# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- # # PyKota : Print Quotas for CUPS # # (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Jerome Alet # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # $Id$ # # """This module defines bases classes used by all reporters.""" import os import imp from mx import DateTime class PyKotaReporterError(Exception): """An exception for Reporter related stuff.""" def __init__(self, message = ""): self.message = message Exception.__init__(self, message) def __repr__(self): return self.message __str__ = __repr__ class BaseReporter : """Base class for all reports.""" def __init__(self, tool, printers, ugnames, isgroup) : """Initialize local datas.""" self.tool = tool self.printers = printers self.ugnames = ugnames self.isgroup = isgroup def getPrinterTitle(self, printer) : """Returns the formatted title for a given printer.""" return (_("Report for %s quota on printer %s") % ((self.isgroup and "group") or "user", printer.Name)) + (" (%s)" % printer.Description) def getPrinterGraceDelay(self, printer) : """Returns the formatted grace delay for a given printer.""" return _("Pages grace time: %i days") % self.tool.config.getGraceDelay(printer.Name) def getPrinterPrices(self, printer) : """Returns the formatted prices for a given printer.""" return (_("Price per job: %.3f") % (printer.PricePerJob or 0.0), _("Price per page: %.3f") % (printer.PricePerPage or 0.0)) def getReportHeader(self) : """Returns the correct header depending on users vs users groups.""" if self.isgroup : return _("Group overcharge used soft hard balance grace total paid warn") else : return _("User overcharge used soft hard balance grace total paid warn") def getPrinterRealPageCounter(self, printer) : """Returns the formatted real page counter for a given printer.""" msg = _("unknown") if printer.LastJob.Exists : try : msg = "%9i" % printer.LastJob.PrinterPageCounter except TypeError : pass return _("Real : %s") % msg def getTotals(self, total, totalmoney) : """Returns the formatted totals.""" return (_("Total : %9i") % (total or 0.0), ("%11s" % ("%7.2f" % (totalmoney or 0.0))[:11])) def getQuota(self, entry, quota) : """Prints the quota information.""" lifepagecounter = int(quota.LifePageCounter or 0) pagecounter = int(quota.PageCounter or 0) balance = float(entry.AccountBalance or 0.0) lifetimepaid = float(entry.LifeTimePaid or 0.0) if not hasattr(entry, "OverCharge") : overcharge = _("N/A") # Not available for groups else : overcharge = float(entry.OverCharge or 0.0) if not hasattr(quota, "WarnCount") : warncount = _("N/A") # Not available for groups else : warncount = int(quota.WarnCount or 0) if (not entry.LimitBy) or (entry.LimitBy.lower() == "quota") : if (quota.HardLimit is not None) and (pagecounter >= quota.HardLimit) : datelimit = "DENY" elif (quota.HardLimit is None) and (quota.SoftLimit is not None) and (pagecounter >= quota.SoftLimit) : datelimit = "DENY" elif quota.DateLimit is not None : now = DateTime.now() datelimit = DateTime.ISO.ParseDateTime(str(quota.DateLimit)[:19]) if now >= datelimit : datelimit = "DENY" else : datelimit = "" reached = (((quota.SoftLimit is not None) and (pagecounter >= quota.SoftLimit) and "+") or "-") + "Q" else : if entry.LimitBy.lower() == "balance" : balancezero = self.tool.config.getBalanceZero() if balance == balancezero : if entry.OverCharge > 0 : datelimit = "DENY" reached = "+B" else : # overcharging by a negative or nul factor means user is always allowed to print # TODO : do something when printer prices are negative as well ! datelimit = "" reached = "-B" elif balance < balancezero : datelimit = "DENY" reached = "+B" elif balance <= self.tool.config.getPoorMan() : datelimit = "WARNING" reached = "?B" else : datelimit = "" reached = "-B" elif entry.LimitBy.lower() == "noquota" : reached = "NQ" datelimit = "" elif entry.LimitBy.lower() == "nochange" : reached = "NC" datelimit = "" else : # noprint reached = "NP" datelimit = "DENY" strbalance = ("%5.2f" % balance)[:10] strlifetimepaid = ("%6.2f" % lifetimepaid)[:10] strovercharge = ("%5s" % overcharge)[:5] strwarncount = ("%4s" % warncount)[:4] return (lifepagecounter, lifetimepaid, entry.Name, reached, \ pagecounter, str(quota.SoftLimit), str(quota.HardLimit), \ strbalance, str(datelimit)[:10], lifepagecounter, \ strlifetimepaid, strovercharge, strwarncount) def openReporter(tool, reporttype, printers, ugnames, isgroup) : """Returns a reporter instance of the proper reporter.""" try : reporterbackend = imp.load_source("reporterbackend", os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "reporters", "%s.py" % reporttype.lower())) except ImportError : raise PyKotaReporterError, _("Unsupported reporter backend %s") % reporttype else : return reporterbackend.Reporter(tool, printers, ugnames, isgroup)