# $Id$ PyKotIcon - Client side helper for PyKota and other applications (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Jerome Alet This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ==================================================================== PyKotIcon is a cross-platform client-side helper for PyKota. It is meant to be launched whenever the user logs in, and stay in the taskbar (depending on the client operating system) until the user closes his session. Installation : * GNU/Linux and similar : $ cd pykoticon $ python setup.py install Then modify your .xsession file, or the appropriate file depending on your desktop environment, to ensure that the pykoticon command is launched in the background each time your X Window session starts. You MUST pass the list of hostnames or IP addresses from which PyKotIcon should accept incoming connexions on pykoticon's command line. Connexions from localhost are always accepted. If you use PyKotIcon with PyKota, you'll want to pass the hostnames or IP addresses of ALL print servers on pykoticon's command line. NB : `pykoticon --help` will give you hints about the expected command line parameters. * MS Windows : Download pykoticon-x.yy.zip from http://www.pykota.com/software/pykoticon/download/tarballs/ Unzip it into a directory of its own. I usually unzip it into /var/lib/samba/netlogon/pykoticon/ Modify the PYKOTICON.VBS file to include the list of authorized print servers and change other parameters as needed, as explained in the GNU/Linux section above. Ensure that PYKOTICON.VBS is executed each time an user logs in. The easiest way to do this is in STARTUP.CMD : --- CUT --- SET PATH=%PATH%;\\MYSERVER\NETLOGON\PYKOTICON\ \\MYSERVER\NETLOGON\PYKOTICON\PYKOTICON.VBS --- CUT --- NB : if you launch PYKOTICON.EXE directly instead of from PYKOTICON.VBS, a small but disturbing window may appear on the screen. ==================================================================== Usage : PyKotIcon is often used as a client side companion of the PyKota print accounting solution, with PyKota's pknotify command line tool acting as a PyKotIcon client. But in reality PyKotIcon is completely independant of PyKota, and can be used from any application which can do remote procedure calls over XML-RPC. PyKotIcon exposes 4 of its methods over XML-RPC, here they are : - nop : This methods does exactly nothing :) - Input : No argument. - Output : returns the True boolean value. - quitApplication : This method causes the PyKotIcon application to exit. - Input : No argument. - Output : returns the True boolean value. - showDialog : This methods displays an informational message, and returns the choice the user made, if any. - Input : - message : a Binary XML-RPC object representing an UTF-8 encoded character string which will be displayed to the end user. This string can contain literal "\n" sequences which will be automatically expanded into line breaks by PyKotIcon. - confirmation : a boolean value indicating if the user will be given the choice to valid or cancel (True), or only to valid (False) the dialog box. - Output : - the literal string "OK" if the user clicked on the OK button, else the literal string "CANCEL". The latter is only possible if the method was called with its second parameter set to True. - askDatas : This method can generate an input form and return what the user entered in the different fields. - Input : - An array of labels, one label per input field in the form to be created. Each label in the list is passed as a Binary XML-RPC object representing an UTF-8 encoded character string. - An array of variables names, one name per input field in the form to be created. Each name in the list is passed as an ASCII encoded character string. IMPORTANT : if one of these names is 'password' then this particular field's input box will be visually protected with * in place of the characters typed during input. - An associative array (e.g. Python mapping) of initial values. Each key is a variable name which must be present in the list above, and each value is a possibly empty initial content, which will be passed as a Binary XML-RPC object representing an UTF-8 encoded character string. - Output : - An associative array (e.g. Python mapping) containing the variables names as keys and the variables' contents as values in the following format : - Each key is an ASCII encoded character string representing the name of a variable to ask which was passed from the caller. - Each value is a Binary XML-RPC object representing an UTF-8 encoded character string, itself being the result of user input in the form's field for this particular variable. - A special key named 'isValid' gives access to a boolean value in the associative array. If the value is True, then the input fields' contents are valid. If the value is False, then what the user typed in the input fields has to be discarded because, for example, the user closed the form without validating his entries. In this case, all the other values are empty strings anyway. IMPORTANT : PyKotIcon doesn't currently support encrypted connexions, so if you're afraid of sensitive information flying in the clear over the nework, you should probably install a transparent secure tunneling software like stunnel on both sides of each connection. ==================================================================== Please e-mail bugs to the PyKota mailing list at : pykota@librelogiciel.com or to the main author at : alet@librelogiciel.com (Jerome Alet)