#! /usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: ISO-8859-15 -*- # # pkpgcounter : a generic Page Description Language parser # # (c) 2003,2004,2005 Jerome Alet # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # # $Id$ # import sys import os import mmap from struct import unpack from pdlanalyzer import pdlparser class PCLXLParser(pdlparser.PDLParser) : """A parser for PCLXL (aka PCL6) documents.""" mediasizes = { 0 : "Letter", 1 : "Legal", 2 : "A4", 3 : "Executive", 4 : "Ledger", 5 : "A3", 6 : "COM10Envelope", 7 : "MonarchEnvelope", 8 : "C5Envelope", 9 : "DLEnvelope", 10 : "JB4", 11 : "JB5", 12 : "B5Envelope", 14 : "JPostcard", 15 : "JDoublePostcard", 16 : "A5", 17 : "A6", 18 : "JB6", } mediasources = { 0 : "Default", 1 : "Auto", 2 : "Manual", 3 : "MultiPurpose", 4 : "UpperCassette", 5 : "LowerCassette", 6 : "EnvelopeTray", 7 : "ThirdCassette", } orientations = { 0 : "Portrait", 1 : "Landscape", 2 : "ReversePortrait", 3 : "ReverseLandscape", } def beginPage(self) : """Indicates the beginning of a new page, and extracts media information.""" self.pagecount += 1 # Default values mediatypelabel = "Plain" mediasourcelabel = "Main" mediasizelabel = "Default" orientationlabel = "Portrait" # Now go upstream to decode media type, size, source, and orientation # this saves time because we don't need a complete parser ! minfile = self.minfile pos = self.pos - 2 while pos > 0 : # safety check : don't go back to far ! val = ord(minfile[pos]) if val in (0x44, 0x48, 0x41) : # if previous endPage or openDataSource or beginSession (first page) break if val == 0x26 : mediasource = ord(minfile[pos - 2]) mediasourcelabel = self.mediasources.get(mediasource, str(mediasource)) pos = pos - 4 elif val == 0x25 : mediasize = ord(minfile[pos - 2]) mediasizelabel = self.mediasizes.get(mediasize, str(mediasize)) pos = pos - 4 elif val == 0x28 : orientation = ord(minfile[pos - 2]) orienationlabel = self.orientations.get(orientation, str(orientation)) pos = pos - 4 elif val == 0x27 : savepos = pos pos = pos - 1 while pos > 0 : # safety check : don't go back to far ! val = ord(minfile[pos]) pos -= 1 if val == 0xc8 : break mediatypelabel = minfile[pos:savepos] # TODO : INCORRECT, WE HAVE TO STRIP OUT THE UBYTE ARRAY'S LENGTH !!! # else : TODO : CUSTOM MEDIA SIZE AND UNIT ! else : pos = pos - 2 # ignored self.pages[self.pagecount] = { "copies" : 1, "orientation" : orientationlabel, "mediatype" : mediatypelabel, "mediasize" : mediasizelabel, "mediasource" : mediasourcelabel, } return 0 def endPage(self) : """Indicates the end of a page.""" pos = self.pos minfile = self.minfile if (ord(minfile[pos-3]) == 0xf8) and (ord(minfile[pos-2]) == 0x31) : # The EndPage operator may be preceded by a PageCopies attribute # So set number of copies for current page. # From what I read in PCLXL documentation, the number # of copies is an unsigned 16 bits integer self.pages[self.pagecount]["copies"] = unpack(self.endianness + "H", minfile[pos-5:pos-3])[0] return 0 def setColorSpace(self) : """Changes the color space.""" if self.minfile[self.pos-4:self.pos-1] == (chr(0x02) + chr(0xf8) + chr(0x03)) : self.isColor = 1 return 0 def array_8(self) : """Handles byte arrays.""" pos = self.pos datatype = self.minfile[pos] pos += 1 length = self.tags[ord(datatype)] if callable(length) : self.pos = pos length = length() pos = self.pos posl = pos + length self.pos = posl if length == 1 : return unpack("B", self.minfile[pos:posl])[0] elif length == 2 : return unpack(self.endianness + "H", self.minfile[pos:posl])[0] elif length == 4 : return unpack(self.endianness + "I", self.minfile[pos:posl])[0] else : raise pdlparser.PDLParserError, "Error on array size at %s" % self.pos def array_16(self) : """Handles byte arrays.""" pos = self.pos datatype = self.minfile[pos] pos += 1 length = self.tags[ord(datatype)] if callable(length) : self.pos = pos length = length() pos = self.pos posl = pos + length self.pos = posl if length == 1 : return 2 * unpack("B", self.minfile[pos:posl])[0] elif length == 2 : return 2 * unpack(self.endianness + "H", self.minfile[pos:posl])[0] elif length == 4 : return 2 * unpack(self.endianness + "I", self.minfile[pos:posl])[0] else : raise pdlparser.PDLParserError, "Error on array size at %s" % self.pos def array_32(self) : """Handles byte arrays.""" pos = self.pos datatype = self.minfile[pos] pos += 1 length = self.tags[ord(datatype)] if callable(length) : self.pos = pos length = length() pos = self.pos posl = pos + length self.pos = posl if length == 1 : return 4 * unpack("B", self.minfile[pos:posl])[0] elif length == 2 : return 4 * unpack(self.endianness + "H", self.minfile[pos:posl])[0] elif length == 4 : return 4 * unpack(self.endianness + "I", self.minfile[pos:posl])[0] else : raise pdlparser.PDLParserError, "Error on array size at %s" % self.pos def embeddedDataSmall(self) : """Handle small amounts of data.""" pos = self.pos length = ord(self.minfile[pos]) self.pos = pos + 1 return length def embeddedData(self) : """Handle normal amounts of data.""" pos = self.pos pos4 = pos + 4 self.pos = pos4 return unpack(self.endianness + "I", self.minfile[pos:pos4])[0] def littleEndian(self) : """Toggles to little endianness.""" self.endianness = "<" # little endian return 0 def bigEndian(self) : """Toggles to big endianness.""" self.endianness = ">" # big endian return 0 def getJobSize(self) : """Counts pages in a PCLXL (PCL6) document. Algorithm by Jerome Alet. The documentation used for this was : HP PCL XL Feature Reference Protocol Class 2.0 http://www.hpdevelopersolutions.com/downloads/64/358/xl_ref20r22.pdf """ self.isColor = None self.endianness = None found = 0 while not found : line = self.infile.readline() if not line : break if line[1:12] == " HP-PCL XL;" : found = 1 endian = ord(line[0]) if endian == 0x29 : self.littleEndian() elif endian == 0x28 : self.bigEndian() # elif endian == 0x27 : # TODO : This is the ESC code : parse it for PJL statements ! # else : raise pdlparser.PDLParserError, "Unknown endianness marker 0x%02x at start !" % endian if not found : raise pdlparser.PDLParserError, "This file doesn't seem to be PCLXL (aka PCL6)" # Initialize table of tags self.tags = [ 0 ] * 256 # GhostScript's sources tell us that HP printers # only accept little endianness, but we can handle both. self.tags[0x28] = self.bigEndian # BigEndian self.tags[0x29] = self.littleEndian # LittleEndian self.tags[0x43] = self.beginPage # BeginPage self.tags[0x44] = self.endPage # EndPage self.tags[0x6a] = self.setColorSpace self.tags[0xc0] = 1 # ubyte self.tags[0xc1] = 2 # uint16 self.tags[0xc2] = 4 # uint32 self.tags[0xc3] = 2 # sint16 self.tags[0xc4] = 4 # sint32 self.tags[0xc5] = 4 # real32 self.tags[0xc8] = self.array_8 # ubyte_array self.tags[0xc9] = self.array_16 # uint16_array self.tags[0xca] = self.array_32 # uint32_array self.tags[0xcb] = self.array_16 # sint16_array self.tags[0xcc] = self.array_32 # sint32_array self.tags[0xcd] = self.array_32 # real32_array self.tags[0xd0] = 2 # ubyte_xy self.tags[0xd1] = 4 # uint16_xy self.tags[0xd2] = 8 # uint32_xy self.tags[0xd3] = 4 # sint16_xy self.tags[0xd4] = 8 # sint32_xy self.tags[0xd5] = 8 # real32_xy self.tags[0xe0] = 4 # ubyte_box self.tags[0xe1] = 8 # uint16_box self.tags[0xe2] = 16 # uint32_box self.tags[0xe3] = 8 # sint16_box self.tags[0xe4] = 16 # sint32_box self.tags[0xe5] = 16 # real32_box self.tags[0xf8] = 1 # attr_ubyte self.tags[0xf9] = 2 # attr_uint16 self.tags[0xfa] = self.embeddedData # dataLength self.tags[0xfb] = self.embeddedDataSmall # dataLengthByte infileno = self.infile.fileno() self.pages = {} self.minfile = minfile = mmap.mmap(infileno, os.fstat(infileno)[6], prot=mmap.PROT_READ, flags=mmap.MAP_SHARED) tags = self.tags self.pagecount = 0 self.pos = pos = self.infile.tell() try : while 1 : char = minfile[pos] pos += 1 length = tags[ord(char)] if not length : continue if callable(length) : self.pos = pos length = length() pos = self.pos pos += length except IndexError : # EOF ? self.minfile.close() # reached EOF # now handle number of copies for each page (may differ). if self.debug : sys.stderr.write("Color mode : %s\n" % self.isColor) for pnum in range(1, self.pagecount + 1) : # if no number of copies defined, take 1, as explained # in PCLXL documentation. # NB : is number of copies is 0, the page won't be output # but the formula below is still correct : we want # to decrease the total number of pages in this case. page = self.pages.get(pnum, 1) copies = page["copies"] self.pagecount += (copies - 1) if self.debug : sys.stderr.write("%s*%s*%s*%s*%s\n" % (copies, page["mediatype"], page["mediasize"], page["orientation"], page["mediasource"])) return self.pagecount def test() : """Test function.""" if (len(sys.argv) < 2) or ((not sys.stdin.isatty()) and ("-" not in sys.argv[1:])) : sys.argv.append("-") totalsize = 0 for arg in sys.argv[1:] : if arg == "-" : infile = sys.stdin mustclose = 0 else : infile = open(arg, "rb") mustclose = 1 try : parser = PCLXLParser(infile, debug=1) totalsize += parser.getJobSize() except pdlparser.PDLParserError, msg : sys.stderr.write("ERROR: %s\n" % msg) sys.stderr.flush() if mustclose : infile.close() print "%s" % totalsize if __name__ == "__main__" : test()