# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- # # PyKota : Print Quotas for CUPS # # (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Jerome Alet # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # $Id$ # # """This module defines a class to access to a PostgreSQL database backend.""" import time from types import StringType from pykota.storage import PyKotaStorageError, BaseStorage from pykota.storages.sql import SQLStorage try : import pg except ImportError : import sys # TODO : to translate or not to translate ? raise PyKotaStorageError, "This python version (%s) doesn't seem to have the PygreSQL module installed correctly." % sys.version.split()[0] else : try : PGError = pg.Error except AttributeError : PGError = pg.error class Storage(BaseStorage, SQLStorage) : def __init__(self, pykotatool, host, dbname, user, passwd) : """Opens the PostgreSQL database connection.""" BaseStorage.__init__(self, pykotatool) try : (host, port) = host.split(":") port = int(port) except ValueError : port = 5432 # Use PostgreSQL's default tcp/ip port (5432). self.tool.logdebug("Trying to open database (host=%s, port=%s, dbname=%s, user=%s)..." % (host, port, dbname, user)) try : self.database = pg.connect(host=host, port=port, dbname=dbname, user=user, passwd=passwd) except PGError, msg : msg = "%(msg)s --- the most probable cause of your problem is that PostgreSQL is down, or doesn't accept incoming connections because you didn't configure it as explained in PyKota's documentation." % locals() raise PGError, msg self.closed = 0 try : self.database.query("SET CLIENT_ENCODING TO 'UTF-8';") except PGError, msg : self.tool.logdebug("Impossible to set database client encoding to UTF-8 : %s" % msg) self.tool.logdebug("Database opened (host=%s, port=%s, dbname=%s, user=%s)" % (host, port, dbname, user)) def close(self) : """Closes the database connection.""" if not self.closed : self.database.close() self.closed = 1 self.tool.logdebug("Database closed.") def beginTransaction(self) : """Starts a transaction.""" self.before = time.time() self.database.query("BEGIN;") self.tool.logdebug("Transaction begins...") def commitTransaction(self) : """Commits a transaction.""" self.database.query("COMMIT;") after = time.time() self.tool.logdebug("Transaction committed.") #self.tool.logdebug("Transaction duration : %.4f seconds" % (after - self.before)) def rollbackTransaction(self) : """Rollbacks a transaction.""" self.database.query("ROLLBACK;") after = time.time() self.tool.logdebug("Transaction aborted.") #self.tool.logdebug("Transaction duration : %.4f seconds" % (after - self.before)) def doRawSearch(self, query) : """Does a raw search query.""" query = query.strip() if not query.endswith(';') : query += ';' try : before = time.time() self.tool.logdebug("QUERY : %s" % query) result = self.database.query(query) except PGError, msg : raise PyKotaStorageError, str(msg) else : after = time.time() #self.tool.logdebug("Query Duration : %.4f seconds" % (after - before)) return result def doSearch(self, query) : """Does a search query.""" result = self.doRawSearch(query) if (result is not None) and (result.ntuples() > 0) : return result.dictresult() def doModify(self, query) : """Does a (possibly multiple) modify query.""" query = query.strip() if not query.endswith(';') : query += ';' try : before = time.time() self.tool.logdebug("QUERY : %s" % query) result = self.database.query(query) except PGError, msg : self.tool.logdebug("Query failed : %s" % repr(msg)) raise PyKotaStorageError, str(msg) else : after = time.time() #self.tool.logdebug("Query Duration : %.4f seconds" % (after - before)) return result def doQuote(self, field) : """Quotes a field for use as a string in SQL queries.""" if type(field) == type(0.0) : typ = "decimal" elif type(field) == type(0) : typ = "int" elif type(field) == type(0L) : typ = "int" else : typ = "text" return pg._quote(field, typ) def prepareRawResult(self, result) : """Prepares a raw result by including the headers.""" if result.ntuples() > 0 : entries = [result.listfields()] entries.extend(result.getresult()) nbfields = len(entries[0]) for i in range(1, len(entries)) : fields = list(entries[i]) for j in range(nbfields) : field = fields[j] if type(field) == StringType : fields[j] = self.databaseToUserCharset(field) entries[i] = tuple(fields) return entries