-- -- PyKota - Print Quotas for CUPS -- -- (c) 2003 Jerome Alet -- You're welcome to redistribute this software under the -- terms of the GNU General Public Licence version 2.0 -- or, at your option, any higher version. -- -- You can read the complete GNU GPL in the file COPYING -- which should come along with this software, or visit -- the Free Software Foundation's WEB site http://www.fsf.org -- -- $Id$ -- -- $Log$ -- Revision 1.2 2003/02/08 22:12:09 jalet -- Life time counter for users and groups added. -- -- Revision 1.1 2003/02/05 21:28:17 jalet -- Initial import into CVS -- -- -- -- -- PyKota Database creation script for PostgreSQL -- -- Launch this as PostgreSQL administrator with \i -- -- -- Create the print quota database -- CREATE DATABASE pykota; -- -- Create the print quota database users -- CREATE USER pykotauser; CREATE USER pykotaadmin; -- -- Now connect to the new database -- \connect pykota -- -- Create the users table -- CREATE TABLE users(id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, username TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL); -- -- Create the groups table -- CREATE TABLE groups(id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, groupname TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL); -- -- Create the printers table -- CREATE TABLE printers(id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, printername TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL, lastusername TEXT, pagecounter INT4); -- -- Create the print quota table for users -- CREATE TABLE userpquota(id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, userid INT4 REFERENCES users(id), printerid INT4 REFERENCES printers(id), lifepagecounter INT4 DEFAULT 0, pagecounter INT4 DEFAULT 0, softlimit INT4, hardlimit INT4, datelimit DATETIME); -- -- Create the print quota table for groups -- CREATE TABLE grouppquota(id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, groupid INT4 REFERENCES groups(id), printerid INT4 REFERENCES printers(id), lifepagecounter INT4 DEFAULT 0, pagecounter INT4 DEFAULT 0, softlimit INT4, hardlimit INT4, datelimit DATETIME); -- -- Set some ACLs -- REVOKE ALL ON users, groups, printers, userpquota, grouppquota FROM public; GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, REFERENCES ON users, groups, printers, userpquota, grouppquota TO pykotaadmin; GRANT SELECT, UPDATE ON users_id_seq, groups_id_seq, printers_id_seq, userpquota_id_seq, grouppquota_id_seq TO pykotaadmin; GRANT SELECT, UPDATE ON printers, userpquota, grouppquota TO pykotauser; GRANT SELECT ON users, groups TO pykotauser;