Changeset 2465 for pykota

09/19/05 18:59:00 (19 years ago)

Added support for --maxjobsize, --passthrough and --nopassthrough
in pkprinters.

16 modified


  • pykota/trunk/bin/pkprinters

    r2463 r2465  
    8080  -s | --skipexisting  In combination with the --add option above, tells 
    8181                       pkprinters to not modify existing printers. 
     83  -m | --maxjobsize s  Sets the maximum job size allowed on the printer 
     84                       to s pages. 
     86  -p | --passthrough   Activate passthrough mode for the printer. In this 
     87                       mode, users are allowed to print without any impact 
     88                       on their quota or account balance. 
     90  -n | --nopassthrough Deactivate passthrough mode for the printer. 
     91                       Without -p or -n, printers are created in  
     92                       normal mode, i.e. no passthrough. 
    8394  printer1 through printerN can contain wildcards if the --add option  
    137148                    charges = [charges[0], None] 
    138149                (perpage, perjob) = charges 
     151        if options["maxjobsize"] :         
     152            try : 
     153                maxjobsize = int(options["maxjobsize"]) 
     154                if maxjobsize < 0 : 
     155                    raise ValueError 
     156            except ValueError :     
     157                raise PyKotaToolError, _("Invalid maximum job size value %s") % options["maxjobsize"] 
     158        else :         
     159            maxjobsize = None 
    140162        if options["add"] :     
    181203                if options["description"] is not None : 
    182204                    printer.setDescription(options["description"].strip()) 
     205                if options["nopassthrough"] and printer.PassThrough :     
     206          , 0) 
     207                if options["passthrough"] and not printer.PassThrough :     
     208          , 1) 
     209                if (maxjobsize is not None) and (printer.MaxJobSize != maxjobsize) :     
     210          , maxjobsize) 
    183211                if options["groups"] :     
    184212                    for pgroup in printersgroups : 
    191219    retcode = 0 
    192220    try : 
    193         short_options = "hvac:D:dg:lrs" 
    194         long_options = ["help", "version", "add", "charge=", "description=", "delete", "groups=", "list", "remove", "skipexisting"] 
     221        short_options = "hvac:D:dg:lrsnpm:" 
     222        long_options = ["help", "version", "add", "charge=", "description=", \ 
     223                        "delete", "groups=", "list", "remove", \ 
     224                        "skipexisting", "passthrough", "nopassthrough", \ 
     225                        "maxjobsize="] 
    196227        # Initializes the command line tool 
    212243        options["remove"] = options["r"] or options["remove"] 
    213244        options["skipexisting"] = options["s"] or options["skipexisting"] 
     245        options["maxjobsize"] = options["m"] or options["maxjobsize"] 
     246        options["passthrough"] = options["p"] or options["passthrough"] 
     247        options["nopassthrough"] = options["n"] or options["nopassthrough"] 
    215249        if options["help"] : 
    219253        elif (options["delete"] and (options["add"] or options["groups"] or options["charge"] or options["remove"] or options["description"])) \ 
    220254           or (options["skipexisting"] and not options["add"]) \ 
    221            or (options["list"] and (options["add"] or options["delete"] or options["groups"] or options["charge"] or options["remove"] or options["description"])) : 
     255           or (options["list"] and (options["add"] or options["delete"] or options["groups"] or options["charge"] or options["remove"] or options["description"])) \ 
     256           or (options["passthrough"] and options["nopassthrough"]) : 
    222257            raise PyKotaToolError, _("incompatible options, see help.") 
    223258        elif options["remove"] and not options["groups"] :     
  • pykota/trunk/man/de/pkprinters.1

    r2453 r2465  
    22.TH PKPRINTERS "1" "septembre 2005" "C@LL - Conseil Internet & Logiciels Libres" "User Commands" 
    33.SH NOM 
    4 pkprinters \- page de manuel de pkprinters 1.23alpha30_unofficial 
     4pkprinters \- page de manuel de pkprinters 1.23alpha31_unofficial 
    6 pkprinters v1.23alpha30_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005 Jerome Alet \- 
     6pkprinters v1.23alpha31_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005 Jerome Alet \- 
    88A Printers Manager for PyKota. 
    6262In combination with the \fB\-\-add\fR option above, tells 
    6363pkprinters to not modify existing printers. 
     65\fB\-m\fR | \fB\-\-maxjobsize\fR s 
     66Sets the maximum job size allowed on the printer 
     67to s pages. 
     69\fB\-p\fR | \fB\-\-passthrough\fR 
     70Activate passthrough mode for the printer. In this 
     71mode, users are allowed to print without any impact 
     72on their quota or account balance. 
     74\fB\-n\fR | \fB\-\-nopassthrough\fR Deactivate passthrough mode for the printer. 
     75Without \fB\-p\fR or \fB\-n\fR, printers are created in 
     76normal mode, i.e. no passthrough. 
    6578printer1 through printerN can contain wildcards if the \fB\-\-add\fR option 
  • pykota/trunk/man/el_GR/pkprinters.1

    r2453 r2465  
    22.TH PKPRINTERS "1" "septembre 2005" "C@LL - Conseil Internet & Logiciels Libres" "User Commands" 
    33.SH NOM 
    4 pkprinters \- page de manuel de pkprinters 1.23alpha30_unofficial 
     4pkprinters \- page de manuel de pkprinters 1.23alpha31_unofficial 
    6 pkprinters v1.23alpha30_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005 Jerome Alet \- 
     6pkprinters v1.23alpha31_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005 Jerome Alet \- 
    88A Printers Manager for PyKota. 
    6262In combination with the \fB\-\-add\fR option above, tells 
    6363pkprinters to not modify existing printers. 
     65\fB\-m\fR | \fB\-\-maxjobsize\fR s 
     66Sets the maximum job size allowed on the printer 
     67to s pages. 
     69\fB\-p\fR | \fB\-\-passthrough\fR 
     70Activate passthrough mode for the printer. In this 
     71mode, users are allowed to print without any impact 
     72on their quota or account balance. 
     74\fB\-n\fR | \fB\-\-nopassthrough\fR Deactivate passthrough mode for the printer. 
     75Without \fB\-p\fR or \fB\-n\fR, printers are created in 
     76normal mode, i.e. no passthrough. 
    6578printer1 through printerN can contain wildcards if the \fB\-\-add\fR option 
  • pykota/trunk/man/es/pkprinters.1

    r2453 r2465  
    22.TH PKPRINTERS "1" "septembre 2005" "C@LL - Conseil Internet & Logiciels Libres" "User Commands" 
    33.SH NOM 
    4 pkprinters \- page de manuel de pkprinters 1.23alpha30_unofficial 
     4pkprinters \- page de manuel de pkprinters 1.23alpha31_unofficial 
    6 pkprinters v1.23alpha30_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005 Jerome Alet \- 
     6pkprinters v1.23alpha31_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005 Jerome Alet \- 
    88A Printers Manager for PyKota. 
    6262In combination with the \fB\-\-add\fR option above, tells 
    6363pkprinters to not modify existing printers. 
     65\fB\-m\fR | \fB\-\-maxjobsize\fR s 
     66Sets the maximum job size allowed on the printer 
     67to s pages. 
     69\fB\-p\fR | \fB\-\-passthrough\fR 
     70Activate passthrough mode for the printer. In this 
     71mode, users are allowed to print without any impact 
     72on their quota or account balance. 
     74\fB\-n\fR | \fB\-\-nopassthrough\fR Deactivate passthrough mode for the printer. 
     75Without \fB\-p\fR or \fB\-n\fR, printers are created in 
     76normal mode, i.e. no passthrough. 
    6578printer1 through printerN can contain wildcards if the \fB\-\-add\fR option 
  • pykota/trunk/man/fr/pkprinters.1

    r2453 r2465  
    22.TH PKPRINTERS "1" "septembre 2005" "C@LL - Conseil Internet & Logiciels Libres" "User Commands" 
    33.SH NOM 
    4 pkprinters \- page de manuel de pkprinters 1.23alpha30_unofficial 
     4pkprinters \- page de manuel de pkprinters 1.23alpha31_unofficial 
    6 pkprinters v1.23alpha30_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005 Jerome Alet \- 
     6pkprinters v1.23alpha31_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005 Jerome Alet \- 
    8 Un gestionnaire d'imprimantes pour PyKota. 
     8A Printers Manager for PyKota. 
    10 ligne de commande : 
     10command line usage : 
    12 pkprinters [options] impr1 impr2 impr3 ... imprN 
     12pkprinters [options] printer1 printer2 printer3 ... printerN 
    1414options : 
    1616\fB\-v\fR | \fB\-\-version\fR 
    17 Affiche la version de pkprinters et quitte. 
     17Prints pkprinters's version number then exits. 
    1919\fB\-h\fR | \fB\-\-help\fR 
    20 Affiche ce message et quitte. 
     20Prints this message then exits. 
    2222\fB\-a\fR | \fB\-\-add\fR 
    23 Ajoute les imprimantes si elles n'existent pas d� 
    24 dans la base de donn�. Si elles existent, alors 
    25 elles sont modifi� sauf si l'option de ligne de 
    26 commande \fB\-s\fR|\-\-skipexisting est aussi utilis� 
     23Adds printers if they don't exist on the Quota 
     24Storage Server. If they exist, they are modified 
     25unless \fB\-s\fR|\-\-skipexisting is also used. 
    2827\fB\-d\fR | \fB\-\-delete\fR 
    29 Supprime les imprimantes de la base de donn�. 
     28Deletes printers from the quota storage. 
    31 \fB\-D\fR | \fB\-\-description\fR d Ajoute une description textuelle aux imprimantes. 
     30\fB\-D\fR | \fB\-\-description\fR d Adds a textual description to printers. 
    3332\fB\-c\fR | \fB\-\-charge\fR p[,j] 
    34 Fixes les co�ar page et par travail. 
    35 Le co�r travail d'impression est optionnel. 
    36 Si les deux sont utilis� s�rez les nombres par 
    37 une virgule. 
    38 Les nombres n�tifs ou avec d�males sont autoris� 
     33Sets the price per page and per job to charge. 
     34Job price is optional. 
     35If both are to be set, separate them with a comma. 
     36Floating point and negative values are allowed. 
    40 \fB\-g\fR | \fB\-\-groups\fR pg1[,pg2...] Ajoute ou supprime les imprimantes des groupes 
    41 pg1, pg2, etc... qui doivent d� exister. 
    42 Un groupe d'imprimantes est comme une imprimante 
    43 normale mais est inconnu du syst� d'impression. 
    44 On cr�les groupes d'imprimantes de la m� mani� 
    45 que l'on cr�des imprimantes, et ensuite on leur 
    46 ajoute des imprimantes avec cette option. 
    47 Le d�mpte et la v�fication sont effectu�sur 
    48 une imprimante et sur tous les groupes auxquels elle 
    49 appartient. 
    50 Si l'option \fB\-\-remove\fR ci\-dessous n'est pas utilis� 
    51 l'action par d�ut est d'ajouter les imprimantes aux 
    52 groupes d'imprimantes sp�fi� 
     38\fB\-g\fR | \fB\-\-groups\fR pg1[,pg2...] Adds or Remove the printer(s) to the printer 
     39groups pg1, pg2, etc... which must already exist. 
     40A printer group is just like a normal printer, 
     41only that it is usually unknown from the printing 
     42system. Create printer groups exactly the same 
     43way that you create printers, then add other 
     44printers to them with this option. 
     45Accounting is done on a printer and on all 
     46the printer groups it belongs to, quota checking 
     47is done on a printer and on all the printer groups 
     48it belongs to. 
     49If the \fB\-\-remove\fR option below is not used, the 
     50default action is to add printers to the specified 
     51printer groups. 
    5453\fB\-l\fR | \fB\-\-list\fR 
    55 Liste les informations sur les imprimantes et les 
    56 groupes dont elles sont membres. 
     54List informations about the printer(s) and the 
     55printers groups it is a member of. 
    5857\fB\-r\fR | \fB\-\-remove\fR 
    59 Combin�avec l'option \fB\-\-groups\fR ci\-dessus, supprime 
    60 les imprimantes des groupes sp�fi� 
     58In combination with the \fB\-\-groups\fR option above, 
     59remove printers from the specified printers groups. 
    6261\fB\-s\fR | \fB\-\-skipexisting\fR 
    63 Combin�avec l'option \fB\-\-add\fR ci\-dessus, indique 
    64 �kprinters de ne pas modifier les imprimantes 
    65 existantes. 
     62In combination with the \fB\-\-add\fR option above, tells 
     63pkprinters to not modify existing printers. 
     65\fB\-m\fR | \fB\-\-maxjobsize\fR s 
     66Sets the maximum job size allowed on the printer 
     67to s pages. 
     69\fB\-p\fR | \fB\-\-passthrough\fR 
     70Activate passthrough mode for the printer. In this 
     71mode, users are allowed to print without any impact 
     72on their quota or account balance. 
     74\fB\-n\fR | \fB\-\-nopassthrough\fR Deactivate passthrough mode for the printer. 
     75Without \fB\-p\fR or \fB\-n\fR, printers are created in 
     76normal mode, i.e. no passthrough. 
    67 Les noms d'imprimantes peuvent contenir des caract�s jokers si l'option 
    68 \fB\-\-add\fR n'est pas utilis� 
     78printer1 through printerN can contain wildcards if the \fB\-\-add\fR option 
     79is not set. 
    70 exemples : 
     81examples : 
    72 \f(CW$ pkprinters --add -D "Imprimante HP" --charge 0.05,0.1 hp2100 hp2200 hp8000\fR 
     83\f(CW$ pkprinters --add -D "HP Printer" --charge 0.05,0.1 hp2100 hp2200 hp8000\fR 
    74 Ceci va cr� les trois imprimantes hp2100, hp2200 and hp8000. 
    75 Leur co�r page sera fix� 0.05 unit�et leur co�r travail sera 
    76 fix� 0.1 unit�Les unit�sont dans votre propre monnaie, 
    77 ou dans ce que vous voulez qu'elles signifient. 
    78 Leurs descriptions seront positionn� �Imprimante HP". 
    79 Si l'une de ces imprimantes existe d�, elle sera modifi��oins que 
    80 l'option \fB\-s\fR|\-\-skipexisting ne soit aussi utilis� 
     85Will create three printers named hp2100, hp2200 and hp8000. 
     86Their price per page will be set at 0.05 unit, and their price 
     87per job will be set at 0.1 unit. Units are in your own currency, 
     88or whatever you want them to mean. 
     89All of their descriptions will be set to the string "HP Printer". 
     90If any of these printers already exists, it will also be modified 
     91unless the \fB\-s\fR|\-\-skipexisting command line option is also used. 
    8293\f(CW$ pkprinters --delete "*"\fR 
    84 Ceci va compl�ment effacer toutes les imprimantes, leurs informations 
    85 de quota ainsi que leurs historiques des travaux. SOYEZ PRUDENTS ! 
     95This will completely delete all printers and associated quota information, 
     96as well as their job history. USE WITH CARE ! 
    8798\f(CW$ pkprinters --groups Laser,HP "hp*"\fR 
    89 Ceci ba mettre toutes les imprimantes dont le nom correspond �hp*" 
    90 dans les groupes Laser et HP, qui DOIVENT d� exister. 
     100This will put all printers which name matches "hp*" into printers groups 
     101Laser and HP, which MUST already exist. 
    92103\f(CW$ pkprinters --groups LexMark --remove hp2200\fR 
    94 Ceci va enlever l'imprimante hp2200 du groupe LexMark. 
     105This will remove the hp2200 printer from the LexMark printer group. 
    96107This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify 
  • pykota/trunk/man/it/pkprinters.1

    r2453 r2465  
    22.TH PKPRINTERS "1" "septembre 2005" "C@LL - Conseil Internet & Logiciels Libres" "User Commands" 
    33.SH NOM 
    4 pkprinters \- page de manuel de pkprinters 1.23alpha30_unofficial 
     4pkprinters \- page de manuel de pkprinters 1.23alpha31_unofficial 
    6 pkprinters v1.23alpha30_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005 Jerome Alet \- 
     6pkprinters v1.23alpha31_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005 Jerome Alet \- 
    88A Printers Manager for PyKota. 
    6262In combination with the \fB\-\-add\fR option above, tells 
    6363pkprinters to not modify existing printers. 
     65\fB\-m\fR | \fB\-\-maxjobsize\fR s 
     66Sets the maximum job size allowed on the printer 
     67to s pages. 
     69\fB\-p\fR | \fB\-\-passthrough\fR 
     70Activate passthrough mode for the printer. In this 
     71mode, users are allowed to print without any impact 
     72on their quota or account balance. 
     74\fB\-n\fR | \fB\-\-nopassthrough\fR Deactivate passthrough mode for the printer. 
     75Without \fB\-p\fR or \fB\-n\fR, printers are created in 
     76normal mode, i.e. no passthrough. 
    6578printer1 through printerN can contain wildcards if the \fB\-\-add\fR option 
  • pykota/trunk/man/nb_NO/pkprinters.1

    r2453 r2465  
    22.TH PKPRINTERS "1" "septembre 2005" "C@LL - Conseil Internet & Logiciels Libres" "User Commands" 
    33.SH NOM 
    4 pkprinters \- page de manuel de pkprinters 1.23alpha30_unofficial 
     4pkprinters \- page de manuel de pkprinters 1.23alpha31_unofficial 
    6 pkprinters v1.23alpha30_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005 Jerome Alet \- 
     6pkprinters v1.23alpha31_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005 Jerome Alet \- 
    88A Printers Manager for PyKota. 
    6262In combination with the \fB\-\-add\fR option above, tells 
    6363pkprinters to not modify existing printers. 
     65\fB\-m\fR | \fB\-\-maxjobsize\fR s 
     66Sets the maximum job size allowed on the printer 
     67to s pages. 
     69\fB\-p\fR | \fB\-\-passthrough\fR 
     70Activate passthrough mode for the printer. In this 
     71mode, users are allowed to print without any impact 
     72on their quota or account balance. 
     74\fB\-n\fR | \fB\-\-nopassthrough\fR Deactivate passthrough mode for the printer. 
     75Without \fB\-p\fR or \fB\-n\fR, printers are created in 
     76normal mode, i.e. no passthrough. 
    6578printer1 through printerN can contain wildcards if the \fB\-\-add\fR option 
  • pykota/trunk/man/pkprinters.1

    r2453 r2465  
    22.TH PKPRINTERS "1" "September 2005" "C@LL - Conseil Internet & Logiciels Libres" "User Commands" 
    33.SH NAME 
    4 pkprinters \- manual page for pkprinters 1.23alpha30_unofficial 
     4pkprinters \- manual page for pkprinters 1.23alpha31_unofficial 
    6 pkprinters v1.23alpha30_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005 Jerome Alet \- 
     6pkprinters v1.23alpha31_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005 Jerome Alet \- 
    88A Printers Manager for PyKota. 
    6262In combination with the \fB\-\-add\fR option above, tells 
    6363pkprinters to not modify existing printers. 
     65\fB\-m\fR | \fB\-\-maxjobsize\fR s 
     66Sets the maximum job size allowed on the printer 
     67to s pages. 
     69\fB\-p\fR | \fB\-\-passthrough\fR 
     70Activate passthrough mode for the printer. In this 
     71mode, users are allowed to print without any impact 
     72on their quota or account balance. 
     74\fB\-n\fR | \fB\-\-nopassthrough\fR Deactivate passthrough mode for the printer. 
     75Without \fB\-p\fR or \fB\-n\fR, printers are created in 
     76normal mode, i.e. no passthrough. 
    6578printer1 through printerN can contain wildcards if the \fB\-\-add\fR option 
  • pykota/trunk/man/pt_BR/pkprinters.1

    r2453 r2465  
    22.TH PKPRINTERS "1" "septembre 2005" "C@LL - Conseil Internet & Logiciels Libres" "User Commands" 
    33.SH NOM 
    4 pkprinters \- page de manuel de pkprinters 1.23alpha30_unofficial 
     4pkprinters \- page de manuel de pkprinters 1.23alpha31_unofficial 
    6 pkprinters v1.23alpha30_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005 Jerome Alet \- 
     6pkprinters v1.23alpha31_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005 Jerome Alet \- 
    88A Printers Manager for PyKota. 
    6262In combination with the \fB\-\-add\fR option above, tells 
    6363pkprinters to not modify existing printers. 
     65\fB\-m\fR | \fB\-\-maxjobsize\fR s 
     66Sets the maximum job size allowed on the printer 
     67to s pages. 
     69\fB\-p\fR | \fB\-\-passthrough\fR 
     70Activate passthrough mode for the printer. In this 
     71mode, users are allowed to print without any impact 
     72on their quota or account balance. 
     74\fB\-n\fR | \fB\-\-nopassthrough\fR Deactivate passthrough mode for the printer. 
     75Without \fB\-p\fR or \fB\-n\fR, printers are created in 
     76normal mode, i.e. no passthrough. 
    6578printer1 through printerN can contain wildcards if the \fB\-\-add\fR option 
  • pykota/trunk/man/pt/pkprinters.1

    r2453 r2465  
    22.TH PKPRINTERS "1" "septembre 2005" "C@LL - Conseil Internet & Logiciels Libres" "User Commands" 
    33.SH NOM 
    4 pkprinters \- page de manuel de pkprinters 1.23alpha30_unofficial 
     4pkprinters \- page de manuel de pkprinters 1.23alpha31_unofficial 
    6 pkprinters v1.23alpha30_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005 Jerome Alet \- 
     6pkprinters v1.23alpha31_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005 Jerome Alet \- 
    88A Printers Manager for PyKota. 
    6262In combination with the \fB\-\-add\fR option above, tells 
    6363pkprinters to not modify existing printers. 
     65\fB\-m\fR | \fB\-\-maxjobsize\fR s 
     66Sets the maximum job size allowed on the printer 
     67to s pages. 
     69\fB\-p\fR | \fB\-\-passthrough\fR 
     70Activate passthrough mode for the printer. In this 
     71mode, users are allowed to print without any impact 
     72on their quota or account balance. 
     74\fB\-n\fR | \fB\-\-nopassthrough\fR Deactivate passthrough mode for the printer. 
     75Without \fB\-p\fR or \fB\-n\fR, printers are created in 
     76normal mode, i.e. no passthrough. 
    6578printer1 through printerN can contain wildcards if the \fB\-\-add\fR option 
  • pykota/trunk/man/sv_SE/pkprinters.1

    r2453 r2465  
    22.TH PKPRINTERS "1" "septembre 2005" "C@LL - Conseil Internet & Logiciels Libres" "User Commands" 
    33.SH NOM 
    4 pkprinters \- page de manuel de pkprinters 1.23alpha30_unofficial 
     4pkprinters \- page de manuel de pkprinters 1.23alpha31_unofficial 
    6 pkprinters v1.23alpha30_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005 Jerome Alet \- 
     6pkprinters v1.23alpha31_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005 Jerome Alet \- 
    88A Printers Manager for PyKota. 
    6262In combination with the \fB\-\-add\fR option above, tells 
    6363pkprinters to not modify existing printers. 
     65\fB\-m\fR | \fB\-\-maxjobsize\fR s 
     66Sets the maximum job size allowed on the printer 
     67to s pages. 
     69\fB\-p\fR | \fB\-\-passthrough\fR 
     70Activate passthrough mode for the printer. In this 
     71mode, users are allowed to print without any impact 
     72on their quota or account balance. 
     74\fB\-n\fR | \fB\-\-nopassthrough\fR Deactivate passthrough mode for the printer. 
     75Without \fB\-p\fR or \fB\-n\fR, printers are created in 
     76normal mode, i.e. no passthrough. 
    6578printer1 through printerN can contain wildcards if the \fB\-\-add\fR option 
  • pykota/trunk/man/th/pkprinters.1

    r2453 r2465  
    22.TH PKPRINTERS "1" "septembre 2005" "C@LL - Conseil Internet & Logiciels Libres" "User Commands" 
    33.SH NOM 
    4 pkprinters \- page de manuel de pkprinters 1.23alpha30_unofficial 
     4pkprinters \- page de manuel de pkprinters 1.23alpha31_unofficial 
    6 pkprinters v1.23alpha30_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005 Jerome Alet \- 
     6pkprinters v1.23alpha31_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005 Jerome Alet \- 
    88A Printers Manager for PyKota. 
    6262In combination with the \fB\-\-add\fR option above, tells 
    6363pkprinters to not modify existing printers. 
     65\fB\-m\fR | \fB\-\-maxjobsize\fR s 
     66Sets the maximum job size allowed on the printer 
     67to s pages. 
     69\fB\-p\fR | \fB\-\-passthrough\fR 
     70Activate passthrough mode for the printer. In this 
     71mode, users are allowed to print without any impact 
     72on their quota or account balance. 
     74\fB\-n\fR | \fB\-\-nopassthrough\fR Deactivate passthrough mode for the printer. 
     75Without \fB\-p\fR or \fB\-n\fR, printers are created in 
     76normal mode, i.e. no passthrough. 
    6578printer1 through printerN can contain wildcards if the \fB\-\-add\fR option 
  • pykota/trunk/man/tr/pkprinters.1

    r2453 r2465  
    22.TH PKPRINTERS "1" "septembre 2005" "C@LL - Conseil Internet & Logiciels Libres" "User Commands" 
    33.SH NOM 
    4 pkprinters \- page de manuel de pkprinters 1.23alpha30_unofficial 
     4pkprinters \- page de manuel de pkprinters 1.23alpha31_unofficial 
    6 pkprinters v1.23alpha30_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005 Jerome Alet \- 
     6pkprinters v1.23alpha31_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005 Jerome Alet \- 
    88A Printers Manager for PyKota. 
    6262In combination with the \fB\-\-add\fR option above, tells 
    6363pkprinters to not modify existing printers. 
     65\fB\-m\fR | \fB\-\-maxjobsize\fR s 
     66Sets the maximum job size allowed on the printer 
     67to s pages. 
     69\fB\-p\fR | \fB\-\-passthrough\fR 
     70Activate passthrough mode for the printer. In this 
     71mode, users are allowed to print without any impact 
     72on their quota or account balance. 
     74\fB\-n\fR | \fB\-\-nopassthrough\fR Deactivate passthrough mode for the printer. 
     75Without \fB\-p\fR or \fB\-n\fR, printers are created in 
     76normal mode, i.e. no passthrough. 
    6578printer1 through printerN can contain wildcards if the \fB\-\-add\fR option 
  • pykota/trunk/man/zh_TW/pkprinters.1

    r2453 r2465  
    22.TH PKPRINTERS "1" "septembre 2005" "C@LL - Conseil Internet & Logiciels Libres" "User Commands" 
    33.SH NOM 
    4 pkprinters \- page de manuel de pkprinters 1.23alpha30_unofficial 
     4pkprinters \- page de manuel de pkprinters 1.23alpha31_unofficial 
    6 pkprinters v1.23alpha30_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005 Jerome Alet \- 
     6pkprinters v1.23alpha31_unofficial (c) 2003, 2004, 2005 Jerome Alet \- 
    88A Printers Manager for PyKota. 
    6262In combination with the \fB\-\-add\fR option above, tells 
    6363pkprinters to not modify existing printers. 
     65\fB\-m\fR | \fB\-\-maxjobsize\fR s 
     66Sets the maximum job size allowed on the printer 
     67to s pages. 
     69\fB\-p\fR | \fB\-\-passthrough\fR 
     70Activate passthrough mode for the printer. In this 
     71mode, users are allowed to print without any impact 
     72on their quota or account balance. 
     74\fB\-n\fR | \fB\-\-nopassthrough\fR Deactivate passthrough mode for the printer. 
     75Without \fB\-p\fR or \fB\-n\fR, printers are created in 
     76normal mode, i.e. no passthrough. 
    6578printer1 through printerN can contain wildcards if the \fB\-\-add\fR option 
  • pykota/trunk/NEWS

    r2455 r2465  
    2222PyKota NEWS : 
     24    - 1.23alpha31 : 
     26        - Added support for --maxjobsize, --passthrough and --nopassthrough 
     27          in pkprinters. These modes are now also honored when printing. 
    2429    - 1.23alpha30 : 
  • pykota/trunk/pykota/

    r2452 r2465  
    24 __version__ = "1.23alpha30_unofficial" 
     24__version__ = "1.23alpha31_unofficial" 
    2626__doc__ = "PyKota : a complete Printing Quota Solution for CUPS and LPRng."