Changeset 1372 for pykota/trunk/conf

03/01/04 12:23:25 (20 years ago)

Pre and Post hooks to external commands are available in the cupspykota
backend. Forthe pykota filter they will be implemented real soon now.

1 modified


  • pykota/trunk/conf/pykota.conf.sample

    r1368 r1372  
    439439policy: deny 
     441# Pre and Post Hooks  
     442# These directives allow the easy plug-in of any command of your choice 
     443# at different phases of PyKota's execution. 
     444# Pre and Post Hooks can access some of PyKota's internal information 
     445# by reading environment variables as described below. 
     446# The actual phase of PyKota's execution is available in the 
     447# PYKOTAPHASE environment variable. 
     448# Pre and Post Hooks can be defined either globally, per printer, 
     449# or both if both are defined, the printer specific hook has 
     450# priority. 
     452# List of available environment variables : 
     453# NB : Most of these variables are also available during the execution 
     454# of external commands defined in the accounter, requester or mailto  
     455# directives. 
     457# PYKOTAPHASE : BEFORE or AFTER the job is sent to the printer 
     458# PYKOTAUSERNAME : user's name 
     459# PYKOTAPRINTERNAME : printer's name 
     460# PYKOTAJOBID : job's id 
     461# PYKOTATITLE : job's title 
     462# PYKOTAFILENAME : job's filename 
     463# PYKOTACOPIES : number of copies 
     464# PYKOTAOPTIONS : job's options 
     465# PYKOTABALANCE : user's account balance 
     466# PYKOTALIFETIMEPAID : user's grand total paid  
     467# PYKOTAPAGECOUNTER : user's page counter on this printer 
     468# PYKOTALIFEPAGECOUNTER : user's life time page counter on this printer 
     469# PYKOTASOFTLIMIT : user's soft page limit on this printer 
     470# PYKOTAHARDLIMIT : user's hard page limit on this printer 
     471# PYKOTADATELIMIT : user's soft to hard limit date limit on this printer 
     473# PreHook : gets executed after being sure the user, printer and user quota 
     474# entry on the printer both exist in the PyKota database, but just before 
     475# checking if the user is allowed to print or not. 
     476# prehook has access to many environment variables : 
     478# PYKOTAACTION contains either "ALLOW", "WARN" or "DENY" and  
     479# represents the action which is to be done wrt the print job. 
     480# PYKOTAPHASE contains 'BEFORE' during execution of prehook  
     482# uncomment the line below to see what environment variables are available 
     483# prehook: /usr/bin/printenv >/tmp/before 
     485# PostHook : gets executed after the job has been added to the history. 
     486# posthook has access to all the environment variables defined above, 
     487# as well as two additionnal environment variables : PYKOTAJOBPRICE  
     488# and PYKOTAJOBSIZE.  
     489# PYKOTAPHASE contains 'AFTER' during execution of posthook. 
     491# uncomment the line below to see what environment variables are available 
     492#posthook: /usr/bin/printenv >/tmp/after 