06/18/05 00:03:56 (19 years ago)

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1 modified


  • tea4cups/trunk/tea4cups.conf

    r645 r648  
    8383# since the first one may be empty depending on your printer driver. 
    85 # Some hooks : prehooks and posthooks 
     85# Some prehooks and posthooks 
    8787# Prehooks are guaranteed to be launched 
    9595# An additionnal environment variable is made available to posthooks, 
    9696# named TEASTATUS which contains the exitcode of the real CUPS backend. 
    97 # The normal value is 0, meaning that the real CUPS backend exited 
     97# If defined, the normal value is 0, meaning that the real CUPS backend exited 
    9898# successfully. Any other value indicates that a problem occured 
    9999# in the CUPS backend which handles the transmission of the job 
    134134# The prehook will use the history file to filter out duplicate jobs 
    135135# checkdupes is an hypothetical command which exits -1 if the current print 
    136 # job is a duplicate (same MD5 sum already found in history) 
     136# job is a duplicate (same MD5 sum already found in history). 
     138# NB : Beware of some software which embed the job printing time into the 
     139# PostScript job : two identical jobs may have different MD5 checksums 
     140# if they differ only by the value of the '%%CreationDate:' PostScript  
     141# comment ! 
    137142#prehook_to_filter_duplicates : /usr/local/bin/checkdupes $TEAMD5SUM /tmp/jobmd5sums 
    138143#posthook_to_filter_duplicates : echo "$TEAJOBID : $TEAMD5SUM" >>/tmp/jobmd5sums 
     145# A particular prehook can send datas to the posthook 
     146# of the same name automatically through pipes : 
     147# The file /tmp/result1 will contain the output of prehook_dialog1 
     148# prehook_dialog1 : echo "This is pipe #1" 
     149# posthook_dialog1 : cat >/tmp/result1 
     150# The file /tmp/result2 will contain the output of prehook_dialog2 
     151# prehook_dialog2 : echo "This is pipe #2" 
     152# posthook_dialog2 : cat >/tmp/result2