Ticket #27 (accepted enhancement)

Opened 16 years ago

Last modified 16 years ago

Can not set the Maximum Job Size(kBytes)

Reported by: zhangqz Owned by: jerome
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: pykota Version: development
Keywords: Maximum Job Size(kBytes) Cc: quanzhong.zhang@…


PyKota can not set the maximum job size allowed to printer to kBytes per job instead of pages.
The CUPS command "lpadmin" just has quota control, the "job-k-limit" base on "job-quota-period". In other words, we can set the maximum job size for a period, and can not set the maximum job size for a single job.

Change History

Changed 16 years ago by jerome

  • priority changed from major to minor
  • status changed from new to accepted
  • version changed from stable to development
  • type changed from defect to enhancement
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