root / pkipplib / trunk / tests

Revision Log Mode:


Copied or renamed
Rev Chgset Date Author Log Message
(edit) @3562 [3562] 12 years jerome Changed copyright years.
(edit) @3476 [3476] 16 years jerome Changed copyright years.
(edit) @3437 [3437] 16 years jerome Removed spaces at EOL.
(edit) @46 [46] 17 years jerome Added a sample script to show how to print a PDF document.
(edit) @45 [45] 17 years jerome Changed copyright years. Changed default source encoding from ISO-889-15 …
(edit) @40 [40] 17 years jerome Now licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3 …
(edit) @38 [38] 18 years jerome Changed copyright years and version number.
(edit) @28 [28] 18 years jerome It is now possible to create a subscription.
(edit) @21 [21] 18 years jerome Added support for HTTP Basic authentication ("AuthType? Basic" and …
(edit) @13 [13] 18 years jerome Renamed directory to pkipplib to avoid confusion with the other Python …
(edit) @11 [11] 18 years jerome Removed unnecessary file
(edit) @9 [9] 18 years jerome Added a new method (not finished) to CUPS' API.
(edit) @6 [6] 18 years jerome Removed unnecessary file.
(edit) @5 [5] 18 years jerome Added test script
(add) @3 [3] 19 years jerome First import of the files
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