root / pkpgcounter / trunk / README

Revision Log Mode:


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Rev Chgset Date Author Log Message
(edit) @340 [340] 18 years jerome Regenerated the manual page. Fixed the reference to OpenDocument?.
(edit) @338 [338] 18 years jerome Now uses ISO standard number 26300 for OpenDocument?.
(edit) @336 [336] 18 years jerome Changed the project's URLs.
(edit) @329 [329] 19 years jerome Added complete support for Zenographics ZjStream? input format.
(edit) @303 [303] 19 years jerome Changed copyright years. v1.74 is out
(edit) @286 [286] 19 years jerome Added the history of the PCL3/4/5 parser.
(edit) @247 [247] 19 years jerome Don't bother the user with installing Psyco if he doesn't have a 32 bits …
(edit) @235 [235] 19 years jerome Finished to move files around. Removed any unneeded reference to the …
(edit) @229 [229] 19 years jerome Added support for OpenOffice?.org Writer and Impress file formats
(edit) @221 [221] 19 years jerome Added a note about the two newly added formats
(edit) @211 [211] 19 years jerome License changes because of the new snail mail address of the Free …
(edit) @204 [204] 20 years jerome New installation procedure
(edit) @187 [187] 20 years jerome keywords
(add) @185 [185] 20 years jerome Initial import
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