# $Id$ PyKota - Print Quota for CUPS (c) 2003 Jerome Alet You're welcome to redistribute this software under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence version 2.0 or, at your option, any higher version. You can read the complete GNU GPL in the file COPYING which should come along with this software, or visit the Free Software Foundation's WEB site http://www.fsf.org ============================================================ TODO, in order of importance : - External requester (any shell command or script) : gives instant support for any querying protocol (of course querying tools still have to exist). Easy but I must think about the different parameters I'll let the command know before implementing this. - Finalize the implementation of group quotas. - Per printer quota administrator name and email. - Group administrators (think quotagrpdmins for disk quotas). - Documentation... - LDAP storage backend ============================================================ Please e-mail bugs to: alet@librelogiciel.com (Jerome Alet)