#! /usr/bin/env python # # PyKota # # PyKota : Print Quotas for CUPS and LPRng # # (c) 2003 Jerome Alet # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # # $Id$ # # $Log$ # Revision 1.23 2003/07/29 20:55:17 jalet # 1.14 is out ! # # Revision 1.22 2003/07/29 09:54:03 jalet # Added configurable LDAP mail attribute support # # Revision 1.21 2003/07/28 09:11:12 jalet # PyKota now tries to add its attributes intelligently in existing LDAP # directories. # # Revision 1.20 2003/07/23 16:51:32 jalet # waitprinter.sh is now included to prevent PyKota from asking the # printer's internal page counter while a job is still being printer. # # Revision 1.19 2003/07/16 21:53:07 jalet # Really big modifications wrt new configuration file's location and content. # # Revision 1.18 2003/07/03 09:44:00 jalet # Now includes the pykotme utility # # Revision 1.17 2003/06/30 12:46:15 jalet # Extracted reporting code. # # Revision 1.16 2003/06/06 20:49:15 jalet # Very latest schema. UNTESTED. # # Revision 1.15 2003/05/17 16:32:30 jalet # Also outputs the original import error message. # # Revision 1.14 2003/05/17 16:31:38 jalet # Dies gracefully if DistUtils is not present. # # Revision 1.13 2003/04/29 18:37:54 jalet # Pluggable accounting methods (actually doesn't support external scripts) # # Revision 1.12 2003/04/23 22:13:56 jalet # Preliminary support for LPRng added BUT STILL UNTESTED. # # Revision 1.11 2003/04/17 13:49:29 jalet # Typo # # Revision 1.10 2003/04/17 13:48:39 jalet # Better help # # Revision 1.9 2003/04/17 13:47:28 jalet # Help added during installation. # # Revision 1.8 2003/04/15 17:49:29 jalet # Installation script now checks the presence of Netatalk # # Revision 1.7 2003/04/03 20:03:37 jalet # Installation script now allows to install the sample configuration file. # # Revision 1.6 2003/03/29 13:45:26 jalet # GPL paragraphs were incorrectly (from memory) copied into the sources. # Two README files were added. # Upgrade script for PostgreSQL pre 1.01 schema was added. # # Revision 1.5 2003/03/29 13:08:28 jalet # Configuration is now expected to be found in /etc/pykota.conf instead of # in /etc/cups/pykota.conf # Installation script can move old config files to the new location if needed. # Better error handling if configuration file is absent. # # Revision 1.4 2003/03/29 09:47:00 jalet # More powerful installation script. # # Revision 1.3 2003/03/26 17:48:36 jalet # First shot at trying to detect the availability of the needed software # during the installation. # # Revision 1.2 2003/03/09 16:49:04 jalet # The installation script installs the man pages too now. # # Revision 1.1 2003/02/05 21:28:17 jalet # Initial import into CVS # # # import sys import glob import os import shutil try : from distutils.core import setup except ImportError, msg : sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % msg) sys.stderr.write("You need the DistUtils Python module.\nunder Debian, you may have to install the python-dev package.\nOf course, YMMV.\n") sys.exit(-1) sys.path.insert(0, "pykota") from pykota.version import __version__, __doc__ ACTION_CONTINUE = 0 ACTION_ABORT = 1 def checkModule(module) : """Checks if a Python module is available or not.""" try : exec "import %s" % module except ImportError : return 0 else : return 1 def checkCommand(command) : """Checks if a command is available or not.""" input = os.popen("type %s 2>/dev/null" % command) result = input.read().strip() input.close() return result def checkWithPrompt(prompt, module=None, command=None, helper=None) : """Tells the user what will be checked, and asks him what to do if something is absent.""" sys.stdout.write("Checking for %s availability : " % prompt) sys.stdout.flush() if command is not None : result = checkCommand(command) elif module is not None : result = checkModule(module) if result : sys.stdout.write("OK\n") return ACTION_CONTINUE else : sys.stdout.write("NO.\n") sys.stderr.write("ERROR : %s not available !\n" % prompt) if helper is not None : sys.stdout.write("%s\n" % helper) sys.stdout.write("You may continue safely if you don't need this functionnality.\n") answer = raw_input("%s is missing. Do you want to continue anyway (y/N) ? " % prompt) if answer[0:1].upper() == 'Y' : return ACTION_CONTINUE else : return ACTION_ABORT if "install" in sys.argv : # checks if Python version is correct, we need >= 2.1 if not (sys.version > "2.1") : sys.stderr.write("PyKota needs at least Python v2.1 !\nYour version seems to be older than that, please update.\nAborted !\n") sys.exit(-1) # checks if a configuration file is present in the new location if not os.path.isfile("/etc/pykota/pykota.conf") : if not os.path.isdir("/etc/pykota") : try : os.mkdir("/etc/pykota") except OSError, msg : sys.stderr.write("An error occured while creating the /etc/pykota directory.\n%s\n" % msg) sys.exit(-1) if os.path.isfile("/etc/pykota.conf") : # upgrade from pre-1.14 to 1.14 and above sys.stdout.write("From version 1.14 on, PyKota expects to find its configuration\nfile in /etc/pykota/ instead of /etc/\n") sys.stdout.write("It seems that you've got a configuration file in the old location,\nso it will not be used anymore,\nand there's no configuration file in the new location.\n") answer = raw_input("Do you want to move /etc/pykota.conf to /etc/pykota/pykota.conf (y/N) ? ") if answer[0:1].upper() == 'Y' : try : os.rename("/etc/pykota.conf", "/etc/pykota/pykota.conf") except OSError : sys.stderr.write("ERROR : An error occured while moving /etc/pykota.conf to /etc/pykota/pykota.conf\nAborted !\n") sys.exit(-1) else : sys.stdout.write("Configuration file /etc/pykota.conf moved to /etc/pykota/pykota.conf.\n") else : sys.stderr.write("WARNING : Configuration file /etc/pykota.conf won't be used ! Move it to /etc/pykota/ instead.\n") sys.stderr.write("PyKota installation will continue anyway,\nbut the software won't run until you put a proper configuration file in /etc/pykota/\n") dummy = raw_input("Please press ENTER when you have read the message above. ") else : # first installation if os.path.isfile("conf/pykota.conf.sample") : answer = raw_input("Do you want to install\n\tconf/pykota.conf.sample as /etc/pykota/pykota.conf (y/N) ? ") if answer[0:1].upper() == 'Y' : try : shutil.copy("conf/pykota.conf.sample", "/etc/pykota/pykota.conf") shutil.copy("conf/pykotadmin.conf.sample", "/etc/pykota/pykotadmin.conf") except IOError, msg : sys.stderr.write("WARNING : Problem while installing sample configuration files in /etc/pykota/, please do it manually.\n%s\n" % msg) else : sys.stdout.write("Configuration file /etc/pykota/pykota.conf and /etc/pykota/pykotadmin.conf installed.\nDon't forget to adapt these files to your needs.\n") else : sys.stderr.write("WARNING : PyKota won't run without a configuration file !\n") else : # Problem ? sys.stderr.write("WARNING : PyKota's sample configuration file cannot be found.\nWhat you have downloaded seems to be incomplete,\nor you are not in the pykota directory.\nPlease double check, and restart the installation procedure.\n") dummy = raw_input("Please press ENTER when you have read the message above. ") else : # already at 1.14 or above, nothing to be done. pass # Second stage, we will fail if onfiguration is incorrect for security reasons from pykota.config import PyKotaConfig,PyKotaConfigError try : conf = PyKotaConfig("/etc/pykota/") except PyKotaConfigError, msg : sys.stedrr.write("%s\nINSTALLATION ABORTED !\nPlease restart installation.\n" % msg) sys.exit(-1) else : hasadmin = conf.getGlobalOption("storageadmin", ignore=1) hasadminpw = conf.getGlobalOption("storageadminpw", ignore=1) hasuser = conf.getGlobalOption("storageuser", ignore=1) if hasadmin or hasadminpw : sys.stderr.write("From version 1.14 on, PyKota expects that /etc/pykota/pykota.conf doesn't contain the Quota Storage Administrator's name and optional password.\n") sys.stderr.write("Please put these in a [global] section in /etc/pykota/pykotadmin.conf\n") sys.stderr.write("Then replace these values with 'storageuser' and 'storageuserpw' in /etc/pykota/pykota.conf\n") sys.stderr.write("These two fields were re-introduced to allow any user to read to his own quota, without allowing them to modify it.\n") sys.stderr.write("You can look at the conf/pykota.conf.sample and conf/pykotadmin.conf.sample files for examples.\n") sys.stderr.write("YOU HAVE TO DO THESE MODIFICATIONS MANUALLY, AND RESTART THE INSTALLATION.\n") sys.stderr.write("INSTALLATION ABORTED FOR SECURITY REASONS.\n") sys.exit(-1) if not hasuser : sys.stderr.write("From version 1.14 on, PyKota expects that /etc/pykota/pykota.conf contains the Quota Storage Normal User's name and optional password.\n") sys.stderr.write("Please put these in a [global] section in /etc/pykota/pykota.conf\n") sys.stderr.write("These fields are respectively named 'storageuser' and 'storageuserpw'.\n") sys.stderr.write("These two fields were re-introduced to allow any user to read to his own quota, without allowing them to modify it.\n") sys.stderr.write("You can look at the conf/pykota.conf.sample and conf/pykotadmin.conf.sample files for examples.\n") sys.stderr.write("YOU HAVE TO DO THESE MODIFICATIONS MANUALLY, AND RESTART THE INSTALLATION.\n") sys.stderr.write("INSTALLATION ABORTED FOR SECURITY REASONS.\n") sys.exit(-1) sb = conf.getStorageBackend() if (sb.get("storageadmin") is None) or (sb.get("storageuser") is None) : sys.stderr.write("From version 1.14 on, PyKota expects that /etc/pykota/pykota.conf contains the Quota Storage Normal User's name and optional password which gives READONLY access to the Print Quota DataBase,") sys.stderr.write("and that /etc/pykota/pykotadmin.conf contains the Quota Storage Administrator's name and optional password which gives READ/WRITE access to the Print Quota DataBase.\n") sys.stderr.write("Your configuration doesn't seem to be OK, please modify your configuration files in /etc/pykota/\n") sys.stderr.write("AND RESTART THE INSTALLATION.\n") sys.stderr.write("INSTALLATION ABORTED FOR SECURITY REASONS.\n") sys.exit(-1) # warns for new LDAP fields if sb.get("storagebackend") == "ldapstorage" : usermail = conf.getGlobalOption("usermail", ignore=1) newuser = conf.getGlobalOption("newuser", ignore=1) newgroup = conf.getGlobalOption("newgroup", ignore=1) if not (usermail and newuser and newgroup) : sys.stderr.write("From version 1.14 on, PyKota LDAP Support needs three additional configuration fields.\n") sys.stderr.write("Please put the 'usermail', 'newuser' and 'newgroup' configuration fields in a\n[global] section in /etc/pykota/pykota.conf\n") sys.stderr.write("You can look at the conf/pykota.conf.sample file for examples.\n") sys.stderr.write("YOU HAVE TO DO THESE MODIFICATIONS MANUALLY, AND RESTART THE INSTALLATION.\n") sys.stderr.write("INSTALLATION ABORTED BECAUSE CONFIGURATION INCOMPLETE.\n") sys.exit(-1) # change files permissions os.chmod("/etc/pykota/pykota.conf", 0644) os.chmod("/etc/pykota/pykotadmin.conf", 0640) # WARNING MESSAGE sys.stdout.write("WARNING : IF YOU ARE UPGRADING FROM A PRE-1.14 TO 1.14 OR ABOVE\n") sys.stdout.write("AND USE THE POSTGRESQL BACKEND, THEN YOU HAVE TO MODIFY YOUR\n") sys.stdout.write("DATABASE SCHEMA USING initscripts/postgresql/upgrade-to-1.14.sql\n") sys.stdout.write("PLEASE READ DOCUMENTATION IN initscripts/postgresql/ TO LEARN HOW TO DO.\n") sys.stdout.write("YOU CAN DO THAT AFTER THE INSTALLATION IS FINISHED, OR PRESS CTRL+C NOW.\n") sys.stdout.write("\n\nYOU DON'T HAVE ANYTHING SPECIAL TO DO IF THIS IS YOUR FIRST INSTALLATION.\n\n") dummy = raw_input("Please press ENTER when you have read the message above. ") # checks if some needed Python modules are there or not. modulestocheck = [ ("PygreSQL", "pg", "PygreSQL is mandatory if you want to use PostgreSQL as the quota storage backend."), ("mxDateTime", "mx.DateTime", "eGenix' mxDateTime is mandatory for PyKota to work."), ("Python-LDAP", "ldap", "Python-LDAP is mandatory if you plan to use an LDAP\ndirectory as the quota storage backend.") ] commandstocheck = [("SNMP Tools", "snmpget", "SNMP Tools are needed if you want to use SNMP enabled printers."), ("Netatalk", "pap", "Netatalk is needed if you want to use AppleTalk enabled printers.")] for (name, module, helper) in modulestocheck : action = checkWithPrompt(name, module=module, helper=helper) if action == ACTION_ABORT : sys.stderr.write("Aborted !\n") sys.exit(-1) # checks if some software are there or not. for (name, command, helper) in commandstocheck : action = checkWithPrompt(name, command=command, helper=helper) if action == ACTION_ABORT : sys.stderr.write("Aborted !\n") sys.exit(-1) data_files = [] mofiles = glob.glob(os.sep.join(["po", "*", "*.mo"])) for mofile in mofiles : lang = mofile.split(os.sep)[1] directory = os.sep.join(["share", "locale", lang, "LC_MESSAGES"]) data_files.append((directory, [ mofile ])) directory = os.sep.join(["share", "man", "man1"]) manpages = glob.glob(os.sep.join(["man", "*.1"])) data_files.append((directory, manpages)) setup(name = "pykota", version = __version__, license = "GNU GPL", description = __doc__, author = "Jerome Alet", author_email = "alet@librelogiciel.com", url = "http://www.librelogiciel.com/software/", packages = [ "pykota", "pykota.storages", "pykota.requesters", "pykota.loggers", "pykota.accounters", "pykota.reporters" ], scripts = [ "bin/pykota", "bin/edpykota", "bin/repykota", "bin/warnpykota", "bin/pykotme", "bin/waitprinter.sh" ], data_files = data_files)