# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # PyKota : Print Quotas for CUPS # # (c) 2003-2009 Jerome Alet # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # $Id$ # # """This module handles hardware page counting for PyKota.""" import os import signal import popen2 from pykota.errors import PyKotaAccounterError from pykota.accounter import AccounterBase from pykota.accounters import snmp, pjl class Accounter(AccounterBase) : def __init__(self, kotabackend, arguments, ispreaccounter=0, name="hardware") : """Initializes querying accounter.""" AccounterBase.__init__(self, kotabackend, arguments, ispreaccounter, name) self.isSoftware = 0 def getPrinterInternalPageCounter(self) : """Returns the printer's internal page counter.""" self.filter.logdebug("Reading printer %s's internal page counter..." % self.filter.PrinterName) counter = self.askPrinterPageCounter(self.filter.PrinterHostName) self.filter.logdebug("Printer %s's internal page counter value is : %s" % (self.filter.PrinterName, str(counter))) return counter def beginJob(self, printer) : """Saves printer internal page counter at start of job.""" # save page counter before job self.LastPageCounter = self.getPrinterInternalPageCounter() self.fakeBeginJob() def fakeBeginJob(self) : """Fakes a begining of a job.""" self.counterbefore = self.getLastPageCounter() def endJob(self, printer) : """Saves printer internal page counter at end of job.""" # save page counter after job self.LastPageCounter = self.counterafter = self.getPrinterInternalPageCounter() def getJobSize(self, printer) : """Returns the actual job size.""" if (not self.counterbefore) or (not self.counterafter) : # there was a problem retrieving page counter self.filter.printInfo(_("A problem occured while reading printer %s's internal page counter.") % printer.Name, "warn") if printer.LastJob.Exists : # if there's a previous job, use the last value from database self.filter.printInfo(_("Retrieving printer %s's page counter from database instead.") % printer.Name, "warn") if not self.counterbefore : self.counterbefore = printer.LastJob.PrinterPageCounter or 0 if not self.counterafter : self.counterafter = printer.LastJob.PrinterPageCounter or 0 before = min(self.counterbefore, self.counterafter) after = max(self.counterbefore, self.counterafter) self.counterbefore = before self.counterafter = after if (not self.counterbefore) or (not self.counterafter) or (self.counterbefore == self.counterafter) : self.filter.printInfo(_("Couldn't retrieve printer %s's internal page counter either before or after printing.") % printer.Name, "warn") self.filter.printInfo(_("Job's size forced to 1 page for printer %s.") % printer.Name, "warn") self.counterbefore = 0 self.counterafter = 1 else : self.filter.printInfo(_("No previous job in database for printer %s.") % printer.Name, "warn") self.filter.printInfo(_("Job's size forced to 1 page for printer %s.") % printer.Name, "warn") self.counterbefore = 0 self.counterafter = 1 jobsize = (self.counterafter - self.counterbefore) if jobsize < 0 : # Try to take care of HP printers # Their internal page counter is saved to NVRAM # only every 10 pages. If the printer was switched # off then back on during the job, and that the # counters difference is negative, we know # the formula (we can't know if more than eleven # pages were printed though) : if jobsize > -10 : jobsize += 10 else : # here we may have got a printer being replaced # DURING the job. This is HIGHLY improbable (but already happened) ! self.filter.printInfo(_("Inconsistent values for printer %s's internal page counter.") % printer.Name, "warn") self.filter.printInfo(_("Job's size forced to 1 page for printer %s.") % printer.Name, "warn") jobsize = 1 return jobsize def askPrinterPageCounter(self, printer) : """Returns the page counter from the printer via an external command. The external command must report the life time page number of the printer on stdout. """ skipinitialwait = self.filter.config.getPrinterSkipInitialWait(printer) commandline = self.arguments.strip() % locals() cmdlower = commandline.lower() if (cmdlower == "snmp") or cmdlower.startswith("snmp:") : return snmp.Handler(self, printer, skipinitialwait).retrieveInternalPageCounter() elif (cmdlower == "pjl") or cmdlower.startswith("pjl:") : return pjl.Handler(self, printer, skipinitialwait).retrieveInternalPageCounter() if printer is None : raise PyKotaAccounterError, _("Unknown printer address in HARDWARE(%s) for printer %s") % (commandline, self.filter.PrinterName) while 1 : self.filter.printInfo(_("Launching HARDWARE(%s)...") % commandline) pagecounter = None child = popen2.Popen4(commandline) try : answer = child.fromchild.read() except IOError : # we were interrupted by a signal, certainely a SIGTERM # caused by the user cancelling the current job try : os.kill(child.pid, signal.SIGTERM) except : pass # already killed ? self.filter.printInfo(_("SIGTERM was sent to hardware accounter %s (pid: %s)") % (commandline, child.pid)) else : lines = [l.strip() for l in answer.split("\n")] for i in range(len(lines)) : try : pagecounter = int(lines[i]) except (AttributeError, ValueError) : self.filter.printInfo(_("Line [%s] skipped in accounter's output. Trying again...") % lines[i]) else : break child.fromchild.close() child.tochild.close() try : status = child.wait() except OSError, msg : self.filter.logdebug("Error while waiting for hardware accounter pid %s : %s" % (child.pid, msg)) else : if os.WIFEXITED(status) : status = os.WEXITSTATUS(status) self.filter.printInfo(_("Hardware accounter %s exit code is %s") % (self.arguments, str(status))) if pagecounter is None : message = _("Unable to query printer %s via HARDWARE(%s)") % (printer, commandline) if self.onerror == "CONTINUE" : self.filter.printInfo(message, "error") else : raise PyKotaAccounterError, message else : return pagecounter