait indefinitely. 
  • pykota/trunk/man/el_GR/pknotify.1

    r2823 r2824  
    6565\fB\-t\fR | \fB\-\-timeout\fR T 
    6666Tells pknotify to ignore the end user's answer if 
    67 it comes pas T seconds after the dialog box being 
     67it comes past T seconds after the dialog box being 
    6868opened. The default value is 0 seconds, which 
    6969tells pknotify to wait indefinitely. 
  • pykota/trunk/man/es/pknotify.1

    r2823 r2824  
    6565\fB\-t\fR | \fB\-\-timeout\fR T 
    6666Tells pknotify to ignore the end user's answer if 
    67 it comes pas T seconds after the dialog box being 
     67it comes past T seconds after the dialog box being 
    6868opened. The default value is 0 seconds, which 
    6969tells pknotify to wait indefinitely. 
  • pykota/trunk/man/fr/pknotify.1

    r2823 r2824  
    6161\fB\-q\fR | \fB\-\-quit\fR 
    62 Tells pknotify to send a message asking the 
    63 PyKotIcon application to exit. This option can 
    64 be combined with the other ones to make PyKotIcon 
    65 exit after having sent the answer from the dialog. 
     62Indique �knotify d'envoyer un message demandant 
     63�'application PyKotIcon de quitter. Cette option 
     64peut �e combin�avec les autres pour faire en 
     65sort que PyKotIcon quitte apr�avoir renvoy�a 
     66r�nse de la boite de dialogue. 
    6768\fB\-t\fR | \fB\-\-timeout\fR T 
    68 Tells pknotify to ignore the end user's answer if 
    69 it comes pas T seconds after the dialog box being 
    70 opened. The default value is 0 seconds, which 
    71 tells pknotify to wait indefinitely. 
    72 Use this option to avoid having an user who 
    73 leaved his computer stall a whole print queue. 
     69Indique �knotify d'ignorer la r�nse venant de 
     70l'utilisateur s'il a mis plus de T secondes ��ndre apr�que la boite de dialogue ait � 
     71ouverte. La valeur par d�ut est 0 seconde, qui 
     72indique �knotify d'attendre ind�niment. 
     73Utilisez cette option pour �ter qu'un 
     74utilisateur qui a quitt�on ordinateur ne 
     75bloque inutilement la file d'impression. 
    7577You MUST specify either \fB\-\-ask\fR, \fB\-\-confirm\fR, \fB\-\-notify\fR or \fB\-\-quit\fR. 
  • pykota/trunk/man/it/pknotify.1

    r2823 r2824  
    6565\fB\-t\fR | \fB\-\-timeout\fR T 
    6666Tells pknotify to ignore the end user's answer if 
    67 it comes pas T seconds after the dialog box being 
     67it comes past T seconds after the dialog box being 
    6868opened. The default value is 0 seconds, which 
    6969tells pknotify to wait indefinitely. 
  • pykota/trunk/man/nb_NO/pknotify.1

    r2823 r2824  
    6565\fB\-t\fR | \fB\-\-timeout\fR T 
    6666Tells pknotify to ignore the end user's answer if 
    67 it comes pas T seconds after the dialog box being 
     67it comes past T seconds after the dialog box being 
    6868opened. The default value is 0 seconds, which 
    6969tells pknotify to wait indefinitely. 
  • pykota/trunk/man/pknotify.1

    r2823 r2824  
    6565\fB\-t\fR | \fB\-\-timeout\fR T 
    6666Tells pknotify to ignore the end user's answer if 
    67 it comes pas T seconds after the dialog box being 
     67it comes past T seconds after the dialog box being 
    6868opened. The default value is 0 seconds, which 
    6969tells pknotify to wait indefinitely. 
  • pykota/trunk/man/pl/pknotify.1

    r2823 r2824  
    6565\fB\-t\fR | \fB\-\-timeout\fR T 
    6666Tells pknotify to ignore the end user's answer if 
    67 it comes pas T seconds after the dialog box being 
     67it comes past T seconds after the dialog box being 
    6868opened. The default value is 0 seconds, which 
    6969tells pknotify to wait indefinitely. 
  • pykota/trunk/man/pt_BR/pknotify.1

    r2823 r2824  
    6565\fB\-t\fR | \fB\-\-timeout\fR T 
    6666Tells pknotify to ignore the end user's answer if 
    67 it comes pas T seconds after the dialog box being 
     67it comes past T seconds after the dialog box being 
    6868opened. The default value is 0 seconds, which 
    6969tells pknotify to wait indefinitely. 
  • pykota/trunk/man/pt/pknotify.1

    r2823 r2824  
    6565\fB\-t\fR | \fB\-\-timeout\fR T 
    6666Tells pknotify to ignore the end user's answer if 
    67 it comes pas T seconds after the dialog box being 
     67it comes past T seconds after the dialog box being 
    6868opened. The default value is 0 seconds, which 
    6969tells pknotify to wait indefinitely. 
  • pykota/trunk/man/sv_SE/pknotify.1

    r2823 r2824  
    6565\fB\-t\fR | \fB\-\-timeout\fR T 
    6666Tells pknotify to ignore the end user's answer if 
    67 it comes pas T seconds after the dialog box being 
     67it comes past T seconds after the dialog box being 
    6868opened. The default value is 0 seconds, which 
    6969tells pknotify to wait indefinitely. 
  • pykota/trunk/man/th/pknotify.1

    r2823 r2824  
    6565\fB\-t\fR | \fB\-\-timeout\fR T 
    6666Tells pknotify to ignore the end user's answer if 
    67 it comes pas T seconds after the dialog box being 
     67it comes past T seconds after the dialog box being 
    6868opened. The default value is 0 seconds, which 
    6969tells pknotify to wait indefinitely. 
  • pykota/trunk/man/tr/pknotify.1

    r2823 r2824  
    6565\fB\-t\fR | \fB\-\-timeout\fR T 
    6666Tells pknotify to ignore the end user's answer if 
    67 it comes pas T seconds after the dialog box being 
     67it comes past T seconds after the dialog box being 
    6868opened. The default value is 0 seconds, which 
    6969tells pknotify to wait indefinitely. 
  • pykota/trunk/man/zh_TW/pknotify.1

    r2823 r2824  
    6565\fB\-t\fR | \fB\-\-timeout\fR T 
    6666Tells pknotify to ignore the end user's answer if 
    67 it comes pas T seconds after the dialog box being 
     67it comes past T seconds after the dialog box being 
    6868opened. The default value is 0 seconds, which 
    6969tells pknotify to wait indefinitely.