03/06/05 17:52:43 (19 years ago)

Removed all references to $Log$

1 modified


  • pykota/trunk/pykota/storages/

    r2146 r2147  
    2121# $Id$ 
    22 # 
    23 # $Log$ 
    24 # Revision 1.67  2005/02/16 00:29:33  jalet 
    25 # Fixed the maxdenybanners directive. 
    26 # Introduced the denyduplicates directive. 
    27 # Fixed some database related glitches. 
    28 # 
    29 # Revision 1.66  2005/02/13 22:48:38  jalet 
    30 # Added the md5sum to the history 
    31 # 
    32 # Revision 1.65  2005/02/13 22:02:29  jalet 
    33 # Big database structure changes. Upgrade script is now included as well as 
    34 # the new LDAP schema. 
    35 # Introduction of the -o | --overcharge command line option to edpykota. 
    36 # The output of repykota is more complete, but doesn't fit in 80 columns anymore. 
    37 # Introduction of the new 'maxdenybanners' directive. 
    38 # 
    39 # Revision 1.64  2005/01/18 19:47:50  jalet 
    40 # Big bug fix wrt the datelimit attribute 
    41 # 
    42 # Revision 1.63  2005/01/01 08:16:17  jalet 
    43 # Fixed a problem which occured when 'limitby' was unset in the PostgreSQL 
    44 # database 
    45 # 
    46 # Revision 1.62  2004/12/21 16:19:44  jalet 
    47 # Fixed the problem with dumpykota's filtering of printers groups membership 
    48 # 
    49 # Revision 1.61  2004/12/21 15:49:59  jalet 
    50 # The dumpykota command now supports extended filtering capabilities with 
    51 # the PostgreSQL backend. LDAP doesn't yet support such possibilities. 
    52 # 
    53 # Revision 1.60  2004/12/21 14:45:31  jalet 
    54 # Prepared dumpykota to accept the new --filter command line option. Some 
    55 # additionnal work needs to be done in the backends though. 
    56 # 
    57 # Revision 1.59  2004/10/25 14:12:25  jalet 
    58 # For URGENT legal reasons (Italy), a new "privacy" directive was added to pykota.conf 
    59 # to hide print jobs' title, filename, and options. 
    60 # 
    61 # Revision 1.58  2004/10/12 08:58:53  jalet 
    62 # Now warnpykota only warns users who have already printed, to not confuse 
    63 # users who have just opened their account. 
    64 # 
    65 # Revision 1.57  2004/10/10 10:12:21  jalet 
    66 # Improved SQL queries for groups. Same work has to be done for groups print quotas. 
    67 # 
    68 # Revision 1.56  2004/10/07 21:14:28  jalet 
    69 # Hopefully final fix for data encoding to and from the database 
    70 # 
    71 # Revision 1.55  2004/10/07 09:37:53  jalet 
    72 # Fixes recently introduced bug wrt users groups (was it three days ago ?) 
    73 # 
    74 # Revision 1.54  2004/10/05 10:05:04  jalet 
    75 # UnicodeEncodeError isn't defined in Python2.1 
    76 # 
    77 # Revision 1.53  2004/10/05 09:59:20  jalet 
    78 # Restore compatibility with Python 2.1 
    79 # 
    80 # Revision 1.52  2004/10/04 22:23:54  jalet 
    81 # Charset conversions for dumps from the PostgreSQL backend 
    82 # 
    83 # Revision 1.51  2004/10/04 16:11:38  jalet 
    84 # Now outputs page counters when dumping user groups quotas 
    85 # 
    86 # Revision 1.50  2004/10/04 16:01:15  jalet 
    87 # More complete dumps for groups and groups quotas 
    88 # 
    89 # Revision 1.49  2004/10/02 13:33:13  jalet 
    90 # Some work done of user's charset handling in database dumps. 
    91 # 
    92 # Revision 1.48  2004/10/02 05:48:56  jalet 
    93 # Should now correctly deal with charsets both when storing into databases and when 
    94 # retrieving datas. Works with both PostgreSQL and LDAP. 
    95 # 
    96 # Revision 1.47  2004/09/15 07:26:20  jalet 
    97 # Data dumps are now ordered by entry creation date if applicable. 
    98 # Now dumpykota exits with a message when there's a broken pipe like 
    99 # in dumpykota --data history | head -3 
    100 # 
    101 # Revision 1.46  2004/09/15 06:58:25  jalet 
    102 # User groups membership and printer groups membership can now be dumped too 
    103 # 
    104 # Revision 1.45  2004/09/14 22:29:13  jalet 
    105 # First version of dumpykota. Works fine but only with PostgreSQL backend 
    106 # for now. 
    107 # 
    108 # Revision 1.44  2004/09/10 21:32:54  jalet 
    109 # Small fixes for incomplete entry intialization 
    110 # 
    111 # Revision 1.43  2004/07/01 17:45:49  jalet 
    112 # Added code to handle the description field for printers 
    113 # 
    114 # Revision 1.42  2004/06/08 17:44:43  jalet 
    115 # Payment now gets deleted when the user is deleted 
    116 # 
    117 # Revision 1.41  2004/06/05 22:03:50  jalet 
    118 # Payments history is now stored in database 
    119 # 
    120 # Revision 1.40  2004/06/03 23:14:11  jalet 
    121 # Now stores the job's size in bytes in the database. 
    122 # Preliminary work on payments storage : database schemas are OK now, 
    123 # but no code to store payments yet. 
    124 # Removed schema picture, not relevant anymore. 
    125 # 
    126 # Revision 1.39  2004/05/26 14:50:12  jalet 
    127 # First try at saving the job-originating-hostname in the database 
    128 # 
    129 # Revision 1.38  2004/05/06 12:37:47  jalet 
    130 # pkpgcounter : comments 
    131 # pkprinters : when --add is used, existing printers are now skipped. 
    132 # 
    133 # Revision 1.37  2004/02/23 22:53:21  jalet 
    134 # Don't retrieve data when it's not needed, to avoid database queries 
    135 # 
    136 # Revision 1.36  2004/02/04 13:24:41  jalet 
    137 # pkprinters can now remove printers from printers groups. 
    138 # 
    139 # Revision 1.35  2004/02/04 11:17:00  jalet 
    140 # pkprinters command line tool added. 
    141 # 
    142 # Revision 1.34  2004/02/02 22:44:16  jalet 
    143 # Preliminary work on Relationnal Database Independance via DB-API 2.0 
    144 # 