# PyKota # # PyKota : Print Quotas for CUPS and LPRng # # (c) 2003 Jerome Alet # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # # $Id$ # # $Log$ # Revision 1.7 2003/07/09 20:17:07 jalet # Email field added to PostgreSQL schema # # Revision 1.6 2003/07/07 11:49:24 jalet # Lots of small fixes with the help of PyChecker # # Revision 1.5 2003/07/07 08:33:19 jalet # Bug fix due to a typo in LDAP code # # Revision 1.4 2003/06/30 13:54:21 jalet # Sorts by user / group name # # Revision 1.3 2003/06/25 14:10:01 jalet # Hey, it may work (edpykota --reset excepted) ! # # Revision 1.2 2003/06/12 21:09:57 jalet # wrongly placed code. # # Revision 1.1 2003/06/10 16:37:54 jalet # Deletion of the second user which is not needed anymore. # Added a debug configuration field in /etc/pykota.conf # All queries can now be sent to the logger in debug mode, this will # greatly help improve performance when time for this will come. # # # # from pykota.storage import PyKotaStorageError from pykota.storage import StorageObject,StorageUser,StorageGroup,StoragePrinter,StorageLastJob,StorageUserPQuota,StorageGroupPQuota try : import pg except ImportError : import sys # TODO : to translate or not to translate ? raise PyKotaStorageError, "This python version (%s) doesn't seem to have the PygreSQL module installed correctly." % sys.version.split()[0] class Storage : def __init__(self, pykotatool, host, dbname, user, passwd) : """Opens the PostgreSQL database connection.""" self.tool = pykotatool self.debug = pykotatool.config.getDebug() self.closed = 1 try : (host, port) = host.split(":") port = int(port) except ValueError : port = -1 # Use PostgreSQL's default tcp/ip port (5432). try : self.database = pg.connect(host=host, port=port, dbname=dbname, user=user, passwd=passwd) except pg.error, msg : raise PyKotaStorageError, msg else : self.closed = 0 if self.debug : self.tool.logger.log_message("Database opened (host=%s, port=%s, dbname=%s, user=%s)" % (host, port, dbname, user), "debug") def __del__(self) : """Closes the database connection.""" if not self.closed : self.database.close() self.closed = 1 if self.debug : self.tool.logger.log_message("Database closed.", "debug") def beginTransaction(self) : """Starts a transaction.""" self.database.query("BEGIN;") if self.debug : self.tool.logger.log_message("Transaction begins...", "debug") def commitTransaction(self) : """Commits a transaction.""" self.database.query("COMMIT;") if self.debug : self.tool.logger.log_message("Transaction committed.", "debug") def rollbackTransaction(self) : """Rollbacks a transaction.""" self.database.query("ROLLBACK;") if self.debug : self.tool.logger.log_message("Transaction aborted.", "debug") def doSearch(self, query) : """Does a search query.""" query = query.strip() if not query.endswith(';') : query += ';' try : if self.debug : self.tool.logger.log_message("QUERY : %s" % query, "debug") result = self.database.query(query) except pg.error, msg : raise PyKotaStorageError, msg else : if (result is not None) and (result.ntuples() > 0) : return result.dictresult() def doModify(self, query) : """Does a (possibly multiple) modify query.""" query = query.strip() if not query.endswith(';') : query += ';' try : if self.debug : self.tool.logger.log_message("QUERY : %s" % query, "debug") result = self.database.query(query) except pg.error, msg : raise PyKotaStorageError, msg else : return result def doQuote(self, field) : """Quotes a field for use as a string in SQL queries.""" if type(field) == type(0.0) : typ = "decimal" elif type(field) == type(0) : typ = "int" else : typ = "text" return pg._quote(field, typ) def getUser(self, username) : """Extracts user information given its name.""" user = StorageUser(self, username) result = self.doSearch("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username=%s LIMIT 1" % self.doQuote(username)) if result : fields = result[0] user.ident = fields.get("id") user.LimitBy = fields.get("limitby") user.AccountBalance = fields.get("balance") user.LifeTimePaid = fields.get("lifetimepaid") user.Email = fields.get("email") user.Exists = 1 return user def getGroup(self, groupname) : """Extracts group information given its name.""" group = StorageGroup(self, groupname) result = self.doSearch("SELECT * FROM groups WHERE groupname=%s LIMIT 1" % self.doQuote(groupname)) if result : fields = result[0] group.ident = fields.get("id") group.LimitBy = fields.get("limitby") result = self.doSearch("SELECT SUM(balance) AS balance, SUM(lifetimepaid) AS lifetimepaid FROM users WHERE id IN (SELECT userid FROM groupsmembers WHERE groupid=%s)" % self.doQuote(group.ident)) if result : fields = result[0] group.AccountBalance = fields.get("balance") group.LifeTimePaid = fields.get("lifetimepaid") group.Exists = 1 return group def getPrinter(self, printername) : """Extracts printer information given its name.""" printer = StoragePrinter(self, printername) result = self.doSearch("SELECT * FROM printers WHERE printername=%s LIMIT 1" % self.doQuote(printername)) if result : fields = result[0] printer.ident = fields.get("id") printer.PricePerJob = fields.get("priceperjob") printer.PricePerPage = fields.get("priceperpage") printer.LastJob = self.getPrinterLastJob(printer) printer.Exists = 1 return printer def getUserGroups(self, user) : """Returns the user's groups list.""" groups = [] result = self.doSearch("SELECT groupname FROM groupsmembers JOIN groups ON groupsmembers.groupid=groups.id WHERE userid=%s" % self.doQuote(user.ident)) if result : for record in result : groups.append(self.getGroup(record.get("groupname"))) return groups def getGroupMembers(self, group) : """Returns the group's members list.""" groupmembers = [] result = self.doSearch("SELECT * FROM groupsmembers JOIN users ON groupsmembers.userid=users.id WHERE groupid=%s" % self.doQuote(group.ident)) if result : for record in result : user = StorageUser(self, record.get("username")) user.ident = record.get("userid") user.LimitBy = record.get("limitby") user.AccountBalance = record.get("balance") user.LifeTimePaid = record.get("lifetimepaid") user.Email = record.get("email") user.Exists = 1 groupmembers.append(user) return groupmembers def getUserPQuota(self, user, printer) : """Extracts a user print quota.""" userpquota = StorageUserPQuota(self, user, printer) if user.Exists : result = self.doSearch("SELECT id, lifepagecounter, pagecounter, softlimit, hardlimit, datelimit FROM userpquota WHERE userid=%s AND printerid=%s" % (self.doQuote(user.ident), self.doQuote(printer.ident))) if result : fields = result[0] userpquota.ident = fields.get("id") userpquota.PageCounter = fields.get("pagecounter") userpquota.LifePageCounter = fields.get("lifepagecounter") userpquota.SoftLimit = fields.get("softlimit") userpquota.HardLimit = fields.get("hardlimit") userpquota.DateLimit = fields.get("datelimit") userpquota.Exists = 1 return userpquota def getGroupPQuota(self, group, printer) : """Extracts a group print quota.""" grouppquota = StorageGroupPQuota(self, group, printer) if group.Exists : result = self.doSearch("SELECT id, softlimit, hardlimit, datelimit FROM grouppquota WHERE groupid=%s AND printerid=%s" % (self.doQuote(group.ident), self.doQuote(printer.ident))) if result : fields = result[0] grouppquota.ident = fields.get("id") grouppquota.SoftLimit = fields.get("softlimit") grouppquota.HardLimit = fields.get("hardlimit") grouppquota.DateLimit = fields.get("datelimit") result = self.doSearch("SELECT SUM(lifepagecounter) AS lifepagecounter, SUM(pagecounter) AS pagecounter FROM userpquota WHERE printerid=%s AND userid IN (SELECT userid FROM groupsmembers WHERE groupid=%s)" % (self.doQuote(printer.ident), self.doQuote(group.ident))) if result : fields = result[0] grouppquota.PageCounter = fields.get("pagecounter") grouppquota.LifePageCounter = fields.get("lifepagecounter") grouppquota.Exists = 1 return grouppquota def getPrinterLastJob(self, printer) : """Extracts a printer's last job information.""" lastjob = StorageLastJob(self, printer) result = self.doSearch("SELECT jobhistory.id, jobid, userid, username, pagecounter, jobsize, jobdate FROM jobhistory, users WHERE printerid=%s AND userid=users.id ORDER BY jobdate DESC LIMIT 1" % self.doQuote(printer.ident)) if result : fields = result[0] lastjob.ident = fields.get("id") lastjob.JobId = fields.get("jobid") lastjob.User = self.getUser(fields.get("username")) lastjob.PrinterPageCounter = fields.get("pagecounter") lastjob.JobSize = fields.get("jobsize") lastjob.JobAction = fields.get("action") lastjob.JobDate = fields.get("jobdate") lastjob.Exists = 1 return lastjob def getMatchingPrinters(self, printerpattern) : """Returns the list of all printers for which name matches a certain pattern.""" printers = [] # We 'could' do a SELECT printername FROM printers WHERE printername LIKE ... # but we don't because other storages semantics may be different, so every # storage should use fnmatch to match patterns and be storage agnostic result = self.doSearch("SELECT * FROM printers") if result : for record in result : if self.tool.matchString(record["printername"], [ printerpattern ]) : printer = StoragePrinter(self, record["printername"]) printer.ident = record.get("id") printer.PricePerJob = record.get("priceperjob") printer.PricePerPage = record.get("priceperpage") printer.LastJob = self.getPrinterLastJob(printer) printer.Exists = 1 printers.append(printer) return printers def getPrinterUsersAndQuotas(self, printer, names=None) : """Returns the list of users who uses a given printer, along with their quotas.""" usersandquotas = [] result = self.doSearch("SELECT users.id as uid,username,balance,lifetimepaid,limitby,email,userpquota.id,lifepagecounter,pagecounter,softlimit,hardlimit,datelimit FROM users JOIN userpquota ON users.id=userpquota.userid AND printerid=%s ORDER BY username ASC" % self.doQuote(printer.ident)) if result : for record in result : user = StorageUser(self, record.get("username")) if (names is None) or self.tool.matchString(user.Name, names) : user.ident = record.get("uid") user.LimitBy = record.get("limitby") user.AccountBalance = record.get("balance") user.LifeTimePaid = record.get("lifetimepaid") user.Email = record.get("email") user.Exists = 1 userpquota = StorageUserPQuota(self, user, printer) userpquota.ident = record.get("id") userpquota.PageCounter = record.get("pagecounter") userpquota.LifePageCounter = record.get("lifepagecounter") userpquota.SoftLimit = record.get("softlimit") userpquota.HardLimit = record.get("hardlimit") userpquota.DateLimit = record.get("datelimit") userpquota.Exists = 1 usersandquotas.append((user, userpquota)) return usersandquotas def getPrinterGroupsAndQuotas(self, printer, names=None) : """Returns the list of groups which uses a given printer, along with their quotas.""" groupsandquotas = [] result = self.doSearch("SELECT groupname FROM groups JOIN grouppquota ON groups.id=grouppquota.groupid AND printerid=%s ORDER BY groupname ASC" % self.doQuote(printer.ident)) if result : for record in result : group = self.getGroup(record.get("groupname")) if (names is None) or self.tool.matchString(group.Name, names) : grouppquota = self.getGroupPQuota(group, printer) groupsandquotas.append((group, grouppquota)) return groupsandquotas def addPrinter(self, printername) : """Adds a printer to the quota storage, returns it.""" self.doModify("INSERT INTO printers (printername) VALUES (%s)" % self.doQuote(printername)) return self.getPrinter(printername) def addUser(self, user) : """Adds a user to the quota storage, returns its id.""" self.doModify("INSERT INTO users (username, limitby, balance, lifetimepaid) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)" % (self.doQuote(user.Name), self.doQuote(user.LimitBy), self.doQuote(user.AccountBalance), self.doQuote(user.LifeTimePaid))) return self.getUser(user.Name) def addGroup(self, group) : """Adds a group to the quota storage, returns its id.""" self.doModify("INSERT INTO groups (groupname, limitby) VALUES (%s, %s)" % (self.doQuote(group.Name), self.doQuote(group.LimitBy))) return self.getGroup(group.Name) def addUserToGroup(self, user, group) : """Adds an user to a group.""" result = self.doSearch("SELECT COUNT(*) AS mexists FROM groupsmembers WHERE groupid=%s AND userid=%s" % (self.doQuote(group.ident), self.doQuote(user.ident))) try : mexists = int(result[0].get("mexists")) except (IndexError, TypeError) : mexists = 0 if not mexists : self.doModify("INSERT INTO groupsmembers (groupid, userid) VALUES (%s, %s)" % (self.doQuote(group.ident), self.doQuote(user.ident))) def addUserPQuota(self, user, printer) : """Initializes a user print quota on a printer.""" self.doModify("INSERT INTO userpquota (userid, printerid) VALUES (%s, %s)" % (self.doQuote(user.ident), self.doQuote(printer.ident))) return self.getUserPQuota(user, printer) def addGroupPQuota(self, group, printer) : """Initializes a group print quota on a printer.""" self.doModify("INSERT INTO grouppquota (groupid, printerid) VALUES (%s, %s)" % (self.doQuote(group.ident), self.doQuote(printer.ident))) return self.getGroupPQuota(group, printer) def writePrinterPrices(self, printer) : """Write the printer's prices back into the storage.""" self.doModify("UPDATE printers SET priceperpage=%s, priceperjob=%s WHERE printerid=%s" % (self.doQuote(printer.PricePerPage), self.doQuote(printer.PricePerJob), self.doQuote(printer.ident))) def writeUserLimitBy(self, user, limitby) : """Sets the user's limiting factor.""" self.doModify("UPDATE users SET limitby=%s WHERE id=%s" % (self.doQuote(limitby), self.doQuote(user.ident))) def writeGroupLimitBy(self, group, limitby) : """Sets the group's limiting factor.""" self.doModify("UPDATE groups SET limitby=%s WHERE id=%s" % (self.doQuote(limitby), self.doQuote(group.ident))) def writeUserPQuotaDateLimit(self, userpquota, datelimit) : """Sets the date limit permanently for a user print quota.""" self.doModify("UPDATE userpquota SET datelimit::TIMESTAMP=%s WHERE id=%s" % (self.doQuote(datelimit), self.doQuote(userpquota.ident))) def writeGroupPQuotaDateLimit(self, grouppquota, datelimit) : """Sets the date limit permanently for a group print quota.""" self.doModify("UPDATE grouppquota SET datelimit::TIMESTAMP=%s WHERE id=%s" % (self.doQuote(datelimit), self.doQuote(grouppquota.ident))) def writeUserPQuotaPagesCounters(self, userpquota, newpagecounter, newlifepagecounter) : """Sets the new page counters permanently for a user print quota.""" self.doModify("UPDATE userpquota SET pagecounter=%s,lifepagecounter=%s WHERE id=%s" % (self.doQuote(newpagecounter), self.doQuote(newlifepagecounter), self.doQuote(userpquota.ident))) def writeUserAccountBalance(self, user, newbalance, newlifetimepaid=None) : """Sets the new account balance and eventually new lifetime paid.""" if newlifetimepaid is not None : self.doModify("UPDATE users SET balance=%s, lifetimepaid=%s WHERE id=%s" % (self.doQuote(newbalance), self.doQuote(newlifetimepaid), self.doQuote(user.ident))) else : self.doModify("UPDATE users SET balance=%s WHERE id=%s" % (self.doQuote(newbalance), self.doQuote(user.ident))) def writeLastJobSize(self, lastjob, jobsize) : """Sets the last job's size permanently.""" self.doModify("UPDATE jobhistory SET jobsize=%s WHERE id=%s" % (self.doQuote(jobsize), self.doQuote(lastjob.ident))) def writeJobNew(self, printer, user, jobid, pagecounter, action, jobsize=None) : """Adds a job in a printer's history.""" if jobsize is not None : self.doModify("INSERT INTO jobhistory (userid, printerid, jobid, pagecounter, action, jobsize) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" % (self.doQuote(user.ident), self.doQuote(printer.ident), self.doQuote(jobid), self.doQuote(pagecounter), self.doQuote(action), self.doQuote(jobsize))) else : self.doModify("INSERT INTO jobhistory (userid, printerid, jobid, pagecounter, action) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" % (self.doQuote(user.ident), self.doQuote(printer.ident), self.doQuote(jobid), self.doQuote(pagecounter), self.doQuote(action))) def writeUserPQuotaLimits(self, userpquota, softlimit, hardlimit) : """Sets soft and hard limits for a user quota.""" self.doModify("UPDATE userpquota SET softlimit=%s, hardlimit=%s, datelimit=NULL WHERE id=%s" % (self.doQuote(softlimit), self.doQuote(hardlimit), self.doQuote(userpquota.ident))) def writeGroupPQuotaLimits(self, grouppquota, softlimit, hardlimit) : """Sets soft and hard limits for a group quota on a specific printer given (groupid, printerid).""" self.doModify("UPDATE grouppquota SET softlimit=%s, hardlimit=%s, datelimit=NULL WHERE id=%s" % (self.doQuote(softlimit), self.doQuote(hardlimit), self.doQuote(grouppquota.ident))) def deleteUser(self, user) : """Completely deletes an user from the Quota Storage.""" # TODO : What should we do if we delete the last person who used a given printer ? # TODO : we can't reassign the last job to the previous one, because next user would be # TODO : incorrectly charged (overcharged). for q in [ "DELETE FROM groupsmembers WHERE userid=%s" % self.doQuote(user.ident), "DELETE FROM jobhistory WHERE userid=%s" % self.doQuote(user.ident), "DELETE FROM userpquota WHERE userid=%s" % self.doQuote(user.ident), "DELETE FROM users WHERE id=%s" % self.doQuote(user.ident), ] : self.doModify(q) def deleteGroup(self, group) : """Completely deletes a group from the Quota Storage.""" for q in [ "DELETE FROM groupsmembers WHERE groupid=%s" % self.doQuote(group.ident), "DELETE FROM grouppquota WHERE groupid=%s" % self.doQuote(group.ident), "DELETE FROM groups WHERE id=%s" % self.doQuote(group.ident), ] : self.doModify(q)