Changeset 1020
- Timestamp:
- 06/10/03 12:45:32 (21 years ago)
- Files:
- 1 modified
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r1018 r1020 21 21 # 22 22 # $Log$ 23 # Revision 1.4 2003/06/10 10:45:32 jalet 24 # Not implemented methods now raise an exception when called. 25 # 23 26 # Revision 1.3 2003/06/06 20:49:15 jalet 24 27 # Very latest schema. UNTESTED. … … 101 104 def setPrinterPrices(self, printerid, perpage, perjob) : 102 105 """Sets prices per job and per page for a given printer.""" 103 pass106 raise PyKotaStorageError, "Not implemented !" 104 107 105 108 def getUserId(self, username) : … … 118 121 def getJobHistoryId(self, jobid, userid, printerid) : 119 122 """Returns the history line's id given a (jobid, userid, printerid).""" 120 pass123 raise PyKotaStorageError, "Not implemented !" 121 124 122 125 def getPrinterUsers(self, printerid) : … … 151 154 def getUserGroupsNames(self, userid) : 152 155 """Returns the list of groups' names the user is a member of.""" 153 pass156 raise PyKotaStorageError, "Not implemented !" 154 157 155 158 def addPrinter(self, printername) : 156 159 """Adds a printer to the quota storage, returns its id.""" 157 pass160 raise PyKotaStorageError, "Not implemented !" 158 161 159 162 def addUser(self, username) : 160 163 """Adds a user to the quota storage, returns its id.""" 161 pass164 raise PyKotaStorageError, "Not implemented !" 162 165 163 166 def addGroup(self, groupname) : 164 167 """Adds a group to the quota storage, returns its id.""" 165 pass168 raise PyKotaStorageError, "Not implemented !" 166 169 167 170 def addUserPQuota(self, username, printerid) : 168 171 """Initializes a user print quota on a printer, adds the user to the quota storage if needed.""" 169 pass172 raise PyKotaStorageError, "Not implemented !" 170 173 171 174 def addGroupPQuota(self, groupname, printerid) : 172 175 """Initializes a group print quota on a printer, adds the group to the quota storage if needed.""" 173 pass176 raise PyKotaStorageError, "Not implemented !" 174 177 175 178 def increaseUserBalance(self, userid, amount) : 176 179 """Increases (or decreases) an user's account balance by a given amount.""" 177 pass180 raise PyKotaStorageError, "Not implemented !" 178 181 179 182 def getUserBalance(self, userquotaid) : … … 236 239 def setUserBalance(self, userid, balance) : 237 240 """Sets the account balance for a given user to a fixed value.""" 238 pass241 raise PyKotaStorageError, "Not implemented !" 239 242 240 243 def limitUserBy(self, userid, limitby) : 241 244 """Limits a given user based either on print quota or on account balance.""" 242 pass245 raise PyKotaStorageError, "Not implemented !" 243 246 244 247 def limitGroupBy(self, groupid, limitby) : 245 248 """Limits a given group based either on print quota or on sum of its users' account balances.""" 246 pass249 raise PyKotaStorageError, "Not implemented !" 247 250 248 251 def setUserPQuota(self, userid, printerid, softlimit, hardlimit) : 249 252 """Sets soft and hard limits for a user quota on a specific printer given (userid, printerid).""" 250 pass253 raise PyKotaStorageError, "Not implemented !" 251 254 252 255 def setGroupPQuota(self, groupid, printerid, softlimit, hardlimit) : 253 256 """Sets soft and hard limits for a group quota on a specific printer given (groupid, printerid).""" 254 pass257 raise PyKotaStorageError, "Not implemented !" 255 258 256 259 def resetUserPQuota(self, userid, printerid) : 257 260 """Resets the page counter to zero for a user on a printer. Life time page counter is kept unchanged.""" 258 pass261 raise PyKotaStorageError, "Not implemented !" 259 262 260 263 def resetGroupPQuota(self, groupid, printerid) : 261 264 """Resets the page counter to zero for a group on a printer. Life time page counter is kept unchanged.""" 262 pass265 raise PyKotaStorageError, "Not implemented !" 263 266 264 267 def updateUserPQuota(self, userid, printerid, pagecount) : 265 268 """Updates the used user Quota information given (userid, printerid) and a job size in pages.""" 266 pass269 raise PyKotaStorageError, "Not implemented !" 267 270 268 271 def getUserPQuota(self, userquotaid, printerid) : … … 311 314 def setUserDateLimit(self, userid, printerid, datelimit) : 312 315 """Sets the limit date for a soft limit to become an hard one given (userid, printerid).""" 313 pass316 raise PyKotaStorageError, "Not implemented !" 314 317 315 318 def setGroupDateLimit(self, groupid, printerid, datelimit) : 316 319 """Sets the limit date for a soft limit to become an hard one given (groupid, printerid).""" 317 pass320 raise PyKotaStorageError, "Not implemented !" 318 321 319 322 def addJobToHistory(self, jobid, userid, printerid, pagecounter, action) : 320 323 """Adds a job to the history: (jobid, userid, printerid, last page counter taken from requester).""" 321 pass324 raise PyKotaStorageError, "Not implemented !" 322 325 323 326 def updateJobSizeInHistory(self, historyid, jobsize) : 324 327 """Updates a job size in the history given the history line's id.""" 325 pass328 raise PyKotaStorageError, "Not implemented !" 326 329 327 330 def getPrinterPageCounter(self, printerid) : … … 334 337 def addUserToGroup(self, userid, groupid) : 335 338 """Adds an user to a group.""" 336 pass339 raise PyKotaStorageError, "Not implemented !" 337 340 338 341 def deleteUser(self, userid) : 339 342 """Completely deletes an user from the Quota Storage.""" 340 pass343 raise PyKotaStorageError, "Not implemented !" 341 344 342 345 def deleteGroup(self, groupid) : 343 346 """Completely deletes an user from the Quota Storage.""" 344 pass347 raise PyKotaStorageError, "Not implemented !" 345 348 346 349 def computePrinterJobPrice(self, printerid, jobsize) :