root / pykota / trunk / pykota / storages / @ 935

Revision 929, 21.2 kB (checked in by jalet, 21 years ago)

repykota now reports account balances too.

  • Property svn:eol-style set to native
  • Property svn:keywords set to Author Date Id Revision
1# PyKota
3# PyKota : Print Quotas for CUPS
5# (c) 2003 Jerome Alet <>
6# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9# (at your option) any later version.
11# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14# GNU General Public License for more details.
16# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
18# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
20# $Id$
22# $Log$
23# Revision 1.28  2003/04/17 09:26:21  jalet
24# repykota now reports account balances too.
26# Revision 1.27  2003/04/16 12:35:49  jalet
27# Groups quota work now !
29# Revision 1.26  2003/04/16 08:53:14  jalet
30# Printing can now be limited either by user's account balance or by
31# page quota (the default). Quota report doesn't include account balance
32# yet, though.
34# Revision 1.25  2003/04/15 21:58:33  jalet
35# edpykota now accepts a --delete option.
36# Preparation to allow edpykota to accept much more command line options
37# (WARNING : docstring is OK, but code isn't !)
39# Revision 1.24  2003/04/15 13:55:28  jalet
40# Options --limitby and --balance added to edpykota
42# Revision 1.23  2003/04/15 11:30:57  jalet
43# More work done on money print charging.
44# Minor bugs corrected.
45# All tools now access to the storage as priviledged users, repykota excepted.
47# Revision 1.22  2003/04/10 21:47:20  jalet
48# Job history added. Upgrade script neutralized for now !
50# Revision 1.21  2003/04/08 20:38:08  jalet
51# The last job Id is saved now for each printer, this will probably
52# allow other accounting methods in the future.
54# Revision 1.20  2003/03/29 13:45:27  jalet
55# GPL paragraphs were incorrectly (from memory) copied into the sources.
56# Two README files were added.
57# Upgrade script for PostgreSQL pre 1.01 schema was added.
59# Revision 1.19  2003/02/27 08:41:49  jalet
60# DATETIME is not supported anymore in PostgreSQL 7.3 it seems, but
63# Revision 1.18  2003/02/10 12:07:31  jalet
64# Now repykota should output the recorded total page number for each printer too.
66# Revision 1.17  2003/02/10 08:41:36  jalet
67# edpykota's --reset command line option resets the limit date too.
69# Revision 1.16  2003/02/08 22:39:46  jalet
70# --reset command line option added
72# Revision 1.15  2003/02/08 22:12:09  jalet
73# Life time counter for users and groups added.
75# Revision 1.14  2003/02/07 22:13:13  jalet
76# Perhaps edpykota is now able to add printers !!! Oh, stupid me !
78# Revision 1.13  2003/02/07 00:08:52  jalet
79# Typos
81# Revision 1.12  2003/02/06 23:20:03  jalet
82# warnpykota doesn't need any user/group name argument, mimicing the
83# warnquota disk quota tool.
85# Revision 1.11  2003/02/06 15:05:13  jalet
86# self was forgotten
88# Revision 1.10  2003/02/06 15:03:11  jalet
89# added a method to set the limit date
91# Revision 1.9  2003/02/06 14:52:35  jalet
92# Forgotten import
94# Revision 1.8  2003/02/06 14:49:04  jalet
95# edpykota should be ok now
97# Revision 1.7  2003/02/06 14:28:59  jalet
98# edpykota should be ok, minus some typos
100# Revision 1.6  2003/02/06 09:19:02  jalet
101# More robust behavior (hopefully) when the user or printer is not managed
102# correctly by the Quota System : e.g. cupsFilter added in ppd file, but
103# printer and/or user not 'yet?' in storage.
105# Revision 1.5  2003/02/05 23:26:22  jalet
106# Incorrect handling of grace delay
108# Revision 1.4  2003/02/05 23:02:10  jalet
109# Typo
111# Revision 1.3  2003/02/05 23:00:12  jalet
112# Forgotten import
113# Bad datetime conversion
115# Revision 1.2  2003/02/05 22:28:38  jalet
116# More robust storage
118# Revision 1.1  2003/02/05 21:28:17  jalet
119# Initial import into CVS
124import fnmatch
126class SQLStorage :   
127    def getMatchingPrinters(self, printerpattern) :
128        """Returns the list of all printers as tuples (id, name) for printer names which match a certain pattern."""
129        printerslist = []
130        # We 'could' do a SELECT printername FROM printers WHERE printername LIKE ...
131        # but we don't because other storages semantics may be different, so every
132        # storage should use fnmatch to match patterns and be storage agnostic
133        result = self.doQuery("SELECT id, printername FROM printers")
134        result = self.doParseResult(result)
135        if result is not None :
136            for printer in result :
137                if fnmatch.fnmatchcase(printer["printername"], printerpattern) :
138                    printerslist.append((printer["id"], printer["printername"]))
139        return printerslist       
141    def getPrinterId(self, printername) :       
142        """Returns a printerid given a printername."""
143        result = self.doQuery("SELECT id FROM printers WHERE printername=%s" % self.doQuote(printername))
144        try :
145            return self.doParseResult(result)[0]["id"]
146        except TypeError :      # Not found   
147            return
149    def getPrinterPrices(self, printerid) :       
150        """Returns a printer prices per page and per job given a printerid."""
151        result = self.doQuery("SELECT priceperpage, priceperjob FROM printers WHERE id=%s" % self.doQuote(printerid))
152        try :
153            printerprices = self.doParseResult(result)[0]
154            return (printerprices["priceperpage"], printerprices["priceperjob"])
155        except TypeError :      # Not found   
156            return
158    def setPrinterPrices(self, printerid, perpage, perjob) :
159        """Sets prices per job and per page for a given printer."""
160        self.doQuery("UPDATE printers SET priceperpage=%s, priceperjob=%s WHERE id=%s" % (self.doQuote(perpage), self.doQuote(perjob), self.doQuote(printerid)))
162    def getUserId(self, username) :
163        """Returns a userid given a username."""
164        result = self.doQuery("SELECT id FROM users WHERE username=%s" % self.doQuote(username))
165        try :
166            return self.doParseResult(result)[0]["id"]
167        except TypeError :      # Not found
168            return
170    def getGroupId(self, groupname) :
171        """Returns a groupid given a grupname."""
172        result = self.doQuery("SELECT id FROM groups WHERE groupname=%s" % self.doQuote(groupname))
173        try :
174            return self.doParseResult(result)[0]["id"]
175        except TypeError :      # Not found
176            return
178    def getJobHistoryId(self, jobid, userid, printerid) :       
179        """Returns the history line's id given a (jobid, userid, printerid)."""
180        result = self.doQuery("SELECT id FROM jobhistory WHERE jobid=%s AND userid=%s AND printerid=%s" % (self.doQuote(jobid), self.doQuote(userid), self.doQuote(printerid)))
181        try :
182            return self.doParseResult(result)[0]["id"]
183        except TypeError :      # Not found   
184            return
186    def getPrinterUsers(self, printerid) :       
187        """Returns the list of usernames which uses a given printer."""
188        result = self.doQuery("SELECT DISTINCT id, username FROM users WHERE id IN (SELECT userid FROM userpquota WHERE printerid=%s) ORDER BY username" % self.doQuote(printerid))
189        result = self.doParseResult(result)
190        if result is None :
191            return []
192        else :   
193            return [(record["id"], record["username"]) for record in result]
195    def getPrinterGroups(self, printerid) :       
196        """Returns the list of groups which uses a given printer."""
197        result = self.doQuery("SELECT DISTINCT id, groupname FROM groups WHERE id IN (SELECT groupid FROM grouppquota WHERE printerid=%s)" % self.doQuote(printerid))
198        result = self.doParseResult(result)
199        if result is None :
200            return []
201        else :   
202            return [(record["id"], record["groupname"]) for record in result]
204    def getGroupMembersNames(self, groupname) :       
205        """Returns the list of user's names which are member of this group."""
206        groupid = self.getGroupId(groupname)
207        if groupid is None :
208            return []
209        else :
210            result = self.doQuery("SELECT DISTINCT username FROM users WHERE id IN (SELECT userid FROM groupsmembers WHERE groupid=%s)" % self.doQuote(groupid))
211            return [record["username"] for record in (self.doParseResult(result) or [])]
213    def getUserGroupsNames(self, userid) :       
214        """Returns the list of groups' names the user is a member of."""
215        result = self.doQuery("SELECT DISTINCT groupname FROM groups WHERE id IN (SELECT groupid FROM groupsmembers WHERE userid=%s)" % self.doQuote(userid))
216        return [record["groupname"] for record in (self.doParseResult(result) or [])]
218    def addPrinter(self, printername) :       
219        """Adds a printer to the quota storage, returns its id."""
220        self.doQuery("INSERT INTO printers (printername) VALUES (%s)" % self.doQuote(printername))
221        return self.getPrinterId(printername)
223    def addUser(self, username) :       
224        """Adds a user to the quota storage, returns its id."""
225        self.doQuery("INSERT INTO users (username) VALUES (%s)" % self.doQuote(username))
226        return self.getUserId(username)
228    def addGroup(self, groupname) :       
229        """Adds a group to the quota storage, returns its id."""
230        self.doQuery("INSERT INTO groups (groupname) VALUES (%s)" % self.doQuote(groupname))
231        return self.getGroupId(groupname)
233    def addUserPQuota(self, username, printerid) :
234        """Initializes a user print quota on a printer, adds the user to the quota storage if needed."""
235        userid = self.getUserId(username)     
236        if userid is None :   
237            userid = self.addUser(username)
238        uqexists = (self.getUserPQuota(userid, printerid) is not None)   
239        if not uqexists : 
240            self.doQuery("INSERT INTO userpquota (userid, printerid) VALUES (%s, %s)" % (self.doQuote(userid), self.doQuote(printerid)))
241        return (userid, printerid)
243    def addGroupPQuota(self, groupname, printerid) :
244        """Initializes a group print quota on a printer, adds the group to the quota storage if needed."""
245        groupid = self.getGroupId(groupname)     
246        if groupid is None :   
247            groupid = self.addGroup(groupname)
248        gqexists = (self.getGroupPQuota(groupid, printerid) is not None)   
249        if not gqexists : 
250            self.doQuery("INSERT INTO grouppquota (groupid, printerid) VALUES (%s, %s)" % (self.doQuote(groupid), self.doQuote(printerid)))
251        return (groupid, printerid)
253    def increaseUserBalance(self, userid, amount) :   
254        """Increases (or decreases) an user's account balance by a given amount."""
255        self.doQuery("UPDATE users SET balance=balance+(%s), lifetimepaid=lifetimepaid+(%s) WHERE id=%s" % (self.doQuote(amount), self.doQuote(amount), self.doQuote(userid)))
257    def getUserBalance(self, userid) :   
258        """Returns the current account balance for a given user."""
259        result = self.doQuery("SELECT balance, lifetimepaid FROM users WHERE id=%s" % self.doQuote(userid))
260        try :
261            result = self.doParseResult(result)[0]
262        except TypeError :      # Not found   
263            return
264        else :   
265            return (result["balance"], result["lifetimepaid"])
267    def getGroupBalance(self, groupid) :   
268        """Returns the current account balance for a given group, as the sum of each of its users' account balance."""
269        result = self.doQuery("SELECT SUM(balance) AS balance, SUM(lifetimepaid) AS lifetimepaid FROM users WHERE id in (SELECT userid FROM groupsmembers WHERE groupid=%s)" % self.doQuote(groupid))
270        try :
271            result = self.doParseResult(result)[0]
272        except TypeError :      # Not found   
273            return
274        else :   
275            return (result["balance"], result["lifetimepaid"])
277    def getUserLimitBy(self, userid) :   
278        """Returns the way in which user printing is limited."""
279        result = self.doQuery("SELECT limitby FROM users WHERE id=%s" % self.doQuote(userid))
280        try :
281            return self.doParseResult(result)[0]["limitby"]
282        except TypeError :      # Not found   
283            return
285    def getGroupLimitBy(self, groupid) :   
286        """Returns the way in which group printing is limited."""
287        result = self.doQuery("SELECT limitby FROM groups WHERE id=%s" % self.doQuote(groupid))
288        try :
289            return self.doParseResult(result)[0]["limitby"]
290        except TypeError :      # Not found   
291            return
293    def setUserBalance(self, userid, balance) :   
294        """Sets the account balance for a given user to a fixed value."""
295        (current, lifetimepaid) = self.getUserBalance(userid)
296        difference = balance - current
297        self.increaseUserBalance(userid, difference)
299    def limitUserBy(self, userid, limitby) :   
300        """Limits a given user based either on print quota or on account balance."""
301        self.doQuery("UPDATE users SET limitby=%s WHERE id=%s" % (self.doQuote(limitby), self.doQuote(userid)))
303    def limitGroupBy(self, groupid, limitby) :   
304        """Limits a given group based either on print quota or on sum of its users' account balances."""
305        self.doQuery("UPDATE groups SET limitby=%s WHERE id=%s" % (self.doQuote(limitby), self.doQuote(groupid)))
307    def setUserPQuota(self, userid, printerid, softlimit, hardlimit) :
308        """Sets soft and hard limits for a user quota on a specific printer given (userid, printerid)."""
309        self.doQuery("UPDATE userpquota SET softlimit=%s, hardlimit=%s, datelimit=NULL WHERE userid=%s AND printerid=%s" % (self.doQuote(softlimit), self.doQuote(hardlimit), self.doQuote(userid), self.doQuote(printerid)))
311    def setGroupPQuota(self, groupid, printerid, softlimit, hardlimit) :
312        """Sets soft and hard limits for a group quota on a specific printer given (groupid, printerid)."""
313        self.doQuery("UPDATE grouppquota SET softlimit=%s, hardlimit=%s, datelimit=NULL WHERE groupid=%s AND printerid=%s" % (self.doQuote(softlimit), self.doQuote(hardlimit), self.doQuote(groupid), self.doQuote(printerid)))
315    def resetUserPQuota(self, userid, printerid) :   
316        """Resets the page counter to zero for a user on a printer. Life time page counter is kept unchanged."""
317        self.doQuery("UPDATE userpquota SET pagecounter=0, datelimit=NULL WHERE userid=%s AND printerid=%s" % (self.doQuote(userid), self.doQuote(printerid)))
319    def resetGroupPQuota(self, groupid, printerid) :   
320        """Resets the page counter to zero for a group on a printer. Life time page counter is kept unchanged."""
321        self.doQuery("UPDATE grouppquota SET pagecounter=0, datelimit=NULL WHERE groupid=%s AND printerid=%s" % (self.doQuote(groupid), self.doQuote(printerid)))
323    def updateUserPQuota(self, userid, printerid, pagecount) :
324        """Updates the used user Quota information given (userid, printerid) and a job size in pages."""
325        jobprice = self.computePrinterJobPrice(printerid, pagecount)
326        queries = []   
327        queries.append("UPDATE userpquota SET lifepagecounter=lifepagecounter+(%s), pagecounter=pagecounter+(%s) WHERE userid=%s AND printerid=%s" % (self.doQuote(pagecount), self.doQuote(pagecount), self.doQuote(userid), self.doQuote(printerid)))
328        queries.append("UPDATE users SET balance=balance-(%s) WHERE id=%s" % (self.doQuote(jobprice), self.doQuote(userid)))
329        self.doQuery(queries)
331    def getUserPQuota(self, userid, printerid) :
332        """Returns the Print Quota information for a given (userid, printerid)."""
333        result = self.doQuery("SELECT lifepagecounter, pagecounter, softlimit, hardlimit, datelimit FROM userpquota WHERE userid=%s AND printerid=%s" % (self.doQuote(userid), self.doQuote(printerid)))
334        try :
335            return self.doParseResult(result)[0]
336        except TypeError :      # Not found   
337            return
339    def getGroupPQuota(self, groupid, printerid) :
340        """Returns the Print Quota information for a given (groupid, printerid)."""
341        result = self.doQuery("SELECT softlimit, hardlimit, datelimit FROM grouppquota WHERE groupid=%s AND printerid=%s" % (self.doQuote(groupid), self.doQuote(printerid)))
342        try :
343            grouppquota = self.doParseResult(result)[0]
344        except TypeError :   
345            return
346        else :   
347            result = self.doQuery("SELECT SUM(lifepagecounter) as lifepagecounter, SUM(pagecounter) as pagecounter FROM userpquota WHERE printerid=%s AND userid in (SELECT userid FROM groupsmembers WHERE groupid=%s)" % (self.doQuote(printerid), self.doQuote(groupid)))
348            try :
349                result = self.doParseResult(result)[0]
350            except TypeError :      # Not found   
351                return
352            else :   
353                grouppquota.update({"lifepagecounter": result["lifepagecounter"], "pagecounter": result["pagecounter"]})
354                return grouppquota
356    def setUserDateLimit(self, userid, printerid, datelimit) :
357        """Sets the limit date for a soft limit to become an hard one given (userid, printerid)."""
358        self.doQuery("UPDATE userpquota SET datelimit=%s::TIMESTAMP WHERE userid=%s AND printerid=%s" % (self.doQuote("%04i-%02i-%02i %02i:%02i:%02i" % (datelimit.year, datelimit.month,, datelimit.hour, datelimit.minute, datelimit.second)), self.doQuote(userid), self.doQuote(printerid)))
360    def setGroupDateLimit(self, groupid, printerid, datelimit) :
361        """Sets the limit date for a soft limit to become an hard one given (groupid, printerid)."""
362        self.doQuery("UPDATE grouppquota SET datelimit=%s::TIMESTAMP WHERE groupid=%s AND printerid=%s" % (self.doQuote("%04i-%02i-%02i %02i:%02i:%02i" % (datelimit.year, datelimit.month,, datelimit.hour, datelimit.minute, datelimit.second)), self.doQuote(groupid), self.doQuote(printerid)))
364    def addJobToHistory(self, jobid, userid, printerid, pagecounter, action) :
365        """Adds a job to the history: (jobid, userid, printerid, last page counter taken from requester)."""
366        self.doQuery("INSERT INTO jobhistory (jobid, userid, printerid, pagecounter, action) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" % (self.doQuote(jobid), self.doQuote(userid), self.doQuote(printerid), self.doQuote(pagecounter), self.doQuote(action)))
367        return self.getJobHistoryId(jobid, userid, printerid) # in case jobid is not sufficient
369    def updateJobSizeInHistory(self, historyid, jobsize) :
370        """Updates a job size in the history given the history line's id."""
371        self.doQuery("UPDATE jobhistory SET jobsize=%s WHERE id=%s" % (self.doQuote(jobsize), self.doQuote(historyid)))
373    def getPrinterPageCounter(self, printerid) :
374        """Returns the last page counter value for a printer given its id, also returns last username, last jobid and history line id."""
375        result = self.doQuery("SELECT, jobid, userid, username, pagecounter FROM jobhistory, users WHERE printerid=%s AND ORDER BY jobdate DESC LIMIT 1" % self.doQuote(printerid))
376        try :
377            return self.doParseResult(result)[0]
378        except TypeError :      # Not found
379            return
381    def addUserToGroup(self, userid, groupid) :   
382        """Adds an user to a group."""
383        result = self.doQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) AS mexists FROM groupsmembers WHERE groupid=%s AND userid=%s" % (self.doQuote(groupid), self.doQuote(userid)))
384        try :
385            mexists = self.doParseResult(result)[0]["mexists"]
386        except TypeError :   
387            mexists = 0
388        if not mexists :   
389            self.doQuery("INSERT INTO groupsmembers (groupid, userid) VALUES (%s, %s)" % (self.doQuote(groupid), self.doQuote(userid)))
391    def deleteUser(self, userid) :   
392        """Completely deletes an user from the Quota Storage."""
393        queries = []
394        queries.append("DELETE FROM groupsmembers WHERE userid=%s" % self.doQuote(userid))
395        queries.append("DELETE FROM jobhistory WHERE userid=%s" % self.doQuote(userid))
396        queries.append("DELETE FROM userpquota WHERE userid=%s" % self.doQuote(userid))
397        queries.append("DELETE FROM users WHERE id=%s" % self.doQuote(userid))
398        # TODO : What should we do if we delete the last person who used a given printer ?
399        self.doQuery(queries)
401    def deleteGroup(self, groupid) :   
402        """Completely deletes an user from the Quota Storage."""
403        queries = []
404        queries.append("DELETE FROM groupsmembers WHERE groupid=%s" % self.doQuote(groupid))
405        queries.append("DELETE FROM grouppquota WHERE groupid=%s" % self.doQuote(groupid))
406        queries.append("DELETE FROM groups WHERE id=%s" % self.doQuote(groupid))
407        self.doQuery(queries)
409    def computePrinterJobPrice(self, printerid, jobsize) :   
410        """Returns the price for a job on a given printer."""
411        prices = self.getPrinterPrices(printerid)
412        if prices is None :
413            perpage = perjob = 0.0
414        else :   
415            (perpage, perjob) = prices
416        return perjob + (perpage * jobsize)
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