# PyKota # # PyKota : Print Quotas for CUPS # # (c) 2003 Jerome Alet # You're welcome to redistribute this software under the # terms of the GNU General Public Licence version 2.0 # or, at your option, any higher version. # # You can read the complete GNU GPL in the file COPYING # which should come along with this software, or visit # the Free Software Foundation's WEB site http://www.fsf.org # # $Id$ # # $Log$ # Revision 1.6 2003/02/09 13:05:43 jalet # Internationalization continues... # # Revision 1.5 2003/02/08 22:39:46 jalet # --reset command line option added # # Revision 1.4 2003/02/08 09:59:59 jalet # Added preliminary base class for all storages # # Revision 1.3 2003/02/05 22:10:29 jalet # Typos # # Revision 1.2 2003/02/05 22:02:22 jalet # __import__ statement didn't work as expected # # Revision 1.1 2003/02/05 21:28:17 jalet # Initial import into CVS # # # class PyKotaStorageError(Exception): """An exception for Quota Storage related stuff.""" def __init__(self, message = ""): self.message = message Exception.__init__(self, message) def __repr__(self): return self.message __str__ = __repr__ class BaseStorage : """Base class for all storages.""" def getMatchingPrinters(self, printerpattern) : """Returns the list of all printer names which match a certain pattern.""" pass def addPrinter(self, printername) : """Adds a printer to the quota storage.""" pass def getPrinterUsers(self, printername) : """Returns the list of usernames which uses a given printer.""" pass def getPrinterGroups(self, printername) : """Returns the list of groups which uses a given printer.""" pass def getPrinterPageCounter(self, printername) : """Returns the last page counter value for a printer given its name.""" pass def updatePrinterPageCounter(self, printername, username, pagecount) : """Updates the last page counter information for a printer given its name, last username and pagecount.""" pass def addUserPQuota(self, username, printername) : """Initializes a user print quota on a printer, adds the printer and the user to the quota storage if needed.""" pass def getUPIds(self, username, printername) : """Returns a tuple (userid, printerid) given a username and a printername.""" pass def getUserPQuota(self, username, printername) : """Returns the Print Quota information for a given (username, printername).""" pass def setUserPQuota(self, username, printername, softlimit, hardlimit) : """Sets soft and hard limits for a user quota on a specific printer given (username, printername).""" pass def resetUserPQuota(self, username, printername) : """Resets the page counter to zero. Life time page counter is kept unchanged.""" pass def setDateLimit(self, username, printername, datelimit) : """Sets the limit date for a soft limit to become an hard one given (username, printername).""" pass def updateUserPQuota(self, username, printername, pagecount) : """Updates the used user Quota information given (username, printername) and a job size in pages.""" pass def buyUserPQuota(self, username, printername, pagebought) : """Buys pages for a given (username, printername).""" pass def openConnection(config, asadmin=0) : """Returns a connection handle to the appropriate Quota Storage Database.""" (backend, host, database, admin, user) = config.getStorageBackend() try : if not backend.isalpha() : # don't trust user input raise ImportError exec "from pykota.storages import %s as storagebackend" % backend.lower() except ImportError : raise PyKotaStorageError, _("Unsupported quota storage backend %s") % backend else : return getattr(storagebackend, "Storage")(host, database, (asadmin and admin) or user)