# $Id$ PyKota - Print Quotas for CUPS (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Jerome Alet This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . ============================================================ Documentation for the pykota-postgresql.sql script : ---------------------------------------------------- This script is to be used to create an empty Quota Storage DataBase using PostgreSQL as a backend. If you have already installed PyKota, and have datas in your Quota Storage DataBase, you may prefer to skip this section and read the next one. - edit the pykota-postgresql.sql file and modify the passwords on the 'CREATE USER' lines. - Launch the psql frontend and connect to the database template1 as a PostgreSQL administrator (i.e. the postgres user) : as user 'root' : # su - postgres you're now user 'postgres', then continue with : $ psql -f pykota-postgresql.sql template1 or depending on your settings you may prefer : $ psql -h localhost -U postgres -f pykota-postgresql.sql template1 - If no error message appears, your PostgreSQL PyKota storage is now ready for use. NB : a lot of NOTICE messages might appear, this is perfectly normal. - In ~pykota/pykota.conf, ensure that the following lines are present and unique inside the [global] section : storagebackend : pgstorage storageserver : localhost storagename : pykota storageuser : pykotauser storageuserpw : readonlypw NB : replace 'readonlypw' with the password you chose for user 'pykotauser' when you modified pykota-postgresql.sql - In ~pykota/pykotadmin.conf ensure that the following lines are present and unique inside the [global] section : storageadmin : pykotaadmin storageadminpw : readwritepw NB : replace 'readwritepw' with the password you chose for user 'pykotaadmin' when you modified pykota-postgresql.sql - IMPORTANT : if your database is not located on the print server, replace 'localhost' in the lines above with your database server's hostname or IP address. If your database server doesn't listen on its standard port, add the port number at the end of the hostname with a colon to separate the hostname from the port. See pykota/conf/pykota.conf.sample for examples. ============================================================ Upgrade scripts : DON'T DO ANYTHING IF THIS IS YOUR FIRST INSTALLATION OF PYKOTA. Some scripts to upgrade old PyKota databases to the new database schema are included. You may have to run all of them or only some of them, depending on your version of PyKota. Usually running them several times, for example if you used several different development versions of PyKota, won't do any harm. If you're connected as user 'root', you have to be user 'postgres' instead : # su - postgres You're now user 'postgres', then continue the upgrade by following the instructions below, depending on the version you actually use : * An SQL script to upgrade a 1.22 PyKota Storage DataBase to 1.23 is included. Launch it this way on the Quota Storage Server : $ psql -U postgres pykota pykota=# \i upgrade-to-1.23.sql pykota=# \q $ This script adds many fields to existing tables, and a table to manage billing codes. * An SQL script to upgrade a 1.20 PyKota Storage DataBase to 1.21 is included. Launch it this way on the Quota Storage Server : $ psql -U postgres pykota pykota=# \i upgrade-to-1.21.sql pykota=# \q $ This script adds many fields to existing tables, and also adds some tables in indexes. * An SQL script to upgrade a 1.18 PyKota Storage DataBase to 1.19 is included. Launch it this way on the Quota Storage Server : $ psql -U postgres pykota pykota=# \i upgrade-to-1.19.sql pykota=# \q $ This script adds a field to the print job history. The field that is added is : hostname * An SQL script to upgrade a pre-1.16 PyKota Storage DataBase to 1.16 is included. Launch it this way on the Quota Storage Server : $ psql -U postgres pykota pykota=# \i upgrade-to-1.16.sql pykota=# \q $ This script adds some fields to the print job history, so that more complete information will be known. The fields that are added are : jobprice, filename, title, copies and print command options. Also some indexes are created to speed things up. What is below is for historical reasons only, real people don't use such old beasts, and YOU SHOULDN'T EITHER ! * An SQL script to upgrade a pre-1.14 PyKota Storage DataBase to 1.14 is included. Launch it this way on the Quota Storage Server : $ psql -U postgres pykota pykota=# \i upgrade-to-1.14.sql pykota=# \q $ This script adds an "email" field for each user. This field, if not NULL, is used as the email address of the user when sending warning messages in case he is over quota. * An sql script to upgrade a pre-1.01 PyKota Quota Storage DataBase to 1.01 is still included for historical reasons. PLEASE DON'T USE IT ! * If you are already running an old version of PyKota (<1.03) and want to upgrade to 1.03, YOU HAVE TO RUN the upgrade-from-before-1.03.py shell script. NOT LAUNCHING THIS SCRIPT WILL CAUSE PYKOTA TO STOP WORKING ! PLEASE NEVER RUN THIS SCRIPT IF YOUR EXISTING VERSION OF PYKOTA IS ALREADY 1.03 OR HIGHER.