# $Id$ PyKota - Print Quota for CUPS (c) 2003 Jerome Alet This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ============================================================ PyKota NEWS : - 1.03alpha : - IMPORTANT : DataBase schema has changed. DON'T TRY TO UPGRADE AN EXISTING PYKOTA INSTALLATION ! The upgrade script will be finalized ASAP, be patient, or drop your old quota database to start anew. - The installation script now allows to install the sample configuration file during first installation. - More group quota code works, but still not finished. - The CGI script displays a link to PyKota's website. - The job history is now kept, this will allow per-period reports in the future. - After having modified the quota for an user with edpykota, a quota check is done to eventually warn the user/admin about a quota which is too low to print. - A workaround is provided for HP Printers : their internal page counter is only saved to NVRAM in a 10 increment, so if you switch them off and then on, the reported page counter may be lower than the real number of pages printed. See http://web.mit.edu/source/third/lprng/doc/LPRng-HOWTO-15.html We unconditionnally set the last job's page count to five in this case. For a more accurate accounting, never switch your HP printers off. - A fix is provided for printers which only have a volatile page counter (reset to 0 every time you switch the printer on) This should allow PyKota to work reasonably fine with HP Laserjet 4L/5L/6L, not perfect, but better than nothing. See http://web.mit.edu/source/third/lprng/doc/LPRng-HOWTO-15.html For a more accurate accounting, never switch your HP printers off. - A bug was fixed when edpykota --add was used with users who already had a quota on the specified printer. - 1.02 : - The installation script now checks for software availability and in case a software is missing asks the user if he wants to continue with the installation or abort it. - The configuration file pykota.conf is now expected to be found in /etc instead of in /etc/cups The installation script prompts the user to see if he wants to move an old configuration file to the new location if needed. - Improved documentation. - You can now set the tcp/ip port on which the Quota Storage Server is listening, see sample configuration file for details. - Better general error handling. - Upgrade script for pre 1.01 PostgreSQL database schema is now included as well. - 1.01 : - The configuration file now accepts an option to choose the recipient(s) of the email messages : - DevNull means no one will receive them. - User means only the user will receive them. - Admin means only the admin will receive them. - Both means the User and the Admin will receive them. - The configuration file now uses hard-coded default values when an option is not set. See sample configuration file for details. - Manual pages are included since 1.00, but I forgot to add this information to this file. - Redistribution terms for the official package have softened and are now fully GPL compatible : unrestricted modification is now allowed even for the version number. - 1.00 : - edpykota now accepts a --noquota option. This disable quota checking while still doing page accounting. This is really useful for people who don't want to limit their users but want to know how much pages they print. - Some untested scripts were added to retrieve the life time page counter of non-SNMP printers. - Every directory now has a specific README file. - 0.99 : - Under some circumstances while the user wasn't allowed to print, he didn't receive any email message. It is now fixed. - When an user wasn't allowed to print, the quota for the previous user wasn't updated. This is now fixed. - 0.98 : - Correctly handle the case where the printer is switched off. - Small bug wrt syslog fixed. - 0.97 : - edpykota accepts wildcards on its command line for users/groups too if the --add option is not set, e.g. : $ edpykota --printer lp --softlimit 50 --hardlimit 100 "jer*" - If no user name is passed at all, then a default wildcard of "*" which means apply the command on ALL users for this printer is used. - Small bug fixes. - 0.96 : - Options requester, policy, admin, adminmail and gracedelay can now be set either globally or per printer. The printer option has priority if both are defined. - More powerful configuration parser. - If all options are defined globally, there's no need to define a section for each printer in the configuration file anymore. Just define a [global] section and it's ok. - 0.95 : - External requesters for printers finally added. - Full internationalization (english and french are supported) - More complete quota usage report - CGI script to access to the quota usage report - Several bugs fixed. - 0.9 : - First public version