# PyKota # -*- coding: ISO-8859-15 -*- # # PyKota : Print Quotas for CUPS and LPRng # # (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Jerome Alet # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # $Id$ # # import os import imp from mx import DateTime class PyKotaStorageError(Exception): """An exception for database related stuff.""" def __init__(self, message = ""): self.message = message Exception.__init__(self, message) def __repr__(self): return self.message __str__ = __repr__ class StorageObject : """Object present in the database.""" def __init__(self, parent) : "Initialize minimal data.""" self.parent = parent self.ident = None self.Description = None self.isDirty = False self.Exists = False def setDescription(self, description=None) : """Sets the object's description.""" if description is not None : self.Description = str(description) self.isDirty = True def save(self) : """Saves the object to the database.""" if self.isDirty : getattr(self.parent, "save%s" % self.__class__.__name__[7:])(self) self.isDirty = False class StorageUser(StorageObject) : """User class.""" def __init__(self, parent, name) : StorageObject.__init__(self, parent) self.Name = name self.LimitBy = None self.AccountBalance = None self.LifeTimePaid = None self.Email = None self.OverCharge = 1.0 self.Payments = [] # TODO : maybe handle this smartly for SQL, for now just don't retrieve them self.PaymentsBacklog = [] def consumeAccountBalance(self, amount) : """Consumes an amount of money from the user's account balance.""" self.parent.decreaseUserAccountBalance(self, amount) self.AccountBalance = float(self.AccountBalance or 0.0) - amount def setAccountBalance(self, balance, lifetimepaid, comment="") : """Sets the user's account balance in case he pays more money.""" diff = float(lifetimepaid or 0.0) - float(self.LifeTimePaid or 0.0) self.AccountBalance = balance self.LifeTimePaid = lifetimepaid if diff : self.PaymentsBacklog.append((diff, comment)) self.isDirty = True def save(self) : """Saves an user and flush its payments backlog.""" for (value, comment) in self.PaymentsBacklog : self.parent.writeNewPayment(self, value, comment) self.PaymentsBacklog = [] StorageObject.save(self) def setLimitBy(self, limitby) : """Sets the user's limiting factor.""" try : limitby = limitby.lower() except AttributeError : limitby = "quota" if limitby in ["quota", "balance", \ "noquota", "noprint", "nochange"] : self.LimitBy = limitby self.isDirty = True def setOverChargeFactor(self, factor) : """Sets the user's overcharging coefficient.""" self.OverCharge = factor self.isDirty = True def setEmail(self, email) : """Sets the user's email address.""" self.Email = email self.isDirty = True def delete(self) : """Deletes an user from the database.""" self.parent.deleteUser(self) self.parent.flushEntry("USERS", self.Name) if self.parent.usecache : for (k, v) in self.parent.caches["USERPQUOTAS"].items() : if v.User.Name == self.Name : self.parent.flushEntry("USERPQUOTAS", "%s@%s" % (v.User.Name, v.Printer.Name)) self.Exists = False self.isDirty = False class StorageGroup(StorageObject) : """User class.""" def __init__(self, parent, name) : StorageObject.__init__(self, parent) self.Name = name self.LimitBy = None self.AccountBalance = None self.LifeTimePaid = None def setLimitBy(self, limitby) : """Sets the user's limiting factor.""" try : limitby = limitby.lower() except AttributeError : limitby = "quota" if limitby in ["quota", "balance", "noquota"] : self.LimitBy = limitby self.isDirty = True def addUserToGroup(self, user) : """Adds an user to an users group.""" self.parent.addUserToGroup(user, self) def delUserFromGroup(self, user) : """Removes an user from an users group.""" self.parent.delUserFromGroup(user, self) def delete(self) : """Deletes a group from the database.""" self.parent.deleteGroup(self) self.parent.flushEntry("GROUPS", self.Name) if self.parent.usecache : for (k, v) in self.parent.caches["GROUPPQUOTAS"].items() : if v.Group.Name == self.Name : self.parent.flushEntry("GROUPPQUOTAS", "%s@%s" % (v.Group.Name, v.Printer.Name)) self.Exists = False self.isDirty = False class StoragePrinter(StorageObject) : """Printer class.""" def __init__(self, parent, name) : StorageObject.__init__(self, parent) self.Name = name self.PricePerPage = None self.PricePerJob = None self.MaxJobSize = None self.PassThrough = None self.Coefficients = None def __getattr__(self, name) : """Delays data retrieval until it's really needed.""" if name == "LastJob" : self.LastJob = self.parent.getPrinterLastJob(self) return self.LastJob else : raise AttributeError, name def addJobToHistory(self, jobid, user, pagecounter, action, jobsize=None, jobprice=None, filename=None, title=None, copies=None, options=None, clienthost=None, jobsizebytes=None, jobmd5sum=None, jobpages=None, jobbilling=None, precomputedsize=None, precomputedprice=None) : """Adds a job to the printer's history.""" self.parent.writeJobNew(self, user, jobid, pagecounter, action, jobsize, jobprice, filename, title, copies, options, clienthost, jobsizebytes, jobmd5sum, jobpages, jobbilling, precomputedsize, precomputedprice) # TODO : update LastJob object ? Probably not needed. def addPrinterToGroup(self, printer) : """Adds a printer to a printer group.""" if (printer not in self.parent.getParentPrinters(self)) and (printer.ident != self.ident) : self.parent.writePrinterToGroup(self, printer) # TODO : reset cached value for printer parents, or add new parent to cached value def delPrinterFromGroup(self, printer) : """Deletes a printer from a printer group.""" self.parent.removePrinterFromGroup(self, printer) # TODO : reset cached value for printer parents, or add new parent to cached value def setPrices(self, priceperpage = None, priceperjob = None) : """Sets the printer's prices.""" if priceperpage is None : priceperpage = self.PricePerPage or 0.0 else : self.PricePerPage = float(priceperpage) if priceperjob is None : priceperjob = self.PricePerJob or 0.0 else : self.PricePerJob = float(priceperjob) self.isDirty = True def setPassThrough(self, passthrough) : """Sets the printer's passthrough mode.""" self.PassThrough = passthrough self.isDirty = True def setMaxJobSize(self, maxjobsize) : """Sets the printer's maximal job size.""" self.MaxJobSize = maxjobsize self.isDirty = True def delete(self) : """Deletes a printer from the database.""" self.parent.deletePrinter(self) self.parent.flushEntry("PRINTERS", self.Name) if self.parent.usecache : for (k, v) in self.parent.caches["USERPQUOTAS"].items() : if v.Printer.Name == self.Name : self.parent.flushEntry("USERPQUOTAS", "%s@%s" % (v.User.Name, v.Printer.Name)) for (k, v) in self.parent.caches["GROUPPQUOTAS"].items() : if v.Printer.Name == self.Name : self.parent.flushEntry("GROUPPQUOTAS", "%s@%s" % (v.Group.Name, v.Printer.Name)) self.Exists = False self.isDirty = False class StorageUserPQuota(StorageObject) : """User Print Quota class.""" def __init__(self, parent, user, printer) : StorageObject.__init__(self, parent) self.User = user self.Printer = printer self.PageCounter = None self.LifePageCounter = None self.SoftLimit = None self.HardLimit = None self.DateLimit = None self.WarnCount = None self.MaxJobSize = None def __getattr__(self, name) : """Delays data retrieval until it's really needed.""" if name == "ParentPrintersUserPQuota" : self.ParentPrintersUserPQuota = (self.User.Exists and self.Printer.Exists and self.parent.getParentPrintersUserPQuota(self)) or [] return self.ParentPrintersUserPQuota else : raise AttributeError, name def setDateLimit(self, datelimit) : """Sets the date limit for this quota.""" datelimit = DateTime.ISO.ParseDateTime(str(datelimit)) date = "%04i-%02i-%02i %02i:%02i:%02i" % (datelimit.year, datelimit.month, datelimit.day, datelimit.hour, datelimit.minute, datelimit.second) self.parent.writeUserPQuotaDateLimit(self, date) self.DateLimit = date def setLimits(self, softlimit, hardlimit) : """Sets the soft and hard limit for this quota.""" self.SoftLimit = softlimit self.HardLimit = hardlimit self.DateLimit = None self.WarnCount = 0 self.isDirty = True def setUsage(self, used) : """Sets the PageCounter and LifePageCounter to used, or if used is + or - prefixed, changes the values of {Life,}PageCounter by that amount.""" vused = int(used) if used.startswith("+") or used.startswith("-") : self.PageCounter += vused self.LifePageCounter += vused else : self.PageCounter = self.LifePageCounter = vused self.DateLimit = None self.WarnCount = 0 self.isDirty = 1 def incDenyBannerCounter(self) : """Increment the deny banner counter for this user quota.""" self.parent.increaseUserPQuotaWarnCount(self) self.WarnCount = (self.WarnCount or 0) + 1 def resetDenyBannerCounter(self) : """Resets the deny banner counter for this user quota.""" self.parent.writeUserPQuotaWarnCount(self, 0) self.WarnCount = 0 def reset(self) : """Resets page counter to 0.""" self.PageCounter = 0 self.DateLimit = None self.isDirty = True def hardreset(self) : """Resets actual and life time page counters to 0.""" self.PageCounter = self.LifePageCounter = 0 self.DateLimit = None self.isDirty = True def computeJobPrice(self, jobsize) : """Computes the job price as the sum of all parent printers' prices + current printer's ones.""" totalprice = 0.0 if jobsize : if self.User.OverCharge != 0.0 : # optimization, but TODO : beware of rounding errors for upq in [ self ] + self.ParentPrintersUserPQuota : price = (float(upq.Printer.PricePerPage or 0.0) * jobsize) + float(upq.Printer.PricePerJob or 0.0) totalprice += price if self.User.OverCharge != 1.0 : # TODO : beware of rounding errors overcharged = totalprice * self.User.OverCharge self.parent.tool.logdebug("Overcharging %s by a factor of %s ===> User %s will be charged for %s units." % (totalprice, self.User.OverCharge, self.User.Name, overcharged)) return overcharged else : return totalprice def increasePagesUsage(self, jobsize) : """Increase the value of used pages and money.""" jobprice = self.computeJobPrice(jobsize) if jobsize : if jobprice : self.User.consumeAccountBalance(jobprice) for upq in [ self ] + self.ParentPrintersUserPQuota : self.parent.increaseUserPQuotaPagesCounters(upq, jobsize) upq.PageCounter = int(upq.PageCounter or 0) + jobsize upq.LifePageCounter = int(upq.LifePageCounter or 0) + jobsize return jobprice def delete(self) : """Deletes an user print quota entry from the database.""" self.parent.deleteUserPQuota(self) if self.parent.usecache : self.parent.flushEntry("USERPQUOTAS", "%s@%s" % (self.User.Name, self.Printer.Name)) self.Exists = False self.isDirty = False class StorageGroupPQuota(StorageObject) : """Group Print Quota class.""" def __init__(self, parent, group, printer) : StorageObject.__init__(self, parent) self.Group = group self.Printer = printer self.PageCounter = None self.LifePageCounter = None self.SoftLimit = None self.HardLimit = None self.DateLimit = None self.MaxJobSize = None def __getattr__(self, name) : """Delays data retrieval until it's really needed.""" if name == "ParentPrintersGroupPQuota" : self.ParentPrintersGroupPQuota = (self.Group.Exists and self.Printer.Exists and self.parent.getParentPrintersGroupPQuota(self)) or [] return self.ParentPrintersGroupPQuota else : raise AttributeError, name def reset(self) : """Resets page counter to 0.""" for user in self.parent.getGroupMembers(self.Group) : uq = self.parent.getUserPQuota(user, self.Printer) uq.reset() uq.save() self.PageCounter = 0 self.DateLimit = None self.isDirty = True def hardreset(self) : """Resets actual and life time page counters to 0.""" for user in self.parent.getGroupMembers(self.Group) : uq = self.parent.getUserPQuota(user, self.Printer) uq.hardreset() uq.save() self.PageCounter = self.LifePageCounter = 0 self.DateLimit = None self.isDirty = True def setDateLimit(self, datelimit) : """Sets the date limit for this quota.""" datelimit = DateTime.ISO.ParseDateTime(str(datelimit)) date = "%04i-%02i-%02i %02i:%02i:%02i" % (datelimit.year, \ datelimit.month, \ datelimit.day, \ datelimit.hour, \ datelimit.minute, \ datelimit.second) self.parent.writeGroupPQuotaDateLimit(self, date) self.DateLimit = date def setLimits(self, softlimit, hardlimit) : """Sets the soft and hard limit for this quota.""" self.SoftLimit = softlimit self.HardLimit = hardlimit self.DateLimit = None self.isDirty = True def delete(self) : """Deletes a group print quota entry from the database.""" self.parent.deleteGroupPQuota(self) if self.parent.usecache : self.parent.flushEntry("GROUPPQUOTAS", "%s@%s" % (self.Group.Name, self.Printer.Name)) self.Exists = False self.isDirty = False class StorageJob(StorageObject) : """Printer's Job class.""" def __init__(self, parent) : StorageObject.__init__(self, parent) self.UserName = None self.PrinterName = None self.JobId = None self.PrinterPageCounter = None self.JobSizeBytes = None self.JobSize = None self.JobAction = None self.JobDate = None self.JobPrice = None self.JobFileName = None self.JobTitle = None self.JobCopies = None self.JobOptions = None self.JobHostName = None self.JobMD5Sum = None self.JobPages = None self.JobBillingCode = None self.PrecomputedJobSize = None self.PrecomputedJobPrice = None def __getattr__(self, name) : """Delays data retrieval until it's really needed.""" if name == "User" : self.User = self.parent.getUser(self.UserName) return self.User elif name == "Printer" : self.Printer = self.parent.getPrinter(self.PrinterName) return self.Printer else : raise AttributeError, name class StorageLastJob(StorageJob) : """Printer's Last Job class.""" def __init__(self, parent, printer) : StorageJob.__init__(self, parent) self.PrinterName = printer.Name # not needed self.Printer = printer class StorageBillingCode(StorageObject) : """Billing code class.""" def __init__(self, parent, name) : StorageObject.__init__(self, parent) self.BillingCode = name self.PageCounter = None self.Balance = None def delete(self) : """Deletes the billing code from the database.""" self.parent.deleteBillingCode(self) self.parent.flushEntry("BILLINGCODES", self.BillingCode) self.isDirty = False self.Exists = False def reset(self, balance=0.0, pagecounter=0) : """Resets the pagecounter and balance for this billing code.""" self.Balance = balance self.PageCounter = pagecounter self.isDirty = True def consume(self, pages, price) : """Consumes some pages and credits for this billing code.""" if pages : self.parent.consumeBillingCode(self, pages, price) self.PageCounter += pages self.Balance -= price class BaseStorage : def __init__(self, pykotatool) : """Opens the storage connection.""" self.closed = 1 self.tool = pykotatool self.usecache = pykotatool.config.getCaching() self.disablehistory = pykotatool.config.getDisableHistory() self.privacy = pykotatool.config.getPrivacy() if self.privacy : pykotatool.logdebug("Jobs' title, filename and options will be hidden because of privacy concerns.") if self.usecache : self.tool.logdebug("Caching enabled.") self.caches = { "USERS" : {}, \ "GROUPS" : {}, \ "PRINTERS" : {}, \ "USERPQUOTAS" : {}, \ "GROUPPQUOTAS" : {}, \ "JOBS" : {}, \ "LASTJOBS" : {}, \ "BILLINGCODES" : {} } def close(self) : """Must be overriden in children classes.""" raise RuntimeError, "BaseStorage.close() must be overriden !" def __del__(self) : """Ensures that the database connection is closed.""" self.close() def getFromCache(self, cachetype, key) : """Tries to extract something from the cache.""" if self.usecache : entry = self.caches[cachetype].get(key) if entry is not None : self.tool.logdebug("Cache hit (%s->%s)" % (cachetype, key)) else : self.tool.logdebug("Cache miss (%s->%s)" % (cachetype, key)) return entry def cacheEntry(self, cachetype, key, value) : """Puts an entry in the cache.""" if self.usecache and getattr(value, "Exists", 0) : self.caches[cachetype][key] = value self.tool.logdebug("Cache store (%s->%s)" % (cachetype, key)) def flushEntry(self, cachetype, key) : """Removes an entry from the cache.""" if self.usecache : try : del self.caches[cachetype][key] except KeyError : pass else : self.tool.logdebug("Cache flush (%s->%s)" % (cachetype, key)) def getUser(self, username) : """Returns the user from cache.""" user = self.getFromCache("USERS", username) if user is None : user = self.getUserFromBackend(username) self.cacheEntry("USERS", username, user) return user def getGroup(self, groupname) : """Returns the group from cache.""" group = self.getFromCache("GROUPS", groupname) if group is None : group = self.getGroupFromBackend(groupname) self.cacheEntry("GROUPS", groupname, group) return group def getPrinter(self, printername) : """Returns the printer from cache.""" printer = self.getFromCache("PRINTERS", printername) if printer is None : printer = self.getPrinterFromBackend(printername) self.cacheEntry("PRINTERS", printername, printer) return printer def getUserPQuota(self, user, printer) : """Returns the user quota information from cache.""" useratprinter = "%s@%s" % (user.Name, printer.Name) upquota = self.getFromCache("USERPQUOTAS", useratprinter) if upquota is None : upquota = self.getUserPQuotaFromBackend(user, printer) self.cacheEntry("USERPQUOTAS", useratprinter, upquota) return upquota def getGroupPQuota(self, group, printer) : """Returns the group quota information from cache.""" groupatprinter = "%s@%s" % (group.Name, printer.Name) gpquota = self.getFromCache("GROUPPQUOTAS", groupatprinter) if gpquota is None : gpquota = self.getGroupPQuotaFromBackend(group, printer) self.cacheEntry("GROUPPQUOTAS", groupatprinter, gpquota) return gpquota def getPrinterLastJob(self, printer) : """Extracts last job information for a given printer from cache.""" lastjob = self.getFromCache("LASTJOBS", printer.Name) if lastjob is None : lastjob = self.getPrinterLastJobFromBackend(printer) self.cacheEntry("LASTJOBS", printer.Name, lastjob) return lastjob def getBillingCode(self, label) : """Returns the user from cache.""" code = self.getFromCache("BILLINGCODES", label) if code is None : code = self.getBillingCodeFromBackend(label) self.cacheEntry("BILLINGCODES", label, code) return code def getParentPrinters(self, printer) : """Extracts parent printers information for a given printer from cache.""" if self.usecache : if not hasattr(printer, "Parents") : self.tool.logdebug("Cache miss (%s->Parents)" % printer.Name) printer.Parents = self.getParentPrintersFromBackend(printer) self.tool.logdebug("Cache store (%s->Parents)" % printer.Name) else : self.tool.logdebug("Cache hit (%s->Parents)" % printer.Name) else : printer.Parents = self.getParentPrintersFromBackend(printer) for parent in printer.Parents[:] : printer.Parents.extend(self.getParentPrinters(parent)) uniquedic = {} for parent in printer.Parents : uniquedic[parent.Name] = parent printer.Parents = uniquedic.values() return printer.Parents def getGroupMembers(self, group) : """Returns the group's members list from in-group cache.""" if self.usecache : if not hasattr(group, "Members") : self.tool.logdebug("Cache miss (%s->Members)" % group.Name) group.Members = self.getGroupMembersFromBackend(group) self.tool.logdebug("Cache store (%s->Members)" % group.Name) else : self.tool.logdebug("Cache hit (%s->Members)" % group.Name) else : group.Members = self.getGroupMembersFromBackend(group) return group.Members def getUserGroups(self, user) : """Returns the user's groups list from in-user cache.""" if self.usecache : if not hasattr(user, "Groups") : self.tool.logdebug("Cache miss (%s->Groups)" % user.Name) user.Groups = self.getUserGroupsFromBackend(user) self.tool.logdebug("Cache store (%s->Groups)" % user.Name) else : self.tool.logdebug("Cache hit (%s->Groups)" % user.Name) else : user.Groups = self.getUserGroupsFromBackend(user) return user.Groups def getParentPrintersUserPQuota(self, userpquota) : """Returns all user print quota on the printer and all its parents recursively.""" upquotas = [ ] for printer in self.getParentPrinters(userpquota.Printer) : upq = self.getUserPQuota(userpquota.User, printer) if upq.Exists : upquotas.append(upq) return upquotas def getParentPrintersGroupPQuota(self, grouppquota) : """Returns all group print quota on the printer and all its parents recursively.""" gpquotas = [ ] for printer in self.getParentPrinters(grouppquota.Printer) : gpq = self.getGroupPQuota(grouppquota.Group, printer) if gpq.Exists : gpquotas.append(gpq) return gpquotas def databaseToUserCharset(self, text) : """Converts from database format (UTF-8) to user's charset.""" return self.tool.UTF8ToUserCharset(text) def userCharsetToDatabase(self, text) : """Converts from user's charset to database format (UTF-8).""" return self.tool.userCharsetToUTF8(text) def cleanDates(self, startdate, enddate) : """Clean the dates to create a correct filter.""" if startdate : startdate = startdate.strip().lower() if enddate : enddate = enddate.strip().lower() if (not startdate) and (not enddate) : return (None, None) now = DateTime.now() nameddates = ('yesterday', 'today', 'now', 'tomorrow') datedict = { "start" : startdate, "end" : enddate } for limit in datedict.keys() : dateval = datedict[limit] if dateval : for name in nameddates : if dateval.startswith(name) : try : offset = int(dateval[len(name):]) except : offset = 0 dateval = dateval[:len(name)] if limit == "start" : if dateval == "yesterday" : dateval = (now - 1 + offset).Format("%Y%m%d000000") elif dateval == "today" : dateval = (now + offset).Format("%Y%m%d000000") elif dateval == "now" : dateval = (now + offset).Format("%Y%m%d%H%M%S") else : # tomorrow dateval = (now + 1 + offset).Format("%Y%m%d000000") else : if dateval == "yesterday" : dateval = (now - 1 + offset).Format("%Y%m%d235959") elif dateval == "today" : dateval = (now + offset).Format("%Y%m%d235959") elif dateval == "now" : dateval = (now + offset).Format("%Y%m%d%H%M%S") else : # tomorrow dateval = (now + 1 + offset).Format("%Y%m%d235959") break if not dateval.isdigit() : dateval = None else : lgdateval = len(dateval) if lgdateval == 4 : if limit == "start" : dateval = "%s0101 00:00:00" % dateval else : dateval = "%s1231 23:59:59" % dateval elif lgdateval == 6 : if limit == "start" : dateval = "%s01 00:00:00" % dateval else : mxdate = DateTime.ISO.ParseDateTime("%s01 00:00:00" % dateval) dateval = "%s%02i 23:59:59" % (dateval, mxdate.days_in_month) elif lgdateval == 8 : if limit == "start" : dateval = "%s 00:00:00" % dateval else : dateval = "%s 23:59:59" % dateval elif lgdateval == 10 : if limit == "start" : dateval = "%s %s:00:00" % (dateval[:8], dateval[8:]) else : dateval = "%s %s:59:59" % (dateval[:8], dateval[8:]) elif lgdateval == 12 : if limit == "start" : dateval = "%s %s:%s:00" % (dateval[:8], dateval[8:10], dateval[10:]) else : dateval = "%s %s:%s:59" % (dateval[:8], dateval[8:10], dateval[10:]) elif lgdateval == 14 : dateval = "%s %s:%s:%s" % (dateval[:8], dateval[8:10], dateval[10:12], dateval[12:]) else : dateval = None try : DateTime.ISO.ParseDateTime(dateval) except : dateval = None datedict[limit] = dateval (start, end) = (datedict["start"], datedict["end"]) if start and end and (start > end) : (start, end) = (end, start) return (start, end) def openConnection(pykotatool) : """Returns a connection handle to the appropriate database.""" backendinfo = pykotatool.config.getStorageBackend() backend = backendinfo["storagebackend"] try : storagebackend = imp.load_source("storagebackend", os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "storages", "%s.py" % backend.lower())) except ImportError : raise PyKotaStorageError, _("Unsupported quota storage backend %s") % backend else : host = backendinfo["storageserver"] database = backendinfo["storagename"] admin = backendinfo["storageadmin"] or backendinfo["storageuser"] adminpw = backendinfo["storageadminpw"] or backendinfo["storageuserpw"] return storagebackend.Storage(pykotatool, host, database, admin, adminpw)