03/06/05 17:52:43 (19 years ago)

Removed all references to $Log$

1 modified


  • pykota/trunk/bin/pkprinters

    r2146 r2147  
    2323# $Id$ 
    24 # 
    25 # $Log$ 
    26 # Revision 1.19  2005/01/17 08:44:24  jalet 
    27 # Modified copyright years 
    28 # 
    29 # Revision 1.18  2004/10/20 12:32:51  jalet 
    30 # Fixed typo in help 
    31 # 
    32 # Revision 1.17  2004/10/13 21:40:10  jalet 
    33 # Now mandates that the user be a PyKota administrator to allow dangerous 
    34 # command line options. --list is still allowed to mere mortals though. 
    35 # 
    36 # Revision 1.16  2004/10/11 22:53:05  jalet 
    37 # Postponed string interpolation to help message's output method 
    38 # 
    39 # Revision 1.15  2004/10/11 12:49:06  jalet 
    40 # Renders help translatable 
    41 # 
    42 # Revision 1.14  2004/07/19 22:37:13  jalet 
    43 # pykosd is now a very good tool 
    44 # 
    45 # Revision 1.13  2004/07/01 19:56:41  jalet 
    46 # Better dispatching of error messages 
    47 # 
    48 # Revision 1.12  2004/07/01 17:45:47  jalet 
    49 # Added code to handle the description field for printers 
    50 # 
    51 # Revision 1.11  2004/06/18 13:34:48  jalet 
    52 # Now all tracebacks include PyKota's version number 
    53 # 
    54 # Revision 1.10  2004/06/07 18:43:40  jalet 
    55 # Fixed over-verbose exits when displaying help or version number 
    56 # 
    57 # Revision 1.9  2004/06/03 21:50:34  jalet 
    58 # Improved error logging. 
    59 # crashrecipient directive added. 
    60 # Now exports the job's size in bytes too. 
    61 # 
    62 # Revision 1.8  2004/05/06 20:30:24  jalet 
    63 # Added --skipexisting command line option to pkprinters 
    64 # 
    65 # Revision 1.7  2004/05/06 12:51:58  jalet 
    66 # Documentation 
    67 # 
    68 # Revision 1.6  2004/05/06 12:37:29  jalet 
    69 # pkpgcounter : comments 
    70 # pkprinters : when --add is used, existing printers are now skipped. 
    71 # 
    72 # Revision 1.5  2004/04/16 16:52:09  jalet 
    73 # Better formatting 
    74 # 
    75 # Revision 1.4  2004/04/16 16:47:57  jalet 
    76 # pkprinters now accept the --list command line option 
    77 # 
    78 # Revision 1.3  2004/02/04 13:24:41  jalet 
    79 # pkprinters can now remove printers from printers groups. 
    80 # 
    81 # Revision 1.2  2004/02/04 12:52:37  jalet 
    82 # pkprinters' help 
    83 # 
    84 # Revision 1.1  2004/02/04 11:16:59  jalet 
    85 # pkprinters command line tool added. 
    86 # 