# PyKota # -*- coding: ISO-8859-15 -*- # # PyKota : Print Quotas for CUPS and LPRng # # (c) 2003-2004 Jerome Alet # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # $Id$ # # # # My IANA assigned number, for # "Conseil Internet & Logiciels Libres, Jérôme Alet" # is 16868. Use this as a base to create the LDAP schema. # import sys import os import types import time import md5 from mx import DateTime from pykota.storage import PyKotaStorageError, BaseStorage, StorageObject, StorageUser, StorageGroup, StoragePrinter, StorageJob, StorageLastJob, StorageUserPQuota, StorageGroupPQuota try : import ldap import ldap.modlist except ImportError : raise PyKotaStorageError, "This python version (%s) doesn't seem to have the python-ldap module installed correctly." % sys.version.split()[0] else : try : from ldap.cidict import cidict except ImportError : import UserDict sys.stderr.write("ERROR: PyKota requires a newer version of python-ldap. Workaround activated. Please upgrade python-ldap !\n") class cidict(UserDict.UserDict) : pass # Fake it all, and don't care for case insensitivity : users who need it will have to upgrade. class Storage(BaseStorage) : def __init__(self, pykotatool, host, dbname, user, passwd) : """Opens the LDAP connection.""" self.savedtool = pykotatool self.savedhost = host self.saveddbname = dbname self.saveduser = user self.savedpasswd = passwd self.secondStageInit() def secondStageInit(self) : """Second stage initialisation.""" BaseStorage.__init__(self, self.savedtool) self.info = self.tool.config.getLDAPInfo() message = "" for tryit in range(3) : try : self.database = ldap.initialize(self.savedhost) if self.info["ldaptls"] : # we want TLS ldap.set_option(ldap.OPT_X_TLS_CACERTFILE, self.info["cacert"]) self.database.set_option(ldap.OPT_X_TLS, ldap.OPT_X_TLS_DEMAND) self.database.start_tls_s() self.database.simple_bind_s(self.saveduser, self.savedpasswd) self.basedn = self.saveddbname except ldap.SERVER_DOWN : message = "LDAP backend for PyKota seems to be down !" self.tool.printInfo("%s" % message, "error") self.tool.printInfo("Trying again in 2 seconds...", "warn") time.sleep(2) except ldap.LDAPError : message = "Unable to connect to LDAP server %s as %s." % (self.savedhost, self.saveduser) self.tool.printInfo("%s" % message, "error") self.tool.printInfo("Trying again in 2 seconds...", "warn") time.sleep(2) else : self.useldapcache = self.tool.config.getLDAPCache() if self.useldapcache : self.tool.logdebug("Low-Level LDAP Caching enabled.") self.ldapcache = {} # low-level cache specific to LDAP backend self.closed = 0 self.tool.logdebug("Database opened (host=%s, dbname=%s, user=%s)" % (self.savedhost, self.saveddbname, self.saveduser)) return # All is fine here. raise PyKotaStorageError, message def close(self) : """Closes the database connection.""" if not self.closed : self.database.unbind_s() self.closed = 1 self.tool.logdebug("Database closed.") def genUUID(self) : """Generates an unique identifier. TODO : this one is not unique accross several print servers, but should be sufficient for testing. """ return md5.md5("%s" % time.time()).hexdigest() def normalizeFields(self, fields) : """Ensure all items are lists.""" for (k, v) in fields.items() : if type(v) not in (types.TupleType, types.ListType) : if not v : del fields[k] else : fields[k] = [ v ] return fields def beginTransaction(self) : """Starts a transaction.""" self.tool.logdebug("Transaction begins... WARNING : No transactions in LDAP !") def commitTransaction(self) : """Commits a transaction.""" self.tool.logdebug("Transaction committed. WARNING : No transactions in LDAP !") def rollbackTransaction(self) : """Rollbacks a transaction.""" self.tool.logdebug("Transaction aborted. WARNING : No transaction in LDAP !") def doSearch(self, key, fields=None, base="", scope=ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, flushcache=0) : """Does an LDAP search query.""" message = "" for tryit in range(3) : try : base = base or self.basedn if self.useldapcache : # Here we overwrite the fields the app want, to try and # retrieve ALL user defined attributes ("*") # + the createTimestamp attribute, needed by job history # # This may not work with all LDAP servers # but works at least in OpenLDAP (2.1.25) # and iPlanet Directory Server (5.1 SP3) fields = ["*", "createTimestamp"] if self.useldapcache and (not flushcache) and (scope == ldap.SCOPE_BASE) and self.ldapcache.has_key(base) : entry = self.ldapcache[base] self.tool.logdebug("LDAP cache hit %s => %s" % (base, entry)) result = [(base, entry)] else : self.tool.logdebug("QUERY : Filter : %s, BaseDN : %s, Scope : %s, Attributes : %s" % (key, base, scope, fields)) result = self.database.search_s(base, scope, key, fields) except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT, msg : raise PyKotaStorageError, (_("Search base %s doesn't seem to exist. Probable misconfiguration. Please double check /etc/pykota/pykota.conf : %s") % (base, msg)) except ldap.LDAPError, msg : message = (_("Search for %s(%s) from %s(scope=%s) returned no answer.") % (key, fields, base, scope)) + " : %s" % str(msg) self.tool.printInfo("LDAP error : %s" % message, "error") self.tool.printInfo("LDAP connection will be closed and reopened.", "warn") self.close() self.secondStageInit() else : self.tool.logdebug("QUERY : Result : %s" % result) result = [ (dn, cidict(attrs)) for (dn, attrs) in result ] if self.useldapcache : for (dn, attributes) in result : self.tool.logdebug("LDAP cache store %s => %s" % (dn, attributes)) self.ldapcache[dn] = attributes return result raise PyKotaStorageError, message def doAdd(self, dn, fields) : """Adds an entry in the LDAP directory.""" fields = self.normalizeFields(cidict(fields)) message = "" for tryit in range(3) : try : self.tool.logdebug("QUERY : ADD(%s, %s)" % (dn, str(fields))) entry = ldap.modlist.addModlist(fields) self.tool.logdebug("%s" % entry) self.database.add_s(dn, entry) except ldap.LDAPError, msg : message = (_("Problem adding LDAP entry (%s, %s)") % (dn, str(fields))) + " : %s" % str(msg) self.tool.printInfo("LDAP error : %s" % message, "error") self.tool.printInfo("LDAP connection will be closed and reopened.", "warn") self.close() self.secondStageInit() else : if self.useldapcache : self.tool.logdebug("LDAP cache add %s => %s" % (dn, fields)) self.ldapcache[dn] = fields return dn raise PyKotaStorageError, message def doDelete(self, dn) : """Deletes an entry from the LDAP directory.""" message = "" for tryit in range(3) : try : self.tool.logdebug("QUERY : Delete(%s)" % dn) self.database.delete_s(dn) except ldap.LDAPError, msg : message = (_("Problem deleting LDAP entry (%s)") % dn) + " : %s" % str(msg) self.tool.printInfo("LDAP error : %s" % message, "error") self.tool.printInfo("LDAP connection will be closed and reopened.", "warn") self.close() self.secondStageInit() else : if self.useldapcache : try : self.tool.logdebug("LDAP cache del %s" % dn) del self.ldapcache[dn] except KeyError : pass return raise PyKotaStorageError, message def doModify(self, dn, fields, ignoreold=1, flushcache=0) : """Modifies an entry in the LDAP directory.""" fields = cidict(fields) for tryit in range(3) : try : # TODO : take care of, and update LDAP specific cache if self.useldapcache and not flushcache : if self.ldapcache.has_key(dn) : old = self.ldapcache[dn] self.tool.logdebug("LDAP cache hit %s => %s" % (dn, old)) oldentry = {} for (k, v) in old.items() : if k != "createTimestamp" : oldentry[k] = v else : self.tool.logdebug("LDAP cache miss %s" % dn) oldentry = self.doSearch("objectClass=*", base=dn, scope=ldap.SCOPE_BASE)[0][1] else : oldentry = self.doSearch("objectClass=*", base=dn, scope=ldap.SCOPE_BASE, flushcache=flushcache)[0][1] for (k, v) in fields.items() : if type(v) == type({}) : try : oldvalue = v["convert"](oldentry.get(k, [0])[0]) except ValueError : self.tool.logdebug("Error converting %s with %s(%s)" % (oldentry.get(k), k, v)) oldvalue = 0 if v["operator"] == '+' : newvalue = oldvalue + v["value"] else : newvalue = oldvalue - v["value"] fields[k] = str(newvalue) fields = self.normalizeFields(fields) self.tool.logdebug("QUERY : Modify(%s, %s ==> %s)" % (dn, oldentry, fields)) entry = ldap.modlist.modifyModlist(oldentry, fields, ignore_oldexistent=ignoreold) modentry = [] for (mop, mtyp, mval) in entry : if mtyp and (mtyp.lower() != "createtimestamp") : modentry.append((mop, mtyp, mval)) self.tool.logdebug("MODIFY : %s ==> %s ==> %s" % (fields, entry, modentry)) if modentry : self.database.modify_s(dn, modentry) except ldap.LDAPError, msg : message = (_("Problem modifying LDAP entry (%s, %s)") % (dn, fields)) + " : %s" % str(msg) self.tool.printInfo("LDAP error : %s" % message, "error") self.tool.printInfo("LDAP connection will be closed and reopened.", "warn") self.close() self.secondStageInit() else : if self.useldapcache : cachedentry = self.ldapcache[dn] for (mop, mtyp, mval) in entry : if mop in (ldap.MOD_ADD, ldap.MOD_REPLACE) : cachedentry[mtyp] = mval else : try : del cachedentry[mtyp] except KeyError : pass self.tool.logdebug("LDAP cache update %s => %s" % (dn, cachedentry)) return dn raise PyKotaStorageError, message def filterNames(self, records, attribute) : """Returns a list of 'attribute' from a list of records. Logs any missing attribute. """ result = [] for (dn, record) in records : attrval = record.get(attribute, [None])[0] if attrval is None : self.tool.printInfo("Object %s has no %s attribute !" % (dn, attribute), "error") else : result.append(attrval) return result def getAllPrintersNames(self, printername=None) : """Extracts all printer names or only the printers' names matching the optional parameter.""" printernames = [] ldapfilter = "objectClass=pykotaPrinter" if printername : ldapfilter = "(&(%s)(pykotaPrinterName=%s))" % (ldapfilter, printername) result = self.doSearch(ldapfilter, ["pykotaPrinterName"], base=self.info["printerbase"]) if result : printernames = self.filterNames(result, "pykotaPrinterName") return printernames def getAllUsersNames(self, username=None) : """Extracts all user names or only the users' names matching the optional parameter.""" usernames = [] ldapfilter = "objectClass=pykotaAccount" if username : ldapfilter = "(&(%s)(pykotaUserName=%s))" % (ldapfilter, username) result = self.doSearch(ldapfilter, ["pykotaUserName"], base=self.info["userbase"]) if result : usernames = self.filterNames(result, "pykotaUserName") return usernames def getAllGroupsNames(self, groupname=None) : """Extracts all group names or only the groups' names matching the optional parameter.""" groupnames = [] ldapfilter = "objectClass=pykotaGroup" if groupname : ldapfilter = "(&(%s)(pykotaGroupName=%s))" % (ldapfilter, groupname) result = self.doSearch(ldapfilter, ["pykotaGroupName"], base=self.info["groupbase"]) if result : groupnames = self.filterNames(result, "pykotaGroupName") return groupnames def getUserNbJobsFromHistory(self, user) : """Returns the number of jobs the user has in history.""" result = self.doSearch("(&(pykotaUserName=%s)(objectClass=pykotaJob))" % user.Name, None, base=self.info["jobbase"]) return len(result) def getUserFromBackend(self, username) : """Extracts user information given its name.""" user = StorageUser(self, username) result = self.doSearch("(&(objectClass=pykotaAccount)(|(pykotaUserName=%s)(%s=%s)))" % (username, self.info["userrdn"], username), ["pykotaUserName", "pykotaLimitBy", self.info["usermail"], "pykotaOverCharge"], base=self.info["userbase"]) if result : fields = result[0][1] user.ident = result[0][0] user.Name = fields.get("pykotaUserName", [username])[0] user.Email = fields.get(self.info["usermail"], [None])[0] user.LimitBy = fields.get("pykotaLimitBy", ["quota"])[0] user.OverCharge = float(fields.get("pykotaOverCharge", [1.0])[0]) result = self.doSearch("(&(objectClass=pykotaAccountBalance)(|(pykotaUserName=%s)(%s=%s)))" % (username, self.info["balancerdn"], username), ["pykotaBalance", "pykotaLifeTimePaid", "pykotaPayments"], base=self.info["balancebase"]) if not result : raise PyKotaStorageError, _("No pykotaAccountBalance object found for user %s. Did you create LDAP entries manually ?") % username else : fields = result[0][1] user.idbalance = result[0][0] user.AccountBalance = fields.get("pykotaBalance") if user.AccountBalance is not None : if user.AccountBalance[0].upper() == "NONE" : user.AccountBalance = None else : user.AccountBalance = float(user.AccountBalance[0]) user.AccountBalance = user.AccountBalance or 0.0 user.LifeTimePaid = fields.get("pykotaLifeTimePaid") if user.LifeTimePaid is not None : if user.LifeTimePaid[0].upper() == "NONE" : user.LifeTimePaid = None else : user.LifeTimePaid = float(user.LifeTimePaid[0]) user.LifeTimePaid = user.LifeTimePaid or 0.0 user.Payments = [] for payment in fields.get("pykotaPayments", []) : (date, amount) = payment.split(" # ") user.Payments.append((date, float(amount))) user.Exists = 1 return user def getGroupFromBackend(self, groupname) : """Extracts group information given its name.""" group = StorageGroup(self, groupname) result = self.doSearch("(&(objectClass=pykotaGroup)(|(pykotaGroupName=%s)(%s=%s)))" % (groupname, self.info["grouprdn"], groupname), ["pykotaGroupName", "pykotaLimitBy"], base=self.info["groupbase"]) if result : fields = result[0][1] group.ident = result[0][0] group.Name = fields.get("pykotaGroupName", [groupname])[0] group.LimitBy = fields.get("pykotaLimitBy", ["quota"])[0] group.AccountBalance = 0.0 group.LifeTimePaid = 0.0 for member in self.getGroupMembers(group) : if member.Exists : group.AccountBalance += member.AccountBalance group.LifeTimePaid += member.LifeTimePaid group.Exists = 1 return group def getPrinterFromBackend(self, printername) : """Extracts printer information given its name : returns first matching printer.""" printer = StoragePrinter(self, printername) result = self.doSearch("(&(objectClass=pykotaPrinter)(|(pykotaPrinterName=%s)(%s=%s)))" % (printername, self.info["printerrdn"], printername), ["pykotaPrinterName", "pykotaPricePerPage", "pykotaPricePerJob", "uniqueMember", "description"], base=self.info["printerbase"]) if result : fields = result[0][1] # take only first matching printer, ignore the rest printer.ident = result[0][0] printer.Name = fields.get("pykotaPrinterName", [printername])[0] printer.PricePerJob = float(fields.get("pykotaPricePerJob", [0.0])[0]) printer.PricePerPage = float(fields.get("pykotaPricePerPage", [0.0])[0]) printer.uniqueMember = fields.get("uniqueMember", []) printer.Description = self.databaseToUserCharset(fields.get("description", [""])[0]) printer.Exists = 1 return printer def getUserPQuotaFromBackend(self, user, printer) : """Extracts a user print quota.""" userpquota = StorageUserPQuota(self, user, printer) if printer.Exists and user.Exists : if self.info["userquotabase"].lower() == "user" : base = user.ident else : base = self.info["userquotabase"] result = self.doSearch("(&(objectClass=pykotaUserPQuota)(pykotaUserName=%s)(pykotaPrinterName=%s))" % (user.Name, printer.Name), ["pykotaPageCounter", "pykotaLifePageCounter", "pykotaSoftLimit", "pykotaHardLimit", "pykotaDateLimit", "pykotaWarnCount"], base=base) if result : fields = result[0][1] userpquota.ident = result[0][0] userpquota.PageCounter = int(fields.get("pykotaPageCounter", [0])[0]) userpquota.LifePageCounter = int(fields.get("pykotaLifePageCounter", [0])[0]) userpquota.WarnCount = int(fields.get("pykotaWarnCount", [0])[0]) userpquota.SoftLimit = fields.get("pykotaSoftLimit") if userpquota.SoftLimit is not None : if userpquota.SoftLimit[0].upper() == "NONE" : userpquota.SoftLimit = None else : userpquota.SoftLimit = int(userpquota.SoftLimit[0]) userpquota.HardLimit = fields.get("pykotaHardLimit") if userpquota.HardLimit is not None : if userpquota.HardLimit[0].upper() == "NONE" : userpquota.HardLimit = None elif userpquota.HardLimit is not None : userpquota.HardLimit = int(userpquota.HardLimit[0]) userpquota.DateLimit = fields.get("pykotaDateLimit") if userpquota.DateLimit is not None : if userpquota.DateLimit[0].upper() == "NONE" : userpquota.DateLimit = None else : userpquota.DateLimit = userpquota.DateLimit[0] userpquota.Exists = 1 return userpquota def getGroupPQuotaFromBackend(self, group, printer) : """Extracts a group print quota.""" grouppquota = StorageGroupPQuota(self, group, printer) if group.Exists : if self.info["groupquotabase"].lower() == "group" : base = group.ident else : base = self.info["groupquotabase"] result = self.doSearch("(&(objectClass=pykotaGroupPQuota)(pykotaGroupName=%s)(pykotaPrinterName=%s))" % (group.Name, printer.Name), ["pykotaSoftLimit", "pykotaHardLimit", "pykotaDateLimit"], base=base) if result : fields = result[0][1] grouppquota.ident = result[0][0] grouppquota.SoftLimit = fields.get("pykotaSoftLimit") if grouppquota.SoftLimit is not None : if grouppquota.SoftLimit[0].upper() == "NONE" : grouppquota.SoftLimit = None else : grouppquota.SoftLimit = int(grouppquota.SoftLimit[0]) grouppquota.HardLimit = fields.get("pykotaHardLimit") if grouppquota.HardLimit is not None : if grouppquota.HardLimit[0].upper() == "NONE" : grouppquota.HardLimit = None else : grouppquota.HardLimit = int(grouppquota.HardLimit[0]) grouppquota.DateLimit = fields.get("pykotaDateLimit") if grouppquota.DateLimit is not None : if grouppquota.DateLimit[0].upper() == "NONE" : grouppquota.DateLimit = None else : grouppquota.DateLimit = grouppquota.DateLimit[0] grouppquota.PageCounter = 0 grouppquota.LifePageCounter = 0 usernamesfilter = "".join(["(pykotaUserName=%s)" % member.Name for member in self.getGroupMembers(group)]) if usernamesfilter : usernamesfilter = "(|%s)" % usernamesfilter if self.info["userquotabase"].lower() == "user" : base = self.info["userbase"] else : base = self.info["userquotabase"] result = self.doSearch("(&(objectClass=pykotaUserPQuota)(pykotaPrinterName=%s)%s)" % (printer.Name, usernamesfilter), ["pykotaPageCounter", "pykotaLifePageCounter"], base=base) if result : for userpquota in result : grouppquota.PageCounter += int(userpquota[1].get("pykotaPageCounter", [0])[0] or 0) grouppquota.LifePageCounter += int(userpquota[1].get("pykotaLifePageCounter", [0])[0] or 0) grouppquota.Exists = 1 return grouppquota def getPrinterLastJobFromBackend(self, printer) : """Extracts a printer's last job information.""" lastjob = StorageLastJob(self, printer) result = self.doSearch("(&(objectClass=pykotaLastjob)(|(pykotaPrinterName=%s)(%s=%s)))" % (printer.Name, self.info["printerrdn"], printer.Name), ["pykotaLastJobIdent"], base=self.info["lastjobbase"]) if result : lastjob.lastjobident = result[0][0] lastjobident = result[0][1]["pykotaLastJobIdent"][0] result = None try : result = self.doSearch("objectClass=pykotaJob", [ "pykotaJobSizeBytes", "pykotaHostName", "pykotaUserName", "pykotaPrinterName", "pykotaJobId", "pykotaPrinterPageCounter", "pykotaJobSize", "pykotaAction", "pykotaJobPrice", "pykotaFileName", "pykotaTitle", "pykotaCopies", "pykotaOptions", "pykotaBillingCode", "pykotaPages", "pykotaMD5Sum", "createTimestamp" ], base="cn=%s,%s" % (lastjobident, self.info["jobbase"]), scope=ldap.SCOPE_BASE) except PyKotaStorageError : pass # Last job entry exists, but job probably doesn't exist anymore. if result : fields = result[0][1] lastjob.ident = result[0][0] lastjob.JobId = fields.get("pykotaJobId")[0] lastjob.UserName = fields.get("pykotaUserName")[0] lastjob.PrinterPageCounter = int(fields.get("pykotaPrinterPageCounter", [0])[0]) try : lastjob.JobSize = int(fields.get("pykotaJobSize", [0])[0]) except ValueError : lastjob.JobSize = None try : lastjob.JobPrice = float(fields.get("pykotaJobPrice", [0.0])[0]) except ValueError : lastjob.JobPrice = None lastjob.JobAction = fields.get("pykotaAction", [""])[0] lastjob.JobFileName = self.databaseToUserCharset(fields.get("pykotaFileName", [""])[0]) lastjob.JobTitle = self.databaseToUserCharset(fields.get("pykotaTitle", [""])[0]) lastjob.JobCopies = int(fields.get("pykotaCopies", [0])[0]) lastjob.JobOptions = self.databaseToUserCharset(fields.get("pykotaOptions", [""])[0]) lastjob.JobHostName = fields.get("pykotaHostName", [""])[0] lastjob.JobSizeBytes = fields.get("pykotaJobSizeBytes", [0L])[0] lastjob.JobBillingCode = self.databaseToUserCharset(fields.get("pykotaBillingCode", [None])[0]) lastjob.JobMD5Sum = fields.get("pykotaMD5Sum", [None])[0] lastjob.JobPages = fields.get("pykotaPages", [""])[0] if lastjob.JobTitle == lastjob.JobFileName == lastjob.JobOptions == "hidden" : (lastjob.JobTitle, lastjob.JobFileName, lastjob.JobOptions) = (_("Hidden because of privacy concerns"),) * 3 date = fields.get("createTimestamp", ["19700101000000"])[0] year = int(date[:4]) month = int(date[4:6]) day = int(date[6:8]) hour = int(date[8:10]) minute = int(date[10:12]) second = int(date[12:14]) lastjob.JobDate = "%04i-%02i-%02i %02i:%02i:%02i" % (year, month, day, hour, minute, second) lastjob.Exists = 1 return lastjob def getGroupMembersFromBackend(self, group) : """Returns the group's members list.""" groupmembers = [] result = self.doSearch("(&(objectClass=pykotaGroup)(|(pykotaGroupName=%s)(%s=%s)))" % (group.Name, self.info["grouprdn"], group.Name), [self.info["groupmembers"]], base=self.info["groupbase"]) if result : for username in result[0][1].get(self.info["groupmembers"], []) : groupmembers.append(self.getUser(username)) return groupmembers def getUserGroupsFromBackend(self, user) : """Returns the user's groups list.""" groups = [] result = self.doSearch("(&(objectClass=pykotaGroup)(%s=%s))" % (self.info["groupmembers"], user.Name), [self.info["grouprdn"], "pykotaGroupName", "pykotaLimitBy"], base=self.info["groupbase"]) if result : for (groupid, fields) in result : groupname = (fields.get("pykotaGroupName", [None]) or fields.get(self.info["grouprdn"], [None]))[0] group = self.getFromCache("GROUPS", groupname) if group is None : group = StorageGroup(self, groupname) group.ident = groupid group.LimitBy = fields.get("pykotaLimitBy") if group.LimitBy is not None : group.LimitBy = group.LimitBy[0] else : group.LimitBy = "quota" group.AccountBalance = 0.0 group.LifeTimePaid = 0.0 for member in self.getGroupMembers(group) : if member.Exists : group.AccountBalance += member.AccountBalance group.LifeTimePaid += member.LifeTimePaid group.Exists = 1 self.cacheEntry("GROUPS", group.Name, group) groups.append(group) return groups def getParentPrintersFromBackend(self, printer) : """Get all the printer groups this printer is a member of.""" pgroups = [] result = self.doSearch("(&(objectClass=pykotaPrinter)(uniqueMember=%s))" % printer.ident, ["pykotaPrinterName"], base=self.info["printerbase"]) if result : for (printerid, fields) in result : if printerid != printer.ident : # In case of integrity violation. parentprinter = self.getPrinter(fields.get("pykotaPrinterName")[0]) if parentprinter.Exists : pgroups.append(parentprinter) return pgroups def getMatchingPrinters(self, printerpattern) : """Returns the list of all printers for which name matches a certain pattern.""" printers = [] # see comment at the same place in pgstorage.py result = self.doSearch("(&(objectClass=pykotaPrinter)(|%s))" % "".join(["(pykotaPrinterName=%s)(%s=%s)" % (pname, self.info["printerrdn"], pname) for pname in printerpattern.split(",")]), ["pykotaPrinterName", "pykotaPricePerPage", "pykotaPricePerJob", "uniqueMember", "description"], base=self.info["printerbase"]) if result : for (printerid, fields) in result : printername = fields.get("pykotaPrinterName", [""])[0] or fields.get(self.info["printerrdn"], [""])[0] printer = StoragePrinter(self, printername) printer.ident = printerid printer.PricePerJob = float(fields.get("pykotaPricePerJob", [0.0])[0] or 0.0) printer.PricePerPage = float(fields.get("pykotaPricePerPage", [0.0])[0] or 0.0) printer.uniqueMember = fields.get("uniqueMember", []) printer.Description = self.databaseToUserCharset(fields.get("description", [""])[0]) printer.Exists = 1 printers.append(printer) self.cacheEntry("PRINTERS", printer.Name, printer) return printers def getPrinterUsersAndQuotas(self, printer, names=["*"]) : """Returns the list of users who uses a given printer, along with their quotas.""" usersandquotas = [] if self.info["userquotabase"].lower() == "user" : base = self.info["userbase"] else : base = self.info["userquotabase"] result = self.doSearch("(&(objectClass=pykotaUserPQuota)(pykotaPrinterName=%s)(|%s))" % (printer.Name, "".join(["(pykotaUserName=%s)" % uname for uname in names])), ["pykotaUserName", "pykotaPageCounter", "pykotaLifePageCounter", "pykotaSoftLimit", "pykotaHardLimit", "pykotaDateLimit", "pykotaWarnCount"], base=base) if result : for (userquotaid, fields) in result : user = self.getUser(fields.get("pykotaUserName")[0]) userpquota = StorageUserPQuota(self, user, printer) userpquota.ident = userquotaid userpquota.PageCounter = int(fields.get("pykotaPageCounter", [0])[0]) userpquota.LifePageCounter = int(fields.get("pykotaLifePageCounter", [0])[0]) userpquota.WarnCount = int(fields.get("pykotaWarnCount", [0])[0]) userpquota.SoftLimit = fields.get("pykotaSoftLimit") if userpquota.SoftLimit is not None : if userpquota.SoftLimit[0].upper() == "NONE" : userpquota.SoftLimit = None else : userpquota.SoftLimit = int(userpquota.SoftLimit[0]) userpquota.HardLimit = fields.get("pykotaHardLimit") if userpquota.HardLimit is not None : if userpquota.HardLimit[0].upper() == "NONE" : userpquota.HardLimit = None elif userpquota.HardLimit is not None : userpquota.HardLimit = int(userpquota.HardLimit[0]) userpquota.DateLimit = fields.get("pykotaDateLimit") if userpquota.DateLimit is not None : if userpquota.DateLimit[0].upper() == "NONE" : userpquota.DateLimit = None else : userpquota.DateLimit = userpquota.DateLimit[0] userpquota.Exists = 1 usersandquotas.append((user, userpquota)) self.cacheEntry("USERPQUOTAS", "%s@%s" % (user.Name, printer.Name), userpquota) usersandquotas.sort(lambda x, y : cmp(x[0].Name, y[0].Name)) return usersandquotas def getPrinterGroupsAndQuotas(self, printer, names=["*"]) : """Returns the list of groups which uses a given printer, along with their quotas.""" groupsandquotas = [] if self.info["groupquotabase"].lower() == "group" : base = self.info["groupbase"] else : base = self.info["groupquotabase"] result = self.doSearch("(&(objectClass=pykotaGroupPQuota)(pykotaPrinterName=%s)(|%s))" % (printer.Name, "".join(["(pykotaGroupName=%s)" % gname for gname in names])), ["pykotaGroupName"], base=base) if result : for (groupquotaid, fields) in result : group = self.getGroup(fields.get("pykotaGroupName")[0]) grouppquota = self.getGroupPQuota(group, printer) groupsandquotas.append((group, grouppquota)) groupsandquotas.sort(lambda x, y : cmp(x[0].Name, y[0].Name)) return groupsandquotas def addPrinter(self, printername) : """Adds a printer to the quota storage, returns it.""" fields = { self.info["printerrdn"] : printername, "objectClass" : ["pykotaObject", "pykotaPrinter"], "cn" : printername, "pykotaPrinterName" : printername, "pykotaPricePerPage" : "0.0", "pykotaPricePerJob" : "0.0", } dn = "%s=%s,%s" % (self.info["printerrdn"], printername, self.info["printerbase"]) self.doAdd(dn, fields) return self.getPrinter(printername) def addUser(self, user) : """Adds a user to the quota storage, returns it.""" newfields = { "pykotaUserName" : user.Name, "pykotaLimitBy" : (user.LimitBy or "quota"), "pykotaOverCharge" : str(user.OverCharge), } if user.Email : newfields.update({self.info["usermail"]: user.Email}) mustadd = 1 if self.info["newuser"].lower() != 'below' : try : (where, action) = [s.strip() for s in self.info["newuser"].split(",")] except ValueError : (where, action) = (self.info["newuser"].strip(), "fail") result = self.doSearch("(&(objectClass=%s)(%s=%s))" % (where, self.info["userrdn"], user.Name), None, base=self.info["userbase"]) if result : (dn, fields) = result[0] oc = fields.get("objectClass", fields.get("objectclass", [])) oc.extend(["pykotaAccount", "pykotaAccountBalance"]) fields.update(newfields) fields.update({ "pykotaBalance" : str(user.AccountBalance or 0.0), "pykotaLifeTimePaid" : str(user.LifeTimePaid or 0.0), }) self.doModify(dn, fields) mustadd = 0 else : message = _("Unable to find an existing objectClass %s entry with %s=%s to attach pykotaAccount objectClass") % (where, self.info["userrdn"], user.Name) if action.lower() == "warn" : self.tool.printInfo(_("%s. A new entry will be created instead.") % message, "warn") else : # 'fail' or incorrect setting raise PyKotaStorageError, "%s. Action aborted. Please check your configuration." % message if mustadd : if self.info["userbase"] == self.info["balancebase"] : fields = { self.info["userrdn"] : user.Name, "objectClass" : ["pykotaObject", "pykotaAccount", "pykotaAccountBalance"], "cn" : user.Name, "pykotaBalance" : str(user.AccountBalance or 0.0), "pykotaLifeTimePaid" : str(user.LifeTimePaid or 0.0), } else : fields = { self.info["userrdn"] : user.Name, "objectClass" : ["pykotaObject", "pykotaAccount"], "cn" : user.Name, } fields.update(newfields) dn = "%s=%s,%s" % (self.info["userrdn"], user.Name, self.info["userbase"]) self.doAdd(dn, fields) if self.info["userbase"] != self.info["balancebase"] : fields = { self.info["balancerdn"] : user.Name, "objectClass" : ["pykotaObject", "pykotaAccountBalance"], "cn" : user.Name, "pykotaBalance" : str(user.AccountBalance or 0.0), "pykotaLifeTimePaid" : str(user.LifeTimePaid or 0.0), } dn = "%s=%s,%s" % (self.info["balancerdn"], user.Name, self.info["balancebase"]) self.doAdd(dn, fields) return self.getUser(user.Name) def addGroup(self, group) : """Adds a group to the quota storage, returns it.""" newfields = { "pykotaGroupName" : group.Name, "pykotaLimitBy" : (group.LimitBy or "quota"), } mustadd = 1 if self.info["newgroup"].lower() != 'below' : try : (where, action) = [s.strip() for s in self.info["newgroup"].split(",")] except ValueError : (where, action) = (self.info["newgroup"].strip(), "fail") result = self.doSearch("(&(objectClass=%s)(%s=%s))" % (where, self.info["grouprdn"], group.Name), None, base=self.info["groupbase"]) if result : (dn, fields) = result[0] oc = fields.get("objectClass", fields.get("objectclass", [])) oc.extend(["pykotaGroup"]) fields.update(newfields) self.doModify(dn, fields) mustadd = 0 else : message = _("Unable to find an existing entry to attach pykotaGroup objectclass %s") % group.Name if action.lower() == "warn" : self.tool.printInfo("%s. A new entry will be created instead." % message, "warn") else : # 'fail' or incorrect setting raise PyKotaStorageError, "%s. Action aborted. Please check your configuration." % message if mustadd : fields = { self.info["grouprdn"] : group.Name, "objectClass" : ["pykotaObject", "pykotaGroup"], "cn" : group.Name, } fields.update(newfields) dn = "%s=%s,%s" % (self.info["grouprdn"], group.Name, self.info["groupbase"]) self.doAdd(dn, fields) return self.getGroup(group.Name) def addUserToGroup(self, user, group) : """Adds an user to a group.""" if user.Name not in [u.Name for u in self.getGroupMembers(group)] : result = self.doSearch("objectClass=pykotaGroup", None, base=group.ident, scope=ldap.SCOPE_BASE) if result : fields = result[0][1] if not fields.has_key(self.info["groupmembers"]) : fields[self.info["groupmembers"]] = [] fields[self.info["groupmembers"]].append(user.Name) self.doModify(group.ident, fields) group.Members.append(user) def addUserPQuota(self, user, printer) : """Initializes a user print quota on a printer.""" uuid = self.genUUID() fields = { "cn" : uuid, "objectClass" : ["pykotaObject", "pykotaUserPQuota"], "pykotaUserName" : user.Name, "pykotaPrinterName" : printer.Name, "pykotaDateLimit" : "None", "pykotaPageCounter" : "0", "pykotaLifePageCounter" : "0", "pykotaWarnCount" : "0", } if self.info["userquotabase"].lower() == "user" : dn = "cn=%s,%s" % (uuid, user.ident) else : dn = "cn=%s,%s" % (uuid, self.info["userquotabase"]) self.doAdd(dn, fields) return self.getUserPQuota(user, printer) def addGroupPQuota(self, group, printer) : """Initializes a group print quota on a printer.""" uuid = self.genUUID() fields = { "cn" : uuid, "objectClass" : ["pykotaObject", "pykotaGroupPQuota"], "pykotaGroupName" : group.Name, "pykotaPrinterName" : printer.Name, "pykotaDateLimit" : "None", } if self.info["groupquotabase"].lower() == "group" : dn = "cn=%s,%s" % (uuid, group.ident) else : dn = "cn=%s,%s" % (uuid, self.info["groupquotabase"]) self.doAdd(dn, fields) return self.getGroupPQuota(group, printer) def writePrinterPrices(self, printer) : """Write the printer's prices back into the storage.""" fields = { "pykotaPricePerPage" : str(printer.PricePerPage), "pykotaPricePerJob" : str(printer.PricePerJob), } self.doModify(printer.ident, fields) def writePrinterDescription(self, printer) : """Write the printer's description back into the storage.""" fields = { "description" : self.userCharsetToDatabase(str(printer.Description)), } self.doModify(printer.ident, fields) def writeUserOverCharge(self, user, factor) : """Sets the user's overcharging coefficient.""" fields = { "pykotaOverCharge" : str(factor), } self.doModify(user.ident, fields) def writeUserLimitBy(self, user, limitby) : """Sets the user's limiting factor.""" fields = { "pykotaLimitBy" : limitby, } self.doModify(user.ident, fields) def writeGroupLimitBy(self, group, limitby) : """Sets the group's limiting factor.""" fields = { "pykotaLimitBy" : limitby, } self.doModify(group.ident, fields) def writeUserPQuotaDateLimit(self, userpquota, datelimit) : """Sets the date limit permanently for a user print quota.""" fields = { "pykotaDateLimit" : datelimit, } return self.doModify(userpquota.ident, fields) def writeGroupPQuotaDateLimit(self, grouppquota, datelimit) : """Sets the date limit permanently for a group print quota.""" fields = { "pykotaDateLimit" : datelimit, } return self.doModify(grouppquota.ident, fields) def increaseUserPQuotaPagesCounters(self, userpquota, nbpages) : """Increase page counters for a user print quota.""" fields = { "pykotaPageCounter" : { "operator" : "+", "value" : nbpages, "convert" : int }, "pykotaLifePageCounter" : { "operator" : "+", "value" : nbpages, "convert" : int }, } return self.doModify(userpquota.ident, fields) def writeUserPQuotaPagesCounters(self, userpquota, newpagecounter, newlifepagecounter) : """Sets the new page counters permanently for a user print quota.""" fields = { "pykotaPageCounter" : str(newpagecounter), "pykotaLifePageCounter" : str(newlifepagecounter), "pykotaDateLimit" : None, "pykotaWarnCount" : "0", } return self.doModify(userpquota.ident, fields) def decreaseUserAccountBalance(self, user, amount) : """Decreases user's account balance from an amount.""" fields = { "pykotaBalance" : { "operator" : "-", "value" : amount, "convert" : float }, } return self.doModify(user.idbalance, fields, flushcache=1) def writeUserAccountBalance(self, user, newbalance, newlifetimepaid=None) : """Sets the new account balance and eventually new lifetime paid.""" fields = { "pykotaBalance" : str(newbalance), } if newlifetimepaid is not None : fields.update({ "pykotaLifeTimePaid" : str(newlifetimepaid) }) return self.doModify(user.idbalance, fields) def writeNewPayment(self, user, amount) : """Adds a new payment to the payments history.""" payments = [] for payment in user.Payments : payments.append("%s # %s" % (payment[0], str(payment[1]))) payments.append("%s # %s" % (str(DateTime.now()), str(amount))) fields = { "pykotaPayments" : payments, } return self.doModify(user.idbalance, fields) def writeLastJobSize(self, lastjob, jobsize, jobprice) : """Sets the last job's size permanently.""" fields = { "pykotaJobSize" : str(jobsize), "pykotaJobPrice" : str(jobprice), } self.doModify(lastjob.ident, fields) def writeJobNew(self, printer, user, jobid, pagecounter, action, jobsize=None, jobprice=None, filename=None, title=None, copies=None, options=None, clienthost=None, jobsizebytes=None, jobmd5sum=None, jobpages=None, jobbilling=None) : """Adds a job in a printer's history.""" if (not self.disablehistory) or (not printer.LastJob.Exists) : uuid = self.genUUID() dn = "cn=%s,%s" % (uuid, self.info["jobbase"]) else : uuid = printer.LastJob.ident[3:].split(",")[0] dn = printer.LastJob.ident if self.privacy : # For legal reasons, we want to hide the title, filename and options title = filename = options = "hidden" fields = { "objectClass" : ["pykotaObject", "pykotaJob"], "cn" : uuid, "pykotaUserName" : user.Name, "pykotaPrinterName" : printer.Name, "pykotaJobId" : jobid, "pykotaPrinterPageCounter" : str(pagecounter), "pykotaAction" : action, "pykotaFileName" : ((filename is None) and "None") or self.userCharsetToDatabase(filename), "pykotaTitle" : ((title is None) and "None") or self.userCharsetToDatabase(title), "pykotaCopies" : str(copies), "pykotaOptions" : ((options is None) and "None") or self.userCharsetToDatabase(options), "pykotaHostName" : str(clienthost), "pykotaJobSizeBytes" : str(jobsizebytes), "pykotaMD5Sum" : str(jobmd5sum), "pykotaPages" : jobpages, # don't add this attribute if it is not set, so no string conversion "pykotaBillingCode" : self.userCharsetToDatabase(jobbilling), # don't add this attribute if it is not set, so no string conversion } if (not self.disablehistory) or (not printer.LastJob.Exists) : if jobsize is not None : fields.update({ "pykotaJobSize" : str(jobsize), "pykotaJobPrice" : str(jobprice) }) self.doAdd(dn, fields) else : # here we explicitly want to reset jobsize to 'None' if needed fields.update({ "pykotaJobSize" : str(jobsize), "pykotaJobPrice" : str(jobprice) }) self.doModify(dn, fields) if printer.LastJob.Exists : fields = { "pykotaLastJobIdent" : uuid, } self.doModify(printer.LastJob.lastjobident, fields) else : lastjuuid = self.genUUID() lastjdn = "cn=%s,%s" % (lastjuuid, self.info["lastjobbase"]) fields = { "objectClass" : ["pykotaObject", "pykotaLastJob"], "cn" : lastjuuid, "pykotaPrinterName" : printer.Name, "pykotaLastJobIdent" : uuid, } self.doAdd(lastjdn, fields) def writeUserPQuotaLimits(self, userpquota, softlimit, hardlimit) : """Sets soft and hard limits for a user quota.""" fields = { "pykotaSoftLimit" : str(softlimit), "pykotaHardLimit" : str(hardlimit), "pykotaDateLimit" : "None", "pykotaWarnCount" : "0", } self.doModify(userpquota.ident, fields) def writeUserPQuotaWarnCount(self, userpquota, warncount) : """Sets the warn counter value for a user quota.""" fields = { "pykotaWarnCount" : str(warncount or 0), } self.doModify(userpquota.ident, fields) def increaseUserPQuotaWarnCount(self, userpquota) : """Increases the warn counter value for a user quota.""" fields = { "pykotaWarnCount" : { "operator" : "+", "value" : 1, "convert" : int }, } return self.doModify(userpquota.ident, fields) def writeGroupPQuotaLimits(self, grouppquota, softlimit, hardlimit) : """Sets soft and hard limits for a group quota on a specific printer.""" fields = { "pykotaSoftLimit" : str(softlimit), "pykotaHardLimit" : str(hardlimit), "pykotaDateLimit" : "None", } self.doModify(grouppquota.ident, fields) def writePrinterToGroup(self, pgroup, printer) : """Puts a printer into a printer group.""" if printer.ident not in pgroup.uniqueMember : pgroup.uniqueMember.append(printer.ident) fields = { "uniqueMember" : pgroup.uniqueMember } self.doModify(pgroup.ident, fields) def removePrinterFromGroup(self, pgroup, printer) : """Removes a printer from a printer group.""" try : pgroup.uniqueMember.remove(printer.ident) except ValueError : pass else : fields = { "uniqueMember" : pgroup.uniqueMember, } self.doModify(pgroup.ident, fields) def retrieveHistory(self, user=None, printer=None, hostname=None, billingcode=None, limit=100, start=None, end=None) : """Retrieves all print jobs for user on printer (or all) between start and end date, limited to first 100 results.""" precond = "(objectClass=pykotaJob)" where = [] if user is not None : where.append("(pykotaUserName=%s)" % user.Name) if printer is not None : where.append("(pykotaPrinterName=%s)" % printer.Name) if hostname is not None : where.append("(pykotaHostName=%s)" % hostname) if billingcode is not None : where.append("(pykotaBillingCode=%s)" % self.userCharsetToDatabase(billingcode)) if where : where = "(&%s)" % "".join([precond] + where) else : where = precond jobs = [] result = self.doSearch(where, fields=[ "pykotaJobSizeBytes", "pykotaHostName", "pykotaUserName", "pykotaPrinterName", "pykotaJobId", "pykotaPrinterPageCounter", "pykotaAction", "pykotaJobSize", "pykotaJobPrice", "pykotaFileName", "pykotaTitle", "pykotaCopies", "pykotaOptions", "pykotaBillingCode", "pykotaPages", "pykotaMD5Sum", "createTimestamp" ], base=self.info["jobbase"]) if result : for (ident, fields) in result : job = StorageJob(self) job.ident = ident job.JobId = fields.get("pykotaJobId")[0] job.PrinterPageCounter = int(fields.get("pykotaPrinterPageCounter", [0])[0] or 0) try : job.JobSize = int(fields.get("pykotaJobSize", [0])[0]) except ValueError : job.JobSize = None try : job.JobPrice = float(fields.get("pykotaJobPrice", [0.0])[0]) except ValueError : job.JobPrice = None job.JobAction = fields.get("pykotaAction", [""])[0] job.JobFileName = self.databaseToUserCharset(fields.get("pykotaFileName", [""])[0]) job.JobTitle = self.databaseToUserCharset(fields.get("pykotaTitle", [""])[0]) job.JobCopies = int(fields.get("pykotaCopies", [0])[0]) job.JobOptions = self.databaseToUserCharset(fields.get("pykotaOptions", [""])[0]) job.JobHostName = fields.get("pykotaHostName", [""])[0] job.JobSizeBytes = fields.get("pykotaJobSizeBytes", [0L])[0] job.JobBillingCode = self.databaseToUserCharset(fields.get("pykotaBillingCode", [None])[0]) job.JobMD5Sum = fields.get("pykotaMD5Sum", [None])[0] job.JobPages = fields.get("pykotaPages", [""])[0] if job.JobTitle == job.JobFileName == job.JobOptions == "hidden" : (job.JobTitle, job.JobFileName, job.JobOptions) = (_("Hidden because of privacy concerns"),) * 3 date = fields.get("createTimestamp", ["19700101000000"])[0] year = int(date[:4]) month = int(date[4:6]) day = int(date[6:8]) hour = int(date[8:10]) minute = int(date[10:12]) second = int(date[12:14]) job.JobDate = "%04i%02i%02i %02i:%02i:%02i" % (year, month, day, hour, minute, second) if ((start is None) and (end is None)) or \ ((start is None) and (job.JobDate <= end)) or \ ((end is None) and (job.JobDate >= start)) or \ ((job.JobDate >= start) and (job.JobDate <= end)) : job.UserName = fields.get("pykotaUserName")[0] job.PrinterName = fields.get("pykotaPrinterName")[0] job.Exists = 1 jobs.append(job) jobs.sort(lambda x, y : cmp(y.JobDate, x.JobDate)) if limit : jobs = jobs[:int(limit)] return jobs def deleteUser(self, user) : """Completely deletes an user from the Quota Storage.""" todelete = [] result = self.doSearch("(&(objectClass=pykotaJob)(pykotaUserName=%s))" % user.Name, base=self.info["jobbase"]) for (ident, fields) in result : todelete.append(ident) if self.info["userquotabase"].lower() == "user" : base = self.info["userbase"] else : base = self.info["userquotabase"] result = self.doSearch("(&(objectClass=pykotaUserPQuota)(pykotaUserName=%s))" % user.Name, ["pykotaPrinterName", "pykotaUserName"], base=base) for (ident, fields) in result : # ensure the user print quota entry will be deleted todelete.append(ident) # if last job of current printer was printed by the user # to delete, we also need to delete the printer's last job entry. printername = fields["pykotaPrinterName"][0] printer = self.getPrinter(printername) if printer.LastJob.UserName == user.Name : todelete.append(printer.LastJob.lastjobident) for ident in todelete : self.doDelete(ident) result = self.doSearch("objectClass=pykotaAccount", None, base=user.ident, scope=ldap.SCOPE_BASE) if result : fields = result[0][1] for k in fields.keys() : if k.startswith("pykota") : del fields[k] elif k.lower() == "objectclass" : todelete = [] for i in range(len(fields[k])) : if fields[k][i].startswith("pykota") : todelete.append(i) todelete.sort() todelete.reverse() for i in todelete : del fields[k][i] if fields.get("objectClass") or fields.get("objectclass") : self.doModify(user.ident, fields, ignoreold=0) else : self.doDelete(user.ident) result = self.doSearch("(&(objectClass=pykotaAccountBalance)(pykotaUserName=%s))" % user.Name, ["pykotaUserName"], base=self.info["balancebase"]) for (ident, fields) in result : self.doDelete(ident) def deleteGroup(self, group) : """Completely deletes a group from the Quota Storage.""" if self.info["groupquotabase"].lower() == "group" : base = self.info["groupbase"] else : base = self.info["groupquotabase"] result = self.doSearch("(&(objectClass=pykotaGroupPQuota)(pykotaGroupName=%s))" % group.Name, ["pykotaGroupName"], base=base) for (ident, fields) in result : self.doDelete(ident) result = self.doSearch("objectClass=pykotaGroup", None, base=group.ident, scope=ldap.SCOPE_BASE) if result : fields = result[0][1] for k in fields.keys() : if k.startswith("pykota") : del fields[k] elif k.lower() == "objectclass" : todelete = [] for i in range(len(fields[k])) : if fields[k][i].startswith("pykota") : todelete.append(i) todelete.sort() todelete.reverse() for i in todelete : del fields[k][i] if fields.get("objectClass") or fields.get("objectclass") : self.doModify(group.ident, fields, ignoreold=0) else : self.doDelete(group.ident) def deletePrinter(self, printer) : """Completely deletes a printer from the Quota Storage.""" result = self.doSearch("(&(objectClass=pykotaLastJob)(pykotaPrinterName=%s))" % printer.Name, base=self.info["lastjobbase"]) for (ident, fields) in result : self.doDelete(ident) result = self.doSearch("(&(objectClass=pykotaJob)(pykotaPrinterName=%s))" % printer.Name, base=self.info["jobbase"]) for (ident, fields) in result : self.doDelete(ident) if self.info["groupquotabase"].lower() == "group" : base = self.info["groupbase"] else : base = self.info["groupquotabase"] result = self.doSearch("(&(objectClass=pykotaGroupPQuota)(pykotaPrinterName=%s))" % printer.Name, base=base) for (ident, fields) in result : self.doDelete(ident) if self.info["userquotabase"].lower() == "user" : base = self.info["userbase"] else : base = self.info["userquotabase"] result = self.doSearch("(&(objectClass=pykotaUserPQuota)(pykotaPrinterName=%s))" % printer.Name, base=base) for (ident, fields) in result : self.doDelete(ident) for parent in self.getParentPrinters(printer) : try : parent.uniqueMember.remove(printer.ident) except ValueError : pass else : fields = { "uniqueMember" : parent.uniqueMember, } self.doModify(parent.ident, fields) self.doDelete(printer.ident) def deleteBillingCode(self, code) : """Deletes a billing code from the Quota Storage (no entries are deleted from the history)""" self.doDelete(code.ident) def extractPrinters(self, extractonly={}) : """Extracts all printer records.""" pname = extractonly.get("printername") entries = [p for p in [self.getPrinter(name) for name in self.getAllPrintersNames(pname)] if p.Exists] if entries : result = [ ("dn", "printername", "priceperpage", "priceperjob", "description") ] for entry in entries : result.append((entry.ident, entry.Name, entry.PricePerPage, entry.PricePerJob, entry.Description)) return result def extractUsers(self, extractonly={}) : """Extracts all user records.""" uname = extractonly.get("username") entries = [u for u in [self.getUser(name) for name in self.getAllUsersNames(uname)] if u.Exists] if entries : result = [ ("dn", "username", "balance", "lifetimepaid", "limitby", "email") ] for entry in entries : result.append((entry.ident, entry.Name, entry.AccountBalance, entry.LifeTimePaid, entry.LimitBy, entry.Email)) return result def extractBillingcodes(self, extractonly={}) : """Extracts all billing codes records.""" billingcode = extractonly.get("billingcode") entries = [b for b in [self.getBillingCode(label) for label in self.getAllBillingCodes(billingcode)] if b.Exists] if entries : result = [ ("dn", "billingcode", "balance", "pagecounter", "description") ] for entry in entries : result.append((entry.ident, entry.BillingCode, entry.Balance, entry.PageCounter, entry.Description)) return result def extractGroups(self, extractonly={}) : """Extracts all group records.""" gname = extractonly.get("groupname") entries = [g for g in [self.getGroup(name) for name in self.getAllGroupsNames(gname)] if g.Exists] if entries : result = [ ("dn", "groupname", "limitby", "balance", "lifetimepaid") ] for entry in entries : result.append((entry.ident, entry.Name, entry.LimitBy, entry.AccountBalance, entry.LifeTimePaid)) return result def extractPayments(self, extractonly={}) : """Extracts all payment records.""" uname = extractonly.get("username") entries = [u for u in [self.getUser(name) for name in self.getAllUsersNames(uname)] if u.Exists] if entries : result = [ ("username", "amount", "date") ] for entry in entries : for (date, amount) in entry.Payments : result.append((entry.Name, amount, date)) return result def extractUpquotas(self, extractonly={}) : """Extracts all userpquota records.""" pname = extractonly.get("printername") entries = [p for p in [self.getPrinter(name) for name in self.getAllPrintersNames(pname)] if p.Exists] if entries : result = [ ("username", "printername", "dn", "userdn", "printerdn", "lifepagecounter", "pagecounter", "softlimit", "hardlimit", "datelimit") ] uname = extractonly.get("username") for entry in entries : for (user, userpquota) in self.getPrinterUsersAndQuotas(entry, names=[uname or "*"]) : result.append((user.Name, entry.Name, userpquota.ident, user.ident, entry.ident, userpquota.LifePageCounter, userpquota.PageCounter, userpquota.SoftLimit, userpquota.HardLimit, userpquota.DateLimit)) return result def extractGpquotas(self, extractonly={}) : """Extracts all grouppquota records.""" pname = extractonly.get("printername") entries = [p for p in [self.getPrinter(name) for name in self.getAllPrintersNames(pname)] if p.Exists] if entries : result = [ ("groupname", "printername", "dn", "groupdn", "printerdn", "lifepagecounter", "pagecounter", "softlimit", "hardlimit", "datelimit") ] gname = extractonly.get("groupname") for entry in entries : for (group, grouppquota) in self.getPrinterGroupsAndQuotas(entry, names=[gname or "*"]) : result.append((group.Name, entry.Name, grouppquota.ident, group.ident, entry.ident, grouppquota.LifePageCounter, grouppquota.PageCounter, grouppquota.SoftLimit, grouppquota.HardLimit, grouppquota.DateLimit)) return result def extractUmembers(self, extractonly={}) : """Extracts all user groups members.""" gname = extractonly.get("groupname") entries = [g for g in [self.getGroup(name) for name in self.getAllGroupsNames(gname)] if g.Exists] if entries : result = [ ("groupname", "username", "groupdn", "userdn") ] uname = extractonly.get("username") for entry in entries : for member in entry.Members : if (uname is None) or (member.Name == uname) : result.append((entry.Name, member.Name, entry.ident, member.ident)) return result def extractPmembers(self, extractonly={}) : """Extracts all printer groups members.""" pname = extractonly.get("printername") entries = [p for p in [self.getPrinter(name) for name in self.getAllPrintersNames(pname)] if p.Exists] if entries : result = [ ("pgroupname", "printername", "pgroupdn", "printerdn") ] pgname = extractonly.get("pgroupname") for entry in entries : for parent in self.getParentPrinters(entry) : if (pgname is None) or (parent.Name == pgname) : result.append((parent.Name, entry.Name, parent.ident, entry.ident)) return result def extractHistory(self, extractonly={}) : """Extracts all jobhistory records.""" uname = extractonly.get("username") if uname : user = self.getUser(uname) else : user = None pname = extractonly.get("printername") if pname : printer = self.getPrinter(pname) else : printer = None startdate = extractonly.get("start") enddate = extractonly.get("end") (startdate, enddate) = self.cleanDates(startdate, enddate) entries = self.retrieveHistory(user, printer, hostname=extractonly.get("hostname"), billingcode=extractonly.get("billingcode"), limit=None, start=startdate, end=enddate) if entries : result = [ ("username", "printername", "dn", "jobid", "pagecounter", "jobsize", "action", "jobdate", "filename", "title", "copies", "options", "jobprice", "hostname", "jobsizebytes", "md5sum", "pages", "billingcode") ] for entry in entries : result.append((entry.UserName, entry.PrinterName, entry.ident, entry.JobId, entry.PrinterPageCounter, entry.JobSize, entry.JobAction, entry.JobDate, entry.JobFileName, entry.JobTitle, entry.JobCopies, entry.JobOptions, entry.JobPrice, entry.JobHostName, entry.JobSizeBytes, entry.JobMD5Sum, entry.JobPages, entry.JobBillingCode)) return result def getBillingCodeFromBackend(self, label) : """Extracts billing code information given its label : returns first matching billing code.""" code = StorageBillingCode(self, label) result = self.doSearch("(&(objectClass=pykotaBilling)(pykotaBillingCode=%s))" % label, ["pykotaBillingCode", "pykotaBalance", "pykotaPageCounter", "description"], base=self.info["billingcodebase"]) if result : fields = result[0][1] # take only first matching code, ignore the rest code.ident = result[0][0] code.BillingCode = self.databaseToUserCharset(fields.get("pykotaBillingCode", [self.userCharsetToDatabase(label)])[0]) code.PageCounter = int(fields.get("pykotaPageCounter", [0])[0]) code.Balance = float(fields.get("pykotaBalance", [0.0])[0]) code.Description = self.databaseToUserCharset(fields.get("description", [""])[0]) code.Exists = 1 return code # def getBillingCodeFromBackend(self, label) : # def getMatchingBillingCodes(self, billingcodepattern) : # def addBillingCode(self, label) : # def writeBillingCodeDescription(self, code) : # def setBillingCodeValues(self, code, newbalance, newpagecounter) : # def consumeBillingCode(self, code, balance, pagecounter) :