#! /usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: ISO-8859-15 -*- # # pkpgcounter : a generic Page Description Language parser # # (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Jerome Alet # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # $Id$ # # """This script generates a testsuite from a PostScript input file and ghostscript.""" import sys import os import glob import md5 import tempfile MEGABYTE = 1024 * 1024 def getAvailableDevices() : """Returns a list of available GhostScript devices. The list is returned without any x11, bbox, nor ijs related device. """ answerfd = os.popen('/bin/echo "devicenames ==" | gs -dBATCH -dQUIET -dNOPAUSE -dPARANOIDSAFER -sDEVICE=nullpage -', "r") answer = answerfd.readline().strip() if not answerfd.close() : if answer.startswith("[/") and answer.endswith("]") : devices = [ dev[1:] for dev in answer[1:-1].split() \ if dev.startswith("/") \ and (not dev.startswith("/x11")) \ and (not dev == "/ijs") \ and (not dev == "/nullpage") \ and (not dev == "/bbox") ] devices.sort() return devices return [] def getAvailableIJSPrintClasses() : """Returns a list of available IJS Print Classes. Currently the list is a static one and doesn't contain all the available print classes. """ return [ "DJ3600", "DJ3320", "DJ9xx", "DJGenericVIP", "LJColor", "DJ850", "DJ890", "DJ9xxVIP", "DJ8xx", "DJ540", "DJ660", "DJ6xx", "DJ350", "DJ6xxPhoto", "DJ630", "DJ8x5", "DJ4100", "AP21xx", "AP2560", "AP2xxx", "PSP100", "PSP470", "Undefined", "Postscript", "LJJetReady", "LJMono", "LJFastRaster", "LJZjsMono", ] def batchGeneration(infilename, devices, root, command) : """Loops over a set of devices calling a particular command.""" for device in devices : outfilename = "%(root)s.%(device)s" % locals() if os.path.exists(outfilename) and os.stat(outfilename).st_size : sys.stdout.write("Skipping %(outfilename)s : already exists.\n" % locals()) else : sys.stdout.write("Generating %(outfilename)s " % locals()) sys.stdout.flush() os.system(command % locals()) sys.stdout.write("\n") if not os.path.exists(outfilename) : sys.stderr.write("ERROR while generating %(outfilename)s\n" % locals()) def genTestSuite(infilename, root) : """Generate the testsuite.""" batchGeneration(infilename, getAvailableDevices(), root, 'gs -dQUIET -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -dPARANOIDSAFER -sOutputFile="%(outfilename)s" -sDEVICE="%(device)s" "%(infilename)s"') batchGeneration(infilename, getAvailableIJSPrintClasses(), "%(root)s.hpijs" % locals(), 'gs -dBATCH -dQUIET -dPARANOIDSAFER -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=ijs -sIjsServer=hpijs -dIjsUseOutputFD -sDeviceManufacturer="HEWLETT-PACKARD" -sDeviceModel="%(device)s" -sOutputFile="%(outfilename)s" "%(infilename)s"') def computeSize(filename) : """Computes the size in pages of a file in the testsuite.""" answerfd = os.popen('pkpgcounter "%(filename)s" 2>/dev/null' % locals(), "r") try : try : return int(answerfd.readline().strip()) except (ValueError, TypeError) : return 0 finally : answerfd.close() def runTests(masterfilename, root) : """Launches the page counting tests against the testsuite.""" mastersize = computeSize(masterfilename) if not mastersize : raise RuntimeError, "Unable to compute the size of the testsuite's master file %(masterfilename)s" % locals() else : sys.stdout.write("Master file's contains %(mastersize)i pages.\n" % locals()) passed = failed = unsupported = 0 testsuite = glob.glob("%(root)s.*" % locals()) testsuite.sort() nbtests = len(testsuite) for testfname in testsuite : sys.stdout.write("Testing %(testfname)s ... " % locals()) sys.stdout.flush() size = computeSize(testfname) if size != mastersize : if not size : sys.stdout.write("ERROR : Unsupported file format\n") unsupported += 1 else : sys.stdout.write("WARN : Found %(size)i pages instead of %(mastersize)i\n" % locals()) failed += 1 else : sys.stdout.write("OK\n") passed += 1 sys.stdout.write(" Passed : %i/%i (%.2f%%)\n" % (passed, nbtests, 100.0 * passed / nbtests)) sys.stdout.write(" Failed : %i/%i (%.2f%%)\n" % (failed, nbtests, 100.0 * failed / nbtests)) sys.stdout.write("Unsupported : %i/%i (%.2f%%)\n" % (unsupported, nbtests, 100.0 * unsupported / nbtests)) def main() : """Main function.""" if len(sys.argv) == 1 : sys.argv.append("-") if len(sys.argv) != 2 : sys.stderr.write("usage : gengstests.py [inputfile.ps]\n") sys.exit(-1) else : checksum = md5.new() # Ensures we'll recreate a new testsuite if input is different infilename = sys.argv[1] istemp = False if infilename == "-" : # Input is standard input, so we must use a temporary # file to be able to loop over all available devices. tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w+b") istemp = True infilename = tmp.name while True : data = sys.stdin.read(MEGABYTE) if not data : break tmp.write(data) checksum.update(data) tmp.flush() else : checksum.update(infilename) genTestSuite(infilename, "testsuite.%s" % checksum.hexdigest()) runTests(infilename, "testsuite") if istemp : # Cleanly takes care of the temporary file tmp.close() if __name__ == "__main__" : sys.exit(main())