# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- # # PyKota : Print Quotas for CUPS # # (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Jerome Alet # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # $Id$ # # """This module defines a class to access to an LDAP database backend. My IANA assigned number, for "Conseil Internet & Logiciels Libres, Jérôme Alet" is 16868. Use this as a base to extend the LDAP schema. """ import sys import types import time import md5 import base64 import random from mx import DateTime from pykota.errors import PyKotaStorageError from pykota.storage import BaseStorage, \ StorageUser, StorageGroup, StoragePrinter, \ StorageJob, StorageLastJob, StorageUserPQuota, \ StorageGroupPQuota, StorageBillingCode try : import ldap import ldap.modlist except ImportError : raise PyKotaStorageError, "This python version (%s) doesn't seem to have the python-ldap module installed correctly." % sys.version.split()[0] else : try : from ldap.cidict import cidict except ImportError : import UserDict sys.stderr.write("ERROR: PyKota requires a newer version of python-ldap. Workaround activated. Please upgrade python-ldap !\n") class cidict(UserDict.UserDict) : pass # Fake it all, and don't care for case insensitivity : users who need it will have to upgrade. class Storage(BaseStorage) : def __init__(self, pykotatool, host, dbname, user, passwd) : """Opens the LDAP connection.""" self.savedtool = pykotatool self.savedhost = host self.saveddbname = dbname self.saveduser = user self.savedpasswd = passwd self.secondStageInit() def secondStageInit(self) : """Second stage initialisation.""" BaseStorage.__init__(self, self.savedtool) self.info = self.tool.config.getLDAPInfo() message = "" for tryit in range(3) : try : self.tool.logdebug("Trying to open database (host=%s, dbname=%s, user=%s)..." % (self.savedhost, self.saveddbname, self.saveduser)) self.database = ldap.initialize(self.savedhost) if self.info["ldaptls"] : # we want TLS ldap.set_option(ldap.OPT_X_TLS_CACERTFILE, self.info["cacert"]) self.database.set_option(ldap.OPT_X_TLS, ldap.OPT_X_TLS_DEMAND) self.database.start_tls_s() self.database.simple_bind_s(self.saveduser, self.savedpasswd) self.basedn = self.saveddbname except ldap.SERVER_DOWN : message = "LDAP backend for PyKota seems to be down !" self.tool.printInfo("%s" % message, "error") self.tool.printInfo("Trying again in 2 seconds...", "warn") time.sleep(2) except ldap.LDAPError : message = "Unable to connect to LDAP server %s as %s." % (self.savedhost, self.saveduser) self.tool.printInfo("%s" % message, "error") self.tool.printInfo("Trying again in 2 seconds...", "warn") time.sleep(2) else : self.useldapcache = self.tool.config.getLDAPCache() if self.useldapcache : self.tool.logdebug("Low-Level LDAP Caching enabled.") self.ldapcache = {} # low-level cache specific to LDAP backend self.closed = 0 self.tool.logdebug("Database opened (host=%s, dbname=%s, user=%s)" % (self.savedhost, self.saveddbname, self.saveduser)) return # All is fine here. raise PyKotaStorageError, message def close(self) : """Closes the database connection.""" if not self.closed : self.database.unbind_s() self.closed = 1 self.tool.logdebug("Database closed.") def genUUID(self) : """Generates an unique identifier. TODO : this one is not unique accross several print servers, but should be sufficient for testing. """ return md5.md5("%s-%s" % (time.time(), random.random())).hexdigest() def normalizeFields(self, fields) : """Ensure all items are lists.""" for (k, v) in fields.items() : if type(v) not in (types.TupleType, types.ListType) : if not v : del fields[k] else : fields[k] = [ v ] return fields def beginTransaction(self) : """Starts a transaction.""" self.tool.logdebug("Transaction begins... WARNING : No transactions in LDAP !") def commitTransaction(self) : """Commits a transaction.""" self.tool.logdebug("Transaction committed. WARNING : No transactions in LDAP !") def rollbackTransaction(self) : """Rollbacks a transaction.""" self.tool.logdebug("Transaction aborted. WARNING : No transaction in LDAP !") def doSearch(self, key, fields=None, base="", scope=ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, flushcache=0) : """Does an LDAP search query.""" message = "" for tryit in range(3) : try : base = base or self.basedn if self.useldapcache : # Here we overwrite the fields the app want, to try and # retrieve ALL user defined attributes ("*") # + the createTimestamp attribute, needed by job history # # This may not work with all LDAP servers # but works at least in OpenLDAP (2.1.25) # and iPlanet Directory Server (5.1 SP3) fields = ["*", "createTimestamp"] if self.useldapcache and (not flushcache) and (scope == ldap.SCOPE_BASE) and self.ldapcache.has_key(base) : entry = self.ldapcache[base] self.tool.logdebug("LDAP cache hit %s => %s" % (base, entry)) result = [(base, entry)] else : self.tool.logdebug("QUERY : Filter : %s, BaseDN : %s, Scope : %s, Attributes : %s" % (key, base, scope, fields)) result = self.database.search_s(base, scope, key, fields) except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT, msg : raise PyKotaStorageError, (_("Search base %s doesn't seem to exist. Probable misconfiguration. Please double check /etc/pykota/pykota.conf : %s") % (base, msg)) except ldap.LDAPError, msg : message = (_("Search for %s(%s) from %s(scope=%s) returned no answer.") % (key, fields, base, scope)) + " : %s" % str(msg) self.tool.printInfo("LDAP error : %s" % message, "error") self.tool.printInfo("LDAP connection will be closed and reopened.", "warn") self.close() self.secondStageInit() else : self.tool.logdebug("QUERY : Result : %s" % result) result = [ (dn, cidict(attrs)) for (dn, attrs) in result ] if self.useldapcache : for (dn, attributes) in result : self.tool.logdebug("LDAP cache store %s => %s" % (dn, attributes)) self.ldapcache[dn] = attributes return result raise PyKotaStorageError, message def doAdd(self, dn, fields) : """Adds an entry in the LDAP directory.""" fields = self.normalizeFields(cidict(fields)) message = "" for tryit in range(3) : try : self.tool.logdebug("QUERY : ADD(%s, %s)" % (dn, str(fields))) entry = ldap.modlist.addModlist(fields) self.tool.logdebug("%s" % entry) self.database.add_s(dn, entry) except ldap.ALREADY_EXISTS, msg : raise PyKotaStorageError, "Entry %s already exists : %s" % (dn, str(msg)) except ldap.LDAPError, msg : message = (_("Problem adding LDAP entry (%s, %s)") % (dn, str(fields))) + " : %s" % str(msg) self.tool.printInfo("LDAP error : %s" % message, "error") self.tool.printInfo("LDAP connection will be closed and reopened.", "warn") self.close() self.secondStageInit() else : if self.useldapcache : self.tool.logdebug("LDAP cache add %s => %s" % (dn, fields)) self.ldapcache[dn] = fields return dn raise PyKotaStorageError, message def doDelete(self, dn) : """Deletes an entry from the LDAP directory.""" message = "" for tryit in range(3) : try : self.tool.logdebug("QUERY : Delete(%s)" % dn) self.database.delete_s(dn) except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT : self.tool.printInfo("Entry %s was already missing before we deleted it. This **MAY** be normal." % dn, "info") except ldap.LDAPError, msg : message = (_("Problem deleting LDAP entry (%s)") % dn) + " : %s" % str(msg) self.tool.printInfo("LDAP error : %s" % message, "error") self.tool.printInfo("LDAP connection will be closed and reopened.", "warn") self.close() self.secondStageInit() else : if self.useldapcache : try : self.tool.logdebug("LDAP cache del %s" % dn) del self.ldapcache[dn] except KeyError : pass return raise PyKotaStorageError, message def doModify(self, dn, fields, ignoreold=1, flushcache=0) : """Modifies an entry in the LDAP directory.""" fields = cidict(fields) for tryit in range(3) : try : # TODO : take care of, and update LDAP specific cache if self.useldapcache and not flushcache : if self.ldapcache.has_key(dn) : old = self.ldapcache[dn] self.tool.logdebug("LDAP cache hit %s => %s" % (dn, old)) oldentry = {} for (k, v) in old.items() : if k != "createTimestamp" : oldentry[k] = v else : self.tool.logdebug("LDAP cache miss %s" % dn) oldentry = self.doSearch("objectClass=*", base=dn, scope=ldap.SCOPE_BASE)[0][1] else : oldentry = self.doSearch("objectClass=*", base=dn, scope=ldap.SCOPE_BASE, flushcache=flushcache)[0][1] for (k, v) in fields.items() : if type(v) == type({}) : try : oldvalue = v["convert"](oldentry.get(k, [0])[0]) except ValueError : self.tool.logdebug("Error converting %s with %s(%s)" % (oldentry.get(k), k, v)) oldvalue = 0 if v["operator"] == '+' : newvalue = oldvalue + v["value"] else : newvalue = oldvalue - v["value"] fields[k] = str(newvalue) fields = self.normalizeFields(fields) self.tool.logdebug("QUERY : Modify(%s, %s ==> %s)" % (dn, oldentry, fields)) entry = ldap.modlist.modifyModlist(oldentry, fields, ignore_oldexistent=ignoreold) modentry = [] for (mop, mtyp, mval) in entry : if mtyp and (mtyp.lower() != "createtimestamp") : modentry.append((mop, mtyp, mval)) self.tool.logdebug("MODIFY : %s ==> %s ==> %s" % (fields, entry, modentry)) if modentry : self.database.modify_s(dn, modentry) except ldap.LDAPError, msg : message = (_("Problem modifying LDAP entry (%s, %s)") % (dn, fields)) + " : %s" % str(msg) self.tool.printInfo("LDAP error : %s" % message, "error") self.tool.printInfo("LDAP connection will be closed and reopened.", "warn") self.close() self.secondStageInit() else : if self.useldapcache : cachedentry = self.ldapcache[dn] for (mop, mtyp, mval) in entry : if mop in (ldap.MOD_ADD, ldap.MOD_REPLACE) : cachedentry[mtyp] = mval else : try : del cachedentry[mtyp] except KeyError : pass self.tool.logdebug("LDAP cache update %s => %s" % (dn, cachedentry)) return dn raise PyKotaStorageError, message def filterNames(self, records, attribute, patterns=None) : """Returns a list of 'attribute' from a list of records. Logs any missing attribute. """ result = [] for (dn, record) in records : attrval = record.get(attribute, [None])[0] if attrval is None : self.tool.printInfo("Object %s has no %s attribute !" % (dn, attribute), "error") else : attrval = self.databaseToUserCharset(attrval) if patterns : if (not isinstance(patterns, type([]))) and (not isinstance(patterns, type(()))) : patterns = [ patterns ] if self.tool.matchString(attrval, patterns) : result.append(attrval) else : result.append(attrval) return result def getAllBillingCodes(self, billingcode=None) : """Extracts all billing codes or only the billing codes matching the optional parameter.""" ldapfilter = "objectClass=pykotaBilling" result = self.doSearch(ldapfilter, ["pykotaBillingCode"], base=self.info["billingcodebase"]) if result : return [self.databaseToUserCharset(bc) for bc in self.filterNames(result, "pykotaBillingCode", billingcode)] else : return [] def getAllPrintersNames(self, printername=None) : """Extracts all printer names or only the printers' names matching the optional parameter.""" ldapfilter = "objectClass=pykotaPrinter" result = self.doSearch(ldapfilter, ["pykotaPrinterName"], base=self.info["printerbase"]) if result : return self.filterNames(result, "pykotaPrinterName", printername) else : return [] def getAllUsersNames(self, username=None) : """Extracts all user names or only the users' names matching the optional parameter.""" ldapfilter = "objectClass=pykotaAccount" result = self.doSearch(ldapfilter, ["pykotaUserName"], base=self.info["userbase"]) if result : return self.filterNames(result, "pykotaUserName", username) else : return [] def getAllGroupsNames(self, groupname=None) : """Extracts all group names or only the groups' names matching the optional parameter.""" ldapfilter = "objectClass=pykotaGroup" result = self.doSearch(ldapfilter, ["pykotaGroupName"], base=self.info["groupbase"]) if result : return self.filterNames(result, "pykotaGroupName", groupname) else : return [] def getUserNbJobsFromHistory(self, user) : """Returns the number of jobs the user has in history.""" result = self.doSearch("(&(pykotaUserName=%s)(objectClass=pykotaJob))" % self.userCharsetToDatabase(user.Name), None, base=self.info["jobbase"]) return len(result) def getUserFromBackend(self, username) : """Extracts user information given its name.""" user = StorageUser(self, username) username = self.userCharsetToDatabase(username) result = self.doSearch("(&(objectClass=pykotaAccount)(|(pykotaUserName=%s)(%s=%s)))" % (username, self.info["userrdn"], username), ["pykotaUserName", "pykotaLimitBy", self.info["usermail"], "description"], base=self.info["userbase"]) if result : fields = result[0][1] user.ident = result[0][0] user.Description = self.databaseToUserCharset(fields.get("description", [None])[0]) user.Email = fields.get(self.info["usermail"], [None])[0] user.LimitBy = fields.get("pykotaLimitBy", ["quota"])[0] result = self.doSearch("(&(objectClass=pykotaAccountBalance)(|(pykotaUserName=%s)(%s=%s)))" % (username, self.info["balancerdn"], username), ["pykotaBalance", "pykotaLifeTimePaid", "pykotaPayments", "pykotaOverCharge"], base=self.info["balancebase"]) if not result : raise PyKotaStorageError, _("No pykotaAccountBalance object found for user %s. Did you create LDAP entries manually ?") % username else : fields = result[0][1] user.idbalance = result[0][0] user.AccountBalance = fields.get("pykotaBalance") if user.AccountBalance is not None : if user.AccountBalance[0].upper() == "NONE" : user.AccountBalance = None else : user.AccountBalance = float(user.AccountBalance[0]) user.AccountBalance = user.AccountBalance or 0.0 user.LifeTimePaid = fields.get("pykotaLifeTimePaid") user.OverCharge = float(fields.get("pykotaOverCharge", [1.0])[0]) if user.LifeTimePaid is not None : if user.LifeTimePaid[0].upper() == "NONE" : user.LifeTimePaid = None else : user.LifeTimePaid = float(user.LifeTimePaid[0]) user.LifeTimePaid = user.LifeTimePaid or 0.0 user.Payments = [] for payment in fields.get("pykotaPayments", []) : try : (date, amount, description) = payment.split(" # ") except ValueError : # Payment with no description (old Payment) (date, amount) = payment.split(" # ") description = "" else : description = self.databaseToUserCharset(base64.decodestring(description)) if amount.endswith(" #") : amount = amount[:-2] # TODO : should be catched earlier, the bug is above I think user.Payments.append((date, float(amount), description)) user.Exists = True return user def getGroupFromBackend(self, groupname) : """Extracts group information given its name.""" group = StorageGroup(self, groupname) groupname = self.userCharsetToDatabase(groupname) result = self.doSearch("(&(objectClass=pykotaGroup)(|(pykotaGroupName=%s)(%s=%s)))" % (groupname, self.info["grouprdn"], groupname), ["pykotaGroupName", "pykotaLimitBy", "description"], base=self.info["groupbase"]) if result : fields = result[0][1] group.ident = result[0][0] group.Name = fields.get("pykotaGroupName", [self.databaseToUserCharset(groupname)])[0] group.Description = self.databaseToUserCharset(fields.get("description", [None])[0]) group.LimitBy = fields.get("pykotaLimitBy", ["quota"])[0] group.AccountBalance = 0.0 group.LifeTimePaid = 0.0 for member in self.getGroupMembers(group) : if member.Exists : group.AccountBalance += member.AccountBalance group.LifeTimePaid += member.LifeTimePaid group.Exists = True return group def getPrinterFromBackend(self, printername) : """Extracts printer information given its name : returns first matching printer.""" printer = StoragePrinter(self, printername) printername = self.userCharsetToDatabase(printername) result = self.doSearch("(&(objectClass=pykotaPrinter)(|(pykotaPrinterName=%s)(%s=%s)))" \ % (printername, self.info["printerrdn"], printername), \ ["pykotaPrinterName", "pykotaPricePerPage", \ "pykotaPricePerJob", "pykotaMaxJobSize", \ "pykotaPassThrough", "uniqueMember", "description"], \ base=self.info["printerbase"]) if result : fields = result[0][1] # take only first matching printer, ignore the rest printer.ident = result[0][0] printer.Name = fields.get("pykotaPrinterName", [self.databaseToUserCharset(printername)])[0] printer.PricePerJob = float(fields.get("pykotaPricePerJob", [0.0])[0]) printer.PricePerPage = float(fields.get("pykotaPricePerPage", [0.0])[0]) printer.MaxJobSize = int(fields.get("pykotaMaxJobSize", [0])[0]) printer.PassThrough = fields.get("pykotaPassThrough", [None])[0] if printer.PassThrough in (1, "1", "t", "true", "TRUE", "True") : printer.PassThrough = 1 else : printer.PassThrough = 0 printer.uniqueMember = fields.get("uniqueMember", []) printer.Description = self.databaseToUserCharset(fields.get("description", [""])[0]) printer.Exists = True return printer def getUserPQuotaFromBackend(self, user, printer) : """Extracts a user print quota.""" userpquota = StorageUserPQuota(self, user, printer) if printer.Exists and user.Exists : if self.info["userquotabase"].lower() == "user" : base = user.ident else : base = self.info["userquotabase"] result = self.doSearch("(&(objectClass=pykotaUserPQuota)(pykotaUserName=%s)(pykotaPrinterName=%s))" % \ (self.userCharsetToDatabase(user.Name), self.userCharsetToDatabase(printer.Name)), \ ["pykotaPageCounter", "pykotaLifePageCounter", "pykotaSoftLimit", "pykotaHardLimit", "pykotaDateLimit", "pykotaWarnCount", "pykotaMaxJobSize"], \ base=base) if result : fields = result[0][1] userpquota.ident = result[0][0] userpquota.PageCounter = int(fields.get("pykotaPageCounter", [0])[0]) userpquota.LifePageCounter = int(fields.get("pykotaLifePageCounter", [0])[0]) userpquota.WarnCount = int(fields.get("pykotaWarnCount", [0])[0]) userpquota.SoftLimit = fields.get("pykotaSoftLimit") if userpquota.SoftLimit is not None : if userpquota.SoftLimit[0].upper() == "NONE" : userpquota.SoftLimit = None else : userpquota.SoftLimit = int(userpquota.SoftLimit[0]) userpquota.HardLimit = fields.get("pykotaHardLimit") if userpquota.HardLimit is not None : if userpquota.HardLimit[0].upper() == "NONE" : userpquota.HardLimit = None elif userpquota.HardLimit is not None : userpquota.HardLimit = int(userpquota.HardLimit[0]) userpquota.DateLimit = fields.get("pykotaDateLimit") if userpquota.DateLimit is not None : if userpquota.DateLimit[0].upper() == "NONE" : userpquota.DateLimit = None else : userpquota.DateLimit = userpquota.DateLimit[0] userpquota.MaxJobSize = fields.get("pykotaMaxJobSize") if userpquota.MaxJobSize is not None : if userpquota.MaxJobSize[0].upper() == "NONE" : userpquota.MaxJobSize = None else : userpquota.MaxJobSize = int(userpquota.MaxJobSize[0]) userpquota.Exists = True return userpquota def getGroupPQuotaFromBackend(self, group, printer) : """Extracts a group print quota.""" grouppquota = StorageGroupPQuota(self, group, printer) if group.Exists : if self.info["groupquotabase"].lower() == "group" : base = group.ident else : base = self.info["groupquotabase"] result = self.doSearch("(&(objectClass=pykotaGroupPQuota)(pykotaGroupName=%s)(pykotaPrinterName=%s))" % \ (self.userCharsetToDatabase(group.Name), self.userCharsetToDatabase(printer.Name)), \ ["pykotaSoftLimit", "pykotaHardLimit", "pykotaDateLimit", "pykotaMaxJobSize"], \ base=base) if result : fields = result[0][1] grouppquota.ident = result[0][0] grouppquota.SoftLimit = fields.get("pykotaSoftLimit") if grouppquota.SoftLimit is not None : if grouppquota.SoftLimit[0].upper() == "NONE" : grouppquota.SoftLimit = None else : grouppquota.SoftLimit = int(grouppquota.SoftLimit[0]) grouppquota.HardLimit = fields.get("pykotaHardLimit") if grouppquota.HardLimit is not None : if grouppquota.HardLimit[0].upper() == "NONE" : grouppquota.HardLimit = None else : grouppquota.HardLimit = int(grouppquota.HardLimit[0]) grouppquota.DateLimit = fields.get("pykotaDateLimit") if grouppquota.DateLimit is not None : if grouppquota.DateLimit[0].upper() == "NONE" : grouppquota.DateLimit = None else : grouppquota.DateLimit = grouppquota.DateLimit[0] grouppquota.MaxJobSize = fields.get("pykotaMaxJobSize") if grouppquota.MaxJobSize is not None : if grouppquota.MaxJobSize[0].upper() == "NONE" : grouppquota.MaxJobSize = None else : grouppquota.MaxJobSize = int(grouppquota.MaxJobSize[0]) grouppquota.PageCounter = 0 grouppquota.LifePageCounter = 0 usernamesfilter = "".join(["(pykotaUserName=%s)" % self.userCharsetToDatabase(member.Name) for member in self.getGroupMembers(group)]) if usernamesfilter : usernamesfilter = "(|%s)" % usernamesfilter if self.info["userquotabase"].lower() == "user" : base = self.info["userbase"] else : base = self.info["userquotabase"] result = self.doSearch("(&(objectClass=pykotaUserPQuota)(pykotaPrinterName=%s)%s)" % \ (self.userCharsetToDatabase(printer.Name), usernamesfilter), \ ["pykotaPageCounter", "pykotaLifePageCounter"], base=base) if result : for userpquota in result : grouppquota.PageCounter += int(userpquota[1].get("pykotaPageCounter", [0])[0] or 0) grouppquota.LifePageCounter += int(userpquota[1].get("pykotaLifePageCounter", [0])[0] or 0) grouppquota.Exists = True return grouppquota def getPrinterLastJobFromBackend(self, printer) : """Extracts a printer's last job information.""" lastjob = StorageLastJob(self, printer) pname = self.userCharsetToDatabase(printer.Name) result = self.doSearch("(&(objectClass=pykotaLastjob)(|(pykotaPrinterName=%s)(%s=%s)))" % \ (pname, self.info["printerrdn"], pname), \ ["pykotaLastJobIdent"], \ base=self.info["lastjobbase"]) if result : lastjob.lastjobident = result[0][0] lastjobident = result[0][1]["pykotaLastJobIdent"][0] result = None try : result = self.doSearch("objectClass=pykotaJob", [ "pykotaJobSizeBytes", "pykotaHostName", "pykotaUserName", "pykotaPrinterName", "pykotaJobId", "pykotaPrinterPageCounter", "pykotaJobSize", "pykotaAction", "pykotaJobPrice", "pykotaFileName", "pykotaTitle", "pykotaCopies", "pykotaOptions", "pykotaBillingCode", "pykotaPages", "pykotaMD5Sum", "pykotaPrecomputedJobSize", "pykotaPrecomputedJobPrice", "createTimestamp" ], base="cn=%s,%s" % (lastjobident, self.info["jobbase"]), scope=ldap.SCOPE_BASE) except PyKotaStorageError : pass # Last job entry exists, but job probably doesn't exist anymore. if result : fields = result[0][1] lastjob.ident = result[0][0] lastjob.JobId = fields.get("pykotaJobId")[0] lastjob.UserName = self.databaseToUserCharset(fields.get("pykotaUserName")[0]) lastjob.PrinterPageCounter = int(fields.get("pykotaPrinterPageCounter", [0])[0]) try : lastjob.JobSize = int(fields.get("pykotaJobSize", [0])[0]) except ValueError : lastjob.JobSize = None try : lastjob.JobPrice = float(fields.get("pykotaJobPrice", [0.0])[0]) except ValueError : lastjob.JobPrice = None lastjob.JobAction = fields.get("pykotaAction", [""])[0] lastjob.JobFileName = self.databaseToUserCharset(fields.get("pykotaFileName", [""])[0]) lastjob.JobTitle = self.databaseToUserCharset(fields.get("pykotaTitle", [""])[0]) lastjob.JobCopies = int(fields.get("pykotaCopies", [0])[0]) lastjob.JobOptions = self.databaseToUserCharset(fields.get("pykotaOptions", [""])[0]) lastjob.JobHostName = fields.get("pykotaHostName", [""])[0] lastjob.JobSizeBytes = fields.get("pykotaJobSizeBytes", [0L])[0] lastjob.JobBillingCode = self.databaseToUserCharset(fields.get("pykotaBillingCode", [None])[0]) lastjob.JobMD5Sum = fields.get("pykotaMD5Sum", [None])[0] lastjob.JobPages = fields.get("pykotaPages", [""])[0] try : lastjob.PrecomputedJobSize = int(fields.get("pykotaPrecomputedJobSize", [0])[0]) except ValueError : lastjob.PrecomputedJobSize = None try : lastjob.PrecomputedJobPrice = float(fields.get("pykotaPrecomputedJobPrice", [0.0])[0]) except ValueError : lastjob.PrecomputedJobPrice = None if lastjob.JobTitle == lastjob.JobFileName == lastjob.JobOptions == "hidden" : (lastjob.JobTitle, lastjob.JobFileName, lastjob.JobOptions) = (_("Hidden because of privacy concerns"),) * 3 date = fields.get("createTimestamp", ["19700101000000Z"])[0] # It's in UTC ! mxtime = DateTime.strptime(date[:14], "%Y%m%d%H%M%S").localtime() lastjob.JobDate = mxtime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") lastjob.Exists = True return lastjob def getGroupMembersFromBackend(self, group) : """Returns the group's members list.""" groupmembers = [] gname = self.userCharsetToDatabase(group.Name) result = self.doSearch("(&(objectClass=pykotaGroup)(|(pykotaGroupName=%s)(%s=%s)))" % \ (gname, self.info["grouprdn"], gname), \ [self.info["groupmembers"]], \ base=self.info["groupbase"]) if result : for username in result[0][1].get(self.info["groupmembers"], []) : groupmembers.append(self.getUser(self.databaseToUserCharset(username))) return groupmembers def getUserGroupsFromBackend(self, user) : """Returns the user's groups list.""" groups = [] uname = self.userCharsetToDatabase(user.Name) result = self.doSearch("(&(objectClass=pykotaGroup)(%s=%s))" % \ (self.info["groupmembers"], uname), \ [self.info["grouprdn"], "pykotaGroupName", "pykotaLimitBy"], \ base=self.info["groupbase"]) if result : for (groupid, fields) in result : groupname = self.databaseToUserCharset((fields.get("pykotaGroupName", [None]) or fields.get(self.info["grouprdn"], [None]))[0]) group = self.getFromCache("GROUPS", groupname) if group is None : group = StorageGroup(self, groupname) group.ident = groupid group.LimitBy = fields.get("pykotaLimitBy") if group.LimitBy is not None : group.LimitBy = group.LimitBy[0] else : group.LimitBy = "quota" group.AccountBalance = 0.0 group.LifeTimePaid = 0.0 for member in self.getGroupMembers(group) : if member.Exists : group.AccountBalance += member.AccountBalance group.LifeTimePaid += member.LifeTimePaid group.Exists = True self.cacheEntry("GROUPS", group.Name, group) groups.append(group) return groups def getParentPrintersFromBackend(self, printer) : """Get all the printer groups this printer is a member of.""" pgroups = [] result = self.doSearch("(&(objectClass=pykotaPrinter)(uniqueMember=%s))" % \ printer.ident, \ ["pykotaPrinterName"], \ base=self.info["printerbase"]) if result : for (printerid, fields) in result : if printerid != printer.ident : # In case of integrity violation. parentprinter = self.getPrinter(self.databaseToUserCharset(fields.get("pykotaPrinterName")[0])) if parentprinter.Exists : pgroups.append(parentprinter) return pgroups def getMatchingPrinters(self, printerpattern) : """Returns the list of all printers for which name matches a certain pattern.""" printers = [] # see comment at the same place in pgstorage.py result = self.doSearch("objectClass=pykotaPrinter", \ ["pykotaPrinterName", "pykotaPricePerPage", "pykotaPricePerJob", "pykotaMaxJobSize", "pykotaPassThrough", "uniqueMember", "description"], \ base=self.info["printerbase"]) if result : patterns = printerpattern.split(",") try : patdict = {}.fromkeys(patterns) except AttributeError : # Python v2.2 or earlier patdict = {} for p in patterns : patdict[p] = None for (printerid, fields) in result : printername = self.databaseToUserCharset(fields.get("pykotaPrinterName", [""])[0] or fields.get(self.info["printerrdn"], [""])[0]) if patdict.has_key(printername) or self.tool.matchString(printername, patterns) : printer = StoragePrinter(self, printername) printer.ident = printerid printer.PricePerJob = float(fields.get("pykotaPricePerJob", [0.0])[0] or 0.0) printer.PricePerPage = float(fields.get("pykotaPricePerPage", [0.0])[0] or 0.0) printer.MaxJobSize = int(fields.get("pykotaMaxJobSize", [0])[0]) printer.PassThrough = fields.get("pykotaPassThrough", [None])[0] if printer.PassThrough in (1, "1", "t", "true", "TRUE", "True") : printer.PassThrough = 1 else : printer.PassThrough = 0 printer.uniqueMember = fields.get("uniqueMember", []) printer.Description = self.databaseToUserCharset(fields.get("description", [""])[0]) printer.Exists = True printers.append(printer) self.cacheEntry("PRINTERS", printer.Name, printer) return printers def getMatchingUsers(self, userpattern) : """Returns the list of all users for which name matches a certain pattern.""" users = [] # see comment at the same place in pgstorage.py result = self.doSearch("objectClass=pykotaAccount", \ ["pykotaUserName", "pykotaLimitBy", self.info["usermail"], "description"], \ base=self.info["userbase"]) if result : patterns = userpattern.split(",") try : patdict = {}.fromkeys(patterns) except AttributeError : # Python v2.2 or earlier patdict = {} for p in patterns : patdict[p] = None for (userid, fields) in result : username = self.databaseToUserCharset(fields.get("pykotaUserName", [""])[0] or fields.get(self.info["userrdn"], [""])[0]) if patdict.has_key(username) or self.tool.matchString(username, patterns) : user = StorageUser(self, username) user.ident = userid user.Email = fields.get(self.info["usermail"], [None])[0] user.LimitBy = fields.get("pykotaLimitBy", ["quota"])[0] user.Description = self.databaseToUserCharset(fields.get("description", [""])[0]) uname = self.userCharsetToDatabase(username) result = self.doSearch("(&(objectClass=pykotaAccountBalance)(|(pykotaUserName=%s)(%s=%s)))" % \ (uname, self.info["balancerdn"], uname), \ ["pykotaBalance", "pykotaLifeTimePaid", "pykotaPayments", "pykotaOverCharge"], \ base=self.info["balancebase"]) if not result : raise PyKotaStorageError, _("No pykotaAccountBalance object found for user %s. Did you create LDAP entries manually ?") % username else : fields = result[0][1] user.idbalance = result[0][0] user.OverCharge = float(fields.get("pykotaOverCharge", [1.0])[0]) user.AccountBalance = fields.get("pykotaBalance") if user.AccountBalance is not None : if user.AccountBalance[0].upper() == "NONE" : user.AccountBalance = None else : user.AccountBalance = float(user.AccountBalance[0]) user.AccountBalance = user.AccountBalance or 0.0 user.LifeTimePaid = fields.get("pykotaLifeTimePaid") if user.LifeTimePaid is not None : if user.LifeTimePaid[0].upper() == "NONE" : user.LifeTimePaid = None else : user.LifeTimePaid = float(user.LifeTimePaid[0]) user.LifeTimePaid = user.LifeTimePaid or 0.0 user.Payments = [] for payment in fields.get("pykotaPayments", []) : try : (date, amount, description) = payment.split(" # ") except ValueError : # Payment with no description (old Payment) (date, amount) = payment.split(" # ") description = "" else : description = self.databaseToUserCharset(base64.decodestring(description)) if amount.endswith(" #") : amount = amount[:-2] # TODO : should be catched earlier, the bug is above I think user.Payments.append((date, float(amount), description)) user.Exists = True users.append(user) self.cacheEntry("USERS", user.Name, user) return users def getMatchingGroups(self, grouppattern) : """Returns the list of all groups for which name matches a certain pattern.""" groups = [] # see comment at the same place in pgstorage.py result = self.doSearch("objectClass=pykotaGroup", \ ["pykotaGroupName", "pykotaLimitBy", "description"], \ base=self.info["groupbase"]) if result : patterns = grouppattern.split(",") try : patdict = {}.fromkeys(patterns) except AttributeError : # Python v2.2 or earlier patdict = {} for p in patterns : patdict[p] = None for (groupid, fields) in result : groupname = self.databaseToUserCharset(fields.get("pykotaGroupName", [""])[0] or fields.get(self.info["grouprdn"], [""])[0]) if patdict.has_key(groupname) or self.tool.matchString(groupname, patterns) : group = StorageGroup(self, groupname) group.ident = groupid group.Name = fields.get("pykotaGroupName", [self.databaseToUserCharset(groupname)])[0] group.LimitBy = fields.get("pykotaLimitBy", ["quota"])[0] group.Description = self.databaseToUserCharset(fields.get("description", [""])[0]) group.AccountBalance = 0.0 group.LifeTimePaid = 0.0 for member in self.getGroupMembers(group) : if member.Exists : group.AccountBalance += member.AccountBalance group.LifeTimePaid += member.LifeTimePaid group.Exists = True groups.append(group) self.cacheEntry("GROUPS", group.Name, group) return groups def getPrinterUsersAndQuotas(self, printer, names=["*"]) : """Returns the list of users who uses a given printer, along with their quotas.""" usersandquotas = [] pname = self.userCharsetToDatabase(printer.Name) names = [self.userCharsetToDatabase(n) for n in names] if self.info["userquotabase"].lower() == "user" : base = self.info["userbase"] else : base = self.info["userquotabase"] result = self.doSearch("(&(objectClass=pykotaUserPQuota)(pykotaPrinterName=%s)(|%s))" % \ (pname, "".join(["(pykotaUserName=%s)" % uname for uname in names])), \ ["pykotaUserName", "pykotaPageCounter", "pykotaLifePageCounter", "pykotaSoftLimit", "pykotaHardLimit", "pykotaDateLimit", "pykotaWarnCount"], \ base=base) if result : for (userquotaid, fields) in result : user = self.getUser(self.databaseToUserCharset(fields.get("pykotaUserName")[0])) userpquota = StorageUserPQuota(self, user, printer) userpquota.ident = userquotaid userpquota.PageCounter = int(fields.get("pykotaPageCounter", [0])[0]) userpquota.LifePageCounter = int(fields.get("pykotaLifePageCounter", [0])[0]) userpquota.WarnCount = int(fields.get("pykotaWarnCount", [0])[0]) userpquota.SoftLimit = fields.get("pykotaSoftLimit") if userpquota.SoftLimit is not None : if userpquota.SoftLimit[0].upper() == "NONE" : userpquota.SoftLimit = None else : userpquota.SoftLimit = int(userpquota.SoftLimit[0]) userpquota.HardLimit = fields.get("pykotaHardLimit") if userpquota.HardLimit is not None : if userpquota.HardLimit[0].upper() == "NONE" : userpquota.HardLimit = None elif userpquota.HardLimit is not None : userpquota.HardLimit = int(userpquota.HardLimit[0]) userpquota.DateLimit = fields.get("pykotaDateLimit") if userpquota.DateLimit is not None : if userpquota.DateLimit[0].upper() == "NONE" : userpquota.DateLimit = None else : userpquota.DateLimit = userpquota.DateLimit[0] userpquota.Exists = True usersandquotas.append((user, userpquota)) self.cacheEntry("USERPQUOTAS", "%s@%s" % (user.Name, printer.Name), userpquota) usersandquotas.sort(lambda x, y : cmp(x[0].Name, y[0].Name)) return usersandquotas def getPrinterGroupsAndQuotas(self, printer, names=["*"]) : """Returns the list of groups which uses a given printer, along with their quotas.""" groupsandquotas = [] pname = self.userCharsetToDatabase(printer.Name) names = [self.userCharsetToDatabase(n) for n in names] if self.info["groupquotabase"].lower() == "group" : base = self.info["groupbase"] else : base = self.info["groupquotabase"] result = self.doSearch("(&(objectClass=pykotaGroupPQuota)(pykotaPrinterName=%s)(|%s))" % \ (pname, "".join(["(pykotaGroupName=%s)" % gname for gname in names])), \ ["pykotaGroupName"], \ base=base) if result : for (groupquotaid, fields) in result : group = self.getGroup(self.databaseToUserCharset(fields.get("pykotaGroupName")[0])) grouppquota = self.getGroupPQuota(group, printer) groupsandquotas.append((group, grouppquota)) groupsandquotas.sort(lambda x, y : cmp(x[0].Name, y[0].Name)) return groupsandquotas def addPrinter(self, printer) : """Adds a printer to the quota storage, returns the old value if it already exists.""" oldentry = self.getPrinter(printer.Name) if oldentry.Exists : return oldentry # we return the existing entry printername = self.userCharsetToDatabase(printer.Name) fields = { self.info["printerrdn"] : printername, "objectClass" : ["pykotaObject", "pykotaPrinter"], "cn" : printername, "pykotaPrinterName" : printername, "pykotaPassThrough" : (printer.PassThrough and "t") or "f", "pykotaMaxJobSize" : str(printer.MaxJobSize or 0), "description" : self.userCharsetToDatabase(printer.Description or ""), "pykotaPricePerPage" : str(printer.PricePerPage or 0.0), "pykotaPricePerJob" : str(printer.PricePerJob or 0.0), } dn = "%s=%s,%s" % (self.info["printerrdn"], printername, self.info["printerbase"]) self.doAdd(dn, fields) printer.isDirty = False return None # the entry created doesn't need further modification def addUser(self, user) : """Adds a user to the quota storage, returns the old value if it already exists.""" oldentry = self.getUser(user.Name) if oldentry.Exists : return oldentry # we return the existing entry uname = self.userCharsetToDatabase(user.Name) newfields = { "pykotaUserName" : uname, "pykotaLimitBy" : (user.LimitBy or "quota"), "description" : self.userCharsetToDatabase(user.Description or ""), self.info["usermail"] : user.Email or "", } mustadd = 1 if self.info["newuser"].lower() != 'below' : try : (where, action) = [s.strip() for s in self.info["newuser"].split(",")] except ValueError : (where, action) = (self.info["newuser"].strip(), "fail") result = self.doSearch("(&(objectClass=%s)(%s=%s))" % \ (where, self.info["userrdn"], uname), \ None, \ base=self.info["userbase"]) if result : (dn, fields) = result[0] oc = fields.get("objectClass", fields.get("objectclass", [])) oc.extend(["pykotaAccount", "pykotaAccountBalance"]) fields.update(newfields) fields.update({ "pykotaBalance" : str(user.AccountBalance or 0.0), "pykotaOverCharge" : str(user.OverCharge), "pykotaLifeTimePaid" : str(user.LifeTimePaid or 0.0), }) self.doModify(dn, fields) mustadd = 0 else : message = _("Unable to find an existing objectClass %s entry with %s=%s to attach pykotaAccount objectClass") % (where, self.info["userrdn"], user.Name) if action.lower() == "warn" : self.tool.printInfo(_("%s. A new entry will be created instead.") % message, "warn") else : # 'fail' or incorrect setting raise PyKotaStorageError, "%s. Action aborted. Please check your configuration." % message if mustadd : if self.info["userbase"] == self.info["balancebase"] : fields = { self.info["userrdn"] : uname, "objectClass" : ["pykotaObject", "pykotaAccount", "pykotaAccountBalance"], "cn" : uname, "pykotaBalance" : str(user.AccountBalance or 0.0), "pykotaOverCharge" : str(user.OverCharge), "pykotaLifeTimePaid" : str(user.LifeTimePaid or 0.0), } else : fields = { self.info["userrdn"] : uname, "objectClass" : ["pykotaObject", "pykotaAccount"], "cn" : uname, } fields.update(newfields) dn = "%s=%s,%s" % (self.info["userrdn"], uname, self.info["userbase"]) self.doAdd(dn, fields) if self.info["userbase"] != self.info["balancebase"] : fields = { self.info["balancerdn"] : uname, "objectClass" : ["pykotaObject", "pykotaAccountBalance"], "cn" : uname, "pykotaBalance" : str(user.AccountBalance or 0.0), "pykotaOverCharge" : str(user.OverCharge), "pykotaLifeTimePaid" : str(user.LifeTimePaid or 0.0), } dn = "%s=%s,%s" % (self.info["balancerdn"], uname, self.info["balancebase"]) self.doAdd(dn, fields) user.idbalance = dn if user.PaymentsBacklog : for (value, comment) in user.PaymentsBacklog : self.writeNewPayment(user, value, comment) user.PaymentsBacklog = [] user.isDirty = False return None # the entry created doesn't need further modification def addGroup(self, group) : """Adds a group to the quota storage, returns the old value if it already exists.""" oldentry = self.getGroup(group.Name) if oldentry.Exists : return oldentry # we return the existing entry gname = self.userCharsetToDatabase(group.Name) newfields = { "pykotaGroupName" : gname, "pykotaLimitBy" : (group.LimitBy or "quota"), "description" : self.userCharsetToDatabase(group.Description or "") } mustadd = 1 if self.info["newgroup"].lower() != 'below' : try : (where, action) = [s.strip() for s in self.info["newgroup"].split(",")] except ValueError : (where, action) = (self.info["newgroup"].strip(), "fail") result = self.doSearch("(&(objectClass=%s)(%s=%s))" % \ (where, self.info["grouprdn"], gname), \ None, \ base=self.info["groupbase"]) if result : (dn, fields) = result[0] oc = fields.get("objectClass", fields.get("objectclass", [])) oc.extend(["pykotaGroup"]) fields.update(newfields) self.doModify(dn, fields) mustadd = 0 else : message = _("Unable to find an existing entry to attach pykotaGroup objectclass %s") % group.Name if action.lower() == "warn" : self.tool.printInfo("%s. A new entry will be created instead." % message, "warn") else : # 'fail' or incorrect setting raise PyKotaStorageError, "%s. Action aborted. Please check your configuration." % message if mustadd : fields = { self.info["grouprdn"] : gname, "objectClass" : ["pykotaObject", "pykotaGroup"], "cn" : gname, } fields.update(newfields) dn = "%s=%s,%s" % (self.info["grouprdn"], gname, self.info["groupbase"]) self.doAdd(dn, fields) group.isDirty = False return None # the entry created doesn't need further modification def addUserToGroup(self, user, group) : """Adds an user to a group.""" if user.Name not in [u.Name for u in self.getGroupMembers(group)] : result = self.doSearch("objectClass=pykotaGroup", None, base=group.ident, scope=ldap.SCOPE_BASE) if result : fields = result[0][1] if not fields.has_key(self.info["groupmembers"]) : fields[self.info["groupmembers"]] = [] fields[self.info["groupmembers"]].append(self.userCharsetToDatabase(user.Name)) self.doModify(group.ident, fields) group.Members.append(user) def delUserFromGroup(self, user, group) : """Removes an user from a group.""" if user.Name in [u.Name for u in self.getGroupMembers(group)] : result = self.doSearch("objectClass=pykotaGroup", None, base=group.ident, scope=ldap.SCOPE_BASE) if result : fields = result[0][1] if not fields.has_key(self.info["groupmembers"]) : fields[self.info["groupmembers"]] = [] try : fields[self.info["groupmembers"]].remove(self.userCharsetToDatabase(user.Name)) except ValueError : pass # TODO : Strange, shouldn't it be there ? else : self.doModify(group.ident, fields) group.Members.remove(user) def addUserPQuota(self, upq) : """Initializes a user print quota on a printer.""" # first check if an entry already exists oldentry = self.getUserPQuota(upq.User, upq.Printer) if oldentry.Exists : return oldentry # we return the existing entry uuid = self.genUUID() uname = self.userCharsetToDatabase(upq.User.Name) pname = self.userCharsetToDatabase(upq.Printer.Name) fields = { "cn" : uuid, "objectClass" : ["pykotaObject", "pykotaUserPQuota"], "pykotaUserName" : uname, "pykotaPrinterName" : pname, "pykotaSoftLimit" : str(upq.SoftLimit), "pykotaHardLimit" : str(upq.HardLimit), "pykotaDateLimit" : str(upq.DateLimit), "pykotaPageCounter" : str(upq.PageCounter or 0), "pykotaLifePageCounter" : str(upq.LifePageCounter or 0), "pykotaWarnCount" : str(upq.WarnCount or 0), "pykotaMaxJobSize" : str(upq.MaxJobSize or 0), } if self.info["userquotabase"].lower() == "user" : dn = "cn=%s,%s" % (uuid, upq.User.ident) else : dn = "cn=%s,%s" % (uuid, self.info["userquotabase"]) self.doAdd(dn, fields) upq.isDirty = False return None # the entry created doesn't need further modification def addGroupPQuota(self, gpq) : """Initializes a group print quota on a printer.""" oldentry = self.getGroupPQuota(gpq.Group, gpq.Printer) if oldentry.Exists : return oldentry # we return the existing entry uuid = self.genUUID() gname = self.userCharsetToDatabase(gpq.Group.Name) pname = self.userCharsetToDatabase(gpq.Printer.Name) fields = { "cn" : uuid, "objectClass" : ["pykotaObject", "pykotaGroupPQuota"], "pykotaGroupName" : gname, "pykotaPrinterName" : pname, "pykotaDateLimit" : "None", } if self.info["groupquotabase"].lower() == "group" : dn = "cn=%s,%s" % (uuid, gpq.Group.ident) else : dn = "cn=%s,%s" % (uuid, self.info["groupquotabase"]) self.doAdd(dn, fields) gpq.isDirty = False return None # the entry created doesn't need further modification def savePrinter(self, printer) : """Saves the printer to the database in a single operation.""" fields = { "pykotaPassThrough" : (printer.PassThrough and "t") or "f", "pykotaMaxJobSize" : str(printer.MaxJobSize or 0), "description" : self.userCharsetToDatabase(printer.Description or ""), "pykotaPricePerPage" : str(printer.PricePerPage or 0.0), "pykotaPricePerJob" : str(printer.PricePerJob or 0.0), } self.doModify(printer.ident, fields) def saveUser(self, user) : """Saves the user to the database in a single operation.""" newfields = { "pykotaLimitBy" : (user.LimitBy or "quota"), "description" : self.userCharsetToDatabase(user.Description or ""), self.info["usermail"] : user.Email or "", } self.doModify(user.ident, newfields) newfields = { "pykotaBalance" : str(user.AccountBalance or 0.0), "pykotaLifeTimePaid" : str(user.LifeTimePaid or 0.0), "pykotaOverCharge" : str(user.OverCharge), } self.doModify(user.idbalance, newfields) def saveGroup(self, group) : """Saves the group to the database in a single operation.""" newfields = { "pykotaLimitBy" : (group.LimitBy or "quota"), "description" : self.userCharsetToDatabase(group.Description or ""), } self.doModify(group.ident, newfields) def writeUserPQuotaDateLimit(self, userpquota, datelimit) : """Sets the date limit permanently for a user print quota.""" fields = { "pykotaDateLimit" : str(datelimit), } return self.doModify(userpquota.ident, fields) def writeGroupPQuotaDateLimit(self, grouppquota, datelimit) : """Sets the date limit permanently for a group print quota.""" fields = { "pykotaDateLimit" : str(datelimit), } return self.doModify(grouppquota.ident, fields) def increaseUserPQuotaPagesCounters(self, userpquota, nbpages) : """Increase page counters for a user print quota.""" fields = { "pykotaPageCounter" : { "operator" : "+", "value" : nbpages, "convert" : int }, "pykotaLifePageCounter" : { "operator" : "+", "value" : nbpages, "convert" : int }, } return self.doModify(userpquota.ident, fields) def decreaseUserAccountBalance(self, user, amount) : """Decreases user's account balance from an amount.""" fields = { "pykotaBalance" : { "operator" : "-", "value" : amount, "convert" : float }, } return self.doModify(user.idbalance, fields, flushcache=1) def writeNewPayment(self, user, amount, comment="") : """Adds a new payment to the payments history.""" payments = [] for payment in user.Payments : payments.append("%s # %s # %s" % (payment[0], str(payment[1]), base64.encodestring(self.userCharsetToDatabase(payment[2])).strip())) payments.append("%s # %s # %s" % (str(DateTime.now()), str(amount), base64.encodestring(self.userCharsetToDatabase(comment)).strip())) fields = { "pykotaPayments" : payments, } return self.doModify(user.idbalance, fields) def writeLastJobSize(self, lastjob, jobsize, jobprice) : """Sets the last job's size permanently.""" fields = { "pykotaJobSize" : str(jobsize), "pykotaJobPrice" : str(jobprice), } self.doModify(lastjob.ident, fields) def writeJobNew(self, printer, user, jobid, pagecounter, action, jobsize=None, jobprice=None, filename=None, title=None, copies=None, options=None, clienthost=None, jobsizebytes=None, jobmd5sum=None, jobpages=None, jobbilling=None, precomputedsize=None, precomputedprice=None) : """Adds a job in a printer's history.""" uname = self.userCharsetToDatabase(user.Name) pname = self.userCharsetToDatabase(printer.Name) if (not self.disablehistory) or (not printer.LastJob.Exists) : uuid = self.genUUID() dn = "cn=%s,%s" % (uuid, self.info["jobbase"]) else : uuid = printer.LastJob.ident[3:].split(",")[0] dn = printer.LastJob.ident if self.privacy : # For legal reasons, we want to hide the title, filename and options title = filename = options = "hidden" fields = { "objectClass" : ["pykotaObject", "pykotaJob"], "cn" : uuid, "pykotaUserName" : uname, "pykotaPrinterName" : pname, "pykotaJobId" : jobid, "pykotaPrinterPageCounter" : str(pagecounter), "pykotaAction" : action, "pykotaFileName" : ((filename is None) and "None") or self.userCharsetToDatabase(filename), "pykotaTitle" : ((title is None) and "None") or self.userCharsetToDatabase(title), "pykotaCopies" : str(copies), "pykotaOptions" : ((options is None) and "None") or self.userCharsetToDatabase(options), "pykotaHostName" : str(clienthost), "pykotaJobSizeBytes" : str(jobsizebytes), "pykotaMD5Sum" : str(jobmd5sum), "pykotaPages" : jobpages, # don't add this attribute if it is not set, so no string conversion "pykotaBillingCode" : self.userCharsetToDatabase(jobbilling), # don't add this attribute if it is not set, so no string conversion "pykotaPrecomputedJobSize" : str(precomputedsize), "pykotaPrecomputedJobPrice" : str(precomputedprice), } if (not self.disablehistory) or (not printer.LastJob.Exists) : if jobsize is not None : fields.update({ "pykotaJobSize" : str(jobsize), "pykotaJobPrice" : str(jobprice) }) self.doAdd(dn, fields) else : # here we explicitly want to reset jobsize to 'None' if needed fields.update({ "pykotaJobSize" : str(jobsize), "pykotaJobPrice" : str(jobprice) }) self.doModify(dn, fields) if printer.LastJob.Exists : fields = { "pykotaLastJobIdent" : uuid, } self.doModify(printer.LastJob.lastjobident, fields) else : lastjuuid = self.genUUID() lastjdn = "cn=%s,%s" % (lastjuuid, self.info["lastjobbase"]) fields = { "objectClass" : ["pykotaObject", "pykotaLastJob"], "cn" : lastjuuid, "pykotaPrinterName" : pname, "pykotaLastJobIdent" : uuid, } self.doAdd(lastjdn, fields) def saveUserPQuota(self, userpquota) : """Saves an user print quota entry.""" fields = { "pykotaSoftLimit" : str(userpquota.SoftLimit), "pykotaHardLimit" : str(userpquota.HardLimit), "pykotaDateLimit" : str(userpquota.DateLimit), "pykotaWarnCount" : str(userpquota.WarnCount or 0), "pykotaPageCounter" : str(userpquota.PageCounter or 0), "pykotaLifePageCounter" : str(userpquota.LifePageCounter or 0), "pykotaMaxJobSize" : str(userpquota.MaxJobSize or 0), } self.doModify(userpquota.ident, fields) def writeUserPQuotaWarnCount(self, userpquota, warncount) : """Sets the warn counter value for a user quota.""" fields = { "pykotaWarnCount" : str(warncount or 0), } self.doModify(userpquota.ident, fields) def increaseUserPQuotaWarnCount(self, userpquota) : """Increases the warn counter value for a user quota.""" fields = { "pykotaWarnCount" : { "operator" : "+", "value" : 1, "convert" : int }, } return self.doModify(userpquota.ident, fields) def saveGroupPQuota(self, grouppquota) : """Saves a group print quota entry.""" fields = { "pykotaSoftLimit" : str(grouppquota.SoftLimit), "pykotaHardLimit" : str(grouppquota.HardLimit), "pykotaDateLimit" : str(grouppquota.DateLimit), "pykotaMaxJobSize" : str(grouppquota.MaxJobSize or 0), } self.doModify(grouppquota.ident, fields) def writePrinterToGroup(self, pgroup, printer) : """Puts a printer into a printer group.""" if printer.ident not in pgroup.uniqueMember : pgroup.uniqueMember.append(printer.ident) fields = { "uniqueMember" : pgroup.uniqueMember } self.doModify(pgroup.ident, fields) def removePrinterFromGroup(self, pgroup, printer) : """Removes a printer from a printer group.""" try : pgroup.uniqueMember.remove(printer.ident) except ValueError : pass else : fields = { "uniqueMember" : pgroup.uniqueMember, } self.doModify(pgroup.ident, fields) def retrieveHistory(self, user=None, printer=None, hostname=None, billingcode=None, jobid=None, limit=100, start=None, end=None) : """Retrieves all print jobs for user on printer (or all) between start and end date, limited to first 100 results.""" precond = "(objectClass=pykotaJob)" where = [] if user is not None : where.append("(pykotaUserName=%s)" % self.userCharsetToDatabase(user.Name)) if printer is not None : where.append("(pykotaPrinterName=%s)" % self.userCharsetToDatabase(printer.Name)) if hostname is not None : where.append("(pykotaHostName=%s)" % hostname) if billingcode is not None : where.append("(pykotaBillingCode=%s)" % self.userCharsetToDatabase(billingcode)) if jobid is not None : where.append("(pykotaJobId=%s)" % jobid) # TODO : jobid is text, so self.userCharsetToDatabase(jobid) but do all of them as well. if where : where = "(&%s)" % "".join([precond] + where) else : where = precond jobs = [] result = self.doSearch(where, fields=[ "pykotaJobSizeBytes", "pykotaHostName", "pykotaUserName", "pykotaPrinterName", "pykotaJobId", "pykotaPrinterPageCounter", "pykotaAction", "pykotaJobSize", "pykotaJobPrice", "pykotaFileName", "pykotaTitle", "pykotaCopies", "pykotaOptions", "pykotaBillingCode", "pykotaPages", "pykotaMD5Sum", "pykotaPrecomputedJobSize", "pykotaPrecomputedJobPrice", "createTimestamp" ], base=self.info["jobbase"]) if result : for (ident, fields) in result : job = StorageJob(self) job.ident = ident job.JobId = fields.get("pykotaJobId")[0] job.PrinterPageCounter = int(fields.get("pykotaPrinterPageCounter", [0])[0] or 0) try : job.JobSize = int(fields.get("pykotaJobSize", [0])[0]) except ValueError : job.JobSize = None try : job.JobPrice = float(fields.get("pykotaJobPrice", [0.0])[0]) except ValueError : job.JobPrice = None job.JobAction = fields.get("pykotaAction", [""])[0] job.JobFileName = self.databaseToUserCharset(fields.get("pykotaFileName", [""])[0]) job.JobTitle = self.databaseToUserCharset(fields.get("pykotaTitle", [""])[0]) job.JobCopies = int(fields.get("pykotaCopies", [0])[0]) job.JobOptions = self.databaseToUserCharset(fields.get("pykotaOptions", [""])[0]) job.JobHostName = fields.get("pykotaHostName", [""])[0] job.JobSizeBytes = fields.get("pykotaJobSizeBytes", [0L])[0] job.JobBillingCode = self.databaseToUserCharset(fields.get("pykotaBillingCode", [None])[0]) job.JobMD5Sum = fields.get("pykotaMD5Sum", [None])[0] job.JobPages = fields.get("pykotaPages", [""])[0] try : job.PrecomputedJobSize = int(fields.get("pykotaPrecomputedJobSize", [0])[0]) except ValueError : job.PrecomputedJobSize = None try : job.PrecomputedJobPrice = float(fields.get("pykotaPrecomputedJobPrice", [0.0])[0]) except ValueError : job.PrecomputedJobPrice = None if job.JobTitle == job.JobFileName == job.JobOptions == "hidden" : (job.JobTitle, job.JobFileName, job.JobOptions) = (_("Hidden because of privacy concerns"),) * 3 date = fields.get("createTimestamp", ["19700101000000Z"])[0] # It's in UTC ! mxtime = DateTime.strptime(date[:14], "%Y%m%d%H%M%S").localtime() job.JobDate = mxtime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") if ((start is None) and (end is None)) or \ ((start is None) and (job.JobDate <= end)) or \ ((end is None) and (job.JobDate >= start)) or \ ((job.JobDate >= start) and (job.JobDate <= end)) : job.UserName = self.databaseToUserCharset(fields.get("pykotaUserName")[0]) job.PrinterName = self.databaseToUserCharset(fields.get("pykotaPrinterName")[0]) job.Exists = True jobs.append(job) jobs.sort(lambda x, y : cmp(y.JobDate, x.JobDate)) if limit : jobs = jobs[:int(limit)] return jobs def deleteUser(self, user) : """Completely deletes an user from the Quota Storage.""" uname = self.userCharsetToDatabase(user.Name) todelete = [] result = self.doSearch("(&(objectClass=pykotaJob)(pykotaUserName=%s))" % uname, base=self.info["jobbase"]) for (ident, fields) in result : todelete.append(ident) if self.info["userquotabase"].lower() == "user" : base = self.info["userbase"] else : base = self.info["userquotabase"] result = self.doSearch("(&(objectClass=pykotaUserPQuota)(pykotaUserName=%s))" % uname, \ ["pykotaPrinterName", "pykotaUserName"], \ base=base) for (ident, fields) in result : # ensure the user print quota entry will be deleted todelete.append(ident) # if last job of current printer was printed by the user # to delete, we also need to delete the printer's last job entry. printer = self.getPrinter(self.databaseToUserCharset(fields["pykotaPrinterName"][0])) if printer.LastJob.UserName == user.Name : todelete.append(printer.LastJob.lastjobident) for ident in todelete : self.doDelete(ident) result = self.doSearch("objectClass=pykotaAccount", None, base=user.ident, scope=ldap.SCOPE_BASE) if result : fields = result[0][1] for k in fields.keys() : if k.startswith("pykota") : del fields[k] elif k.lower() == "objectclass" : todelete = [] for i in range(len(fields[k])) : if fields[k][i].startswith("pykota") : todelete.append(i) todelete.sort() todelete.reverse() for i in todelete : del fields[k][i] if fields.get("objectClass") or fields.get("objectclass") : self.doModify(user.ident, fields, ignoreold=0) else : self.doDelete(user.ident) result = self.doSearch("(&(objectClass=pykotaAccountBalance)(pykotaUserName=%s))" % \ uname, \ ["pykotaUserName"], \ base=self.info["balancebase"]) for (ident, fields) in result : self.doDelete(ident) def deleteGroup(self, group) : """Completely deletes a group from the Quota Storage.""" gname = self.userCharsetToDatabase(group.Name) if self.info["groupquotabase"].lower() == "group" : base = self.info["groupbase"] else : base = self.info["groupquotabase"] result = self.doSearch("(&(objectClass=pykotaGroupPQuota)(pykotaGroupName=%s))" % \ gname, \ ["pykotaGroupName"], \ base=base) for (ident, fields) in result : self.doDelete(ident) result = self.doSearch("objectClass=pykotaGroup", None, base=group.ident, scope=ldap.SCOPE_BASE) if result : fields = result[0][1] for k in fields.keys() : if k.startswith("pykota") : del fields[k] elif k.lower() == "objectclass" : todelete = [] for i in range(len(fields[k])) : if fields[k][i].startswith("pykota") : todelete.append(i) todelete.sort() todelete.reverse() for i in todelete : del fields[k][i] if fields.get("objectClass") or fields.get("objectclass") : self.doModify(group.ident, fields, ignoreold=0) else : self.doDelete(group.ident) def deleteManyBillingCodes(self, billingcodes) : """Deletes many billing codes.""" for bcode in billingcodes : bcode.delete() def deleteManyUsers(self, users) : """Deletes many users.""" for user in users : user.delete() def deleteManyGroups(self, groups) : """Deletes many groups.""" for group in groups : group.delete() def deleteManyPrinters(self, printers) : """Deletes many printers.""" for printer in printers : printer.delete() def deleteManyUserPQuotas(self, printers, users) : """Deletes many user print quota entries.""" # TODO : grab all with a single (possibly VERY huge) filter if possible (might depend on the LDAP server !) for printer in printers : for user in users : upq = self.getUserPQuota(user, printer) if upq.Exists : upq.delete() def deleteManyGroupPQuotas(self, printers, groups) : """Deletes many group print quota entries.""" # TODO : grab all with a single (possibly VERY huge) filter if possible (might depend on the LDAP server !) for printer in printers : for group in groups : gpq = self.getGroupPQuota(group, printer) if gpq.Exists : gpq.delete() def deleteUserPQuota(self, upquota) : """Completely deletes an user print quota entry from the database.""" uname = self.userCharsetToDatabase(upquota.User.Name) pname = self.userCharsetToDatabase(upquota.Printer.Name) result = self.doSearch("(&(objectClass=pykotaJob)(pykotaUserName=%s)(pykotaPrinterName=%s))" \ % (uname, pname), \ base=self.info["jobbase"]) for (ident, fields) in result : self.doDelete(ident) if upquota.Printer.LastJob.UserName == upquota.User.Name : self.doDelete(upquota.Printer.LastJob.lastjobident) self.doDelete(upquota.ident) def deleteGroupPQuota(self, gpquota) : """Completely deletes a group print quota entry from the database.""" self.doDelete(gpquota.ident) def deletePrinter(self, printer) : """Completely deletes a printer from the Quota Storage.""" pname = self.userCharsetToDatabase(printer.Name) result = self.doSearch("(&(objectClass=pykotaLastJob)(pykotaPrinterName=%s))" % pname, base=self.info["lastjobbase"]) for (ident, fields) in result : self.doDelete(ident) result = self.doSearch("(&(objectClass=pykotaJob)(pykotaPrinterName=%s))" % pname, base=self.info["jobbase"]) for (ident, fields) in result : self.doDelete(ident) if self.info["groupquotabase"].lower() == "group" : base = self.info["groupbase"] else : base = self.info["groupquotabase"] result = self.doSearch("(&(objectClass=pykotaGroupPQuota)(pykotaPrinterName=%s))" % pname, base=base) for (ident, fields) in result : self.doDelete(ident) if self.info["userquotabase"].lower() == "user" : base = self.info["userbase"] else : base = self.info["userquotabase"] result = self.doSearch("(&(objectClass=pykotaUserPQuota)(pykotaPrinterName=%s))" % pname, base=base) for (ident, fields) in result : self.doDelete(ident) for parent in self.getParentPrinters(printer) : try : parent.uniqueMember.remove(printer.ident) except ValueError : pass else : fields = { "uniqueMember" : parent.uniqueMember, } self.doModify(parent.ident, fields) self.doDelete(printer.ident) def deleteBillingCode(self, code) : """Deletes a billing code from the Quota Storage (no entries are deleted from the history)""" self.doDelete(code.ident) def sortRecords(self, fields, records, default, ordering) : """Sort records based on list of fields prefixed with '+' (ASC) or '-' (DESC).""" fieldindexes = {} for i in range(len(fields)) : fieldindexes[fields[i]] = i if not ordering : ordering = default orderby = [] for orderkey in ordering : # Create ordering hints, ignoring unknown fields if orderkey.startswith("-") : index = fieldindexes.get(orderkey[1:]) if index is not None : orderby.append((-1, index)) elif orderkey.startswith("+") : index = fieldindexes.get(orderkey[1:]) if index is not None : orderby.append((+1, index)) else : index = fieldindexes.get(orderkey) if index is not None : orderby.append((+1, index)) def compare(x, y, orderby=orderby) : """Compares two records.""" i = 0 nbkeys = len(orderby) while i < nbkeys : (sign, index) = orderby[i] result = cmp(x[i], y[i]) if not result : i += 1 else : return sign * result return 0 # identical keys records.sort(compare) return records def extractPrinters(self, extractonly={}, ordering=[]) : """Extracts all printer records.""" pname = extractonly.get("printername") entries = [p for p in [self.getPrinter(name) for name in self.getAllPrintersNames(pname)] if p.Exists] if entries : fields = ("dn", "printername", "priceperpage", "priceperjob", "description", "maxjobsize", "passthrough") result = [] for entry in entries : if entry.PassThrough in (1, "1", "t", "true", "T", "TRUE", "True") : passthrough = "t" else : passthrough = "f" result.append((entry.ident, entry.Name, entry.PricePerPage, entry.PricePerJob, entry.Description, entry.MaxJobSize, passthrough)) return [fields] + self.sortRecords(fields, result, ["+dn"], ordering) def extractUsers(self, extractonly={}, ordering=[]) : """Extracts all user records.""" uname = extractonly.get("username") entries = [u for u in [self.getUser(name) for name in self.getAllUsersNames(uname)] if u.Exists] if entries : fields = ("dn", "username", "balance", "lifetimepaid", "limitby", "email", "description", "overcharge") result = [] for entry in entries : result.append((entry.ident, entry.Name, entry.AccountBalance, entry.LifeTimePaid, entry.LimitBy, entry.Email, entry.Description, entry.OverCharge)) return [fields] + self.sortRecords(fields, result, ["+dn"], ordering) def extractBillingcodes(self, extractonly={}, ordering=[]) : """Extracts all billing codes records.""" billingcode = extractonly.get("billingcode") entries = [b for b in [self.getBillingCode(label) for label in self.getAllBillingCodes(billingcode)] if b.Exists] if entries : fields = ("dn", "billingcode", "balance", "pagecounter", "description") result = [] for entry in entries : result.append((entry.ident, entry.BillingCode, entry.Balance, entry.PageCounter, entry.Description)) return [fields] + self.sortRecords(fields, result, ["+dn"], ordering) def extractGroups(self, extractonly={}, ordering=[]) : """Extracts all group records.""" gname = extractonly.get("groupname") entries = [g for g in [self.getGroup(name) for name in self.getAllGroupsNames(gname)] if g.Exists] if entries : fields = ("dn", "groupname", "limitby", "balance", "lifetimepaid", "description") result = [] for entry in entries : result.append((entry.ident, entry.Name, entry.LimitBy, entry.AccountBalance, entry.LifeTimePaid, entry.Description)) return [fields] + self.sortRecords(fields, result, ["+dn"], ordering) def extractPayments(self, extractonly={}, ordering=[]) : """Extracts all payment records.""" startdate = extractonly.get("start") enddate = extractonly.get("end") (startdate, enddate) = self.cleanDates(startdate, enddate) uname = extractonly.get("username") entries = [u for u in [self.getUser(name) for name in self.getAllUsersNames(uname)] if u.Exists] if entries : fields = ("username", "amount", "date", "description") result = [] for entry in entries : for (date, amount, description) in entry.Payments : if ((startdate is None) and (enddate is None)) or \ ((startdate is None) and (date <= enddate)) or \ ((enddate is None) and (date >= startdate)) or \ ((date >= startdate) and (date <= enddate)) : result.append((entry.Name, amount, date, description)) return [fields] + self.sortRecords(fields, result, ["+date"], ordering) def extractUpquotas(self, extractonly={}, ordering=[]) : """Extracts all userpquota records.""" pname = extractonly.get("printername") entries = [p for p in [self.getPrinter(name) for name in self.getAllPrintersNames(pname)] if p.Exists] if entries : fields = ("username", "printername", "dn", "userdn", "printerdn", "lifepagecounter", "pagecounter", "softlimit", "hardlimit", "datelimit") result = [] uname = extractonly.get("username") for entry in entries : for (user, userpquota) in self.getPrinterUsersAndQuotas(entry, names=[uname or "*"]) : result.append((user.Name, entry.Name, userpquota.ident, user.ident, entry.ident, userpquota.LifePageCounter, userpquota.PageCounter, userpquota.SoftLimit, userpquota.HardLimit, userpquota.DateLimit)) return [fields] + self.sortRecords(fields, result, ["+userdn"], ordering) def extractGpquotas(self, extractonly={}, ordering=[]) : """Extracts all grouppquota records.""" pname = extractonly.get("printername") entries = [p for p in [self.getPrinter(name) for name in self.getAllPrintersNames(pname)] if p.Exists] if entries : fields = ("groupname", "printername", "dn", "groupdn", "printerdn", "lifepagecounter", "pagecounter", "softlimit", "hardlimit", "datelimit") result = [] gname = extractonly.get("groupname") for entry in entries : for (group, grouppquota) in self.getPrinterGroupsAndQuotas(entry, names=[gname or "*"]) : result.append((group.Name, entry.Name, grouppquota.ident, group.ident, entry.ident, grouppquota.LifePageCounter, grouppquota.PageCounter, grouppquota.SoftLimit, grouppquota.HardLimit, grouppquota.DateLimit)) return [fields] + self.sortRecords(fields, result, ["+groupdn"], ordering) def extractUmembers(self, extractonly={}, ordering=[]) : """Extracts all user groups members.""" gname = extractonly.get("groupname") entries = [g for g in [self.getGroup(name) for name in self.getAllGroupsNames(gname)] if g.Exists] if entries : fields = ("groupname", "username", "groupdn", "userdn") result = [] uname = extractonly.get("username") for entry in entries : for member in entry.Members : if (uname is None) or (member.Name == uname) : result.append((entry.Name, member.Name, entry.ident, member.ident)) return [fields] + self.sortRecords(fields, result, ["+groupdn", "+userdn"], ordering) def extractPmembers(self, extractonly={}, ordering=[]) : """Extracts all printer groups members.""" pname = extractonly.get("printername") entries = [p for p in [self.getPrinter(name) for name in self.getAllPrintersNames(pname)] if p.Exists] if entries : fields = ("pgroupname", "printername", "pgroupdn", "printerdn") result = [] pgname = extractonly.get("pgroupname") for entry in entries : for parent in self.getParentPrinters(entry) : if (pgname is None) or (parent.Name == pgname) : result.append((parent.Name, entry.Name, parent.ident, entry.ident)) return [fields] + self.sortRecords(fields, result, ["+pgroupdn", "+printerdn"], ordering) def extractHistory(self, extractonly={}, ordering=[]) : """Extracts all jobhistory records.""" uname = extractonly.get("username") if uname : user = self.getUser(uname) else : user = None pname = extractonly.get("printername") if pname : printer = self.getPrinter(pname) else : printer = None startdate = extractonly.get("start") enddate = extractonly.get("end") (startdate, enddate) = self.cleanDates(startdate, enddate) entries = self.retrieveHistory(user, printer, hostname=extractonly.get("hostname"), billingcode=extractonly.get("billingcode"), jobid=extractonly.get("jobid"), limit=None, start=startdate, end=enddate) if entries : fields = ("username", "printername", "dn", "jobid", "pagecounter", "jobsize", "action", "jobdate", "filename", "title", "copies", "options", "jobprice", "hostname", "jobsizebytes", "md5sum", "pages", "billingcode", "precomputedjobsize", "precomputedjobprice") result = [] for entry in entries : result.append((entry.UserName, entry.PrinterName, entry.ident, entry.JobId, entry.PrinterPageCounter, entry.JobSize, entry.JobAction, entry.JobDate, entry.JobFileName, entry.JobTitle, entry.JobCopies, entry.JobOptions, entry.JobPrice, entry.JobHostName, entry.JobSizeBytes, entry.JobMD5Sum, entry.JobPages, entry.JobBillingCode, entry.PrecomputedJobSize, entry.PrecomputedJobPrice)) return [fields] + self.sortRecords(fields, result, ["+dn"], ordering) def getBillingCodeFromBackend(self, label) : """Extracts billing code information given its label : returns first matching billing code.""" code = StorageBillingCode(self, label) ulabel = self.userCharsetToDatabase(label) result = self.doSearch("(&(objectClass=pykotaBilling)(pykotaBillingCode=%s))" % \ ulabel, \ ["pykotaBillingCode", "pykotaBalance", "pykotaPageCounter", "description"], \ base=self.info["billingcodebase"]) if result : fields = result[0][1] # take only first matching code, ignore the rest code.ident = result[0][0] code.BillingCode = self.databaseToUserCharset(fields.get("pykotaBillingCode", [ulabel])[0]) code.PageCounter = int(fields.get("pykotaPageCounter", [0])[0]) code.Balance = float(fields.get("pykotaBalance", [0.0])[0]) code.Description = self.databaseToUserCharset(fields.get("description", [""])[0]) code.Exists = True return code def addBillingCode(self, bcode) : """Adds a billing code to the quota storage, returns it.""" oldentry = self.getBillingCode(bcode.BillingCode) if oldentry.Exists : return oldentry # we return the existing entry uuid = self.genUUID() dn = "cn=%s,%s" % (uuid, self.info["billingcodebase"]) fields = { "objectClass" : ["pykotaObject", "pykotaBilling"], "cn" : uuid, "pykotaBillingCode" : self.userCharsetToDatabase(bcode.BillingCode), "pykotaPageCounter" : str(bcode.PageCounter or 0), "pykotaBalance" : str(bcode.Balance or 0.0), "description" : self.userCharsetToDatabase(bcode.Description or ""), } self.doAdd(dn, fields) bcode.isDirty = False return None # the entry created doesn't need further modification def saveBillingCode(self, bcode) : """Sets the new description for a billing code.""" fields = { "description" : self.userCharsetToDatabase(bcode.Description or ""), "pykotaPageCounter" : str(bcode.PageCounter or 0), "pykotaBalance" : str(bcode.Balance or 0.0), } self.doModify(bcode.ident, fields) def getMatchingBillingCodes(self, billingcodepattern) : """Returns the list of all billing codes which match a certain pattern.""" codes = [] result = self.doSearch("objectClass=pykotaBilling", \ ["pykotaBillingCode", "description", "pykotaPageCounter", "pykotaBalance"], \ base=self.info["billingcodebase"]) if result : patterns = billingcodepattern.split(",") try : patdict = {}.fromkeys(patterns) except AttributeError : # Python v2.2 or earlier patdict = {} for p in patterns : patdict[p] = None for (codeid, fields) in result : codename = self.databaseToUserCharset(fields.get("pykotaBillingCode", [""])[0]) if patdict.has_key(codename) or self.tool.matchString(codename, patterns) : code = StorageBillingCode(self, codename) code.ident = codeid code.PageCounter = int(fields.get("pykotaPageCounter", [0])[0]) code.Balance = float(fields.get("pykotaBalance", [0.0])[0]) code.Description = self.databaseToUserCharset(fields.get("description", [""])[0]) code.Exists = True codes.append(code) self.cacheEntry("BILLINGCODES", code.BillingCode, code) return codes def consumeBillingCode(self, bcode, pagecounter, balance) : """Consumes from a billing code.""" fields = { "pykotaBalance" : { "operator" : "-", "value" : balance, "convert" : float }, "pykotaPageCounter" : { "operator" : "+", "value" : pagecounter, "convert" : int }, } return self.doModify(bcode.ident, fields) def refundJob(self, jobident) : """Marks a job as refunded in the history.""" dn = "cn=%s,%s" % (ident, self.info["jobbase"]) fields = { "pykotaAction" : "REFUND", } self.doModify(dn, fields) def storageUserFromRecord(self, username, record) : """Returns a StorageUser instance from a database record.""" user = StorageUser(self, username) user.Exists = True return user def storageGroupFromRecord(self, groupname, record) : """Returns a StorageGroup instance from a database record.""" group = StorageGroup(self, groupname) group.Exists = True return group def storagePrinterFromRecord(self, printername, record) : """Returns a StoragePrinter instance from a database record.""" printer = StoragePrinter(self, printername) printer.Exists = True return printer def setJobAttributesFromRecord(self, job, record) : """Sets the attributes of a job from a database record.""" job.Exists = True def storageJobFromRecord(self, record) : """Returns a StorageJob instance from a database record.""" job = StorageJob(self) self.setJobAttributesFromRecord(job, record) return job def storageLastJobFromRecord(self, printer, record) : """Returns a StorageLastJob instance from a database record.""" lastjob = StorageLastJob(self, printer) self.setJobAttributesFromRecord(lastjob, record) return lastjob def storageUserPQuotaFromRecord(self, user, printer, record) : """Returns a StorageUserPQuota instance from a database record.""" userpquota = StorageUserPQuota(self, user, printer) userpquota.Exists = True return userpquota def storageGroupPQuotaFromRecord(self, group, printer, record) : """Returns a StorageGroupPQuota instance from a database record.""" grouppquota = StorageGroupPQuota(self, group, printer) grouppquota.Exists = True return grouppquota def storageBillingCodeFromRecord(self, billingcode, record) : """Returns a StorageBillingCode instance from a database record.""" code = StorageBillingCode(self, billingcode) code.Exists = True return code