# $Id$ PyKota - Print Quota for CUPS (c) 2003 Jerome Alet You're welcome to redistribute this software under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence version 2.0 or, at your option, any higher version. You can read the complete GNU GPL in the file COPYING which should come along with this software, or visit the Free Software Foundation's WEB site http://www.fsf.org ============================================================ * PyKota is distributed under the GNU General Public License * You can access to PyKota's source code by using CVS from : http://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/pykota/ Follow the "CVS Repository" link then follow the instructions in the section labeled "Getting a Copy of the CVS Repository". * The CVS version will always be labelled as **unofficial** and the word **unofficial** will appear whenever you run PyKota command line tools with the --version command line argument, and so I have to make a restriction : YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCE TO LABEL A VERSION OF PyKota DOWNLOADED FROM CVS AS BEING THE 'OFFICIAL' ONE. * A PyKota version obtained from CVS, i.e. which version number looks like *x.xx-unofficial*, IS FREELY REDISTRIBUTABLE, AT NO COST, UNDER THE TERMS OF THE GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, BUT CAN'T BE LABELLED 'OFFICIAL'. THIS MEANS THAT YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, TO DELETE THE 'UNOFFICIAL' WORD FROM THE VERSION NUMBER. * Version number excepted, **THERE'S NO DIFFERENCE BETWEEN 'OFFICIAL' and 'UNOFFICIAL' VERSIONS OF PyKota.** It should be clear that I'll answer to all questions, and try to help as much as I can, even if you don't want to buy an **'OFFICIAL'** version. But it should also be clear to you that the latest version you can find in CVS may be somewhat unstable or unfinished, since this software is a work in progress, and that it's up to you to download working revisions from the CVS tree. That's why I suggest that you purchase an 'OFFICIAL' version, because it will be simpler for you. * You can obtain an **'OFFICIAL'** version of PyKota in two forms : * Electronic form : * You pay me any amount of money starting at **15$ (US Dollars)** * Then I send you the latest **PyKota 'OFFICIAL'** tarball, including the latest version of the electronic documentation in SGML, HTML and PDF formats, by email. * CDROM + Paper documentation (not yet available, documentation still under works) : * You pay me any amount of money starting at **30$ (US Dollars)** * Then I send you the latest **PyKota 'OFFICIAL'** tarball, including the latest version of the electronic documentation in SGML, HTML and PDF formats, on CDROM, accompanied with the latest version of the printed documentation. No additionnal shipping costs will be asked to you, unless you require a specific delivery mode. * The purchase of an **'OFFICIAL'** version entitles you to : * Redistribute the **'OFFICIAL'** version you purchased. But if you modify this version before redistribution then I ask you to also modify the version number present in the pykota/version.py file to label any package you would redistribute as **'UNOFFICIAL'**. Unmodified **'OFFICIAL'** packages can be redistributed freely under the **'OFFICIAL'** label. * Obtain free technical support for a year starting at your purchase date (bug fixes and new official versions) * Obtain half of **your money back** in case you contribute source code or documentation which I accept in the source tree. If you're a motivated developper, you've got strong chances to get half of your money back. *NB : You will have to send me a signed copyright assignment on paper in order for me to be able to accept your patches on PyKota.* I sincerely hope that you will find this proposition as fair as I do think it is.